Rachel Maddow "reveals" that Trump is a diabolical genius.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
I will grant you that Rachel Maddow is a very smart person. It is unfortunate that she uses her intellect to piece together absurd plots like this one apparently hatched by our evil genius President Trump. It goes something like this:

" I've got it, I'll put Pelosi on the spot about "The Wall" and she will refuse to support it in the 2019 budget. That will in turn cause an extended government shutdown. That will in turn cause FBI agents to go without pay for a long time. That will in turn cause those agents to sell secrets to China and Russia to get money. And there will be so many of them that it will cripple the FBI and cause a national security risk. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Explain to me again what the role of a "News Anchor" is? Is it putting together wild theories to attack the President based on absolutely nothing? Apparently the answer is 'yes'.

Rachel Maddow Reveals Donald Trump’s ‘Genius Move’ To Put FBI Out Of Business | HuffPost
You don't need to be a genius to just parrot Democrat Party talking points given to her daily.
I will grant you that Rachel Maddow is a very smart person. It is unfortunate that she uses her intellect to piece together absurd plots like this one apparently hatched by our evil genius President Trump. It goes something like this:

" I've got it, I'll put Pelosi on the spot about "The Wall" and she will refuse to support it in the 2019 budget. That will in turn cause an extended government shutdown. That will in turn cause FBI agents to go without pay for a long time. That will in turn cause those agents to sell secrets to China and Russia to get money. And there will be so many of them that it will cripple the FBI and cause a national security risk. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Explain to me again what the role of a "News Anchor" is? Is it putting together wild theories to attack the President based on absolutely nothing? Apparently the answer is 'yes'.

Rachel Maddow Reveals Donald Trump’s ‘Genius Move’ To Put FBI Out Of Business | HuffPost
Justin Beeber has a vivid imagination.
I will grant you that Rachel Maddow is a very smart person. It is unfortunate that she uses her intellect to piece together absurd plots like this one apparently hatched by our evil genius President Trump. It goes something like this:

" I've got it, I'll put Pelosi on the spot about "The Wall" and she will refuse to support it in the 2019 budget. That will in turn cause an extended government shutdown. That will in turn cause FBI agents to go without pay for a long time. That will in turn cause those agents to sell secrets to China and Russia to get money. And there will be so many of them that it will cripple the FBI and cause a national security risk. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Explain to me again what the role of a "News Anchor" is? Is it putting together wild theories to attack the President based on absolutely nothing? Apparently the answer is 'yes'.

Rachel Maddow Reveals Donald Trump’s ‘Genius Move’ To Put FBI Out Of Business | HuffPost

She's not a news anchor. She's a Democratic operative who plays one on TV.
Her hate of Trump simply because he dared to win the election has caused her and many others to loose the little ability they had for actual thought.
I will grant you that Rachel Maddow is a very smart person. It is unfortunate that she uses her intellect to piece together absurd plots like this one apparently hatched by our evil genius President Trump. It goes something like this:

" I've got it, I'll put Pelosi on the spot about "The Wall" and she will refuse to support it in the 2019 budget. That will in turn cause an extended government shutdown. That will in turn cause FBI agents to go without pay for a long time. That will in turn cause those agents to sell secrets to China and Russia to get money. And there will be so many of them that it will cripple the FBI and cause a national security risk. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Explain to me again what the role of a "News Anchor" is? Is it putting together wild theories to attack the President based on absolutely nothing? Apparently the answer is 'yes'.

Rachel Maddow Reveals Donald Trump’s ‘Genius Move’ To Put FBI Out Of Business | HuffPost

What is the difference between insanity and retardation?

I'm not sure, but the Left seems to have mastered both at the same time.
Look at hosts and "reporters" like Chris Matthews, Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, Maddow, Jim Acosta, Chris Cuomo, etc. All Far Left, Democrat activist types pretending to be giving you "the NEWS" while it is just Dem propaganda.
The whole conspiracy about Obama not being born in America pales in comparison to these conspiracy theories.

They seemingly make a new one about every month.

I need to invest in tin foil.
I will grant you that Rachel Maddow is a very smart person. It is unfortunate that she uses her intellect to piece together absurd plots like this one apparently hatched by our evil genius President Trump. It goes something like this:

" I've got it, I'll put Pelosi on the spot about "The Wall" and she will refuse to support it in the 2019 budget. That will in turn cause an extended government shutdown. That will in turn cause FBI agents to go without pay for a long time. That will in turn cause those agents to sell secrets to China and Russia to get money. And there will be so many of them that it will cripple the FBI and cause a national security risk. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Explain to me again what the role of a "News Anchor" is? Is it putting together wild theories to attack the President based on absolutely nothing? Apparently the answer is 'yes'.

Rachel Maddow Reveals Donald Trump’s ‘Genius Move’ To Put FBI Out Of Business | HuffPost
Well she's totally wrong on this one. Genius and dOnald tRump don't even belong in the same book, much less the same sentence.
I will grant you that Rachel Maddow is a very smart person. It is unfortunate that she uses her intellect to piece together absurd plots like this one apparently hatched by our evil genius President Trump. It goes something like this:

" I've got it, I'll put Pelosi on the spot about "The Wall" and she will refuse to support it in the 2019 budget. That will in turn cause an extended government shutdown. That will in turn cause FBI agents to go without pay for a long time. That will in turn cause those agents to sell secrets to China and Russia to get money. And there will be so many of them that it will cripple the FBI and cause a national security risk. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Explain to me again what the role of a "News Anchor" is? Is it putting together wild theories to attack the President based on absolutely nothing? Apparently the answer is 'yes'.

Rachel Maddow Reveals Donald Trump’s ‘Genius Move’ To Put FBI Out Of Business | HuffPost

With that one genius move, you can break the family finances of basically every single federal law enforcement and national security agent in the country,” Maddow explained, later adding: “In one fell swoop with just this one neat trick, you screw up all of their careers. You can create security clearance problems for all of them, all at once, by putting them all under financial strain.”

Maddow is correct, I worked 33 years for the Federal Government and there were not many things you could do to get fired. One of those was to lose your security clearance

I saw several people have their clearance suspended due to financial difficulties. If you are in financial trouble, you are easier to bribe. Your credit rating can affect your clearance
I will grant you that Rachel Maddow is a very smart person. It is unfortunate that she uses her intellect to piece together absurd plots like this one apparently hatched by our evil genius President Trump. It goes something like this:

" I've got it, I'll put Pelosi on the spot about "The Wall" and she will refuse to support it in the 2019 budget. That will in turn cause an extended government shutdown. That will in turn cause FBI agents to go without pay for a long time. That will in turn cause those agents to sell secrets to China and Russia to get money. And there will be so many of them that it will cripple the FBI and cause a national security risk. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Explain to me again what the role of a "News Anchor" is? Is it putting together wild theories to attack the President based on absolutely nothing? Apparently the answer is 'yes'.

Rachel Maddow Reveals Donald Trump’s ‘Genius Move’ To Put FBI Out Of Business | HuffPost

With that one genius move, you can break the family finances of basically every single federal law enforcement and national security agent in the country,” Maddow explained, later adding: “In one fell swoop with just this one neat trick, you screw up all of their careers. You can create security clearance problems for all of them, all at once, by putting them all under financial strain.”

Maddow is correct, I worked 33 years for the Federal Government and there were not many things you could do to get fired. One of those was to lose your security clearance

I saw several people have their clearance suspended due to financial difficulties. If you are in financial trouble, you are easier to bribe. Your credit rating can affect your clearance


So you can't get fired as a Federal employee, or almost never? How then do they stay productive?

It is also easy to bribe employees in the Federal government who have financial problems? Are you saying that these people are all independently wealthy working for the government and never need a bribe because tax payers pay them outrageous salaries, or are you saying that they are all corrupt?

Please, do yourself a favor and just listen to what you type for a change. I know it's hard drowning out the other voices to do it, but it would be well worth your while.
I will grant you that Rachel Maddow is a very smart person. It is unfortunate that she uses her intellect to piece together absurd plots like this one apparently hatched by our evil genius President Trump. It goes something like this:

" I've got it, I'll put Pelosi on the spot about "The Wall" and she will refuse to support it in the 2019 budget. That will in turn cause an extended government shutdown. That will in turn cause FBI agents to go without pay for a long time. That will in turn cause those agents to sell secrets to China and Russia to get money. And there will be so many of them that it will cripple the FBI and cause a national security risk. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Explain to me again what the role of a "News Anchor" is? Is it putting together wild theories to attack the President based on absolutely nothing? Apparently the answer is 'yes'.

Rachel Maddow Reveals Donald Trump’s ‘Genius Move’ To Put FBI Out Of Business | HuffPost

With that one genius move, you can break the family finances of basically every single federal law enforcement and national security agent in the country,” Maddow explained, later adding: “In one fell swoop with just this one neat trick, you screw up all of their careers. You can create security clearance problems for all of them, all at once, by putting them all under financial strain.”

Maddow is correct, I worked 33 years for the Federal Government and there were not many things you could do to get fired. One of those was to lose your security clearance

I saw several people have their clearance suspended due to financial difficulties. If you are in financial trouble, you are easier to bribe. Your credit rating can affect your clearance


So you can't get fired as a Federal employee, or almost never? How then do they stay productive?

It is also easy to bribe employees in the Federal government who have financial problems? Are you saying that these people are all independently wealthy working for the government and never need a bribe because tax payers pay them outrageous salaries, or are you saying that they are all corrupt?

Please, do yourself a favor and just listen to what you type for a change. I know it's hard drowning out the other voices to do it, but it would be well worth your while.

Ever apply for a security clearance ??
I will grant you that Rachel Maddow is a very smart person. It is unfortunate that she uses her intellect to piece together absurd plots like this one apparently hatched by our evil genius President Trump. It goes something like this:

" I've got it, I'll put Pelosi on the spot about "The Wall" and she will refuse to support it in the 2019 budget. That will in turn cause an extended government shutdown. That will in turn cause FBI agents to go without pay for a long time. That will in turn cause those agents to sell secrets to China and Russia to get money. And there will be so many of them that it will cripple the FBI and cause a national security risk. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Explain to me again what the role of a "News Anchor" is? Is it putting together wild theories to attack the President based on absolutely nothing? Apparently the answer is 'yes'.

Rachel Maddow Reveals Donald Trump’s ‘Genius Move’ To Put FBI Out Of Business | HuffPost

With that one genius move, you can break the family finances of basically every single federal law enforcement and national security agent in the country,” Maddow explained, later adding: “In one fell swoop with just this one neat trick, you screw up all of their careers. You can create security clearance problems for all of them, all at once, by putting them all under financial strain.”

Maddow is correct, I worked 33 years for the Federal Government and there were not many things you could do to get fired. One of those was to lose your security clearance

I saw several people have their clearance suspended due to financial difficulties. If you are in financial trouble, you are easier to bribe. Your credit rating can affect your clearance


So you can't get fired as a Federal employee, or almost never? How then do they stay productive?

It is also easy to bribe employees in the Federal government who have financial problems? Are you saying that these people are all independently wealthy working for the government and never need a bribe because tax payers pay them outrageous salaries, or are you saying that they are all corrupt?

Please, do yourself a favor and just listen to what you type for a change. I know it's hard drowning out the other voices to do it, but it would be well worth your while.

Ever apply for a security clearance ??
Actually I had a clearance in the military and as a civilian I was under employed or unemployed mostly before joining the Marine Corps.
I will grant you that Rachel Maddow is a very smart person. It is unfortunate that she uses her intellect to piece together absurd plots like this one apparently hatched by our evil genius President Trump. It goes something like this:

" I've got it, I'll put Pelosi on the spot about "The Wall" and she will refuse to support it in the 2019 budget. That will in turn cause an extended government shutdown. That will in turn cause FBI agents to go without pay for a long time. That will in turn cause those agents to sell secrets to China and Russia to get money. And there will be so many of them that it will cripple the FBI and cause a national security risk. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Explain to me again what the role of a "News Anchor" is? Is it putting together wild theories to attack the President based on absolutely nothing? Apparently the answer is 'yes'.

Rachel Maddow Reveals Donald Trump’s ‘Genius Move’ To Put FBI Out Of Business | HuffPost

With that one genius move, you can break the family finances of basically every single federal law enforcement and national security agent in the country,” Maddow explained, later adding: “In one fell swoop with just this one neat trick, you screw up all of their careers. You can create security clearance problems for all of them, all at once, by putting them all under financial strain.”

Maddow is correct, I worked 33 years for the Federal Government and there were not many things you could do to get fired. One of those was to lose your security clearance

I saw several people have their clearance suspended due to financial difficulties. If you are in financial trouble, you are easier to bribe. Your credit rating can affect your clearance


So you can't get fired as a Federal employee, or almost never? How then do they stay productive?

It is also easy to bribe employees in the Federal government who have financial problems? Are you saying that these people are all independently wealthy working for the government and never need a bribe because tax payers pay them outrageous salaries, or are you saying that they are all corrupt?

Please, do yourself a favor and just listen to what you type for a change. I know it's hard drowning out the other voices to do it, but it would be well worth your while.

Ever apply for a security clearance ??
Actually I had a clearance in the military and as a civilian I was under employed or unemployed mostly before joining the Marine Corps.
And you were employed as a Marine and were not losing your house

Once you have a clearance and fall behind, your clearance can be pulled
Lead us not, into temptation
She works for war profiteers and sold her soul.
I would love to hear a debate between her and Phil Donahue
about all of it sometime.


Very intelligent woman
I used to like her until the Bernie/Hillary primaries ....
after that her lizard brain went out off to lunch when they told her not to cover Bernie Sanders.
Ed Schultz (rip) tried to cover Sanders and MSDNC fired him.

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