Racheal Dolezal Is At It Again

Nope. Its usually when I see some white guy afraid to look me in the eye.

Its not my language. My tongue feels much better speaking Twi or Swahili. english is a retarded language but I have to use it here in the US.
You strike me as a person who talks a lot but does little: You admit to being part white, but you hate whites. You claim to speak both "Twi or Swahili" yet you live in the US and speak English. No doubt you were born and raised here in the US. I doubt you've live in Ghana or West Africa where Twi is spoken or East/SouthEast Africa where Swahili is spoken. The regions are so far apart, I'm curious how you came up with those two languages out of all the languages of Africa. Is it because those were the predominant languages of immigrants in the US area you grew up?

If you are so envious of those regions and so hateful toward the US, the obvious question is "Why don't you immigrate there?" Won't they take you? None of them? Africa is a huge continent. Surely you can immigrate to some part of it if you really want to go.

The true true size of Africa
Its none of my business what I strike you as.

I dont hate whites. I just think they are pathetic in general and funny in particular.

Its also none of my business what you doubt.

I learned to speak Swahili and Twi as a child. My parents had many friends from Africa.

I am moving to Africa when I have completed what I need to complete here. Who told you I wasnt?
That's one way of looking at it, but nice to see you admit you have white blood.

Question: If you fuck a "black" woman who has "white" genes, it's entirely possible your baby could come out "white". You know, like Mariah Carey or Beyonce:

Yes I have some irish in me.

Its possible since all Blacks carry the defective light skinned gene. Thats how whites are possible now. Why do you ask?

They Gave Birth To A Blonde, White Baby, But Scientists Can't Figure Out How

Ummmm............Ascelpas..............usually I agree with you, but in this case you are wrong for calling the white gene "defective". It's not.

But, you are correct in that the black gene is stronger than the white gene, but it's not called "defective" because of that, it is called recessive, meaning that those are the traits that are discarded in the presence of stronger ones.

And, if the couple were both of mixed race, there is a slight possibility that the recessive genes could combine with the recessive genes of the other parent, producing a white blonde baby to two black parents.

Same thing with brown and blue eyes. If both parents are blue eyed, the baby will have blue eyes. If one parent has brown eyes and the other has blue, the chances are the child will have brown eyes, since brown is the dominant gene.

If both parents have brown eyes, but both carry the recessive gene? There is a slight possibility that their child will be born with blue eyes.

Please, use the correct terms when speaking of this, it's recessive, not defective.
I only say defective to point out that science has determined that whites are subject to more genetically caused issues due to inbreeding. So they are both recessive and defective.

Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds

"Analyzing the genetic makeup of 20 Americans of European ancestry and 15 African-Americans, researchers found that the former showed much less variation among 10,000 tested genes than did the latter, which was expected.

They also found that Europeans had many more possibly harmful mutations than did African, which was a surprise."
Hey dumbass, try using logic instead of racism. If the "out of africa" theory is correct, that would just mean black people have been inbreeding longer than all other races. Interesting to learn, but not anything to brag about unless you are a dumbass racist.
Hey dumbass the logic and science says the inbreeding occurred in europe after they Africa. If Blacks were as inbred as whites everyone would be white.
Lol you idiot
I wish her no harm, but when you make shit up, and use it to your advantage, there has to be consequences.

What problem it creates is that does the NAACP want to only hire black people for leadership positions, and if said positions are paid, can they legally limit it to black people only?
Then there is the question of her maybe taking the job from another person who applied who was actually black.

THEN you get to get into the argument of HOW black is a person, as most american blacks have at least some European ancestors somewhere down the line. (Except Wesley Snipes, that brother is DARK)

My point is her forgery opens up avenues to way to many questions the black community (and its leadership) doesn't really want to get into.

Here's how pretend turns into reality for liberal women....Rachael explains how she became a negro: :uhoh3:

"I wish Americans understood that race is a social construct, even if we don't want it to be," she said in the release. "The system of racial classification is fiction, and we need to thoughtfully evaluate whether perpetuating it rigidly or allowing fluidity across the spectrum best supports human rights and social justice."

Rachel Dolezal: I was ‘too black’ for my husband

She can convince herself of whatever she wants to, its when she tries to take the rest of us along for the ride that it becomes an issue. It becomes a real issue if she ever got some advantage due to her pretending to be black.
I wish her no harm, but when you make shit up, and use it to your advantage, there has to be consequences.

What problem it creates is that does the NAACP want to only hire black people for leadership positions, and if said positions are paid, can they legally limit it to black people only?
Then there is the question of her maybe taking the job from another person who applied who was actually black.

THEN you get to get into the argument of HOW black is a person, as most american blacks have at least some European ancestors somewhere down the line. (Except Wesley Snipes, that brother is DARK)

My point is her forgery opens up avenues to way to many questions the black community (and its leadership) doesn't really want to get into.

Here's how pretend turns into reality for liberal women....Rachael explains how she became a negro: :uhoh3:

"I wish Americans understood that race is a social construct, even if we don't want it to be," she said in the release. "The system of racial classification is fiction, and we need to thoughtfully evaluate whether perpetuating it rigidly or allowing fluidity across the spectrum best supports human rights and social justice."

Rachel Dolezal: I was ‘too black’ for my husband
This is great news and can be applied to all sorts of things. Politicians don't lie because truth is a social construct. Pedophiles aren't doing anything wrong because age, maturity and consent are all social constructs. If that 14 year old catches your eye, go for it. Criminal activity is a social construct. Speed limits are a social construct. Man, living like a liberal is going to be fun.
That statement is not quite true. I believe darker skin is healthier and more in tune with nature but thats pretty much it.
If that were true, then you wouldn't be blaming all of those with a lighter skin tone for your problems. You certainly wouldn't be demonizing them, laughing at them and declaring all with a lighter skin tone as pathetic.
That statement is not quite true. I believe darker skin is healthier and more in tune with nature but thats pretty much it.
If that were true, then you wouldn't be blaming all of those with a lighter skin tone for your problems. You certainly wouldn't be demonizing them, laughing at them and declaring all with a lighter skin tone as pathetic.
I dont blame anyone for my problems. Any problems I have are mine but I have very few because my skin is pretty dark.
I dont hate whites...
Disagreed since your anger and hate against those with a lighter skin tone are often exuded on this forum.

...I am moving to Africa when I have completed what I need to complete here. Who told you I wasnt?
$1000 says that day will never come.
A measly $1k isnt going to keep me here. Sorry.
Clearly you read Swahili or Twi better than English because the bet clearly states you'd win $1000 by leaving.
I dont hate whites...
Disagreed since your anger and hate against those with a lighter skin tone are often exuded on this forum.

...I am moving to Africa when I have completed what I need to complete here. Who told you I wasnt?
$1000 says that day will never come.
A measly $1k isnt going to keep me here. Sorry.
Clearly you read Swahili or Twi better than English because the bet clearly states you'd win $1000 by leaving.
No the bet says this...

$1000 says that day will never come.

If it said what you claim it said then I wouldnt be able to quote how different it is from your claim.
That statement is not quite true. I believe darker skin is healthier and more in tune with nature but thats pretty much it.
If that were true, then you wouldn't be blaming all of those with a lighter skin tone for your problems. You certainly wouldn't be demonizing them, laughing at them and declaring all with a lighter skin tone as pathetic.
I dont blame anyone for my problems. Any problems I have are mine but I have very few because my skin is pretty dark.
Anger is a normal human emotion which, in healthy people, is temporary as anyone who has ever banged their thumb with a hammer or dropped a dish knows. Hate is a very different level in terms of emotion and duration. It always has a root cause although that cause isn't always clearly seen nor understood.

You hate whites. That fact has been made clear by your hundreds of posts on the subject. If it makes you feel any better, there are those on this forum who hate blacks with the same venom you feel towards whites. You are not better and no worse them them. In fact, you are equally sad, pathetic and deplorable as them.

You are free to lie to me and anyone else, but when you lie and that lie is clearly seen as a lie, then you just look either deluded or stupid. Maybe both.
I dont hate whites...
Disagreed since your anger and hate against those with a lighter skin tone are often exuded on this forum.

...I am moving to Africa when I have completed what I need to complete here. Who told you I wasnt?
$1000 says that day will never come.
A measly $1k isnt going to keep me here. Sorry.
Clearly you read Swahili or Twi better than English because the bet clearly states you'd win $1000 by leaving.
No the bet says this...

$1000 says that day will never come.

If it said what you claim it said then I wouldnt be able to quote how different it is from your claim.
Again, you can spin it however you like, but you made a claim you'd eventually move to Africa and I offered a $1000 bet that you'd never do it. Now you are waffling for obvious reasons....namely, because you know I'm right. You'll never leave the US to live in Africa for the rest of your life. You have it too good here, just like me. Who'd want to go to a Third World shithole?
That statement is not quite true. I believe darker skin is healthier and more in tune with nature but thats pretty much it.
If that were true, then you wouldn't be blaming all of those with a lighter skin tone for your problems. You certainly wouldn't be demonizing them, laughing at them and declaring all with a lighter skin tone as pathetic.
I dont blame anyone for my problems. Any problems I have are mine but I have very few because my skin is pretty dark.
Anger is a normal human emotion which, in healthy people, is temporary as anyone who has ever banged their thumb with a hammer or dropped a dish knows. Hate is a very different level in terms of emotion and duration. It always has a root cause although that cause isn't always clearly seen nor understood.

You hate whites. That fact has been made clear by your hundreds of posts on the subject. If it makes you feel any better, there are those on this forum who hate blacks with the same venom you feel towards whites. You are not better and no worse them them. In fact, you are equally sad, pathetic and deplorable as them.

You are free to lie to me and anyone else, but when you lie and that lie is clearly seen as a lie, then you just look either deluded or stupid. Maybe both.
Its weird how people that dont even know me claim I hate whites. I dont hate whites. I think in general they are funny and sad at the same time but they arent anything to hate. It would be like having an irrational hate for a caged monkey or something.

Its also weird that people that do know me have an entirely different opinion of me. I mean would you as a white person let your white daughter live with me for the last two years so they can graduate from high school?
I dont hate whites...
Disagreed since your anger and hate against those with a lighter skin tone are often exuded on this forum.

...I am moving to Africa when I have completed what I need to complete here. Who told you I wasnt?
$1000 says that day will never come.
A measly $1k isnt going to keep me here. Sorry.
Clearly you read Swahili or Twi better than English because the bet clearly states you'd win $1000 by leaving.
No the bet says this...

$1000 says that day will never come.

If it said what you claim it said then I wouldnt be able to quote how different it is from your claim.
Again, you can spin it however you like, but you made a claim you'd eventually move to Africa and I offered a $1000 bet that you'd never do it. Now you are waffling for obvious reasons....namely, because you know I'm right. You'll never leave the US to live in Africa for the rest of your life. You have it too good here, just like me. Who'd want to go to a Third World shithole?
i already told you that $1K wasnt going to keep me from going to Africa. What makes you think I'm waffling? I most definitely will be going to Africa and no amount of a bet is going to stop me. I never said otherwise.

I have it good here because I know how to outsmart whites. I have it better in Africa as I already own some land and will be bringing my business over there as well.
That statement is not quite true. I believe darker skin is healthier and more in tune with nature but thats pretty much it.
If that were true, then you wouldn't be blaming all of those with a lighter skin tone for your problems. You certainly wouldn't be demonizing them, laughing at them and declaring all with a lighter skin tone as pathetic.
I dont blame anyone for my problems. Any problems I have are mine but I have very few because my skin is pretty dark.
Anger is a normal human emotion which, in healthy people, is temporary as anyone who has ever banged their thumb with a hammer or dropped a dish knows. Hate is a very different level in terms of emotion and duration. It always has a root cause although that cause isn't always clearly seen nor understood.

You hate whites. That fact has been made clear by your hundreds of posts on the subject. If it makes you feel any better, there are those on this forum who hate blacks with the same venom you feel towards whites. You are not better and no worse them them. In fact, you are equally sad, pathetic and deplorable as them.

You are free to lie to me and anyone else, but when you lie and that lie is clearly seen as a lie, then you just look either deluded or stupid. Maybe both.
Its weird how people that dont even know me claim I hate whites. I dont hate whites. I think in general they are funny and sad at the same time but they arent anything to hate. It would be like having an irrational hate for a caged monkey or something.

Its also weird that people that do know me have an entirely different opinion of me. I mean would you as a white person let your white daughter live with me for the last two years so they can graduate from high school?
Well, if you read and understood English better, you know, the world's foremost business and aviation language, then you'd understand words have meaning. Your multiple posts venting your spleen against whites is proof you both hate those with a light skin tone, but also any person who sides with the light vs dark skinned people of the world.
That statement is not quite true. I believe darker skin is healthier and more in tune with nature but thats pretty much it.
If that were true, then you wouldn't be blaming all of those with a lighter skin tone for your problems. You certainly wouldn't be demonizing them, laughing at them and declaring all with a lighter skin tone as pathetic.
I dont blame anyone for my problems. Any problems I have are mine but I have very few because my skin is pretty dark.
Anger is a normal human emotion which, in healthy people, is temporary as anyone who has ever banged their thumb with a hammer or dropped a dish knows. Hate is a very different level in terms of emotion and duration. It always has a root cause although that cause isn't always clearly seen nor understood.

You hate whites. That fact has been made clear by your hundreds of posts on the subject. If it makes you feel any better, there are those on this forum who hate blacks with the same venom you feel towards whites. You are not better and no worse them them. In fact, you are equally sad, pathetic and deplorable as them.

You are free to lie to me and anyone else, but when you lie and that lie is clearly seen as a lie, then you just look either deluded or stupid. Maybe both.
Its weird how people that dont even know me claim I hate whites. I dont hate whites. I think in general they are funny and sad at the same time but they arent anything to hate. It would be like having an irrational hate for a caged monkey or something.

Its also weird that people that do know me have an entirely different opinion of me. I mean would you as a white person let your white daughter live with me for the last two years so they can graduate from high school?
Well, if you read and understood English better, you know, the world's foremost business and aviation language, then you'd understand words have meaning. Your multiple posts venting your spleen against whites is proof you both hate those with a light skin tone, but also any person who sides with the light vs dark skinned people of the world.
English is the language of liars. There is a reason its a hodgepodge of other languages. The people that made it up were not smart enough to make up their own language.

You didnt answer my question. Why are you avoiding it?
English is the language of liars. There is a reason its a hodgepodge of other languages. The people that made it up were not smart enough to make up their own language.

You didnt answer my question. Why are you avoiding it?
Thanks for proving how deep your hate goes.

I don't have a daughter, but if I did it would depend upon your character references. So far, you don't seem to have any.
My guess is she was 'a little too fucking crazy' for her husband.

Rachel Dolezal Says She Was 'a Little Too Black' for Her African-American Ex-Husband

Rachel Dolezal, the white woman who made national headlines in 2015 after she pretended to be black, is back in the spotlight thanks to a new memoir titled In Full Color: Finding My Place in a Black and White World.

In the book, which will be released on March 28, the former Washington NAACP leader doesn’t walk back on her claims that she self-identifies as a black woman, saying that living her life as a black person made her life “infinitely better,” although it did make her feel more “distant and isolated” from white people as she started to embrace more elements of African-American culture.

Dolezal, who was raised by white parents in Troy, Montana, writes that the first time she was “finally able to embrace my true self” was when she “allowed the little girl I’d colored with a brown crayon so long ago to emerge.” But as happy as she was to be seen as black, it didn’t come without its challenges.

“It was still confusing, awkward, painful, isolating for at times - because who was I going to talk to about what felt like a major life transition?”

Rachel Dolezal Says She Was 'a Little Too Black' for Her African-American Ex-Husband

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