Race War In The U.S.?

If President Obama is assassinated whites in part of the country will openly celebrate.

Only idiots and weaklings like you, and it makes me very sad to think of what normal people of all 'races' would then do to members of your tiny, mentally and morally defective minority. So for your sake, as well as for the great many and more obvious and important reasons, I certainly hope and pray no such thing ever comes to pass.
In the divisions between red and blue America one can see the fault lines building for a civil war. There are too many guns in this country and too many groups of Americans who hate each other.

During the late 1960's and early 1970's the United States was divided over the War in Vietnam, civil rights, and on how to respond to the rise in crime. Nevertheless, the economy had been growing since the inauguration of Franklin Roosevelt.

In addition to being a hateful coward and a weakling, you are remarkably ignorant of US History. No surprise there.
Blacks have a deep distrust for one another - they cannot do anything in a concerted effort. If all out violence broke out, they would kill more of each other than whites. They don't stray far from their own neighborhoods either. Dumb white liberals are waging war for the blacks which in irony is really a war against them! Like I said " dumb white liberals "

Do you have a big book of really, really stupid things to say that you consult before posting, or does this bullshit just come to you in a moonshine-induced fever?
I don't ever consume alcohol, but if I did moonshine would be the drink of choice! You are retarded if you think blacks trust each other. That is why there are 50, million villages with 50, million kings in Nigeria. Every black wants to be king. They do not understand the concept of being a good follower is preliminary to being a good leader - that is why Obama sucks so bad!
All you do is hurl insult. You don't have the courage or ability to dissiminate a point of view, and argue rationally against it. That is why you have been on ignore for 6, months.
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Blacks have a deep distrust for one another - they cannot do anything in a concerted effort. If all out violence broke out, they would kill more of each other than whites. They don't stray far from their own neighborhoods either. Dumb white liberals are waging war for the blacks which in irony is really a war against them! Like I said " dumb white liberals "

Do you have a big book of really, really stupid things to say that you consult before posting, or does this bullshit just come to you in a moonshine-induced fever?
I don't ever consume alcohol, .

Then get off the meth, you racist moron.
Blacks have a deep distrust for one another - they cannot do anything in a concerted effort. If all out violence broke out, they would kill more of each other than whites. They don't stray far from their own neighborhoods either. Dumb white liberals are waging war for the blacks which in irony is really a war against them! Like I said " dumb white liberals "

Do you have a big book of really, really stupid things to say that you consult before posting, or does this bullshit just come to you in a moonshine-induced fever?
I don't ever consume alcohol, but if I did moonshine would be the drink of choice! You are retarded if you think blacks trust each other. That is why there are 50, million villages with 50, million kings in Nigeria. Every black wants to be king. They do not understand the concept of being a good follower is preliminary to being a good leader - that is why Obama sucks so bad!
All you do is hurl insult. You don't have the courage or ability to dissiminate a point of view, and argue rationally against it. That is why you have been on ignore for 6, months.

I'm curious about a couple of things in this post.

Why do you put a comma after your numbers?

If you have Unkotare on ignore, how would you be reading his posts to respond to them?
In the divisions between red and blue America one can see the fault lines building for a civil war. There are too many guns in this country and too many groups of Americans who hate each other.

During the late 1960's and early 1970's the United States was divided over the War in Vietnam, civil rights, and on how to respond to the rise in crime. Nevertheless, the economy had been growing since the inauguration of Franklin Roosevelt.

In addition to being a hateful coward and a weakling, you are remarkably ignorant of US History. No surprise there.

You are the last person who has the right to criticize someone else's ignorance of history, or anything else. You are incapable of rational debate and only know how to post insults.
If President Obama is assassinated whites in part of the country will openly celebrate.

Only idiots and weaklings like you, and it makes me very sad to think of what normal people of all 'races' would then do to members of your tiny, mentally and morally defective minority. So for your sake, as well as for the great many and more obvious and important reasons, I certainly hope and pray no such thing ever comes to pass.

I voted for Obama in the primary, and in both presidential elections. I am disappointed in him, but he has the right intentions. During the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression we need a second Roosevelt. Instead we have our first affirmative action president.
In the divisions between red and blue America one can see the fault lines building for a civil war. There are too many guns in this country and too many groups of Americans who hate each other.

During the late 1960's and early 1970's the United States was divided over the War in Vietnam, civil rights, and on how to respond to the rise in crime. Nevertheless, the economy had been growing since the inauguration of Franklin Roosevelt.

In addition to being a hateful coward and a weakling, you are remarkably ignorant of US History. No surprise there.

You are the last person who has the right to criticize someone else's ignorance of history, or anything else. .

Wrong again, idiot. I've taught more about history than you have ever studied about anything - other than how to project your own weaknesses on others.
[ During the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression we need a second Roosevelt. .

FDR was the second Roosevelt, you idiot. We sure as hell didn't need that scumbag. His idiotic plans and immoral, insatiable lust for power undermined the righteousness of our participation in WWII, threatened our entire system of government, prolonged the Great Depression and saddled this generation and those to come with unsustainable obligations.
Unkotare the Rainman. Same old tired hateful twisted nonsense from Unky. Can't listen, can't learn.
[ During the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression we need a second Roosevelt. .

FDR was the second Roosevelt, you idiot. We sure as hell didn't need that scumbag. His idiotic plans and immoral, insatiable lust for power undermined the righteousness of our participation in WWII, threatened our entire system of government, prolonged the Great Depression and saddled this generation and those to come with unsustainable obligations.

FDR was a disaster. I agree. He was as much a failure morally as he was a president. He was an anti semite - he had an affair with his wifes secretary and Eleanor offered him a divorce but he said, no thanks. I've got my presidency to worry about. Can't have a divorce. Leave your secretary with me in Warm Springs, Ga. and you go back to the White House. She did.

The people of Warm Springs, Ga. built a White House for FDR for him and his lover to live in during the summer months where he used the springs which brought him relief - he had Polio. He invited other children with Polio to come to Warm Springs for photo ops to make it look as if he was adored by children. Truth is FDR would use anyone and anything that would give him another press photo op. and make him look good.

As to the whore he was sleeping with in Warm Springs: The people of Warm Springs knew all about it and included her in their Museum. The name of the museum is The Little White House and its about an hour and half away from Atlanta. They have more photos of his whore in that Museum than they have of Eleanor if I'm not mistaken.

My personal belief is FDR didn't want a divorce from Eleanor because she was known as a brilliant woman - far brighter than he ever was - and he often went to her for advice. He took all the credit however because as history has proven, he was a pig.

So that is the story on FDR most of you probably don't know about. If you want to see the photos of he and his whore and the little White House bedroom where he slept with his whore ( Eleanors secretary had her own bedroom next to his for appearances sake ) just take a little trip on down to Warm Springs, Georgia and tour the Museum. It's all there.

Unkotare the Rainman. Same old tired hateful twisted nonsense from Unky. Can't listen, can't learn.

Unky is right. FDR was a lowlife and a whore. ( who kept a whore as well ) Eleanor Roosevelt was an amazing woman but she married a real Loser. FDR was an idiot.
Jeri, you and Unky are wrong. History will keep vindicating him long after his critics are dust forever.
I don't think there will be a race war, but there will always be racism because African Americans need division to continue receiving goodies like affirmative action.

You racists never give up, tjvh.

You're so full of shit. Since when is being honest racism? Oh yeah... Since numbskulls like you cannot comprehend reading a sentence. How exactly is it racism to point out that African Americans need racism? Idiot.
I don't think there will be a race war, but there will always be racism because African Americans need division to continue receiving goodies like affirmative action.

You racists never give up, tjvh.

You're so full of shit. Since when is being honest racism? Oh yeah... Since numbskulls like you cannot comprehend reading a sentence. How exactly is it racism to point out that African Americans need racism? Idiot.

They don't need it anymore than white racists need division.

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