Rachel Maddow & Hillary Clinton Say That Questioning Elections Is Dangerous For Democracy!!

Notice that MuddledMick pretends to “quote” me but can’t even back it up when challenged.

What a lowlife lying scumbag pussy he always is.
Clinton literally said that "Trump is an illegitimate President." That was a lie.

No it wasn't. The Republican should never have let him run in the first place. A man who openly bragged about bribing public officials. Who has ruined 7 companies spending them into multi-million dollar bankruptcies. Whose business deals frequently end in law suits, accusations, endless appeals, and Trump finally being evicted from the building by the Sheriff, while the residents cheer. Who was in the middle of a multi-million fraud trial when he was elected.

The man should never have been a candidate. He lied to the American people throughout the campaign, which was based entirely on the lie that Hillary Clinton was a criminal and unfit for office. Trump also falsely claimed that he's a highly successful businessman - he's never made a success of anything in his life

Except of course, I already backed up my claims. Stupid you.

When? Where? Your only reason for posting is troll people actually contributioning to discussions and backing up their posts. I’ve reported more of your posts for “trolling, no content” than any other poster in this formum.
No it wasn't. The Republican should never have let him run in the first place. A man who openly bragged about bribing public officials. Who has ruined 7 companies spending them into multi-million dollar bankruptcies. Whose business deals frequently end in law suits, accusations, endless appeals, and Trump finally being evicted from the building by the Sheriff, while the residents cheer. Who was in the middle of a multi-million fraud trial when he was elected.

The man should never have been a candidate. He lied to the American people throughout the campaign, which was based entirely on the lie that Hillary Clinton was a criminal and unfit for office. Trump also falsely claimed that he's a highly successful businessman - he's never made a success of anything in his life

When? Where? Your only reason for posting is troll people actually contributioning to discussions and backing up their posts. I’ve reported more of your posts for “trolling, no content” than any other poster in this formum.
Trump won, which made him legitimate. Hillary lied, which makes her a liar.
Totally within 1st Amendment right.
Now if Clinton had enlisted an group of lawyers to put together an army of fraudulent electors to illegally override the will of the voters:
And if Clinton had tried to get her Vice President to help in illegally overriding the will of the voters:
And if Clinton had been recorded trying to lean on state election officials and Secretaries of State in an attempt to get them to find fraudulent votes to override the will of the voters:
And if Clinton had attempted to intimidate witnesses in her case:
And if Clinton had dog-whistled for months trying to rile up an angry mob and then finally sicced them on The U.S. Capitol in a last ditch incursion attempt to stop Congress' certification of the vote,
then yeah, Hillary Clinton would be "the same," or equally as guilty as Trump.
But she didn't do any of these things.
Only Trump did.
Now do you see the difference?
Trump won. Hillary lied.
Remind me again of which party it was that claimed the 2000 election was stolen? The 2004 election? The 2016 election?
As Vice President, Al Gore certified the 2000 election.

Hillary Clinton conceded the day after the 2016 election.

Neither of them incited an insurrection.

Neither of them created illegal fake electors in seven states.

You tards really look pretty fucking stupid incessantly parroting these talking points given to you. I don't think any of you have ever had an original thought.
Winning doesn’t make you legitimate. Succeeding at the job makes you legitimate. Trump failed at everything. That’s why he lost reelection. His administration was a failure.
Yes. American born (unlike Obama). At least 35 years old. And win the election by electoral vote. Trump met the requirements and became the President. Must I mansplain everything?
Trump won. Hillary lied.

Hillary lied about nothing. Trumps win was more good luck than good management. Helped enormously by Comey publically re-opening the email investigation 2 weeks before the election.

Clinton’s campaign was poorly run and
she allowed the email investigations to derail the message.

Trump portrayed Clinton is unfit for office on the basis of her mishandling of classified emails. Imagine that.

Tell us, Mr. Jackson, what exactly did Hillary Clinton lie about?
Hillary lied about nothing. Trumps win was more good luck than good management. Helped enormously by Comey publically re-opening the email investigation 2 weeks before the election.

Clinton’s campaign was poorly run and
she allowed the email investigations to derail the message.

Trump portrayed Clinton is unfit for office on the basis of her mishandling of classified emails. Imagine that.

Tell us, Mr. Jackson, what exactly did Hillary Clinton lie about?
Hillary Lied. Trump Won. Trump was legitimate. Basic facts.
Winning doesn’t make you legitimate. Succeeding at the job makes you legitimate. Trump failed at everything. That’s why he lost reelection. His administration was a failure.
Winning doesn’t make you legitimate?

Just when I thought it would be physically impossible for you to get dumber.
Hillary lied about nothing. Trumps win was more good luck than good management. Helped enormously by Comey publically re-opening the email investigation 2 weeks before the election.

Clinton’s campaign was poorly run and
she allowed the email investigations to derail the message.

Trump portrayed Clinton is unfit for office on the basis of her mishandling of classified emails. Imagine that.

Tell us, Mr. Jackson, what exactly did Hillary Clinton lie about?
Hitlery said the election was stolen from her, and you claim she lied about nothing?

I need to revise my last post.
Popular vote= Leftard feelings.

This is why democrats should not be in charge of anything above janitorial work.

Yes when we ignore the popular vote and put someone in like Bush or Trump, they truly fuck things up.

Back in 2000, I was one of you right wingers who was SOOOO upset Clinton lied about the Blow Job.

And in 2008, I had an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K, and was stuck in a contract job because that was all I could get despite 20 years in my field.

Psssssssstt…… you’re the sheep.
Naw, the sheep is the one who keeps voting for the wolves, which is what Republicans do.
You think that rich people were bothered by the record heat we had the last couple of months? Nope, it was poor, working class whites living in their trailer parks, who will keep voting Republican anyway.
The Electoral College is one of the most amazing things ever created. If you want to rid the Electoral College, you are going to have bigger problems because you will be telling small states that their vote is worthless.

I would love to see the Democrats campaign on eliminating the Electoral College and expanding the Supreme Court.

Naw, the small states ARE worthless and the EC really doesn't do a thing for them.
When was the last time EITHER party sent a major candidate to Wyoming? They don't. Wyoming is never in play. Neither is Vermont or Hawaii or Alaska.

The only states that end up being in "Play" are five or so swing states.

One person, one vote. That's how it should work.
Naw, the small states ARE worthless and the EC really doesn't do a thing for them.
When was the last time EITHER party sent a major candidate to Wyoming? They don't. Wyoming is never in play. Neither is Vermont or Hawaii or Alaska.

The only states that end up being in "Play" are five or so swing states.

One person, one vote. That's how it should work.
I would love the Democrat Party to run on eliminating the Electoral College and expanding the Supreme Court.

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