Rachel Maddow takes idiocy to a new level.

Well, I'm a well trained bookkeeper and accountant.... I know something about taxes. Don't confuse that with tax accountant.... However I know more than the average individual...

And you don't put real property in the asset column? And what's owed on that property in the liability column? You sound like a shitty accountant. Reminds me of that insurance commercial with the supposed French model.


Thats not how it works :lol:

Without writing a thesis and putting it laymens terms - your collective wealth has nothing to do with your monetary wealth and your equity.

Your car may be worth $35,000k - your equity in the vehicle is all that matters - the rest belongs to the bank or whomever bought the loan...

You're worth what you're worth - not what those items you "own" are worth - that is not your value as an individual or collective..

Equity only matters in terms of net wealth. Even though the second I might drive off the lot, I might owe more on the car than I can possibly recover on it, it's still an asset. If it's a depreciable asset, like a car, it's still an asset, despite my liability being greater than the asset.

You confuse net value with asset. Let me go very slow. If I buy a car for $35,000 and a week later, it's only worth $30,000, my net worth might be -$5,000, only because I owe more on the asset than I can resell it for. That's what known as depreciation. I still have a $30,000 asset, even though I might still have a $35,000 liability. This only effects net value.

Have you ever even read a balance sheet? I can't imagine what you'd do if you had to invest all your retirement on your own. They're really starting to crack down on people wiping windshields at intersections in many places.
Do you know what an asset is swallow?

Well..you sure aren't.

I don't want you swallowing any of my jiz.

Not even for a nickle.

Not my style..faggot.

Oh yeah..I called you faggot, superman.

I realize your tougher then Chuck Norris, Smarter then Einstien, play hockey better then Wayne Gretzky, had a better toy shop then Kaybee, and now are have put out there you are an Accountant.

Well your asking to swallow my jiz..makes you a big faggot. And in keeping with your bragging..I'd say your a bigger faggot then Richard Simmons.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7B2VMCHXpA]Richard Simmons' Party Off the Pounds - YouTube[/ame]

Rachel Maddow kicks major ass and I challenge anyone to show me something she said that wasn't true.

well we ALL KNOW the Romneys own horses, because I'm sure this is the major issue on the peoples minds...so yeah she be kicking some ASS..or more like being a hosesAss

What we all know is that Romney claims he bought his wife a horse, that helps her with her MS. We now know that Romney created a limited partnership, so he could write off over $77,000 for the horse in 2010. We know that on that $77,000 write-off, the net revenue from that partnership was $211. How can anyone complain about the debt, when people like Mr Etch-A-Sketch creates businesses like this?
I would love to know in what universe does one need to be interested in a business or sport to invest in it?

Maddow is mocking Romney for owning a horse that is apparently partaking in the Olympics..

Apparently because Ann Romney likes horses and Mitt bought her a champion breed horse that means Mitt should allegedly love horses to boot...

Lots of successful people give gifts and lots of successful people make investments into ideas they could care less about - just as long as it's a lucrative investment that's all that matters. No that bitch sees something wrong with that....

I don't see Maddow the idiot giving Wayne Gretzky shit for buying the T206 Honus Wagner for a million bucks.. Then again Gretzky isn't Romney "the republican"....

Rachel Maddow Dredges Up Old 2002-era Anti-Romney Conspiracy Theory to Try and Claim Mitt Romney Lied | Video | TheBlaze.com

Oh then she goes on about Romney and his tax records..... Really?? All this while she defends Obamafucks cloaked past????????

Nick ..just know you managed to get the butt hurt going rather well.....

Nice job!!!
LOL bitching about Maddow while linking to Beck, oh the irony!
Beck is a lot more intelligent and honest. Maddow is as stupid as most libtards.

Maddow is Rhodes scholar- how can she compare to a HS grad coke head DJ bought off charlatan? Pub dupes! Right off the wall...

But but..Beck found Jesus..

True story.

He works at H&R block and did my taxes last year.

Nice fellow.

Maybe Nick can give him some pointers..Nick being an faggot/accountant/tough guy/hockey player/genius..
I like Maddow.....I used to like her a lot more. Her show has gone downhill IMO.

She isn't nasty. She stays with facts.

But she gets caught up in some really stupid stuff.

In what universe have you progressives ever defended the First Amendment?

Remember Chick-fil-A???

God forbid someone says they support "traditional marriage" of course that turns into "hating gays."
ground zero mosque, porn stores,strip clubs come to mind of things people o the right wanted government not to allow to be built....

you are all wrong in denying any of them.

but again nick you are talking out of your ass again.i am more for the 1st amendment than you could be in two life times.

but deflection is noted

Yep those are the same as Chick Fil A restaurants, but I guess you dont like apples to apples comparisons....and hey porn stores and strips clubs are awesome, but most people dont wanna around.....now I not sure why, oh because they oppose gay marriage???? WTF you are dumb
ground zero mosque, porn stores,strip clubs come to mind of things people o the right wanted government not to allow to be built....

you are all wrong in denying any of them.

but again nick you are talking out of your ass again.i am more for the 1st amendment than you could be in two life times.

but deflection is noted

Yep those are the same as Chick Fil A restaurants, but I guess you dont like apples to apples comparisons....and hey porn stores and strips clubs are awesome, but most people dont wanna around.....now I not sure why, oh because they oppose gay marriage???? WTF you are dumb

Ok I'll break it down for ya......chick fil a= apple.....porn stores and strip clu= orange......got the picture? and do you know why?
LOL bitching about Maddow while linking to Beck, oh the irony!
Beck is a lot more intelligent and honest. Maddow is as stupid as most libtards.

Maddow is a Rhodes scholar- how can she compare to a HS grad coke head DJ bought off charlatan? Pub dupes! Right off the wall...

Wait Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar? Smells of affirmative action.....homo chick.....wooohoooo, way to represent Maddow!!!!!!!!
Yep those are the same as Chick Fil A restaurants, but I guess you dont like apples to apples comparisons....and hey porn stores and strips clubs are awesome, but most people dont wanna around.....now I not sure why, oh because they oppose gay marriage???? WTF you are dumb

Ok I'll break it down for ya......chick fil a= apple.....porn stores and strip clu= orange......got the picture? and do you know why?

It sounds like you suffer Irritable Fowl Syndrome.
Beck is a lot more intelligent and honest. Maddow is as stupid as most libtards.

Maddow is a Rhodes scholar- how can she compare to a HS grad coke head DJ bought off charlatan? Pub dupes! Right off the wall...

Wait Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar? Smells of affirmative action.....homo chick.....wooohoooo, way to represent Maddow!!!!!!!!

So your academic achievement is what? You got to peek up Sally's dress in 3rd grade?
I was a college freshman, and I had just figured out that I was gay. I was heady with the self-importance of a 17-year-old who knows everything and is smarter than everybody—a trait that is great at the moment and really hard to live with in retrospect. I decided I was going to come out of the closet in a very confrontational way. I went to Stanford University, and there was nobody else “out” in my freshman class of more than 1,000 people—which I thought was kind of crazy. So a friend who was coming out at the same time and I did an interview with the student newspaper about being the only two gay freshmen on campus. The mistake I made was that I had not come out to my parents. I told the paper, “I will do this on the condition that you will not run the piece until after this weekend, because I will go home this weekend to tell my parents, and I want them to hear it from me instead of reading it in the paper.” And they ran it before the weekend, and indeed some anonymous person helpfully clipped the article and mailed it to my parents—and that’s how my parents found out that I was gay.

Rachel Maddow on Being Outed by Her College Newspaper - Newsweek and The Daily Beast
Maddow is a Rhodes scholar- how can she compare to a HS grad coke head DJ bought off charlatan? Pub dupes! Right off the wall...

Wait Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar? Smells of affirmative action.....homo chick.....wooohoooo, way to represent Maddow!!!!!!!!

So your academic achievement is what? You got to peek up Sally's dress in 3rd grade?

Well I am not a Rhodes Scholar.....I have a history degree from.....guess where?
I like Maddow.....I used to like her a lot more. Her show has gone downhill IMO.

She isn't nasty. She stays with facts.

But she gets caught up in some really stupid stuff.

She can be informative, but her show is so slanted the other way from Fox, which is why I prefer Anderson Cooper when I want to get caught up on what is happening in the world. I can't trust Fox and I can't trust MSNBC. CNN actually does a much better job of reporting the news, sans major slant, than any other channel.

If Rachel were to present information as opposed to commentary, I would watch her more often.

Beck is a lot more intelligent and honest. Maddow is as stupid as most libtards.

Maddow is a Rhodes scholar- how can she compare to a HS grad coke head DJ bought off charlatan? Pub dupes! Right off the wall...

Wait Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar? Smells of affirmative action.....homo chick.....wooohoooo, way to represent Maddow!!!!!!!!
Yes, Rachel was a Rhodes Scholar. In 2001, she earned a Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in politics from Oxford University.
How is Romney owning a fucking horse wrong???

Explain it you fool.....

Owning the horse isn't but getting a tax write off for your hobby is kinda fucked up. Just another example of how the rich play by different rules.

I build movie props for a hobby. I take full advantage of the tax deduction for my hobby. I am not rich.

You were saying something about different rules???

Dumb ass.
i'm sorry but there should be a CAP on ''hobby'' deductions....come onnnnnnnnn, a $77000 a year deduction for a HOBBY??? sheesh our income tax system is really messed up.

If you can afford to spend 80k-200k a year on a HOBBY, our gvt should NOT be giving up taxes due for that...or help fund that...by giving a tax break on that....

I;m not saying this is mitt's fault, but what the heck was Congress thinking at giving a tax break for a HOBBY, when that hobby costs more than the average 2 working adult family earns working 40 hours a week every single week of the year....that's just BS....

and I don't see how all of you don't think that....especially when many on this board bitch and moan about the poor or middle class after working all year , every single week, and getting miniscule deductions that bring them down in taxable income to where they owe no taxes.....

and there's nothing but bitching bitching bitching from those on the right about it.....''47% don't pay taxes crapola'', when the fact is, they don't pay taxes, BECAUSE they took their 'legal' deductions.... and guaranteed their deductions were for having to feed their children or pay a mortgage for a home over their heads...not some 100k a year ''hobby''.

this is bull crap if i ever saw it....
I would love to know in what universe does one need to be interested in a business or sport to invest in it?

Maddow is mocking Romney for owning a horse that is apparently partaking in the Olympics..

Apparently because Ann Romney likes horses and Mitt bought her a champion breed horse that means Mitt should allegedly love horses to boot...

Lots of successful people give gifts and lots of successful people make investments into ideas they could care less about - just as long as it's a lucrative investment that's all that matters. No that bitch sees something wrong with that....

I don't see Maddow the idiot giving Wayne Gretzky shit for buying the T206 Honus Wagner for a million bucks.. Then again Gretzky isn't Romney "the republican"....

Rachel Maddow Dredges Up Old 2002-era Anti-Romney Conspiracy Theory to Try and Claim Mitt Romney Lied | Video | TheBlaze.com

Oh then she goes on about Romney and his tax records..... Really?? All this while she defends Obamafucks cloaked past????????

Sounds no worse than something FOX "News" would do.

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