Racial Hoaxes at Missouri and Berkeley

November 11, 2015
The Left Eats Its Own at MU
By Jack Cashill


No one here is fooled by the ubiquitous Equal Opportunity posters. These signs, all understand, are a vestigial reminder of MU's brief liberal moment. Today, blacks are the first hired and last fired, and they get paid more for the same work. Nothing unique here – this situation prevails at essentially every major university in America and most of the minor ones. But at MU, as elsewhere, everyone on campus pretends that the opposite is true.

For the last seven years, Missouri has had a Democratic governor to orchestrate the pretending. Fear of his own base caused Gov. Jay Nixon to pretend Ferguson protestors had a case. Ditto at MU. During his tenure, Nixon has appointed a liberal Board of Curators, and they in turn chose the liberal businessman Tim Wolfe to head up the MU system. Wolfe has no operational responsibility at the flagship campus in Columbia.

As far as I can tell, the protesters singled him out rather than MU-Columbia Chancellor R. Bowen Loftin because Wolfe did not choose to meet with the protestors, that being the chancellor's job. Under pressure from his deans, Loftin resigned anyhow.

As the social justice movement enters its Jacobin phase, I can only wonder what a James Meredith might think about the incidents that caused the protest. An Air Force vet, James Meredith risked his life to integrate the University of Mississippi in 1962, a harrowing tale well chronicled in William Doyle's An American Insurrection. Less well-known is that Meredith became a Republican and an adviser to Sen. Jesse Helms.

By contrast, the three incidents that triggered the MU protests are scarcely worthy of a Facebook meme, let alone a book. The president of student government said that people in a passing pickup truck shouted racial slurs at him. (Meredith was never in any danger of being elected student body president at Mississippi.) In early October, a drunken white student made a "hurtful" remark to members of the Legion of Black Collegians (LBC). He was promptly thrown out of school. In a third incident, someone reportedly smeared feces into a swastika in a dormitory bathroom. What this has to with African-Americans I am not at all certain.

These were incident enough, however, to trigger a hunger strike, a walkout by the black half of the football team, the resignations of the university president and chancellor for no particular offense, and a national media firestorm.

In Missouri as elsewhere, liberal baby boomers dominate academia and the media that report on their shenanigans. Just as they pushed the university to the left during their youth, their progeny, equally convinced of their own righteousness, are doing the same to them.

This helps explains why today's activists have abandoned "liberal" and adopted "progressive" as their preferred self-designation. The word switch mirrors a political reality. If old-school liberals could content themselves with honoring a fixed set of principles, progressives, like sharks, have to move forward. At the risk of tautology, progressives "progress." Their identity depends on it.

MU documents this progression on a website titled Multicultural Mizzou. The liberal phase begins in 1950, when MU admits its first black students. The progressive phase begins unannounced in 1968, when the LBC is founded to give "black students a voice." Progress going forward only re-segregates the campus. The administration pretends not to notice.

In 1970, the university launches a black studies program. In 1971, it opens a "Black Culture House." In 1974, the LBC presents the university with 15 predictable demands. In 1988, the LBC starts a racially separate homecoming program, the preparation for which the drunken white student interrupted last month.

The list goes on. Over time, Multicultural Mizzou starts boasting about its new programs for women, gays, and Latinos, but in that these groups contribute little, if anything, to the school's money-making sports programs, they are not likely to succeed in getting a president axed, no matter how profoundly their "safe spaces" have been violated.

At this intermediate stage in the movement's evolution, progressives at MU and elsewhere have the power to hector and humiliate. Indeed, they have shamed many a poor soul out of a job – MU's Wolfe and Loftin the most recent – but they have sent no one to a gulag. That could change.

Once elected to high office, Democrats too cowardly to say "all lives matter" will yield to the mob as surely as their bourgeois comrades did in Revolutionary France. Alas, they will discover, as Wolfe and Loftin did, that liberal heads are often the first ones on the chopping block. The only real question for them is how long that chopping block remains a metaphor.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/11/the_left_eats_its_own_at_mu.html#ixzz3rKbd06Op
Why would anyone be against someones first amendment and right to protest?

There is certainly the right to protest and voice one's point of view.

There IS NOT a right to disrupt, harass, and destroy. We are seeing another organized attempt to disrupt and force a specific agenda upon everyone and I am willing to bet one man is behind it - George Soros!

You just described a protest and said you're against it. What gives?
Um, hes exercising his right to protest the protest. Why are you trying to take away his freedom of speech? Do you not believe people should be allowed to protest? What gives?
Why would anyone be against someones first amendment and right to protest?

There is certainly the right to protest and voice one's point of view.

There IS NOT a right to disrupt, harass, and destroy. We are seeing another organized attempt to disrupt and force a specific agenda upon everyone and I am willing to bet one man is behind it - George Soros!

You just described a protest and said you're against it. What gives?
Um, hes exercising his right to protest the protest. Why are you trying to take away his freedom of speech? Do you not believe people should be allowed to protest? What gives?

You can protest the protest. But what he's discribing is a protest and saying it shouldnt happen. There's a difference.
  • Alan Dershowitz Goes Off on PC College Culture: ‘the Fog of Fascism Is Descending’
    Fox News via Mediaite ^ | November 12th, 2015 | Fox News via J.D. Durkin
    On the opening segment of Thursday night’s Kelly File with host Megyn Kelly, author and professor�Alan Dershowitz took to task the political correctness culture that has pervaded American college campuses.On the heels of continuing developments from the University of Missouri — where the student Vice President today argued that the First Amendment incites a “hostile and unsafe learning environment” — Dershowitz admitted, “we’re seeing a curtain of McCarthyism descend on many college campuses.”“It was the students at universities that first started burning books… they don’t want to hear diverse views on college campuses,” Dershowitz�admitted.WATCH VIDEO Dershowitz dug in, noting...
  • Why we must CLEANSE our higher education system of all LIBERAL scumbags!

  • ‘I personally am TIRED of the First Amendment!!’ – Mizzou Student Vice President
    Right Scoop ^
    The Vice President of the University of Missouri Student Association wanted to catch up to the idiocy of the President who started the Ku Klux Klan hoax, and she pole vaulted over his stupidity with this amazing statement.Watch below:(video at link)Here’s a transcript:MSNBC: One professor complained universities are becoming places of prohibition. What’s your feeling? Do you believe that’s a place we are heading for American campuses now?MIZZOU STUDENT: I personally am tired of hearing that First Amendment rights protect students when they are creating a hostile and unsafe learning environment for myself and for other students here. I think...
Where there is smoke, there is a fire.......

    Breitbart ^
    Mike Middleton, the man just named as the interim president of the University of Missouri, worked as a political activist with the protestors who forced out his predecessor. As NBC reports: "The University of Missouri's governing board on Thursday appointed a recently retired administrator to be the university systems interim president. The Board of Curators announced that Michael Middleton, 68, will lead the four-campus system until it finds a permanent replacement for Tim Wolfe, who resigned Monday under pressure from students who criticized his administrations response to a series of racial incidents." Middleton retired in August after teaching at the...
Why don't the white students stop trying to accommodate these obnoxious assholes. Ignore them. If anything said to them is racist, don't say anything.
Oh my, as it gets into DEEPER and DEEPER shit ...and as usual, all leftist bullshit!

  • UPDATE: Race Activist Who Got Mizzou Prof to Resign Does Not Attend School – Lives in Houston
    The Gateway Pundit ^ | 11/11/2015 | Jim Hoft
    A beloved University of Missouri professor resigned after he refused to cancel a school exam during the hunger strike and athlete’s boycott. Campus Reform reported: "Dr. Dale Brigham, considered one of the most beloved professors at the University of Missouri, has resigned after refusing to cancel an exam for students who claimed to feel “unsafe.” “If you don’t feel safe coming to class, then don’t come to class,” Dr. Brigham told his students. “I will be there, and there will be an exam administered in our class,” he continued, imploring his students to stand up to the bullies on campus....
Why would anyone be against someones first amendment and right to protest?

There is certainly the right to protest and voice one's point of view.

There IS NOT a right to disrupt, harass, and destroy. We are seeing another organized attempt to disrupt and force a specific agenda upon everyone and I am willing to bet one man is behind it - George Soros!

You just described a protest and said you're against it. What gives?
Um, hes exercising his right to protest the protest. Why are you trying to take away his freedom of speech? Do you not believe people should be allowed to protest? What gives?

You can protest the protest. But what he's discribing is a protest and saying it shouldnt happen. There's a difference.
He said...

There is certainly the right to protest and voice one's point of view.

There IS NOT a right to disrupt, harass, and destroy.

He is right. You can go to jail for the 3 things he listed.
But wait, there is more...

Mizzou Student VP: 1st Amendment Creates ‘Hostile and Unsafe Learning Environment’

“I personally am tired of hearing that First Amendment rights protect students when they are creating a hostile and unsafe learning environment for myself and for other students here. I think that it’s important for us to create that distinction and create a space where we can all learn from one another and start to create a place of healing rather than a place where we are experiencing a lot of hate like we have in the past.”

Jonathan Butler, the University of Missouri grad student who became the public face of the ConcernedStudent1950 protests that forced the resignation of both the school’s president and chancellor — claimed several times that he was hit by a car carrying the president in early October during the school’s homecoming parade.

However, a look at video of the incident itself shows that Jonathan Butler actually rushes towards the car.

Why would anyone be against someones first amendment and right to protest?

There is certainly the right to protest and voice one's point of view.

There IS NOT a right to disrupt, harass, and destroy. We are seeing another organized attempt to disrupt and force a specific agenda upon everyone and I am willing to bet one man is behind it - George Soros!

You just described a protest and said you're against it. What gives?
Um, hes exercising his right to protest the protest. Why are you trying to take away his freedom of speech? Do you not believe people should be allowed to protest? What gives?

You can protest the protest. But what he's discribing is a protest and saying it shouldnt happen. There's a difference.
He said...

There is certainly the right to protest and voice one's point of view.

There IS NOT a right to disrupt, harass, and destroy.

He is right. You can go to jail for the 3 things he listed.

Those 3 things also describe a protest. You want to keep going in this circle?
There is certainly the right to protest and voice one's point of view.

There IS NOT a right to disrupt, harass, and destroy. We are seeing another organized attempt to disrupt and force a specific agenda upon everyone and I am willing to bet one man is behind it - George Soros!

You just described a protest and said you're against it. What gives?
Um, hes exercising his right to protest the protest. Why are you trying to take away his freedom of speech? Do you not believe people should be allowed to protest? What gives?

You can protest the protest. But what he's discribing is a protest and saying it shouldnt happen. There's a difference.
He said...

There is certainly the right to protest and voice one's point of view.

There IS NOT a right to disrupt, harass, and destroy.

He is right. You can go to jail for the 3 things he listed.

Those 3 things also describe a protest. You want to keep going in this circle?
Those 3 things describe an out of control protest that requires police to come in and arrest people.
You just described a protest and said you're against it. What gives?
Um, hes exercising his right to protest the protest. Why are you trying to take away his freedom of speech? Do you not believe people should be allowed to protest? What gives?

You can protest the protest. But what he's discribing is a protest and saying it shouldnt happen. There's a difference.
He said...

There is certainly the right to protest and voice one's point of view.

There IS NOT a right to disrupt, harass, and destroy.

He is right. You can go to jail for the 3 things he listed.

Those 3 things also describe a protest. You want to keep going in this circle?
Those 3 things describe an out of control protest that requires police to come in and arrest people.

Sorry, those things describe a protest. The people against the protesters ALWAYS have a problem and if they are peaceful they are still disrupting and "harassing" the people who dont want to hear it.

He's against protests. Or at least everything a protest is.
*Univ of Mo Trouble-maker Linked to Who?


Is anyone surprised by this? Read more @ TOP UM RACE ACTIVIST and Student Body Prez Made Several Visits to White House - Met With Obama - The Gateway Pundit

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