Rachel Corrie Murdered 15 years ago today

So why not provide them with your own personal example, and go back to Europe yourself?

Well, first, I'm 1/8th Native American...

Secondly, I'm not oppressing the people who are already here.

But the stupidity of Zionism. Live next to people who want to kill you because an invisible pixie in the sky promised you their land.

Also a lot of them were rounded up and used by the state to harvest their organs; the sort of gruesome govt. actions the Esmeraldas of the left are very supportive of and look the other way on.

Actually, we don't know what happened to the Tank guy. We don't even know his name.

Oh, most of the people who get their organs harvested really did serious crimes... so I can't get that worked up over it.

We lock up more people than China does, and they have four times as many people.
So why not provide them with your own personal example, and go back to Europe yourself?

Well, first, I'm 1/8th Native American...

Secondly, I'm not oppressing the people who are already here.

But the stupidity of Zionism. Live next to people who want to kill you because an invisible pixie in the sky promised you their land.

Also a lot of them were rounded up and used by the state to harvest their organs; the sort of gruesome govt. actions the Esmeraldas of the left are very supportive of and look the other way on.

Actually, we don't know what happened to the Tank guy. We don't even know his name.

Oh, most of the people who get their organs harvested really did serious crimes... so I can't get that worked up over it.

We lock up more people than China does, and they have four times as many people.
The Palestinians are terrorists who happened to be nothing more than squatters
So why not provide them with your own personal example, and go back to Europe yourself?

Well, first, I'm 1/8th Native American...

Secondly, I'm not oppressing the people who are already here.

But the stupidity of Zionism. Live next to people who want to kill you because an invisible pixie in the sky promised you their land.

Also a lot of them were rounded up and used by the state to harvest their organs; the sort of gruesome govt. actions the Esmeraldas of the left are very supportive of and look the other way on.

Actually, we don't know what happened to the Tank guy. We don't even know his name.

Oh, most of the people who get their organs harvested really did serious crimes... so I can't get that worked up over it.

We lock up more people than China does, and they have four times as many people.

Typical of Joe, too stupid to read posts, but insists on commenting on them as if he understood English.

'1/8th', eh? So cut off about 1/8th of yourself and ship the rest back. No problem, squatter. And yes, you are oppressing people who are already here; all commies are oppressors.

Do you have notes from all the tribal chiefs saying you can stay? I bet you never had the courtesy to even ask them, like a good little 'prog' would. Bad commie bad commie!
That's just nonsense, Esme.. The Pals got their propaganda gold.


I do not support the politics of Rachel Corrie, I also do not support running peoples over with bulldozers and anyone who does support running peoples over with bulldozers is not a good Christian. Was this Rachel Corrie a direct threat or was she just a typical misguided SJW, it would have been very easy to just have arrested her for trespassing or whatever instead of running her over with a bulldozer, she could have been arrested and then deported back to America.

The driver of the bulldozer didn't see her run out in front of him.

In Tinnamon Square, during the protests, a student stood in front of a tank. The tank didn't run him down. Even the Chinese are better than the Israelis.

I bet you think he's still alive...
We don't know what happened to him. What we do know is the tanks didn't run over him. The Israeli bulldozer did run over Ms Corrie. Intentionally.

Your brand naiveté is dangerous...
Just think...she would probably be indoctrinating young minds in one of our state funded education camps if she had lived...thanks Israel.

She was a peace activist killed by Israelis during a non-violent protest.

If she worked with Palestinians, it would be to encourage non-violent, peaceful protest. Like Gandhi, like MLK. I suppose you are glad they were also assassinated. Nothing worse in the world than non-violent protest, eh? :rolleyes:

That's just nonsense, Esme.. The Pals got their propaganda gold.


I do not support the politics of Rachel Corrie, I also do not support running peoples over with bulldozers and anyone who does support running peoples over with bulldozers is not a good Christian. Was this Rachel Corrie a direct threat or was she just a typical misguided SJW, it would have been very easy to just have arrested her for trespassing or whatever instead of running her over with a bulldozer, she could have been arrested and then deported back to America.

The court found that the driver didn’t see her kneeling, she was outside his field of vision, and it was an accident, tragic as it was.

Even her own father acknowledges the blind spots from his own experience with these vehicles, and he refers to the incident as gross negligence, not murder.

Pallywood is exceptionally good at twisting events and making martyrs out of their supporters, even when they are in the wrong (as in this case, imo), and even when they are murderous terrorists who slaughter children.

I think people are objecting to the usual inaccurate Tammy thread title, and the responses reflect the fact that it is difficult to have much sympathy for raging SJW’s who deliberately put themselves in harms way in the support of people who endorse terrorism and who want Israel wiped off the map. Either way, it was not murder but stupidity that got her killed.

'Gross negligence' killed Rachel Corrie, father says

The army said the bulldozer's operator failed to see her kneeling because his field of vision was limited.

Craig Corrie served as a combat engineer in Vietnam, where one of his duties was to oversee the work of bulldozers similar to the one that killed his daughter. "I know there's stuff you can't see out of the double glass windows," he says.

But he doesn’t believe that excuses the operator in his daughter’s case. "You’re responsible for knowing what’s in front of your blade," he says. "It’s a no brainer that this was gross negligence."

Oded Gershon this week pronounced Rachel's death "a regrettable accident" that took place in "a war zone."

The state wasn’t liable, he ruled, because soldiers had warned the activists “time and time again" to leave the site. “She consciously put herself in harm’s way," he concluded.
If there was gross negligence on anyone’s part, it was Rachel Corrie.
Just think...she would probably be indoctrinating young minds in one of our state funded education camps if she had lived...thanks Israel.

She was a peace activist killed by Israelis during a non-violent protest.

If she worked with Palestinians, it would be to encourage non-violent, peaceful protest. Like Gandhi, like MLK. I suppose you are glad they were also assassinated. Nothing worse in the world than non-violent protest, eh? :rolleyes:

That's just nonsense, Esme.. The Pals got their propaganda gold.


I do not support the politics of Rachel Corrie, I also do not support running peoples over with bulldozers and anyone who does support running peoples over with bulldozers is not a good Christian. Was this Rachel Corrie a direct threat or was she just a typical misguided SJW, it would have been very easy to just have arrested her for trespassing or whatever instead of running her over with a bulldozer, she could have been arrested and then deported back to America.

The driver of the bulldozer didn't see her run out in front of him.

In Tinnamon Square, during the protests, a student stood in front of a tank. The tank didn't run him down. Even the Chinese are better than the Israelis.

There were many Chinese run over by tanks in Tiananmen Square.

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Just think...she would probably be indoctrinating young minds in one of our state funded education camps if she had lived...thanks Israel.

She was a peace activist killed by Israelis during a non-violent protest.

If she worked with Palestinians, it would be to encourage non-violent, peaceful protest. Like Gandhi, like MLK. I suppose you are glad they were also assassinated. Nothing worse in the world than non-violent protest, eh? :rolleyes:

That's just nonsense, Esme.. The Pals got their propaganda gold.


I do not support the politics of Rachel Corrie, I also do not support running peoples over with bulldozers and anyone who does support running peoples over with bulldozers is not a good Christian. Was this Rachel Corrie a direct threat or was she just a typical misguided SJW, it would have been very easy to just have arrested her for trespassing or whatever instead of running her over with a bulldozer, she could have been arrested and then deported back to America.

The driver of the bulldozer didn't see her run out in front of him.


Bitch corrie did not actually run out in front of the bulldozer-----she danced in its path -----wiggling her fat ass and THEN moved aside and laid her stinking behind in the soil. as the bulldozer SLOWLY moved forward. The very heavy wheels of the bulldozer displaced the dirt on which the dirty bitch had lain her ass and it (the filthy ass) was displaced to directly
in front of the large vehicle. She survived but somehow died
under muzzie medical care. Her companions scrambled to
a COVER-UP and even resorted to presenting various "other" photos------to make the whole thing SEEM like it was
purposeful------their muzzie filth was untangled. The parents of the filthy bitch----did the now popular muzzie thing---they sued and a play was concocted to glorify the bitch
She was a peace activist killed by Israelis during a non-violent protest.

If she worked with Palestinians, it would be to encourage non-violent, peaceful protest. Like Gandhi, like MLK. I suppose you are glad they were also assassinated. Nothing worse in the world than non-violent protest, eh? :rolleyes:

That's just nonsense, Esme.. The Pals got their propaganda gold.


I do not support the politics of Rachel Corrie, I also do not support running peoples over with bulldozers and anyone who does support running peoples over with bulldozers is not a good Christian. Was this Rachel Corrie a direct threat or was she just a typical misguided SJW, it would have been very easy to just have arrested her for trespassing or whatever instead of running her over with a bulldozer, she could have been arrested and then deported back to America.

The driver of the bulldozer didn't see her run out in front of him.

In Tinnamon Square, during the protests, a student stood in front of a tank. The tank didn't run him down. Even the Chinese are better than the Israelis.

There were many Chinese run over by tanks in Tiananmen Square.

that's ok. Esmeralda found one picture of a kid in front of a tank ----not dead.
Just think...she would probably be indoctrinating young minds in one of our state funded education camps if she had lived...thanks Israel.

She was a peace activist killed by Israelis during a non-violent protest.

If she worked with Palestinians, it would be to encourage non-violent, peaceful protest. Like Gandhi, like MLK. I suppose you are glad they were also assassinated. Nothing worse in the world than non-violent protest, eh? :rolleyes:

That's just nonsense, Esme.. The Pals got their propaganda gold.


I do not support the politics of Rachel Corrie, I also do not support running peoples over with bulldozers and anyone who does support running peoples over with bulldozers is not a good Christian. Was this Rachel Corrie a direct threat or was she just a typical misguided SJW, it would have been very easy to just have arrested her for trespassing or whatever instead of running her over with a bulldozer, she could have been arrested and then deported back to America.

The driver of the bulldozer didn't see her run out in front of him.


I disagree with Rachel Corrie's misguided politics, but as a Christian I pray for her Soul and for her Salvation. I do not rejoice like some in this thread at the thought someone was run over by a bulldozer which is a horrific situation on all levels.

who is "rejoicing" that the vulgar bitch is dead? I don't
even know the name of the driver of the bulldozer. Names I
do know include WAFA IDRIS---one of your greatest heroines----HONORED BY YOU AND YOURS----for tying a
bomb to her whorish ass for the purpose of murdering
as many Israeli children she could. Three schools for girls
have been named in honor of that HEROINE------a lovely
custom taken from Catholic schools named for such people
as "mary" or "anne" etc. Two young Israelis were killed
in a car ramming yesterday------REJOICE!!!!!! You got another HERO (name pending-----I will try to let you know)
I do not support the politics of Rachel Corrie, I also do not support running peoples over with bulldozers and anyone who does support running peoples over with bulldozers is not a good Christian. Was this Rachel Corrie a direct threat or was she just a typical misguided SJW, it would have been very easy to just have arrested her for trespassing or whatever instead of running her over with a bulldozer, she could have been arrested and then deported back to America.

The driver of the bulldozer didn't see her run out in front of him.

In Tinnamon Square, during the protests, a student stood in front of a tank. The tank didn't run him down. Even the Chinese are better than the Israelis.

I bet you think he's still alive...
We don't know what happened to him. What we do know is the tanks didn't run over him. The Israeli bulldozer did run over Ms Corrie. Intentionally.

Your brand naiveté is dangerous...

He was shot within two weeks. They claim he was never arrested, but that only means they shot him without a trial, or harvested his organs, and can't admit it. The secret police were all over those demonstrations, they always are.
Typical of Joe, too stupid to read posts, but insists on commenting on them as if he understood English.

'1/8th', eh? So cut off about 1/8th of yourself and ship the rest back. No problem, squatter. And yes, you are oppressing people who are already here; all commies are oppressors.

Do you have notes from all the tribal chiefs saying you can stay? I bet you never had the courtesy to even ask them, like a good little 'prog' would. Bad commie bad commie!

I kind of don't have to... I have evidence my great grandmother was a Native American, that's kind of all I need.

To the point, though, we are not engaged in a current war with Native Americans, we are not running them over with bulldozers or bombing their communities like the Zionists are doing to the Palestinians. So your argument is kind of empty.
who is "rejoicing" that the vulgar bitch is dead? I don't
even know the name of the driver of the bulldozer. Names I
do know include WAFA IDRIS---one of your greatest heroines----HONORED BY YOU AND YOURS----for tying a
bomb to her whorish ass for the purpose of murdering
as many Israeli children she could. Three schools for girls
have been named in honor of that HEROINE------a lovely
custom taken from Catholic schools named for such people
as "mary" or "anne" etc. Two young Israelis were killed
in a car ramming yesterday------REJOICE!!!!!! You got another HERO (name pending-----I will try to let you know)

ANd you would think that if you lived next to people who strapped bombs to themselves in attempt to get rid of you, it's probably time to move. Especially when you are surrounded by these people in every direction for hundreds of miles.
joe---you are insane----the same people who oppressed the native americans of north America -----as the people who asses YOIU LICK
who is "rejoicing" that the vulgar bitch is dead? I don't
even know the name of the driver of the bulldozer. Names I
do know include WAFA IDRIS---one of your greatest heroines----HONORED BY YOU AND YOURS----for tying a
bomb to her whorish ass for the purpose of murdering
as many Israeli children she could. Three schools for girls
have been named in honor of that HEROINE------a lovely
custom taken from Catholic schools named for such people
as "mary" or "anne" etc. Two young Israelis were killed
in a car ramming yesterday------REJOICE!!!!!! You got another HERO (name pending-----I will try to let you know)

ANd you would think that if you lived next to people who strapped bombs to themselves in attempt to get rid of you, it's probably time to move. Especially when you are surrounded by these people in every direction for hundreds of miles.

no---it is time to fight shit like you
who is "rejoicing" that the vulgar bitch is dead? I don't
even know the name of the driver of the bulldozer. Names I
do know include WAFA IDRIS---one of your greatest heroines----HONORED BY YOU AND YOURS----for tying a
bomb to her whorish ass for the purpose of murdering
as many Israeli children she could. Three schools for girls
have been named in honor of that HEROINE------a lovely
custom taken from Catholic schools named for such people
as "mary" or "anne" etc. Two young Israelis were killed
in a car ramming yesterday------REJOICE!!!!!! You got another HERO (name pending-----I will try to let you know)

ANd you would think that if you lived next to people who strapped bombs to themselves in attempt to get rid of you, it's probably time to move. Especially when you are surrounded by these people in every direction for hundreds of miles.

Were you upset when the bully at school finally got beat up? Listen to you.
joe---you are insane----the same people who oppressed the native americans of north America -----as the people who asses YOIU LICK

Meh, they died hundreds of years ago... just can't get that worked up.

The Zionists are being shitstains now.

no---it is time to fight shit like you

Um, I'm not the one who is blowing people up, am I? I just don't think America should be involved.

Were you upset when the bully at school finally got beat up? Listen to you.

What does that have to do with the point I made... never mind... to your mind, the Palestinians are the Bully's for wanting their land back.
Check it out, try standing in front of a bulldozer in any landfill or construction site in the freaking world. The big blade obscures the debris and a skinny babe from the state of Washington becomes road kill. Maybe she should have tried to save the whales.

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