Rachel Maddow & Hillary Clinton Say That Questioning Elections Is Dangerous For Democracy!!

I gave you the fucking quotes you little turd.
Quit trying to weasel out of your own statements.
No. You liar. You put my alleged words inside quote marks, you dishonest cocksucker. Provide the post link. Then, I’ll be the judge of whether you quoted me correctly (if at all) and whether you are guilty of quoting me out of context.

It’s not that I don’t believe you. Just because you’re a habitual & compulsive liar doesn’t mean you might not have muttered something close to the truth. But, I don’t believe you.

Maybe try to support your own words. But you won’t. You’re a lying coward.
The 2000 and 2016 elections were stolen. The majority voted for someone else.

2004 I guess you won fair and square, in that you terrified people into thinking there were Arabs under their beds.

Anytime you leftists say something it provides a lot of validation. Thanks
No. You liar. You put my alleged words inside quote marks, you dishonest cocksucker. Provide the post link. Then, I’ll be the judge of whether you quoted me correctly (if at all) and whether you are guilty of quoting me out of context.

It’s not that I don’t believe you. Just because you’re a habitual & compulsive liar doesn’t mean you might not have muttered something close to the truth. But, I don’t believe you.

Maybe try to support your own words. But you won’t. You’re a lying coward.
I am not here to do your work for you you lazy snot rag.
Not my fault you have a short memory and can't even remember your own assinine words.
Sucks to be you huh?
Hey dipshit, I am still waiting for the details of why you just "feel" Jack Smith has weak cases against inmate No. P01135809?
I already addressed that dishonest question.

And President Trump is not an inmate, you ignorant twat.

Meanwhile, fuck your self. Link me up with any post of mine where I said what you falsely claimed. But you won’t because you are a liar as well as a coward.
I already addressed that dishonest question.

And President Trump is not an inmate, you ignorant twat.

Meanwhile, fuck your self. Link me up with any post of mine where I said what you falsely claimed. But you won’t because you are a liar as well as a coward.
Sounds like you are triggered snowflake.
Take three deep breaths and imagine your happy place.
Are you twiggered again widdle mug shot boy?
Not triggered at all. Never have been. Indeed, I think it’s both funny and revealing that your focus is just an obvious ploy by your masters.

Do as you’re instructed, little libtard bitches.

Say stupid shit about mugshots using hideous lame ass memes if you’re all about political persecution instead of justice.

That’s you, MuddleMick.
Are you twiggered again widdle mug shot boy?
Not triggered at all. Never have been. Indeed, I think it’s both funny and revealing that your focus is just an obvious ploy by your masters.

Do as you’re instructed, little libtard bitches.

What is funny is watching all you Trumptard MAGAt syncophant apologists running out of rope and sliding off the bitter end.
You are running out of excuses/spin to splain' away his bullshit.
How does it feel to be exposed as the degenerate LOSER you are?
Are you twiggered again widdle mug shot boy?

What is funny is watching all you Trumptard MAGAt syncophant apologists running out of rope and sliding off the bitter end.
You are running out of excuses/spin to splain' away his bullshit.
How does it feel to be exposed as the degenerate LOSER you are?
You just used a lot of words to say nothing meaningful.
Democracy is just better than a tyranny or dictatorship, which we see everything sliding toward. But it always works that way with governments, as it has through history. But with democracy there is still dictatorial law pushed on the minority in elections, and if that is thought good you are alright with cops shooting and killing those who still won't follow the law voted on. It is happening and cops are not held liable for that. I think obeying God is better than having a system with laws voted on for which any might be killed, playing God this way with others.
Democracy is just better than a tyranny or dictatorship, which we see everything sliding toward. But it always works that way with governments, as it has through history. But with democracy there is still dictatorial law pushed on the minority in elections, and if that is thought good you are alright with cops shooting and killing those who still won't follow the law voted on. It is happening and cops are not held liable for that. I think obeying God is better than having a system with laws voted on for which any might be killed, playing God this way with others.
Oh, look, Mom... a theocrat-in-the-making... no thank you... I'll worship God and interpret His Will in my OWN way.

The Nirvana you're looking for may be found in Iran.

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