Rachel Maddow & Hillary Clinton Say That Questioning Elections Is Dangerous For Democracy!!

So it's okay for YOU to question elections? Get it together woman.

I'm not questioning the election. Biden won. The evidence is unimpeachable, which is why Trump lost every single one of his court cases. Every single state certified their election results as true and accurate, and every recount, audit, and forensic audit produced the same results.

FOX News paid out $875 million dollars and admitted they LIED and mislead the American people about election fraud, and Dominion Voting Machines, and they knew that Trump's claims were false. They KNEW Biden had won, and even called Arizona for Biden FIRST. And they were right.

So at what point does continuing to lie about the results, and continuing to raise money on the lie or the "stolen election" cease to be a reasonable opinion, and become a full blown fraud against the American people, designed to destablize government, and get Americans to distrust elections?

And why, after their their settlement of the Dominion Voting Machines case, and the disclosures made on Discovery, does Rupert Murdoch still have a broadcast license, and the prestige to host the Republican Party Debate?????
Weak sauce is your only recipe.


Talk about weak sauce. You can't even rebut his post.

Your problem is that Donald Trump was so utterly corrupt, dishonest, and crazy, that nothing that anyone else does comes close to his abjectly and openly amoral criminal behaviour. Even your wild speculation that Biden has a creepy relationship with his daughter are dwarfed by the creepy Vanity Fair photo shoot of very young Ivanka in a short, short skirt at a similar age, in highly sexualized poses, exposing her inner thighs, and Trump saying things like "She's a real nice piece of ass" on Howard Stern's show, and looking at Ivanka lustfully on the debate stage, and or saying if she wasn't his daughter, perhaps he would be dating her, in a TV interview.

As always, your claims about Biden are based on rumours, lies and speculation, while the evidence of Trump's creepy and inappropriate relationship with his daughter is fully proven by the public record. And as always, Trump's own words are proof of his behaviour.
I'm not questioning the election. Biden won. The evidence is unimpeachable, which is why Trump lost every single one of his court cases. Every single state certified their election results as true and accurate, and every recount, audit, and forensic audit produced the same results.

FOX News paid out $875 million dollars and admitted they LIED and mislead the American people about election fraud, and Dominion Voting Machines, and they knew that Trump's claims were false. They KNEW Biden had won, and even called Arizona for Biden FIRST. And they were right.

So at what point does continuing to lie about the results, and continuing to raise money on the lie or the "stolen election" cease to be a reasonable opinion, and become a full blown fraud against the American people, designed to destablize government, and get Americans to distrust elections?

And why, after their their settlement of the Dominion Voting Machines case, and the disclosures made on Discovery, does Rupert Murdoch still have a broadcast license, and the prestige to host the Republican Party Debate?????
So the following should lose their licenses because they have settled defamation lawsuits, right?

ABC News
NBC News
CBS News
You clearly didn't watch the video. I'm not going to do you work for you. Now put down the bong and get to work.

Oh, I watched the interview, more than once. I watched it live, and I watched it again, after right wing media firsts started pushing this false allegation. I even watched the video looking for them to say it, and it never happened.

So stop playing with your dick and post the reference.
So the following should lose their licenses because they have settled defamation lawsuits, right?

ABC News
NBC News
CBS News

Why do you continue to make a fool of yourself with false equivalencies??????

Which of these networks admits that they knowingly lied to the American people about the results of the federal election, and continues to knowingly lie to the people to this day???? Even after these lies helped to spark an insurrection against the legally elected government of the USA.

They have also fomented public unrest leading to mass murder with their lies about "Soros backed Caravans invading the USA from the Souther Border". These false reports, as echoed by Donald Trump, lead directly to the Tree of Life Shooting.

Which of these networks is supporting the overthrow of the American Constitution, and the election of a white nationalist government. Which of these networks continues to promote lies, conspiracy theories and right wing propaganda designed to keep citizens voting against their own best interests.

Please provide details of these claims.
Talk about weak sauce. You can't even rebut his post.

Zzz. Nothing to rebut. I mean, it’s clear to most of us that you’re just a nasty twat idiot. But even you can do better than MuddledMick.

I don’t know what else you just posted. Didn’t bother to read your screed. 👍
Why do you continue to make a fool of yourself with false equivalencies??????

Which of these networks admits that they knowingly lied to the American people about the results of the federal election, and continues to knowingly lie to the people to this day???? Even after these lies helped to spark an insurrection against the legally elected government of the USA.

They have also fomented public unrest leading to mass murder with their lies about "Soros backed Caravans invading the USA from the Souther Border". These false reports, as echoed by Donald Trump, lead directly to the Tree of Life Shooting.

Which of these networks is supporting the overthrow of the American Constitution, and the election of a white nationalist government. Which of these networks continues to promote lies, conspiracy theories and right wing propaganda designed to keep citizens voting against their own best interests.

Please provide details of these claims.
Your hypocrisy is noted, and laughed at.

Each one admitted they lied repeatedly, Simp.
Oh, I watched the interview, more than once. I watched it live, and I watched it again, after right wing media firsts started pushing this false allegation. I even watched the video looking for them to say it, and it never happened.

So stop playing with your dick and post the reference.
The friggn' reference is in the video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe you're as ignorant as I thought you were. Hillary the Whore literally says that the election was stolen. Maddow the MadCow literally says that questioning an election is "harmful to our democracy." Can you see the LibTard hypocrisy yet? No? No surprise there.
I'm not questioning the election. Biden won. The evidence is unimpeachable, which is why Trump lost every single one of his court cases. Every single state certified their election results as true and accurate, and every recount, audit, and forensic audit produced the same results.

FOX News paid out $875 million dollars and admitted they LIED and mislead the American people about election fraud, and Dominion Voting Machines, and they knew that Trump's claims were false. They KNEW Biden had won, and even called Arizona for Biden FIRST. And they were right.

So at what point does continuing to lie about the results, and continuing to raise money on the lie or the "stolen election" cease to be a reasonable opinion, and become a full blown fraud against the American people, designed to destablize government, and get Americans to distrust elections?

And why, after their their settlement of the Dominion Voting Machines case, and the disclosures made on Discovery, does Rupert Murdoch still have a broadcast license, and the prestige to host the Republican Party Debate?????
But your Queen questioned hers and she lost fair and square. Quit being a pure hypocrite.
Wow! Sage advice from two of the most honest and upright women in America. Oh, who am I kidding. They're both a couple of whores. But anyway, they were both recently heard saying that “bad actors” shouldn't question election results. I mean ... it's not like they've ever done anything like that. Am I right?

The Democrats are incapable of introspection, and that is one of the factors that make them a political cult.
Dragonbreath is a moron, hypocrite, and habitual liar.
They aren't even ashamed when they lie through their teeth. The Raggedy Ann press secretary, what's-her-name, lies on a daily basis with a straight face.
The friggn' reference is in the video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe you're as ignorant as I thought you were. Hillary the Whore literally says that the election was stolen. Maddow the MadCow literally says that questioning an election is "harmful to our democracy." Can you see the LibTard hypocrisy yet? No? No surprise there.
Questioning the election or LYING about the election.
Be honest now....what is the actual quote?
Zzz. Nothing to rebut. I mean, it’s clear to most of us that you’re just a nasty twat idiot. But even you can do better than MuddledMick.

I don’t know what else you just posted. Didn’t bother to read your screed. 👍

Thank you for proving that you are incapable rebutting the facts or the links posted.

If in fact, either Maddow or Clinton had said what the OP claims, it would be easy to prove. The fact that not one poster on the right in this form, has been able to point us to the statements, is proof positive that you’re just covering up with insults and bluster.

I don’t give a rats ass whether you’re reading the posts or not. My purpose is to factually rebutt the bullshit, lies and foreign propaganda being posted on this form by idiots such as yourself.

Whether you read it or not is irrelevant. But I do thank you for the opportunity to prove what a witless twit you really are.
You are a liar berg80 . A statewide recount actually showed Bush's margin of victory increased, Simp.

: crickets: from berg80

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Thank you for proving that you are incapable rebutting the facts or the links posted.
I did no such thing. Thanks for proving that you’re a pathetic and obvious lying troll. 👍
If in fact, either Maddow or Clinton had said what the OP claims, it would be easy to prove. The fact that not one poster on the right in this form, has been able to point us to the statements, is proof positive that you’re just covering up with insults and bluster.
Madam Clinton most assuredly did say that Trump knew he was an illegitimate President. And she did say that he had stolen the election (from her).

You lying about it now doesn’t erase the tape, you lying lizard bitch.
I don’t give a rats ass whether you’re reading the posts or not. My purpose is to factually rebutt the bullshit,
It’s “rebut.” And you don’t rebut any bullshit. You create it, spread it and wallow in it.

Come back later, if you discover you can manage to be honest — for a first time ever.

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