Rachel Maddow & Hillary Clinton Say That Questioning Elections Is Dangerous For Democracy!!

Look, you paranoid jackal. I'm posting on a public forum. If you don't like what I say then take your ignorant ass somewhere else and ignore me.
Why would I do that?

I have as much right to call you on your bullshit as you have to spew it
That's basically the problem in the world today.

God's will is not open for interpretation.
Within the universe of Belief...

The Lord God gave each of us Free Will and Intellect and Conscience.

He expects EACH of us to use those to assess His Laws and to arrive at our own conclusions regarding His Will.

This involves analytical contemplation and interpretation to define His Will insofar as each of our minds can grasp it.

And, once we have DEFINED His Will in our own minds within the limitations of our own poor power to understand it...

He expects EACH of us to abide by basic precepts of goodness and kindliness and care for our neighbors.

But He does NOT expect us to blindly and unthinkingly and slavishly follow regimented and particular ritual behaviors.

He expects EACH of us to THINK about the what and when and how and why of life and come to Him of our own Will.

Each and every soul must be free to come to Him or walk away from Him without let or hinderance.

In modern life, the primary roles of Organized Religion are...

(a) worshipping God
(b) fraternity and comfort for The Faithful
(c) teaching the young

In modern life, Organized Religion has no business forcing its point of view upon the broader populace.

This flies in the face of history but within modern democracies much blood and treasure has been spent to decide that issue...

Internalized religious warfare and persecutions are largely a thing of the past, mindful of history to prevent a repetition.

There are some basics (like the Ten Commandments in Western/Christian-dominated countries) that shape Secularism...

But that's about the extent of it in a modern democracy that prides itself on religious freedom...

In the United States, OUR particular problem is not so much a departure from Godliness as it is failure to enforce existing law...

And for THAT we can blame well-intentioned but soft-headed and foolish LibProgs who exist in an ether of rainbows and unicorns.

But Organized Religion has no controlling place at the Table of Governance within modern Western democracies.

To suggest otherwise betrays the legions of our own sacred dead who have died defending the Republic and its Constitution.
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He expects EACH of us to use those to assess His Laws and to arrive at our own conclusions regarding His Will.

There are people who have arrived at the conclusion that it's ok to kill people.

Is this ok?

In the United States, OUR particular problem is not so much a departure from Godliness as it is failure to enforce existing law...

It is the departure from Godliness that has led to not enforcing laws.

People arriving at their "own conclusion" of God's will.
There are people who have arrived at the conclusion that it's ok to kill people. Is this ok?
No. Of course not. But religious precepts, translated into secular law, are sufficient for our purposes, assuming that laws are enforced.
It is the departure from Godliness that has led to not enforcing laws.
Debatable. How would you fix that?
People arriving at their "own conclusion" of God's will.
Debatable. How would you fix that?

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