Rachel Levine Says Some LGBT Children Need To Replace Parents With ‘One Supportive Adult’

Of course. A tenet of Marxism is to abolish the family. You cannot have total state control with traditional families.

In his wildest fantasies, in his darkest nightmares, I have to very much doubt if Marx could envision the shit that is happening now, nor can I imagine that even he would support it.
The scriptures say otherwise. These ARE the Last Days

Not to belittle your faith or my level in it, but "these are the last days" has been said so many times it's meaningless now. It's been "the end" more times than I can count and everytime people swear this is really it, but it never is.

They're going to win... Seriously.

Prepare for that certainty

That I agree with. Unless we have a major change in our society they will win but I fear it's too late.

At this point to root out the evil in our society it's going to require a lot of screaming and crying on their part and it's going to take deaf ears on ours. Personally I don't think this country has enough people willing to stand up and drive them out and or put them in line. Too many people are too soft and afraid now.
Levine is typical Jewish extremist 😆😆


What portion of “Jewish extremists” are so deeply fucked in the9ir heads, that they don't know the difference between men and women, and believe themselves to be the opposite of their true gender sex?

I suppose it depends on how you define a “Jewish extremist”. Not being an anti-Semitic piece of shit, I don't really have any working definition of such.
I have to disagree with Ms Levine. I believe that her and people like her should have the right to live their lives the way they wish but they don't have a right to tell parents not to parent our children. I am the mother of a daughter that I love very much and she is very wrong to say shit like this. I believe opened minded and caring parents can best serve our children....This is just going to turn more people against her and she is a role model for her community and at this time in history it isn't wise to attack loving parents in such a way. This will create more hatred directed towards people just trying to live their lives out of hatred for the idiocy of her statement.
Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine said some “LGBTQI+” children need to replace their parents with “one supportive adult” while criticizing a parental rights law as “a gag rule” in a video clip posted on Twitter Tuesday.

“One supportive adult,” Levine, who is transgender, said in the clip posted on Twitter. “I’d love it if that was always the parent, but it’s not always a parent. Frequently it’s a teacher, or a guidance counselor, or some other coach or another school personnel.”

“This law forbids kids essentially from — from talking to — to — to these people. Also it means that — that if you tell a teacher the teacher has to tell the parent,” Levine added. “And so it really is — is a gag rule. It’s a gag law to — to — to prevent kids from accessing supportive adults.”

you Progs just don't know when to quit.
People have the right to be whatever they want as soon as they turn 18 and are not living at home anymore.

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