CDZ 'Racism without racists'

ou're the guy claiming something or other about 'statistcs'. Then you posted a link to some silly editorial by some junoir college puff piece wriiter. Can't find out if ole Kush actually graduated from the Jr. College yet.
You posted your stats first. I just proved them to be incomplete.

They weren't my stats, they're Michigan's and Washington D.C.'s cited in the article. Your link on the other hand is just sniveling nonsense form some no name 'staff reporter' who works at some racist propoganda rrag in Cleveland nobody'e ever heard of; no credibility,inow.
My stats came from the Justice Departments and was nationwide. :laugh:

So what? It's clear you don't know how to spin them very well, and just come off looking stupid. Of course you wouldn't be able to know why.
Have you forgotten this is the clean debate zone? Your post calling people stupid is reported.

lol good, because what they're saying is stupid.
Simply put, blacks are more dangerous than whites. They commit violent crimes at a higher rate. They occupy an unusually high percentage of the incarcerated population despite being only 13% of the total population. Facts are facts.
The facts are that they are arrested for crime at a higher rate because of profiling. They are convicted of crimes at a higher rate because of racial prejudice and often being poor, without good legal defense.

There may still be a higher precentage of blacks who commit crimes than white, but the reason for such a large percentage is racism, profiling, and poverty.
Profiling and racism have very little impact in arresting blacks for murder charges. That is not going to be a driving force. people are not simply thrown in jail for crimes like murder in large numbers because of race anymore.

Poverty, on the other hand, is a HUGE factor involved in this problem. Again, it is also another self sustaining one. Once in the system, it is VERY difficult to get out and those criminalized families create more criminals.
Blacks are indeed more likely to be profiled for any crime. That's reality.
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Profiling and racism have very little impact in arresting blacks for murder charges. That is not going to be a driving force. people are not simply thrown in jail for crimes like murder in large numbers because of race anymore.

Of course not, but you're just talking to racists, and they just continue to post becasue they really think if they post last they've 'won' or something.

Poverty, on the other hand, is a HUGE factor involved in this problem. Again, it is also another self sustaining one. Once in the system, it is VERY difficult to get out and those criminalized families create more criminals.

Poverty doesn't have to a huge factor; most poor people don't commit violent crimes, or any crimes for that matter.
You seriously think this? Let's have some stats to prove this claim.

Sure. How many people are in prison compared to how many poor people are in this country? It's easy; just subtract the number of prisoners from the numbers of poor people.

It is well known that poor/low income people are far more likely to be convicted and get long sentences. Most of the people in prison are low income or downright poor.

Most criminals are stupid, so naturally they would be low income. The kind of guy who would strong arm a store owner for a box of cigars and then assault a cop afterwards certainly isn't going to be a nuclear physicist, wouldn't you say? ...
Are you trying to advocate that it is all due to other circumstances and that blacks are not more likely to commit violent crimes than any other race?

You said rape and murder, and now you've shifted the terms to violent crimes. I provided an explanation for disparities in rape. I don't, as a general rule, think that blacks rape more than whites.

They do, however, on a statistical basis, commit homicides and aggravated assaults at a higher rate than whites (not 500% higher, however, I have no idea where you pulled that number from, and I don't think it's accurate).

And, I think that's due to the fact that blacks and hispanics tend to be much poorer than whites, and violent crime is intimately related to poverty.
Exactly. The 500% claim comes out of his imagination and nowhere else. As well, poverty has a huge influence on crime statistics. Poor and uneducated people are far more likely to commit crime. I think picaro is, for the most part, making up stats and knowledge claims as he goes along. Typical of a white racist attitude: the belief that he will be believed simply beause he is white.
Profiling and racism have very little impact in arresting blacks for murder charges. That is not going to be a driving force. people are not simply thrown in jail for crimes like murder in large numbers because of race anymore.

Of course not, but you're just talking to racists, and they just continue to post becasue they really think if they post last they've 'won' or something.

Poverty, on the other hand, is a HUGE factor involved in this problem. Again, it is also another self sustaining one. Once in the system, it is VERY difficult to get out and those criminalized families create more criminals.

Poverty doesn't have to a huge factor; most poor people don't commit violent crimes, or any crimes for that matter.
You seriously think this? Let's have some stats to prove this claim.

Sure. How many people are in prison compared to how many poor people are in this country? It's easy; just subtract the number of prisoners from the numbers of poor people.

It is well known that poor/low income people are far more likely to be convicted and get long sentences. Most of the people in prison are low income or downright poor.

Most criminals are stupid, so naturally they would be low income. The kind of guy who would strong arm a store owner for a box of cigars and then assault a cop afterwards certainly isn't going to be a nuclear physicist, wouldn't you say? ...
You just contradicted yourself because earlier you said most poor people do not commit crimes. You need to give up. You're making stuff up as you go along: it is not impressive.
Even white criminals know to say the Black guy did it to throw the cops off the scent.

Top 6 8220 The Black Guy Did It 8221 Excuses By White Criminals News One

"Charles Stuart shot himself and killed his pregnant wife for insurance money and blamed it on a Black man. After the police arrested several Black men on suspicion of being involved in the incident, Stuart’s brother admitted that he was involved his brother’s wife’s killing. Charles Stuart later committed suicide."
Profiling and racism have very little impact in arresting blacks for murder charges. That is not going to be a driving force. people are not simply thrown in jail for crimes like murder in large numbers because of race anymore.

Of course not, but you're just talking to racists, and they just continue to post becasue they really think if they post last they've 'won' or something.

Poverty, on the other hand, is a HUGE factor involved in this problem. Again, it is also another self sustaining one. Once in the system, it is VERY difficult to get out and those criminalized families create more criminals.

Poverty doesn't have to a huge factor; most poor people don't commit violent crimes, or any crimes for that matter.
You seriously think this? Let's have some stats to prove this claim.

Sure. How many people are in prison compared to how many poor people are in this country? It's easy; just subtract the number of prisoners from the numbers of poor people.

It is well known that poor/low income people are far more likely to be convicted and get long sentences. Most of the people in prison are low income or downright poor.

Most criminals are stupid, so naturally they would be low income. The kind of guy who would strong arm a store owner for a box of cigars and then assault a cop afterwards certainly isn't going to be a nuclear physicist, wouldn't you say? ...
I'd say that you are certainly not a nuclear physicist.
Profiling and racism have very little impact in arresting blacks for murder charges. That is not going to be a driving force. people are not simply thrown in jail for crimes like murder in large numbers because of race anymore.

Of course not, but you're just talking to racists, and they just continue to post becasue they really think if they post last they've 'won' or something.

Poverty, on the other hand, is a HUGE factor involved in this problem. Again, it is also another self sustaining one. Once in the system, it is VERY difficult to get out and those criminalized families create more criminals.

Poverty doesn't have to a huge factor; most poor people don't commit violent crimes, or any crimes for that matter.
You seriously think this? Let's have some stats to prove this claim.

Sure. How many people are in prison compared to how many poor people are in this country? It's easy; just subtract the number of prisoners from the numbers of poor people.

It is well known that poor/low income people are far more likely to be convicted and get long sentences. Most of the people in prison are low income or downright poor.

Most criminals are stupid, so naturally they would be low income. The kind of guy who would strong arm a store owner for a box of cigars and then assault a cop afterwards certainly isn't going to be a nuclear physicist, wouldn't you say? ...
You just contradicted yourself because earlier you said most poor people do not commit crimes. You need to give up. You're making stuff up as you go along: it is not impressive.
That typically happens once you barely touch the delicate foundation these people set their arguments up with. They get confused and start contradicting themselves.
Even white criminals know to say the Black guy did it to throw the cops off the scent.

Top 6 8220 The Black Guy Did It 8221 Excuses By White Criminals News One

"Charles Stuart shot himself and killed his pregnant wife for insurance money and blamed it on a Black man. After the police arrested several Black men on suspicion of being involved in the incident, Stuart’s brother admitted that he was involved his brother’s wife’s killing. Charles Stuart later committed suicide."
Excellent point. It is racism and profiling that cause whites who commit crimes to blame it on blacks. They know the police will be far more likely to think the crime was committed by a black person.
You are wrong. They are profiled, stopped, and arrested more often because of race. They are convicted more often because of race. And they are put to death more often because of race. Statistics from the Innocence Project, which uses DNA evidence to review death and other sentences, has shown that blacks are convicted of violent crime, and often put on death row, at twice the rate of white men. In other words, of the people they have exonerated based on DNA evidence, it has been blacks twice as often as white.

So which comes first, the chicken or the egg? ... They're profiled because of the high crime rates, that's all. It's just common sense statisticaly to profile. You do know that most urban police forces are made up majority minorities now, don't you? Why are they profiling if it's only about race?

Go back to the incident where the black professor was having trouble getting into his house in an upscale neighborhood. Neighbors not only called the cops, but the cops were ready to arrest him. They would not have doubted his word the way they did if he had been white. This happens all the time in America, and, as has been noted, black people are very aware of this.

The police responded to a call; they're required to do so, it's their job. And why would anybody just take anybody's word for anything in situations like that? It's ridiculous to think otherwise.
It isn't ridiculous at all. If he had been white, their attitude would have been completely different.
You are wrong. They are profiled, stopped, and arrested more often because of race. They are convicted more often because of race. And they are put to death more often because of race. Statistics from the Innocence Project, which uses DNA evidence to review death and other sentences, has shown that blacks are convicted of violent crime, and often put on death row, at twice the rate of white men. In other words, of the people they have exonerated based on DNA evidence, it has been blacks twice as often as white.

So which comes first, the chicken or the egg? ... They're profiled because of the high crime rates, that's all. It's just common sense statisticaly to profile. You do know that most urban police forces are made up majority minorities now, don't you? Why are they profiling if it's only about race?

Go back to the incident where the black professor was having trouble getting into his house in an upscale neighborhood. Neighbors not only called the cops, but the cops were ready to arrest him. They would not have doubted his word the way they did if he had been white. This happens all the time in America, and, as has been noted, black people are very aware of this.

The police responded to a call; they're required to do so, it's their job. And why would anybody just take anybody's word for anything in situations like that? It's ridiculous to think otherwise.
It isn't ridiculous at all. If he had been white, their attitude would have been completely different.
I love the part where the white cop just drives by the white guy trying to break into the car.

so everyone prefers to be with their own race

wow, shock and revelation

I'm sorry. What is that supposed to mean? I am white.
watch the link

it say at 3 months babies prefer to be with their own color

whites are about 70-75% of the population, so the rest is a bunch of no duh
Actually they dont. If that was true white women would not have let their babies be breast fed by Black enslaved women.
You are wrong. They are profiled, stopped, and arrested more often because of race. They are convicted more often because of race. And they are put to death more often because of race. Statistics from the Innocence Project, which uses DNA evidence to review death and other sentences, has shown that blacks are convicted of violent crime, and often put on death row, at twice the rate of white men. In other words, of the people they have exonerated based on DNA evidence, it has been blacks twice as often as white.

So which comes first, the chicken or the egg? ... They're profiled because of the high crime rates, that's all. It's just common sense statisticaly to profile. You do know that most urban police forces are made up majority minorities now, don't you? Why are they profiling if it's only about race?

Go back to the incident where the black professor was having trouble getting into his house in an upscale neighborhood. Neighbors not only called the cops, but the cops were ready to arrest him. They would not have doubted his word the way they did if he had been white. This happens all the time in America, and, as has been noted, black people are very aware of this.

The police responded to a call; they're required to do so, it's their job. And why would anybody just take anybody's word for anything in situations like that? It's ridiculous to think otherwise.
It isn't ridiculous at all. If he had been white, their attitude would have been completely different.
I love the part where the white cop just drives by the white guy trying to break into the car.

sure thing, keep thinking that that means your aren't a little bit racist

you are a new hire, it's break time, you don't know anyone

do you sit with the whites or the blacks or alone?

who do you make friends with first? whites or blacks
so everyone prefers to be with their own race

wow, shock and revelation

I'm sorry. What is that supposed to mean? I am white.
watch the link

it say at 3 months babies prefer to be with their own color

whites are about 70-75% of the population, so the rest is a bunch of no duh
Actually they dont. If that was true white women would not have let their babies be breast fed by Black enslaved women.
the scientist that did the research say you're full of shit
so everyone prefers to be with their own race

wow, shock and revelation

I'm sorry. What is that supposed to mean? I am white.
watch the link

it say at 3 months babies prefer to be with their own color

whites are about 70-75% of the population, so the rest is a bunch of no duh
Actually they dont. If that was true white women would not have let their babies be breast fed by Black enslaved women.
the scientist that did the research say you're full of shit
Which scientist was this and how would he know if white women passed off breast feeding white Black enslaved women?
You are wrong. They are profiled, stopped, and arrested more often because of race. They are convicted more often because of race. And they are put to death more often because of race. Statistics from the Innocence Project, which uses DNA evidence to review death and other sentences, has shown that blacks are convicted of violent crime, and often put on death row, at twice the rate of white men. In other words, of the people they have exonerated based on DNA evidence, it has been blacks twice as often as white.

So which comes first, the chicken or the egg? ... They're profiled because of the high crime rates, that's all. It's just common sense statisticaly to profile. You do know that most urban police forces are made up majority minorities now, don't you? Why are they profiling if it's only about race?

Go back to the incident where the black professor was having trouble getting into his house in an upscale neighborhood. Neighbors not only called the cops, but the cops were ready to arrest him. They would not have doubted his word the way they did if he had been white. This happens all the time in America, and, as has been noted, black people are very aware of this.

The police responded to a call; they're required to do so, it's their job. And why would anybody just take anybody's word for anything in situations like that? It's ridiculous to think otherwise.
It isn't ridiculous at all. If he had been white, their attitude would have been completely different.
I love the part where the white cop just drives by the white guy trying to break into the car.

sure thing, keep thinking that that means your aren't a little bit racist

you are a new hire, it's break time, you don't know anyone

do you sit with the whites or the blacks or alone?

who do you make friends with first? whites or blacks

Depends. When I was in the job market I frequently was the only Black around so I sat with white people. My oldest daughter is with a white woman and I have a white god daughter. How many Black people are you that close with?
so everyone prefers to be with their own race

wow, shock and revelation

I'm sorry. What is that supposed to mean? I am white.
watch the link

it say at 3 months babies prefer to be with their own color

whites are about 70-75% of the population, so the rest is a bunch of no duh
Actually they dont. If that was true white women would not have let their babies be breast fed by Black enslaved women.
Babies are comfortable with what they are used to. Period. I once visited the home of a white woman who had recently adopted an Asian baby. My friend and roommate, who went with me, was Vietnamese. When the baby saw her, it was immeidately attracted. Why? Not because she was Asian and looked like the baby but because the baby had been addopted from an orphanage in Asia where all the nurses and caretakers were Asian. The baby was nearly a year old, and all her contact with caregivers up to that time was with Asian women, so, of course, she was more comfortable with an Asian face. Duh.

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