Racist America

I can anwer what I choose to, but I don't typically waste time answering what I perceive to be senseless questions from posters that I am totally unfamiliar with.

Try using the search post feature to answer your own question.
Then don’t waste your time addressing me! And don’t order me around.

I did not initially address you, nor am I "ordering you around". You addressed me first and I responded.

You sound like you're either bipolar, or you just randomly selected me to start a stupid exchange with.
You sound like you have a fake degree in psychology!

Actually my minor in college was psychology.....and it came in handy in quickly diagnosing you.

Would you like a referral for available online psychological testing?
No! I have had the courses! I know a race baiter when I see one. Seek help!

“race-baiting,” a phrase used against those who dare to speak candidly about racism in America.
We've been called racists by some here who seem unable to miss the fact that blacks have voted for whites even when blacks were running.

Idiots will be idiots and haters gotta hate. You should hear some of the things they say about Jews. Pay them no mind.

Besides Jessie Jackson's running in two Democrat Presidential primaries (where he didn't receive a majority of black votes). Black candidates have historically only been third party candidates.

Jews are of all races. Blacks other than Jackson have run as major party candidates.

However I agree with your premise made in your first sentence.

I can't think of one, besides Jackson, that was a serious contender for either major party candidate. Who were they?

Chisolm, Sharpton, Mosely-Braun, Cain, Keyes, Carson and Colin Powell started to but somebody threatened to out his wife's mental problems so he quit.
Sharpton? That the damn best ewe got? Shit!

He's better than Trump.
I can anwer what I choose to, but I don't typically waste time answering what I perceive to be senseless questions from posters that I am totally unfamiliar with.

Try using the search post feature to answer your own question.
Then don’t waste your time addressing me! And don’t order me around.

I did not initially address you, nor am I "ordering you around". You addressed me first and I responded.

You sound like you're either bipolar, or you just randomly selected me to start a stupid exchange with.
You sound like you have a fake degree in psychology!

Actually my minor in college was psychology.....and it came in handy in quickly diagnosing you.

Would you like a referral for available online psychological testing?
No! I have had the courses! I know a race baiter when I see one. Seek help!

If you have "had the courses" you apparantly did not apply yourself.

You have no self control, and you have shown a tendency to draw conclusions without clearly thinking or having any proof of what you allege.

When you produce credible evidence that I am a "race baiter", based on something that I posted, I might take you seriously.

Until then, my offer for a referral still stands. Try to have a good day.
That's a tough one.

Numerically, more whites voted for Obama than other ethnic groups combined.

However, as a percentage, fewer white voters voted for Obama than McCain.

How Groups Voted in 2008 | Roper Center for Public Opinion Research

I don't know about all that. If the race would have been determined by the white vote, Obama loses to McCain by 12 points.
None of that matters. It is the non-partisan, the independents that are important.

It's the swing votes that matter.

Whites don't, as a block, vote as predictably as the black community.

When the black community starts doing the same? That is when the black communities problems will start to disappear.

Whites vote as blocks.

I don't listen to white racist opinions on what blacks need to change.


Are you a conservative?

Like most people, I don't fit on a neat little label, but overall I lean toward smaller, less intrusive government and champion fiscal responsibility.

Is that significant?
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Is this forum a true reflection of the US ? It seems to gather the worst sort of trash who are enabled to spread their dumb shit.
Poor and uneducated white people seem to need somebody to scapegoat for their failures in life.
It provides examples of the ugliness of both ends of the spectrum, and serves as a vivid reminder of how far we have to go.

There are people on the Right who are intolerant and nasty and hateful, and there are people like you on the other end. Very similar.

The wingers and zealots are not only killing the country, but the world.

Tommy's just here to wind people up.

It's his raison d'être.
The very definition of a troll.
I think our country is getting more and more in tune with Tommy's attitudes all the time.

Tommy calls people "racist" if they do not support the rape of children at the hands of Muslims. We just had a recent event where a boy merely smiled at a very aggressive Native American political operative trying to provoke him (and this after enduring all sorts of racial and sex related abuse at the hands of blacks) and now members of Hollywood have openly called for his murder.

That brave new world Tommy craves where it is open season on white children has come to America, too.
Is this forum a true reflection of the US ? It seems to gather the worst sort of trash who are enabled to spread their dumb shit.
Poor and uneducated white people seem to need somebody to scapegoat for their failures in life.


I do not use anyone to excuse my mistakes of my past and for you to write such drivel make me wonder about you!

I do not blame any society for my failures in life and any failure done by me is because of me.

Now I can point out posters on here that are black that blame white society for their community failures, so do you agree with them and if so why?
We elected a black man President, and elected an orange man eight years later. How fucking inclusive do you want us to be?

And we had a Gay President in the 1800's and another one that slept with black women!

I swear some never learn history!
We elected a black man President, and elected an orange man eight years later. How fucking inclusive do you want us to be?

Whites did not elect Obama, but they did elect the orange guy.

Ummm, without the White vote Obama would have never been President, you do know this right?

I swear you and the OP'ER will write some of the most ignorant stuff I ever read!
Whites did not elect Obama,

That's a tough one.

Numerically, more whites voted for Obama than other ethnic groups combined.

However, as a percentage, fewer white voters voted for Obama than McCain.

How Groups Voted in 2008 | Roper Center for Public Opinion Research

I don't know about all that. If the race would have been determined by the white vote, Obama loses to McCain by 12 points.
None of that matters. It is the non-partisan, the independents that are important.

It's the swing votes that matter.

Whites don't, as a block, vote as predictably as the black community.

When the black community starts doing the same? That is when the black communities problems will start to disappear.

Whites vote as blocks.

I don't listen to white racist opinions on what blacks need to change.

You do not listen to anyone opinion but your own.

In the end without the White vote Obama would have never been President, and how does it make you feel you voted for a mix race candidate?
We elected a black man President, and elected an orange man eight years later. How fucking inclusive do you want us to be?

Whites did not elect Obama, but they did elect the orange guy.

I thought Obama was a white guy, dressed up as a black guy.

IM2 denies Obama white mother as much as Obama does...

Not only that.

From my perspective, he didn't come from a black slave heritage.
>> British Empire Kenya.

Maybe that's why he returned the bust of Churchill from the Oval Office.
Left Wingers make politics about race because they are racist.

Easy Observation:

Democrats: Terrorist sympathizers, Sanctuary Cities for illegal alien criminals, Klan, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood, racist Aztlán Nationalist, BLM separatist, deranged men in the women’s restrooms, gangs, ghettos, failed schools, drive-by shootings, cop killers, Mexican drug cartel, human traffickers, violent Antifa rioters, race riots, registering criminals to vote….

Republicans: average mainstream Americans, Chamber of Commerce, PTA, Rotary Club, American Legion, 4H Club, Lion’s Club, Boy Scouts, Little League, Sunday School, VFW, great neighborhoods, good schools, National Honor Society, juuust grilling and chilling…..
Is this forum a true reflection of the US ? It seems to gather the worst sort of trash who are enabled to spread their dumb shit.
Poor and uneducated white people seem to need somebody to scapegoat for their failures in life.
Fuck off, limey. You don't know a Goddamn thing.

Nobody is scapegoating.

We're actually much more blended and accepting than the left and their propagandists in the MSM like to pretend. 99% of Americans want to "sit down at the table of brotherhood" (MLK Speech) but we are prevented from doing so because there's money and power in crying racism all the damn time.

So, take you leftist ass the fuck out of here and go clean up your own shit.

Is this forum a true reflection of the US ? It seems to gather the worst sort of trash who are enabled to spread their dumb shit.
Poor and uneducated white people seem to need somebody to scapegoat for their failures in life.


I do not use anyone to excuse my mistakes of my past and for you to write such drivel make me wonder about you!

I do not blame any society for my failures in life and any failure done by me is because of me.

Now I can point out posters on here that are black that blame white society for their community failures, so do you agree with them and if so why?
Absolutely. When all of society is rigged against you it is impossible to make progress. When you cant go to the best schools,when certain jobs are not open to you its an uphill struggle. You might be able to sit at the front of the bus, but based on what I read on here, progress is slow.
Look at some of the the trash who post on here. Imagine that they are interviewing black people for jobs, or muslims or any kind of minority. Horrific.
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Is this forum a true reflection of the US ? It seems to gather the worst sort of trash who are enabled to spread their dumb shit.
Poor and uneducated white people seem to need somebody to scapegoat for their failures in life.


I do not use anyone to excuse my mistakes of my past and for you to write such drivel make me wonder about you!

I do not blame any society for my failures in life and any failure done by me is because of me.

Now I can point out posters on here that are black that blame white society for their community failures, so do you agree with them and if so why?
Absolutely. When all of society is rigged against you it is impossible to make progress. When you cant go to the best schools,when certain jobs are not open to you its an uphill struggle. You might be able to sit at the front of the bus, but based on what I read on here, progress is slow.
Look at some of the the trash who post on here. Imagine that they are interviewing black people for jobs, or muslims or any kind of minority. Horrific.

You are full of it!

You have no clue about America is about and to write about it because of this forum tell me you are just trolling
"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye"



Is this forum a true reflection of the US ? It seems to gather the worst sort of trash who are enabled to spread their dumb shit.
Poor and uneducated white people seem to need somebody to scapegoat for their failures in life.


I do not use anyone to excuse my mistakes of my past and for you to write such drivel make me wonder about you!

I do not blame any society for my failures in life and any failure done by me is because of me.

Now I can point out posters on here that are black that blame white society for their community failures, so do you agree with them and if so why?
Look at some of the the trash who post on here. .....

Yeah, look at you, ya chinless, ignorant hypocrite douche bag.
To what uproar would you be referring? Voting for Obama was a historic opportunity for all Americans. It must have been more so for Black Americans.

I can only imagine what Jewish voters would do if there were ever a Jewish candidate for President. However, I hope there never is one.

We've been called racists by some here who seem unable to miss the fact that blacks have voted for whites even when blacks were running.

Idiots will be idiots and haters gotta hate. You should hear some of the things they say about Jews. Pay them no mind.

Besides Jessie Jackson's running in two Democrat Presidential primaries (where he didn't receive a majority of black votes). Black candidates have historically only been third party candidates.

Jews are of all races. Blacks other than Jackson have run as major party candidates.

However I agree with your premise made in your first sentence.

I can't think of one, besides Jackson, that was a serious contender for either major party candidate. Who were they?

Chisolm, Sharpton, Mosely-Braun, Cain, Keyes, Carson and Colin Powell started to but somebody threatened to out his wife's mental problems so he quit.

I remembered Ms Chisholm, but forgot she ran in the 71 Democratic Primary.

I would have loved the chance to vote for General Powell. He should have been America's first Black President.

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