Racist AL billboard features ‘white genocide Mantra’ that inspired dozens of killings

It behooves one to know one's enemy. Otherwise one speaks from ignorance, which has been made abundantly evident here today.

I have paid very close attention to what WNs have to say. I have spent a lot of time among them. Yes, indeedy.

I know who my enemy is, anyone who thinks that words are offensive.

Can I quote you the next time all of your buddies have a conniption because I use the term, "Teaper?"

Teapers are such hypocrites!
Yeah, mebbe, the worst of 'em, anyway, but, hey, they learned it from the best... taking a page from the LibProg play-book...
And Al and Jesse do this how exactly? Or are they held to a different standard for "racism"?

Sorry it took so long to get back to you, CC, life was calling...

Based on their history of repeatedly using derogatory terms to refer to people of other faiths, I believe them to be bigots.
HJmick is a cool dude...don't confuse him with the true racists! :up:

I was attacked and simply responded, I'll take your word and relax...
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But I have yet to meet a "White Pride" person who was not a white supremacist.

Maybe you should get out more than. Seems you give Blacks and Gays the benefit of the doubt but not whites. Interesting
But I have yet to meet a "White Pride" person who was not a white supremacist.

Maybe you should get out more than. Seems you give Blacks and Gays the benefit of the doubt but not whites. Interesting

Anyone who is obsessed with race is someone I wouldn't hang with.. I have friends of all races and trust me no one obsesses about it.. It seems to be a generational thing.. I think the older generation wants to make certain the anger and rage is passed on to my generation to keep the racial tension intact.
It's appalling and outrageous, that people use their freedom of speech in a non threating way to express their opinions. We can't have that in a liberal democracy, can we?
"Gay Pride" does not imply that gays are superior. "White Pride" most certainly does imply white supremacy. WNs make a point of it.

There are black supremacists, but people who talk about "Black Pride" are not all black supremacists. Nor or all gays who have "gay pride" believe gays are superior. They simply won't allow themselves to feel ashamed or inferior for being black or gay the way their oppressors have long tried to make them feel.

But I have yet to meet a "White Pride" person who was not a white supremacist.

So in the same thread where you berate others for not being logical and making fallacious arguments, you yourself do those exact same things. While you recognize that black pride and gay pride are not inherently hateful ideologies, and admit that there are black supremacist elements within the larger black pride group, you refuse to believe that white pride is not inherently hateful and use anecdotal "evidence" to support your claim.

To better clarify my charges:

"Gay Pride" does not imply that gays are superior. "White Pride" most certainly does imply white supremacy. WNs make a point of it.


There are black supremacists, but people who talk about "Black Pride" are not all black supremacists. Nor or all gays who have "gay pride" believe gays are superior. They simply won't allow themselves to feel ashamed or inferior for being black or gay the way their oppressors have long tried to make them feel.

(This is the good one--the part of your post where you decline to make a faulty generalization on one group, while in the paragraphs immediately before and after you did just that to another group.)

But I have yet to meet a "White Pride" person who was not a white supremacist.

In regards to the content of the story in the original post:

“Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white,” the billboard alongside I-20 reads.

“While this billboard is actually in Birmingham, the impression to passersby is that it is within our city limits,” Leeds Mayor David Miller said in a statement obtained by The Birmingham News. “The City of Leeds is a community with a long history of racial harmony, and wants to make it clear to all that it has no connection with this sign and categorically and unequivocally denounces the racist message portrayed on this billboard.”

Is the billboard's message racist in and of itself? Absolutely not. How can it be? Someone on the other side of this issue please explain.

Many people associated with the message are racist, this is true. However, this billboard presents an idea, and regardless of where it came from or who adheres to it, I think it should be debated based on the content of its message, not the color of the skin of some people who say it. That, I think, is the real story.

Does anyone believe that "anti-racist is a code word for anti-white" is a true statement? Does anyone believe it to be false?
"According to the Southern Poverty Law Center..."

Quit reading after that.

The premier left wing hate group in America deeming anyone else to be haters deserves nothing more then MEH.

The vast majority of the organizations on the Southern Poverty Law Center hate list have never engaged in illegal behavior. They have never advocated it. They only propagate opinions and facts the Southern Poverty Law Center wants to suppress.
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"According to the Southern Poverty Law Center..."

Quit reading after that.

The premier left wing hate group in America deeming anyone else to be haters deserves nothing more then MEH.

The vast majority of the organizations on the Southern Poverty Law Center hate list have never engaged in illegal behavior. They have never advocated it. They only propagate opinions and facts the Southern Poverty Law Center wants to suppress.

"According to the Southern Poverty Law Center..."

Quit reading after that.

The premier left wing hate group in America deeming anyone else to be haters deserves nothing more then MEH.

The vast majority of the organizations on the Southern Poverty Law Center hate list have never engaged in illegal behavior. They have never advocated it. They only propagate opinions and facts the Southern Poverty Law Center wants to suppress.

There are lot of bottom-feeding hater-loser groups on the SPLC hate watch list...


There also seem to be a fair number of anti-Gay Mafia groups and others which do little more than hold opposing views, which have made that list as well...

There is probably at least some truth in that stereotype, and this may be more a matter of how extensive it is, than whether it's true or false...

We need to take such lists with a double-dose of (grains of) salt, given that they have no one looking over their shoulder, to vett their Listing decisions (who guards the guards?)...
We defend freedom of speech, and freedom of thought, too. And, freedom of religion. Even though the Quran inspired people to attack us on 9/11. It's isn't a much of a stretch to see how the internet has inspired murder, take "Slenderman" for instance. They blamed the shootings at Columbine on video games, what are we going to do about it? Big Brother IS watch us , so do we need to institute the thought police next?
In regards to the content of the story in the original post:

“Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white,” the billboard alongside I-20 reads.

“While this billboard is actually in Birmingham, the impression to passersby is that it is within our city limits,” Leeds Mayor David Miller said in a statement obtained by The Birmingham News. “The City of Leeds is a community with a long history of racial harmony, and wants to make it clear to all that it has no connection with this sign and categorically and unequivocally denounces the racist message portrayed on this billboard.”

Is the billboard's message racist in and of itself? Absolutely not. How can it be? Someone on the other side of this issue please explain.

Many people associated with the message are racist, this is true. However, this billboard presents an idea, and regardless of where it came from or who adheres to it, I think it should be debated based on the content of its message, not the color of the skin of some people who say it. That, I think, is the real story.

Does anyone believe that "anti-racist is a code word for anti-white" is a true statement? Does anyone believe it to be false?

That right there tells me that in order for you to be pro white you have to be a racist. You cant use the logic one way and not apply it the other way.
Oh come on, they just forgot a few words.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white-sheet-covered-pieces-of-shit.

All fixed.

Nope, that's just racism, Boo.

Your filthy and shameful party has promoted racism since it's inception, since the very first democrat forced people onto a trail of tears, since democrats killed other Americans so that they could continue to enslave their fellow man. Since democrat put on white robes as the terrorist KKK wing of the filthy party. As democrats stood with guns to keep children from schools, until the Republicans dispatched troops to make you democrats behave.

Now you hate whites - nothing has changed - you still hate based on color, you've just changed your target.

Racism is inevitably for you leftists. You base your philosophy on the concept of group identity, that rights accrue not to men, but to groups. That what you are is based on what groups you are in, not what is in your character or your soul, just what the color of your skin is, what your sexual preference is, what your national origin is, and most important, what religion you are.
Typical teapers...notice how they don't condemnt racism. They either defend it, attack the source, attack the OP or anyone who disagrees with them, or they justify it by pointing to something totally irrelevant.

:lmao: I don't need to make arguments to point out the racist teaper faction...you idiots do it yourself.

You're kind of a stupid little guy.

Here is the view of racism by the right:

Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man’s genetic lineage—the notion that a man’s intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry. Which means, in practice, that a man is to be judged, not by his own character and actions, but by the characters and actions of a collective of ancestors.

Racism claims that the content of a man’s mind (not his cognitive apparatus, but its content) is inherited; that a man’s convictions, values and character are determined before he is born, by physical factors beyond his control. This is the caveman’s version of the doctrine of innate ideas—or of inherited knowledge—which has been thoroughly refuted by philosophy and science. Racism is a doctrine of, by and for brutes. It is a barnyard or stock-farm version of collectivism, appropriate to a mentality that differentiates between various breeds of animals, but not between animals and men.

Like every form of determinism, racism invalidates the specific attribute which distinguishes man from all other living species: his rational faculty. Racism negates two aspects of man’s life: reason and choice, or mind and morality, replacing them with chemical predestination.
- Ayn Rand

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