Racist AL billboard features ‘white genocide Mantra’ that inspired dozens of killings

what? now billboards are causing people to go out and kill

man, this place has become stupid with the leftwing twilight zone
I love that billboard. I think the only trolls that object to the message are ultrasensitive neo Libs. Racist THIS, RACISM that. It's getting rather stale. The boy that cried wolf, he didn't get away with it after a while, unlike the libs that cry "racist". It's malicious slander, it's subjective, and it's meant to impugn and intimidate people. Cheap shot tactic by moral cowards NOW. Once upon a time, it used to mean something.
what? now billboards are causing people to go out and kill

man, this place has become stupid with the leftwing twilight zone

From the OP:

The Mantra has inspired racial killings

How did your brain turn that into "This billboard has inspired racial killings"?
Please quote the exact words from me which prove I hate people because of the color of their skin.

Well Cletus, i think it was you who said

Black pride = good
Gay pride = good
White pride = RACISM

Dude, you're a fucking racist - own up to it.

This should be incredibly fun! You have one of the most bizarre mental twists I have ever encountered.

I know right? I mean, hating whitey is safe and the in game at all the leftist parties...

Like most people who wander through life confused and with voices in their heads, you have a persecution complex.

You really should see a doctor.
I've seen partisan emails and internet stories inspire all kinds of stupidity on this forum, so it is not surprising an inbred WN would be inspired by 221 words to kill. Like I said, 221 works is at the extreme limit of their intellectual bandwidth.

Most of them can only handle 14 Words. :lol:
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what? now billboards are causing people to go out and kill

man, this place has become stupid with the leftwing twilight zone

From the OP:

The Mantra has inspired racial killings

How did your brain turn that into "This billboard has inspired racial killings"?

listen up, if people are so inspired TO KILL OVER what's on a billboard they were nut jobs to begin with and would more than likely kill without needing SOME mantra on a frikken billboard

we aren't all stupid here and buys into leftwing nuttines at everything, now it's billboards, before it was targets on a map, blah blah
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Like most people who wander through life confused and with voices in their heads, you have a persecution complex.

You really should see a doctor.

See, this is what you get like when you spend all day huffing spray paint and reading Jeremiah Wright sermons...

Hey, you might be a racist troll - okay, there is no "might" about it, but at least you're a mainstream democrat!
So any white person who says they are proud to be white or proud of their culture is a racist.

Is this what you're saying Hazel?
I'll answer.
First how about a little intellectual honesty on your part, is that too much to ask?

That slogan isn't about White people's ability to be proud of being White, it's the rally cry of people who wish for the ability to make life unbearable for anyone with pigment in their skin or who professes Judaism as their faith.

Unfortunately the intelligent segment of the White Population failed when they refused to stand up to the racists in their midst and refuse to allow "White Pride" to be hi-jacked and perverted into a theology of hate and violence.

So how exactly is the harassment, murder, mistreatment and denial of basic human rights "White Pride?"

How is "Anti-racist" a codeword for anti-white unless you are a racist?
There is a difference between being proud to be white (or black or whatever color you are) and believing your color is superior to other colors.

When a WN talks about "white pride", they are talking about white supremacy.

And that is racist. Yes, indeed.

What about Gay Pride week? Gay Supremacy?

And here's one for Black Pride..

DC Black Pride


Seriously... there's something wrong with your brain.

And where exactly does ANY of your links support an ideology of hate against other people??

One may be inclined to ask, "what is wrong with your brain???"
All the little Stormfront and FreeRepublic Trolls really hate it when I pull their covers with these threads.

I mean… pull their sheets off…. LOL:lol:
All the little Stormfront and FreeRepublic Trolls really hate it when I pull their covers with these threads.

I mean… pull their sheets off…. LOL:lol:

What's your opinion of people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?
All the little Stormfront and FreeRepublic Trolls really hate it when I pull their covers with these threads.

I mean… pull their sheets off…. LOL:lol:

just a nasty troll
this has to be Lakhota's sock
spams with left wing junk then trolls the treads
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All the little Stormfront and FreeRepublic Trolls really hate it when I pull their covers with these threads.

I mean… pull their sheets off…. LOL:lol:

What's your opinion of people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?

Did they make up that little slogan or are you deflecting????

What's your opinion of racists that have killed and murdered innocent people in this country??
All the little Stormfront and FreeRepublic Trolls really hate it when I pull their covers with these threads.

I mean… pull their sheets off…. LOL:lol:

What's your opinion of people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?

Did they make up that little slogan or are you deflecting????

What's your opinion of racists that have killed and murdered innocent people in this country??

I condemn all racism. What's your opinion of people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?
Oh come on, they just forgot a few words.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white-sheet-covered-pieces-of-shit.

All fixed.
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We have a lot of these White Pride / Christian Identity types trolling USMB.

They are the most twisted version of Christianity -- the true American Taliban.
Typical teapers...notice how they don't condemnt racism. They either defend it, attack the source, attack the OP or anyone who disagrees with them, or they justify it by pointing to something totally irrelevant.

:lmao: I don't need to make arguments to point out the racist teaper faction...you idiots do it yourself.
Typical teapers...notice how they don't condemnt racism. They either defend it, attack the source, attack the OP or anyone who disagrees with them, or they justify it by pointing to something totally irrelevant.

:lmao: I don't need to make arguments to point out the racist teaper faction...you idiots do it yourself.

The GOP doesn't know how to clean house.

If they would just kick the Tea Party to the curb, a significant number of moderates and centrists would come over.
thread has become a yawning bore

blah blah blah blah by the hazynuttiness

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