AOC and Rachel Maddow Are Crying That They Might Be Put In Re-education Camps

OP, don't you want to see Rachel Maddow and/or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez put in re-education camps?
How about lesbians undergoing straight training? :)
I guess lesbianism is natural.....because it tends to weed out traits that you don't want to pass on to kids anyway. Many women have homosexual tendencies.

It's more prevalent than with men.

If you have a gf who's into other women sometimes that's called "The Jackpot" if they aren't more into women then men.
Your queen Hillary called for reeducation camps.
Not my Hillary. I never vote for her in my life, voice any approval. She has character as bad as Trump, but with a better mind by 20 IQ points and better knowledge of Washington. I always said she could be even more dangerous than Trump. But, seeing how he turned out, maybe not.
I'm not going to wail about Democrats taking away my freedoms and then turn around and talk about sending them to re-education camps.

They may deserved some form of re-education, but I'm not into shoving my beliefs down everyone's throat because they lost an election
I’ve never claimed to believe in Freedom or Rights. I believe in Right and Wrong, enforced by whatever means are necessary.
You mean Dems are proposing it, and liberal pundits think they might be sent to one?
Take heart. Dems won't get any re-education camps, either. Anybody that thinks either party would be able to get them, during this or the next generation, is just brain-dead stupid.

These are non-stories.
These are ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES and "JOURNALISTS". Of course these are stories. You're statements like this as a poster are why some of us see a bias in your 'other job"
Rachel & AOC think that Trump will put them in re-education camps or prison.

Did they really say this, or is this just more misinformation from the left?

This woman is literally making this up off the top of her head.

This isn't news.

It's opinion dressed up as news.

That is hillarious considering Hillary Clinton actually wanted to reprogram Trump supporters back in 2016. This is just Democrats projecting what they want to do.
Not my Hillary. I never vote for her in my life, voice any approval. She has character as bad as Trump, but with a better mind by 20 IQ points and better knowledge of Washington. I always said she could be even more dangerous than Trump. But, seeing how he turned out, maybe not.
The primary difference is Trump earned his money in the business world, whereas Hillary stole hers from taxpayers.

There's no way Hillary would be that rich from just public service.

She had to take a lot of graft, and I seem to remember $6 billion not accounted for in the State Department when she left office.

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