Race War In The U.S.?

I don't think there will be a race war, but there will always be racism because African Americans need division to continue receiving goodies like affirmative action.

You racists never give up, tjvh.

I will extend the benefit of the doubt on this one. I think it is misinformed ignorance instead of racism on the part of tjvh.

The black population IS NOT the primary beneficiary of Affirmative Action.
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We are probably due for one.
I don't think blacks will ever be happy with the amount
of money that is spent on education,housing,food stamps,welfare.
Whites will always be considered racists and standing in the way of their progress.
Even though the white taxpayer provides for their many entitlement programs.

If Zimmerman is acquitted and blacks riot and make good on their promise of killing white people
I think it will be time to reconsider our treatment of blacks as far as entitlement programs for starters.
I remember back in 1970 talking to a fellow Sailor who also happened to be a neo NAZI.

He was absolutely convinced (and could not wait, either) that the RACE WAR was going to happen at any moment and then he and his PA (I am not kidding) in NC would finally get to use their arsenal and huge ammo dump to kill themselves the untermench

(That "to be killed group" included me, BTW, since I was NOT in his opinion Aaryan enough)

It's been 40 years and I see really not much has changed with the American Racist breed.

Ya'll are still waiting, eagerly anticipating that race war so ya'll can kill your neighbors.
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I don't think there will be a race war, but there will always be racism because African Americans need division to continue receiving goodies like affirmative action.
If there ever IS a race war in the U.S., blacks won't be much of a factor, given that their's is the only race that's in decline thanks to Democrat policies like federally funded abortion.

There already was a race war and the blacks won against the white terrorists

Never fired a shot
We are probably due for one.
I don't think blacks will ever be happy with the amount
of money that is spent on education,housing,food stamps,welfare.
Whites will always be considered racists and standing in the way of their progress.
Even though the white taxpayer provides for their many entitlement programs.

If Zimmerman is acquitted and blacks riot and make good on their promise of killing white people
I think it will be time to reconsider our treatment of blacks as far as entitlement programs for starters.

"Our treatment"? What an astoundingly ignorant statment.There are millions of non white taxpayers here in America also, who contribute to government sponsored programs that benefit all races of people, INCLUDING whites who are in need of assistance, so to even dream that access to such benefits for one race will be "reconsidered" because a random number of nut jobs posted on Twitter that if Zimmerman goes free they will kill people is imbecilic.

The Internet is a safe haven for screwballs to say what they want to and even be who they want to. This board itself is evidence which supports that fact.

How many death threats does President Obama receive on a daily basis?
30. A 400% increase over Bush, with some of them being racially oriented.
Do you think there will ever be an all-out war between the races in this country? As much effort that has been made over the past century to reconcile differences, it seems that those efforts have failed, especially now that we have a president who uses race as a divisive measure for political purposes. What, in your opinion, are the chances of a race war in the U.S.?


But if there is one, I'm betting you racists are the cause of it.
Racists, like the Obamas?


Like you.
I don't think there will be a race war, but there will always be racism because African Americans need division to continue receiving goodies like affirmative action.

You racists never give up, tjvh.

I will extend the benefit of the doubt on this one. I think it is misinformed ignorance instead of racism on the part of tjvh.

The black population IS NOT the primary beneficiary of Affirmative Action.

and yet black on white crime has increased during the Obama administration

Do you think there will ever be an all-out war between the races in this country? As much effort that has been made over the past century to reconcile differences, it seems that those efforts have failed, especially now that we have a president who uses race as a divisive measure for political purposes. What, in your opinion, are the chances of a race war in the U.S.?

0%. Sorry to disappoint you, douche.
I don't think there will be a race war, but there will always be racism because African Americans need division to continue receiving goodies like affirmative action.

If there ever IS a race war in the U.S., blacks won't be much of a factor, given that their's is the only race that's in decline thanks to Democrat policies like federally funded abortion.

Then what's going on with the most recent studies illustrating the white population experiencing more deaths than births? If white people in general are not getting abortions, what's the answer.

Whites’ deaths outnumber births for first time

By Carol Morello and Ted Mellnik,June 13, 2013

More white people died in the United States last year than were born, a surprising slump coming more than a decade before the Census Bureau says that the ranks of white Americans will likely drop with every passing year.

Population estimates for 2012 released Thursday show what’s known as a natural decrease — a straightforward calculation of births minus deaths — of about 12,400 people among the nation’s 198*million non-Hispanic m Although the percentage is small, several demographers said they are not aware of another's time in U.S. history — not even during the Depression or wars — when there was such shrinkage among the dominant racial group. No other group showed a similar falloff.

The decrease was offset by 188,000 white immigrants, most from Canada and Germany but also from Russia and Saudi Arabia. And non-Hispanic whites remain the single largest group, making up 63*percent of the country.

But demographers were surprised by the outsize drop in births compared with deaths, which the Census Bureau projects will begin happening with regularity by 2025.

“We’re jumping the gun on a long, slow decline of our white population, which is going to characterize this century,” said William Frey, a demographer with the Brookings Institution. “It’s a bookend from the last century, when whites helped us grow. Now it’s minorities who are going to make the contributions to our economic and population growth over the next 50 years.”

A number of demographic and economic factors are behind the slowdown that has been underway for several years.

As a group, non-Hispanic whites are considerably older than anyone else, with a median age of 42. The median age for Asians is 34. For African Americans, it’s under 32; for Hispanics, it’s under 28.

Women with college degrees of all races have been delaying marriage and childbearing to the end of their 20s and beyond, until they have finished their educations and established careers. Once they settle down, they tend to have fewer children. Census figures also show that white women are far more likely to be childless than Hispanic or African American women.

The recession that began in late 2007 exacerbated those long-term trends. Fertility rates have been slowly dropping since 2007. For white women, they are now below the level considered necessary to keep the population at a stable level. During the recession, researchers found that women who had lost health insurance or whose partners were unemployed were reluctant to have more children when they could least afford them.

This latest demographic fall is not the first harbinger of the future: Earlier this year, census figures showed that for the first time in U.S. history, a majority of babies were minorities.
There are small scale race wars going on now. Most of the fighting involves Black and Hispanic groups as they try to gain supremacy in their neighborhoods.

Compton, CA is one current hotspot. On orders from gang leaders, Hispanic gangs like M-13 are taking over the city, block by block. Fighting between Hispanic hate groups like M-13 and the Black Guerilla Crime Family have gone on for years. Compton was majority Black years ago, and is now marority Hispanic.

Ethnic cleansing in these small race wars are of no importance to liberals or the mainstream liberal media.

I believe they have purposely kept this out of the news for years. The greatest threat of a race war is between the Latinos and African Americans not between the Whites and African Americans.
I'm neither delusional, nor paranoid. You, on the other hand, have your head planted so firmly up your ass (and Obama's) that you fail to recognize the racism he exudes.

And your head is so firmly planted up Faux noise's ass that you can only see the world through their eyes. I haven't noticed any racism exuding from Obama=( what race is he anyway?) However, your racism is painfully visible!
Can't you come up with something more creative than that? A seventh grader could have done better.

To address your 5th grade mentality, I had little choice. Sorry I could not reach your level but I tried! 7th grade is as low as I could get!
If President Obama is assassinated whites in part of the country will openly celebrate. The black ghetto riots will be worse than they were when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated. The United States may become ungovernable. That is how a race war could begin.

In the divisions between red and blue America one can see the fault lines building for a civil war. There are too many guns in this country and too many groups of Americans who hate each other.

During the late 1960's and early 1970's the United States was divided over the War in Vietnam, civil rights, and on how to respond to the rise in crime. Nevertheless, the economy had been growing since the inauguration of Franklin Roosevelt. That took some of the edge off of the polarization. The standard of living for most Americans has been declining since the inauguration of George W. Bush. That makes the polarization more dangerous.

I am somewhat between the extremes. I hate the Tea Party and dislike the Negro race. That means I will be shot by both sides. I will be caught in the cross fire. :eek:
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I will extend the benefit of the doubt on this one. I think it is misinformed ignorance instead of racism on the part of tjvh.

The black population IS NOT the primary beneficiary of Affirmative Action.

and yet black on white crime has increased during the Obama administration


Evidence, please.

There has been a fairly steady rate of decline in the rate of violent crime since 1991.

United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2011
It didn't start with the Zimmerman trial, that mindset has been nurtured.


It was basically nurtured by over a hundred years of slavery, indentured servitude and institutional racism..the latter of which still goes on today.

Please enlighten us with examples of "institutional racism."

[ame=http://youtu.be/0-VEWJncnsk]Tim Wise-institutional racism, labor, prison education - YouTube[/ame]
Examples of Institutional Racism

Racism has influenced U.S. health care in the past and continues to do so today. The most shameful chapters in American history involve the U.S. government funding studies that allowed poor black men in Alabama to succumb to syphilis or Guatemalan prison inmates, mental health patients and soldiers to be afflicted with the disease and other sexually transmitted infections. Government agencies also played a role in sterilizing black women in North Carolina, Puerto Rican women and Native American women. Today, health care organizations appear to be taking steps to reach out to minority groups, such as the Kaiser Family Foundation’s landmark survey of black women in 2011.

Everyday untold numbers of Americans are the targets of racial profiling because of their ethnic background. People of Middle Eastern and South Asian descent report being routinely profiled at the nation’s airports. Black and Latino men have been disproportionately targeted by the New York City Police Department’s stop and frisk program. Moreover, states such as Arizona have faced criticism and boycotts for passing anti-immigrant legislation that civil rights activists say has led to racial profiling of Hispanics.

Institutional Racism in the US Health Care System

[quoteRacial Disparities in Medical Treatment. There is overwhelming evidence of racial and ethnic disparities across a wide range of in clinical care in the U.S. Studies document that the most favored patient is "White, male between the ages of 25 and 44".

Disparate Impact of the Intersection of Race and Gender. The unique experiences of minority women have been largely ignored by the health care system. Race discrimination and sex discrimination intersect to magnify the difficulties minority women face in gaining equal access to quality health care.

Lack of data and standardized collection methods. The existing data collection does not allow for regular collection of race data on provider and institutional behavior. The lack of a uniform data collection method makes obtaining an accurate and specific description of race discrimination in the health care system extremely difficult.][/quote]

Facing the Demon Head On: Institutional Racism and the Prison Industrial Complex

America’s New Slavery: Black Men in Prison

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America’s New Slavery: Black Men in Prison
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We have two evils to fight, capitalism and racism. We must destroy both racism and capitalism.

Huey Newton

A new American slave trade is booming, warn prison activists, following the release of a report that again outlines outrageous numbers of young Black men in prison and increasing numbers of adults undergoing incarceration. That slave trade is connected to money states spend to keep people locked up, profits made through cheap prison labor and for-profit prisons, excessive charges inmates and families may pay for everything from tube socks to phone calls, and lucrative cross country shipping of inmates to relieve overcrowding and rent cells in faraway states and counties.

Advocates note that the constitution’s 13th amendment, ratified in 1865, abolished slavery in the United States, but provided an exception—in cases where persons have been “duly convicted” in the United States and territory it controls, slavery or involuntary servitude can be reimposed as a punishment, they add. The majority of prisoners are Black and Latino, though they are minorities in terms of their numbers in the population.

According to “One in 100: Behind Bars in America 2008,” published by the Pew Center on the States, one in nine Black men between the ages of 20-34 are incarcerated compared to one in 30 other men of the same age. Like the overall adult ratio, one in 100 Black women in their mid-to-late 30s is imprisoned.
Blacks have a deep distrust for one another - they cannot do anything in a concerted effort. If all out violence broke out, they would kill more of each other than whites. They don't stray far from their own neighborhoods either. Dumb white liberals are waging war for the blacks which in irony is really a war against them! Like I said " dumb white liberals "
Blacks have a deep distrust for one another - they cannot do anything in a concerted effort. If all out violence broke out, they would kill more of each other than whites. They don't stray far from their own neighborhoods either. Dumb white liberals are waging war for the blacks which in irony is really a war against them! Like I said " dumb white liberals "

Do you have a big book of really, really stupid things to say that you consult before posting, or does this bullshit just come to you in a moonshine-induced fever?

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