Rachel Maddow & Hillary Clinton Say That Questioning Elections Is Dangerous For Democracy!!

Not stolen. Not in the sense of there being fraudulent votes cast. In the sense the conservatives on the SC prevented FL from continuing to carry out the recount (it has been proven a statewide recount would have resulted in Gore winning the presidency), thus handing the election to Bush. Just the facts, man.

It has NOT been proven whatsoever!!!
Still waiting for the PROOF of why you "feel" Jack Smith has a "weak" case booger boy.
It is a weak case. It’s not a matter of feelings even though that’s the sole basis for your leaden thinking.
Your credibility is shit because you can never back up anything you say.
Your assessementbof my credibility is valueless since you are utterly lacking. You hack bitch.

Plus, unlike you, and despite your many false statements, I have explained my position as to what’s lacking in Smith’s cases.

Aren’t you late for your date to go play in speeding traffic?
You are full of t. That’s true.

But other than that, gfy.
No time for that.
Exciting T.V. this evening.
Out of popcorn. Gotta run out and buy some more.

Donald Trump's fourth arrest will take place in Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday at 7:30 PM ET, RadarOnline.com has learned. Like his accused election-scheming co-conspirators, Trump will turn himself over to the Fulton County Sheriff's Office and likely pose for his first mugshot.

He was given a hard deadline of surrendering by noon Friday

No time for that.
Exciting T.V. this evening.
Out of popcorn. Gotta run out and buy some more.

Donald Trump's fourth arrest will take place in Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday at 7:30 PM ET, RadarOnline.com has learned. Like his accused election-scheming co-conspirators, Trump will turn himself over to the Fulton County Sheriff's Office and likely pose for his first mugshot.

He was given a hard deadline of surrendering by noon Friday


Your make dust and dirt in a dry stuffy old locked library seem exciting.

Your make dust and dirt in a dry stuffy old locked library seem exciting.
Hey retard.
Do you remember in Trump's last indictment when you told me that "no judge could "order" Trump to appear?"
You said "it's up to him to decide if and when he will show up."
As usual, you are and were full of caca.
Take this Georgia indictment for example.
Noon tomorrow is the deadline. If he hasn't appeared by then a warrant is issued and he goes behind bars.
But, as we all know he doesn't want that so he'll show up at 7:30 tonight to prostrate himself before the court.
Do you ever get tired of being WRONG and looking like a horse's ass?
Zzzz. Well. That was certainly dull and of no value.

In the meanwhile, you evade the actual point which remains all the same. The evil scum on your side have denied the security of and the results of elections — just like they have bitched about similar complaints from their opposing numbers.
Hillary, our evil scumlord, was trying to sell a book years after the election. What was Dangerous Donnies motivation before, during, and after the election?
I did no such thing. Thanks for proving that you’re a pathetic and obvious lying troll. 👍

Madam Clinton most assuredly did say that Trump knew he was an illegitimate President. And she did say that he had stolen the election (from her).

You lying about it now doesn’t erase the tape, you lying lizard bitch.

It’s “rebut.” And you don’t rebut any bullshit. You create it, spread it and wallow in it.

Come back later, if you discover you can manage to be honest — for a first time ever.

Where did I claim that Clinton didn't say that Trump was an illegitimate President. The OP claimed Maddow and Clinton said it was wrong to question the results of an election. They never said that.

Trump was an illegitimate President. Clinton said it and we all agree. He lied his way into the White House and spent 4 years abusing his power and committing crimes. He lost the popular voted. His failed covid response killed over a million Americans, and his obvious adulation of Putin and Xi, and his continuing attempts to destabilize American democracy, have further emboldened both leader to try to expand their power and influence.

Now that you've further embarassed yourself by not even being aware of what we were discussing, you can go back to the children's table, the adults are talking.
Clinton literally said that "Trump is an illegitimate President." That was a lie.
Totally within 1st Amendment right.
Now if Clinton had enlisted an group of lawyers to put together an army of fraudulent electors to illegally override the will of the voters:
And if Clinton had tried to get her Vice President to help in illegally overriding the will of the voters:
And if Clinton had been recorded trying to lean on state election officials and Secretaries of State in an attempt to get them to find fraudulent votes to override the will of the voters:
And if Clinton had attempted to intimidate witnesses in her case:
And if Clinton had dog-whistled for months trying to rile up an angry mob and then finally sicced them on The U.S. Capitol in a last ditch incursion attempt to stop Congress' certification of the vote,
then yeah, Hillary Clinton would be "the same," or equally as guilty as Trump.
But she didn't do any of these things.
Only Trump did.
Now do you see the difference?
Hey retard.
Do you remember in Trump's last indictment when you told me that "no judge could "order" Trump to appear?"
You said "it's up to him to decide if and when he will show up."

I’m not saying you’re lying. But there’s no reason at all to ever believe you. Without even mentioning “out of context.” Ok. I’ll mention it! 😎

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