CDZ 'Racism without racists'

Stats from Eric Holder's '(no)Justice' Dept'? lol
Stats from the census and in only one area? :laugh:
ou're the guy claiming something or other about 'statistcs'. Then you posted a link to some silly editorial by some junoir college puff piece wriiter. Can't find out if ole Kush actually graduated from the Jr. College yet.
You posted your stats first. I just proved them to be incomplete.

They weren't my stats, they're Michigan's and Washington D.C.'s cited in the article. Your link on the other hand is just sniveling nonsense form some no name 'staff reporter' who works at some racist propoganda rrag in Cleveland nobody'e ever heard of; no credibility,inow.
My stats came from the Justice Departments and was nationwide. :laugh:
Simply put, blacks are more dangerous than whites. They commit violent crimes at a higher rate. They occupy an unusually high percentage of the incarcerated population despite being only 13% of the total population. Facts are facts.
The facts are that they are arrested for crime at a higher rate because of profiling. They are convicted of crimes at a higher rate because of racial prejudice and often being poor, without good legal defense.

There may still be a higher precentage of blacks who commit crimes than white, but the reason for such a large percentage is racism, profiling, and poverty.
Simply put, blacks are more dangerous than whites. They commit violent crimes at a higher rate. They occupy an unusually high percentage of the incarcerated population despite being only 13% of the total population. Facts are facts.
The facts are that they are arrested for crime at a higher rate because of profiling. They are convicted of crimes at a higher rate because of racial prejudice and often being poor, without good legal defense.

There may still be a higher precentage of blacks who commit crimes than white, but the reason for such a large percentage is racism, profiling, and poverty.

Nonsense. They're arrested more because being a criminal is approved of to a higher degree, and killing people over money and drugs is aceptable in Hood Rat 'culture'. If you don't like being 'profiled', don't run around being a thug, that's all.
That is a viable theory for a victimless crime like simple drug possession. It is NOT, however, viable for crimes like murder and rape.

Those convictions are not going to be based around police focusing on a particular segment of the population like possession is. Further, the MASSIVE disparity (blacks commit murders approximately 5 times as often as whites) cannot be explained away by this idea. It might play a minor role but there is more going on here than simple bias.


There is more to it.

For starters, there are wide discrepancies in rape reporting across races.

There are disparities in rates of reporting rape where victims of some races are statistically less likely or more likely to report their rape, especially depending on the race of the offender. Black women in America are more likely to report sexual assault that has been perpetrated by a stranger.[71][72] White women are more likely to report the offense if the offender is black[73] whereas black women are still more likely to under-report rapes overall as they are more likely to blame themselves, feel they will be blamed or feel they won't be believed.[74]

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

That's wikipedia, but it's well sourced.

And, actually, the link is a good overview to scholarly theories about disparities in offending by race.
Are you trying to advocate that it is all due to other circumstances and that blacks are not more likely to commit violent crimes than any other race?

That seems to be what you are trying to say here by finding discrepancies that would affect the data set. I don't think that is sufficient though. Again - 500% more murders. There is no way around the fact that blacks are more likely to commit violent crimes than any other race. I think the grater argument here is not is quibbling about errors that are in the data set. Even if they were off by a factor of 2 (which is MASSIVE) you would still end up with a HUGE variance. I think there is a real issue with American subculture that needs to be addressed starting with the family. This is a self defeating process - more blacks are put in prison leading to more single parent homes leading to grater rates of criminals and (because criminals generally target those of their own race) leads to even MORE destroyed families and on and on.

Of course all that breeds contempt and a feeling of being trapped which - of course - exacerbates the problem even more.
Simply put, blacks are more dangerous than whites. They commit violent crimes at a higher rate. They occupy an unusually high percentage of the incarcerated population despite being only 13% of the total population. Facts are facts.
The facts are that they are arrested for crime at a higher rate because of profiling. They are convicted of crimes at a higher rate because of racial prejudice and often being poor, without good legal defense.

There may still be a higher precentage of blacks who commit crimes than white, but the reason for such a large percentage is racism, profiling, and poverty.
Profiling and racism have very little impact in arresting blacks for murder charges. That is not going to be a driving force. people are not simply thrown in jail for crimes like murder in large numbers because of race anymore.

Poverty, on the other hand, is a HUGE factor involved in this problem. Again, it is also another self sustaining one. Once in the system, it is VERY difficult to get out and those criminalized families create more criminals.
Simply put, blacks are more dangerous than whites. They commit violent crimes at a higher rate. They occupy an unusually high percentage of the incarcerated population despite being only 13% of the total population. Facts are facts.
The facts are that they are arrested for crime at a higher rate because of profiling. They are convicted of crimes at a higher rate because of racial prejudice and often being poor, without good legal defense.

There may still be a higher precentage of blacks who commit crimes than white, but the reason for such a large percentage is racism, profiling, and poverty.

Nonsense. They're arrested more because being a criminal is approved of to a higher degree, and killing people over money and drugs is aceptable in Hood Rat 'culture'.
Boulderdash. Blacks are arrested more due to fear....Even a former white police chief spilled the beans. Well Black people already knew this.

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”

Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing
Stats from Eric Holder's '(no)Justice' Dept'? lol
Stats from the census and in only one area? :laugh:
ou're the guy claiming something or other about 'statistcs'. Then you posted a link to some silly editorial by some junoir college puff piece wriiter. Can't find out if ole Kush actually graduated from the Jr. College yet.
You posted your stats first. I just proved them to be incomplete.

They weren't my stats, they're Michigan's and Washington D.C.'s cited in the article. Your link on the other hand is just sniveling nonsense form some no name 'staff reporter' who works at some racist propoganda rrag in Cleveland nobody'e ever heard of; no credibility,inow.
My stats came from the Justice Departments and was nationwide. :laugh:

So what? It's clear you don't know how to spin them very well, and just come off looking stupid. Of course you wouldn't be able to know why.
Simply put, blacks are more dangerous than whites. They commit violent crimes at a higher rate. They occupy an unusually high percentage of the incarcerated population despite being only 13% of the total population. Facts are facts.
The facts are that they are arrested for crime at a higher rate because of profiling. They are convicted of crimes at a higher rate because of racial prejudice and often being poor, without good legal defense.

There may still be a higher precentage of blacks who commit crimes than white, but the reason for such a large percentage is racism, profiling, and poverty.

Nonsense. They're arrested more because being a criminal is approved of to a higher degree, and killing people over money and drugs is aceptable in Hood Rat 'culture'.
You are wrong. They are profiled, stopped, and arrested more often because of race. They are convicted more often because of race. And they are put to death more often because of race. Statistics from the Innocence Project, which uses DNA evidence to review death and other sentences, has shown that blacks are convicted of violent crime, and often put on death row, at twice the rate of white men. In other words, of the people they have exonerated based on DNA evidence, it has been blacks twice as often as white.

Go back to the incident where the black professor was having trouble getting into his house in an upscale neighborhood. Neighbors not only called the cops, but the cops were ready to arrest him. They would not have doubted his word the way they did if he had been white. This happens all the time in America, and, as Asclepias has noted, black people are very aware of this.
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Simply put, blacks are more dangerous than whites. They commit violent crimes at a higher rate. They occupy an unusually high percentage of the incarcerated population despite being only 13% of the total population. Facts are facts.
The facts are that they are arrested for crime at a higher rate because of profiling. They are convicted of crimes at a higher rate because of racial prejudice and often being poor, without good legal defense.

There may still be a higher precentage of blacks who commit crimes than white, but the reason for such a large percentage is racism, profiling, and poverty.
Profiling and racism have very little impact in arresting blacks for murder charges. That is not going to be a driving force. people are not simply thrown in jail for crimes like murder in large numbers because of race anymore.

Poverty, on the other hand, is a HUGE factor involved in this problem. Again, it is also another self sustaining one. Once in the system, it is VERY difficult to get out and those criminalized families create more criminals.
Tells us the racial breakdown of people freed via DNA evidence for murder. Maybe that will wake you up from your denial.
Simply put, blacks are more dangerous than whites. They commit violent crimes at a higher rate. They occupy an unusually high percentage of the incarcerated population despite being only 13% of the total population. Facts are facts.
The facts are that they are arrested for crime at a higher rate because of profiling. They are convicted of crimes at a higher rate because of racial prejudice and often being poor, without good legal defense.

There may still be a higher precentage of blacks who commit crimes than white, but the reason for such a large percentage is racism, profiling, and poverty.

Nonsense. They're arrested more because being a criminal is approved of to a higher degree, and killing people over money and drugs is aceptable in Hood Rat 'culture'.
Boulderdash. Blacks are arrested more due to fear....Even a former white police chief spilled the beans. Well Black people already knew this.

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”

Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing

So now you're pretending only white cops arrest black punks and thugs? Hilarious.
Really? I bet most blacks would have come to the same conclusion, as whites, out of plain bald faced reality. Black males are violent and hateful jerks. Lets face it. Black males tend to be violent jerks, not peaceful Martin Luther King types. Get real.
People are violent because that's the way they were raised. Black men are more violent than Hispanic men who are more violent than whites. However, among all three groups, violent crime falls rapidly with increasing family income.
Stats from the census and in only one area? :laugh:
ou're the guy claiming something or other about 'statistcs'. Then you posted a link to some silly editorial by some junoir college puff piece wriiter. Can't find out if ole Kush actually graduated from the Jr. College yet.
You posted your stats first. I just proved them to be incomplete.

They weren't my stats, they're Michigan's and Washington D.C.'s cited in the article. Your link on the other hand is just sniveling nonsense form some no name 'staff reporter' who works at some racist propoganda rrag in Cleveland nobody'e ever heard of; no credibility,inow.
My stats came from the Justice Departments and was nationwide. :laugh:

So what? It's clear you don't know how to spin them very well, and just come off looking stupid. Of course you wouldn't be able to know why.
Mine was a complete picture and also pointed out whites committed crimes against each other at a higher rate.
Simply put, blacks are more dangerous than whites. They commit violent crimes at a higher rate. They occupy an unusually high percentage of the incarcerated population despite being only 13% of the total population. Facts are facts.
The facts are that they are arrested for crime at a higher rate because of profiling. They are convicted of crimes at a higher rate because of racial prejudice and often being poor, without good legal defense.

There may still be a higher precentage of blacks who commit crimes than white, but the reason for such a large percentage is racism, profiling, and poverty.

Nonsense. They're arrested more because being a criminal is approved of to a higher degree, and killing people over money and drugs is aceptable in Hood Rat 'culture'.
Boulderdash. Blacks are arrested more due to fear....Even a former white police chief spilled the beans. Well Black people already knew this.

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”

Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing

So now you're pretending only white cops arrest black punks and thugs? Hilarious.
No. I'm just telling you what a white police chief said about the paradigm for policing Black people.
Really? I bet most blacks would have come to the same conclusion, as whites, out of plain bald faced reality. Black males are violent and hateful jerks. Lets face it. Black males tend to be violent jerks, not peaceful Martin Luther King types. Get real.
People are violent because that's the way they were raised. Black men are more violent than Hispanic men who are more violent than whites. However, among all three groups, violent crime falls rapidly with increasing family income.
No one is more violent than whites. The stats and history bear that out.
Profiling and racism have very little impact in arresting blacks for murder charges. That is not going to be a driving force. people are not simply thrown in jail for crimes like murder in large numbers because of race anymore.

Of course not, but you're just talking to racists, and they just continue to post becasue they really think if they post last they've 'won' or something.

Poverty, on the other hand, is a HUGE factor involved in this problem. Again, it is also another self sustaining one. Once in the system, it is VERY difficult to get out and those criminalized families create more criminals.

Poverty doesn't have to a huge factor; most poor people don't commit violent crimes, or any crimes for that matter.
Simply put, blacks are more dangerous than whites. They commit violent crimes at a higher rate. They occupy an unusually high percentage of the incarcerated population despite being only 13% of the total population. Facts are facts.
The facts are that they are arrested for crime at a higher rate because of profiling. They are convicted of crimes at a higher rate because of racial prejudice and often being poor, without good legal defense.

There may still be a higher precentage of blacks who commit crimes than white, but the reason for such a large percentage is racism, profiling, and poverty.

Nonsense. They're arrested more because being a criminal is approved of to a higher degree, and killing people over money and drugs is aceptable in Hood Rat 'culture'.
Boulderdash. Blacks are arrested more due to fear....Even a former white police chief spilled the beans. Well Black people already knew this.

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”

Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing

So now you're pretending only white cops arrest black punks and thugs? Hilarious.
Are you only able to reason in 'hyperboles'?
Are you trying to advocate that it is all due to other circumstances and that blacks are not more likely to commit violent crimes than any other race?

You said rape and murder, and now you've shifted the terms to violent crimes. I provided an explanation for disparities in rape. I don't, as a general rule, think that blacks rape more than whites.

They do, however, on a statistical basis, commit homicides and aggravated assaults at a higher rate than whites (not 500% higher, however, I have no idea where you pulled that number from, and I don't think it's accurate).

And, I think that's due to the fact that blacks and hispanics tend to be much poorer than whites, and violent crime is intimately related to poverty.
Profiling and racism have very little impact in arresting blacks for murder charges. That is not going to be a driving force. people are not simply thrown in jail for crimes like murder in large numbers because of race anymore.

Of course not, but you're just talking to racists, and they just continue to post becasue they really think if they post last they've 'won' or something.

Poverty, on the other hand, is a HUGE factor involved in this problem. Again, it is also another self sustaining one. Once in the system, it is VERY difficult to get out and those criminalized families create more criminals.

Poverty doesn't have to a huge factor; most poor people don't commit violent crimes, or any crimes for that matter.
You seriously think this? Let's have some stats to prove this claim.

It is well known that poor/low income people are far more likely to be convicted and get long sentences. Most of the people in prison are low income or downright poor.
Stats from the census and in only one area? :laugh:
ou're the guy claiming something or other about 'statistcs'. Then you posted a link to some silly editorial by some junoir college puff piece wriiter. Can't find out if ole Kush actually graduated from the Jr. College yet.
You posted your stats first. I just proved them to be incomplete.

They weren't my stats, they're Michigan's and Washington D.C.'s cited in the article. Your link on the other hand is just sniveling nonsense form some no name 'staff reporter' who works at some racist propoganda rrag in Cleveland nobody'e ever heard of; no credibility,inow.
My stats came from the Justice Departments and was nationwide. :laugh:

So what? It's clear you don't know how to spin them very well, and just come off looking stupid. Of course you wouldn't be able to know why.
Have you forgotten this is the clean debate zone? Your post calling people stupid is reported.
You are wrong. They are profiled, stopped, and arrested more often because of race. They are convicted more often because of race. And they are put to death more often because of race. Statistics from the Innocence Project, which uses DNA evidence to review death and other sentences, has shown that blacks are convicted of violent crime, and often put on death row, at twice the rate of white men. In other words, of the people they have exonerated based on DNA evidence, it has been blacks twice as often as white.

So which comes first, the chicken or the egg? ... They're profiled because of the high crime rates, that's all. It's just common sense statisticaly to profile. You do know that most urban police forces are made up majority minorities now, don't you? Why are they profiling if it's only about race?

Go back to the incident where the black professor was having trouble getting into his house in an upscale neighborhood. Neighbors not only called the cops, but the cops were ready to arrest him. They would not have doubted his word the way they did if he had been white. This happens all the time in America, and, as has been noted, black people are very aware of this.

The police responded to a call; they're required to do so, it's their job. And why would anybody just take anybody's word for anything in situations like that? It's ridiculous to think otherwise.

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