Rachel Maddow & Hillary Clinton Say That Questioning Elections Is Dangerous For Democracy!!

370 to 168, or 379 to 159, is not a majority?

Gore conceded after he lost his final bid in the courts. Hillary call Donnie Dangerously in the wee hour the morning after to concede the 2016 race. Dickhead Donald is still telling his thongs of supporter he actually won, just like he did before all the votes were counted the night of.
Once again you jump into the middle of a conversation and expose your ignorance.
Gore won when the firm recounted every vote.

From your own article:
In their reports, the newspapers assumed counts already completed when the court-ordered recount was stopped would have been included in any official count. Thus, they allowed numbers from seven counties — Palm Beach, Volusia, Broward, Hamilton, Manatee, Escambia and Madison — to stand, but applied the most inclusive standards to votes in the rest of the state. If those numbers did not stand, the Herald reported, a more generous hypothetical revisited recount would have scored the White House for Gore — but with only a 393-vote margin.


This one believes pregnant, dimpled and hanging chads are real.
Gore won when the firm recounted every vote.

From your own article:
In their reports, the newspapers assumed counts already completed when the court-ordered recount was stopped would have been included in any official count. Thus, they allowed numbers from seven counties — Palm Beach, Volusia, Broward, Hamilton, Manatee, Escambia and Madison — to stand, but applied the most inclusive standards to votes in the rest of the state. If those numbers did not stand, the Herald reported, a more generous hypothetical revisited recount would have scored the White House for Gore — but with only a 393-vote margin.
“A more generous hypothetical recount”. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Slick Willy won in a landslide asshole. He was more popular than Ronald Reagan, and that’s why Republicans impeached him.

He balanced the budget, deported illegals by the thousands, and raised the minimum wage. Republicans impeached him in a rage and he still left office with higher approval numbers than when he arrived.

[1996 United States presidential election - Wikipedia.

Everything in your post was wrong and the links prove it and yet I didn’t call you a liar. When you lie to someone, you’re telling them they’re stupid to their face. You think they’re not smart enough to know you’re lying.

You’re not smart enough to be a liar you’re just wrong.
Slick got 43% of the vote in ‘92 and 47% in ‘96, Dumbass.
The Founding Slave Rapists only wanted to vote to be restricted to White, Property owning males. We've moved beyond that a long time ago.

The electoral college was a bad idea from the start, just look at all the problems it causes.

The thing was the People Got it right. Bush was an awful President, Trump was an awful president.

It's not a matter of "Civics". Most elections, the guy who wins the popular vote wins the presidency, and we are usually fine.

It's when this goofy anachronism says, "Naw, we'll put someone else in because they maybe got more electoral votes after some shenanigans at the state level" that we have problems.

Al Gore wouldn't have gotten us into a war on Iraq on a lie and crashed the economy because he let the bankers run amok.

Hillary would have responded competently to Covid when it hit.

The people get these things right. We should trust them.
The Electoral College is one of the most amazing things ever created. If you want to rid the Electoral College, you are going to have bigger problems because you will be telling small states that their vote is worthless.

I would love to see the Democrats campaign on eliminating the Electoral College and expanding the Supreme Court.
Can you point us to any part of this interview wherein either of these women said that “no one should ever question the results of an election”?

The OP is a lie, because neither of them ever said it. What they said, was that once the election has been certified, and the courts of upheld those certifications it’s over.

When the DOJ, FBI every law-enforcement agency in the country has tracked down every report of fraud, and has certified that there was no cheating or irregularities in the election, and that it was the safest, most secure election in American history, continuing to make false claims of non-existent election fraud, only serves to undermine public faith in the results of their elections.

And no, neither Maddow, nor Clinton has ever tried to overthrow the legally elected government of the United States of America. Donald Trump was on TV last night calling for more violence.

You clearly didn't watch the video. I'm not going to do you work for you. Now put down the bong and get to work.
You are a liar. This OP is FAKE NEWS
and here is why?
Nowhere in the link you provided does anyone say what you claim they do; that "questioning elections should be illegal," or that "bad actors shouldn't question elections.
The quote is "when bad actors tell us falsely that an election was stolen."
See the HUGE difference in meaning?
"illegal to QUESTION an election."
"bad actors tell us FALSELY that an election was STOLEN."
Nice try though.
Change the quote so you can do your pissy little victim dance about how them librul bitches are pickin on MAGAt Trumptards by God!
Fuck off poser.:fu:
You clearly didn't watch the video. I'm not going to do your work for you. Now put down the straw and get to work.
No, they weren’t. Elections prior to the electronic age were rife with illegal voting, and shenanigans. That’s why it’s so easy for Trump to convince people that cheating is going on now, because there was so much of it in the past.

Now that they’re using voting machines and having machines count the ballots, instead of hand counts, plus voter ID, it’s much much harder to cheat.

But Trump’s threats in the summer before the election that the courts would be deciding the election, was is a clarion call to secretaries of state to make good and sure that their state’s results were correct. None of them wanted the embarrassment of having the courts overturned their states results.

As for the electoral college, the two presidents that the college has inflicted on the American people in the past 20 years were two of the worst Presidents in American history. This was the very thing that the college was designed to present – the people being duped into voting for an unsuitable candidate.
So it's okay for YOU to question elections? Get it together woman.
Wow! Sage advice from two of the most honest and upright women in America. Oh, who am I kidding. They're both a couple of whores. But anyway, they were both recently heard saying that “bad actors” shouldn't question election results. I mean ... it's not like they've ever done anything like that. Am I right?

They’re both morons and compulsive liars.
Lol. I don’t hold their lack of sobriety against them. Indeed, given who and what they are, excessive drinking is a grace note.
At least it keeps them out of our hair if they smoking reefer throughout the day. It's hard to type and veg-out at the same time.

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