Racist Aphartied State

Palestine as a whole belongs to all the ethnic groups who have a historical presence there so the creation of the jewish state was absolutely immoral.

You can't have ethnic supremacist states in regions that are multiracial.

Arabs and jews have an inherent right to live anywhere they want in Palestine and only a multi ethnic state can provide that.

We always hear about "the right of Israel to exist". I ask: What moral right?

Would the US have any moral right to exist as a white supremacist state?

Would the UK have any moral right to exist as a english supremacist state?

Would Spain have any moral right to exist as a spanish supremacist state?

Did Germany have any moral right to exist as an arian state?

Did South Africa have any moral right to exist as a boer state?

The only right ethnic supremacist states have is the right to be peacefully dismantled and replaced by civic states, states of citizens just like South Africa.
Jose, welcome. Was that your opinion? Based on what?
Thanks Kathianne

Based on the most fundamental principles of the Enlightenment to which I subscribe : )
Originally posted by José
Thanks Kathianne

Based on the most fundamental principles of the Enlightenment to which I subscribe : )

Rousseau, Locke, THAT enlightenment? Please be more specific.

The core values of the Enlightenment I’m referring to were shared by all the Enlightenment thinkers.

The equality of all members of the human family, the belief that the state should regard its inhabitants as citizens and served their interest and not be served by them etc...

Those values led to what is called the civic state which is the idea behind America. It’s the idea that the only source that can confer legitimacy to a state is the people who, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, freely express their will and consent to be governed by the state. All the members of a civic state are equal citizens and equal before the law. The elements that unite the members of a civic state are not only language, traditions, but mainly citizenship, civil rights and legal codes shared by all members of the state.

Ethnic state is the idea behind Israel. It’s the idea that states can only gain legitimacy when they are based on ethnic identity. The state and its legal system must reflect the tribal values of the official ethnicity like language, religion, customs and traditions.

America remains the best implementation of the idea of a civic state.

The constitution of the US:

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Israel’s declaration of independence:

"We declare that, with effect from the moment of the termination of the Mandate being tonight, the People's Council shall act as a Provisional Council of State, and its executive organ, the People's Administration, shall be the Provisional Government of the JEWISH STATE, to be called 'Israel.'"


I do believe Israel needs to evolve from a Jewish state to a state of citizens Kathianne.
Sorta like Germany? It's nearly impossible to become a German citizen. So you can stay there your whole life, with the right visa, but never be involved on a civic level.

No, that can't be what you mean, because Israel has Arabs and Christians that are citizens, even serving in gov't. So, I'm unsure what you are referring to.

btw, good idea, don't quote founding documents to me.
Originally posted by José

Palestine as a whole belongs to all the ethnic groups who have a historical presence there so the creation of the jewish state was absolutely immoral. You can't have ethnic supremacist states in regions that are multiracial. Arabs and jews have an inherent right to live anywhere they want in Palestine and only a multi ethnic state can provide that. We always hear about "the right of Israel to exist". I ask: What moral right? Would the US have any moral right to exist as a white supremacist state? Would the UK have any moral right to exist as a english supremacist state?
Would Spain have any moral right to exist as a spanish supremacist state? Did Germany have any moral right to exist as an arian state? Did South Africa have any moral right to exist as a boer state? The only right ethnic supremacist states have is the right to be peacefully dismantled and replaced by civic states, states of citizens just like South Africa.

José you obviously consider yourself oppressed by the masses and their country states.

Unfortunately you will have to come down to earth and live in the reality of this planet. You have no moral right to live on earth except for the fact that you were born from your mother and father.

Israel has more than any moral or ethical right to exist in their 3,316 year old Jewish country state.

The fact that any country in the world has a right to their country by the right of possession. Do you understand what possession of a country means?

Like any country state in the world, Israel has fought against those who would take their country away from them and won (5) wars waged against them.

The fact that Israel is in possession of this small land, has established a government and a declaration of its independence gives it the right of any democratic nation to set up the rules by which it exists and is run by its citizens. The so-called Palestinian Arabs have been ejected from every one of their brother countries surrounding Israel in the Middle East. There is no reason whatsoever that Israel has to keep these beast like people within their own borders.

Arabs have no right to own or live in a country never their own. Squatter rights do not count in Israel. The Arabs have giant empty countries that are unwilling to assimilate their brother Arabs now killing their children and rejoicing over their deaths while killing the owners of this country.

And that is a FACT JACK.....
Sorta like Germany? It's nearly impossible to become a German citizen. So you can stay there your whole life, with the right visa, but never be involved on a civic level.

So very true Kathianne, Germany’s draconian jus sanguinis legislation results in tens of thounsands of people born in Germany who have never lived anywhere else and can’t become german citizens because they are not of german ancestry. Germany also needs to renounce to this kind of ethnic supremacism.

No, that can't be what you mean, because Israel has Arabs and Christians that are citizens, even serving in gov't. So, I'm unsure what you are referring to.

Israel has more than any moral or ethical right to exist in their 3,316 year old Jewish country state.

Most countries in the world were created along ethnic, national lines so they are called nation states.

Poland = land of the Poles.

Estonia = land of the Estonians

But despite their names, they are not the land of the polish and estonian ethnicities, they are the land of all the ethnic groups who have a historical presence there.

Estonia has the right to exist as a estonian state, but it doesn’t have any moral right to exist as a estonian SUPREMACIST state, expelling and discriminating ethnic russians and other little known ethnicities who live there for decades.

At the end of world war II, Poland behaved as a polish SUPREMACIST state expelling the ethnic german population in one of the dark chapters in Poland’s history.

Israel is a jewish supremacist state in a multi racial region so it’s existance is absolutely immoral. Israel’s so called basic laws (Law of Return, Citizenship Law and Lands of Israel) are supremacist laws since they were crafted to prevent the return of arab war refugees to their places of origin (Citizenship Law and Lands of Israel).

Poland, Estonia and Israel should make every possible effort to distance themselves from any kind of ethnic identification that results in discrimination of other ethnic groups. In other words, they must become civic states, states of citizens just like America.

Arabs have no right to own or live in a country never their own. Squatter rights do not count in Israel.

Do they count here in america?

Remember ajwps: YOU AND I ARE NOT the indigenous people of the US and Brazil either...but we wouldn’t like to be expelled from our homes and sent back to Europe because of this...

Never forget this... as far as who got here first is concerned... WE are the palestinians of the american continent.
There is a great deal going on behind the scenes in which Israel and the United States

Yeah. Speaking as a patriot, I don't like this "behind the scenes" crap. It's "behind the scenes" because if Americans found out, they'd be outraged. We'd run AIPAC into the Potomac and the ADL into the Pacific!

Arabs have no right to own or live in a country

Dude, are you trying to steal the title of most-racist poster on the board from me? I'm pretty clear on where I stand regarding Jewish influence and minority-white forced cohabitation. I read all the most radical pro-white "neo-Nazi" stuff out there. But nobody in those places ever says other races or groups have no right to exist --- only that it's got to be somewhere away from where white people exist. Are you proposing that all Arabs be wiped out? I mean, I doubt you could ever pull that off anyway. If you want to kill all the Muslims, that's way over a billion people on the planet. I don't think whining about the Holocaust's "six million" (if you believe that figure, which I question) is going to give you moral authority there.

I don't care if Jews want a country, but right now, they are pushing it way too far: they're majority shareholders in this one, and total shareholders in the other one. Isn't one country enough? And even at that, what right do Jews have to tell the rest of us that we have no right to a country, a place, something to call our own? Jews invest half their energy into promoting their own racial-nationalist state and cause, and the other half into cutting down anyone else who tries the same thing as "racist". "White supremacists" and "radical Muslims" are only seeking the same thing! If Jews had the courage, they'd just admit it and face us on the field of honor. Instead, they run around like little weasels.
Originally posted by ajwps
Palestine as a whole belongs to all the ethnic groups who have a historical presence there so the creation of the jewish state was absolutely immoral. You can't have ethnic supremacist states in regions that are multiracial. Arabs and jews have an inherent right to live anywhere they want in Palestine and only a multi ethnic state can provide that. We always hear about "the right of Israel to exist". I ask: What moral right? Would the US have any moral right to exist as a white supremacist state? Would the UK have any moral right to exist as a english supremacist state?
Would Spain have any moral right to exist as a spanish supremacist state? Did Germany have any moral right to exist as an arian state? Did South Africa have any moral right to exist as a boer state? The only right ethnic supremacist states have is the right to be peacefully dismantled and replaced by civic states, states of citizens just like South Africa.

José you obviously consider yourself oppressed by the masses and their country states.

Unfortunately you will have to come down to earth and live in the reality of this planet. You have no moral right to live on earth except for the fact that you were born from your mother and father.

Israel has more than any moral or ethical right to exist in their 3,316 year old Jewish country state.

The fact that any country in the world has a right to their country by the right of possession. Do you understand what possession of a country means?

Like any country state in the world, Israel has fought against those who would take their country away from them and won (5) wars waged against them.

The fact that Israel is in possession of this small land, has established a government and a declaration of its independence gives it the right of any democratic nation to set up the rules by which it exists and is run by its citizens. The so-called Palestinian Arabs have been ejected from every one of their brother countries surrounding Israel in the Middle East. There is no reason whatsoever that Israel has to keep these beast like people within their own borders.

Arabs have no right to own or live in a country never their own. Squatter rights do not count in Israel. The Arabs have giant empty countries that are unwilling to assimilate their brother Arabs now killing their children and rejoicing over their deaths while killing the owners of this country.

And that is a FACT JACK.....

I guess the American Indian better start chasing everyone out of America then . This " we were there first " crap is ridculous. Why doesn't Israel just kick out the non-jews and be done with it . Almost worked for Hitler.
Originally posted by José

Remember ajwps: YOU AND I ARE NOT the indigenous people of the US and Brazil either...but we wouldn’t like to be expelled from our homes and sent back to Europe because of this...

Are we using our children to blow up and kill the current population of the United States? Are we trying to take America away from the OTHER citizens and destroy their homes, their busiensses, their churches, restaurants or did we blow up the two World Trade Towers or the Pentagon?

If you and I undertook this type of activity here in the United States would it be a supremicist act to expel us from their country established under a Constitution and a Declaration of Independence?

The United States has an immigration policy which limits the number of people wanting to come and live in this land of freedom to escape prejudice or worse. Is that federal imigrantion policy considered to a supremicist and unlawful policy?

Israel has finally declared that they have had enough of the illegal activity of just about every country on earth at one time or another discriminating, killing, robbing, forced conversions or the myriad activities waged against them over the centuries. This to was illegal but who would stand up for these people?

Your reality is based on a false premise. That every country must bend to your concept of everybody can live anywhere in the world of nations they want. Get a grip on yourself and begin to realize that there is nothing legal or illegal about any country who makes rules and decisions based on their own needs and necessities for staying alive on this earth.

Israel is not under any legal obligation of the UN, the World Court in the Hague or the Queensbury Rules of Order. Nor is any other country that you consider has acted illegally.

Possession of a land mass by a country is based on the history of the world and not on some utopian concept of what is or is not fair or legal.

Never forget this... as far as who got here first is concerned... WE are the palestinians of the american continent.

Oh no we are not.... It is not who got here first but who is in possession of the land and has formed a government based on the rules of their own laws. We are not anything like the Palestinians who kill their hosts citizens. That is REALITY.....
Originally posted by ajwps

The so-called Palestinian Arabs have been ejected from every one of their brother countries surrounding Israel in the Middle East. There is no reason whatsoever that Israel has to keep these beast like people within their own borders.

The Arabs have giant empty countries that are unwilling to assimilate their brother Arabs now killing their children and rejoicing over their deaths while killing the owners of this country.
And that is a FACT JACK.....

Three points:

One - with the statement you just made characterizing the Palestinians as "beast-like" I suggest you shut the hell up with your hypocritical comments accusing others of naziism. You're sounding like one yourself.

Two - "Arabs have no right to own or live in a country never their own. Squatter rights do not count in Israel. " Why not? It worked for the Jews.

Three - If anyone could convince me to be anti-semetic it's people like you. William Joyce could not possibly make his case as eloquently as you're doing it for him.
Originally posted by dilloduck

I guess the American Indian better start chasing everyone out of America then . This " we were there first " crap is ridculous. Why doesn't Israel just kick out the non-jews and be done with it . Almost worked for Hitler.

Hitler did not chase out the Jewish people, the Gypsy people, the homosexual people or any undersireables from his Germany. He murdered them in their multitude. When Hitler began his war against the world and led by his own astrology charts, he was doomed to lose his war against all sub-humans.

The people of Israel do not 'kickout' all non-Jews who wish to live in peace with them. But they or some other power will have to do just that for the Jewish people to remain among the living on this earth.

But our Nazi friend, Heir Reich Furhrer Joyce feels fair and just the death of all Jews which is his unalienable right as a superman.
Originally posted by ajwps
I guess the American Indian better start chasing everyone out of America then . This " we were there first " crap is ridculous. Why doesn't Israel just kick out the non-jews and be done with it . Almost worked for Hitler.

Hitler did not chase out the Jewish people, the Gypsy people, the homosexual people or any undersireables from his Germany. He murdered them in their multitude. When Hitler began his war against the world and led by his own astrology charts, he was doomed to lose his war against all sub-humans.

The people of Israel do not 'kickout' all non-Jews who wish to live in peace with them. But they or some other power will have to do just that for the Jewish people to remain among the living on this earth.

But our Nazi friend, Heir Reich Furhrer Joyce feels fair and just the death of all Jews which is his unalienable right as a superman.

ok ok have the indians kill the rest of us------you get my point--stop acting stupid. I think you are angry with your govt for not kicking em all out or killings the non-compliants in Israel. Don't give me this "poor Israel" shit. Who's gonna wipe you out????
Originally posted by dilloduck
ok ok have the indians kill the rest of us------you get my point--stop acting stupid. I think you are angry with your govt for not kicking em all out or killings the non-compliants in Israel. Don't give me this "poor Israel" shit. Who's gonna wipe you out????

DD, I've come to the conclusion that there isn't a dime's worth of difference between radical Jews and radical muslims. Am I off base here?
Originally posted by Merlin1047

Three points:

One - with the statement you just made characterizing the Palestinians as "beast-like" I suggest you shut the hell up with your hypocritical comments accusing others of naziism. You're sounding like one yourself.

1) I suggest that you watch your mouth when you deny the Palestinians 'beast-like.' Actually this analogy is a compliment to them. All you have to do is look at the wild beasts of the earth and you can see them killing other beasts for food. But the Arab (Palestinians) do not eat the Jews or Christians they kill. They dance, sing, shoot their rifles in the air and hand out candy as they put their own children into the fire. They hide behind their children when they shoot at people at funerals or emergency rescure teams trying to save the lives of those wounded by their first attacks. No they are worse than the wild-beasts of the earth. You must have forgot that the Nazis of WW2 were partners of the Arabs with their Grand Mufti and his henchmen.

Two - "Arabs have no right to own or live in a country never their own. Squatter rights do not count in Israel. " Why not? It worked for the Jews.

No the Jews didn't use squatters rights in Israel. They fought and died with their young men and women to take back what had already been theirs for centuries. Squatter rights are set by a countrie's existing law that any person who lives on others piece of land in peace, builds homes and cities and uses the property for positive things like growing crops or cattle are entitled to the land after so many years. Israeli law does not have this law in their Declaration of Independence.

Three - If anyone could convince me to be anti-semetic it's people like you. William Joyce could not possibly make his case as eloquently as you're doing it for him.

It appears that you do not have to have any reason whatsoever to be anti-semitic. You are doing that quite well on your very own. You are not so eloquent in your anti-semitic attitudes.
Originally posted by Merlin1047
DD, I've come to the conclusion that there isn't a dime's worth of difference between radical Jews and radical muslims. Am I off base here?

Not far at all------Its why they got the mess over there.
Originally posted by ajwps
Three points:

One - with the statement you just made characterizing the Palestinians as "beast-like" I suggest you shut the hell up with your hypocritical comments accusing others of naziism. You're sounding like one yourself.

1) I suggest that you watch your mouth when you deny the Palestinians 'beast-like.' Actually this analogy is a compliment to them. All you have to do is look at the wild beasts of the earth and you can see them killing other beasts for food. But the Arab (Palestinians) do not eat the Jews or Christians they kill. They dance, sing, shoot their rifles in the air and hand out candy as they put their own children into the fire. They hide behind their children when they shoot at people at funerals or emergency rescure teams trying to save the lives of those wounded by their first attacks. No they are worse than the wild-beasts of the earth. You must have forgot that the Nazis of WW2 were partners of the Arabs with their Grand Mufti and his henchmen.

Two - "Arabs have no right to own or live in a country never their own. Squatter rights do not count in Israel. " Why not? It worked for the Jews.

No the Jews didn't use squatters rights in Israel. They fought and died with their young men and women to take back what had already been theirs for centuries. Squatter rights are set by a countrie's existing law that any person who lives on others piece of land in peace, builds homes and cities and uses the property for positive things like growing crops or cattle are entitled to the land after so many years. Israeli law does not have this law in their Declaration of Independence.

Three - If anyone could convince me to be anti-semetic it's people like you. William Joyce could not possibly make his case as eloquently as you're doing it for him.

It appears that you do not have to have any reason whatsoever to be anti-semitic. You are doing that quite well on your very own. You are not so eloquent in your anti-semitic attitudes.

Dillo, never mind answering my question. This idiot just did it - in spades.

AJ - you are a racist, a hypocrite and a sociopath. You hide your disgusting attitudes behind your religion. How utterly pathetic. Matter of fact, you make William Joyce look like Mister Roberts.
In a religious context, it refers to the religions associated with the speakers of these languages: thus Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are often described as "Semitic religions". This term can equally include the polytheistic religions (such as the cults of Tammuz or Baal) that flourished in the Middle East before the Abrahamic religions.

Originally posted by dilloduck

ok ok have the indians kill the rest of us------you get my point--stop acting stupid. I think you are angry with your govt for not kicking em all out or killings the non-compliants in Israel. Don't give me this "poor Israel" shit. Who's gonna wipe you out????

Let me tell you who has tried to wipe the Jewish people out as you so eloquently seem to express. Stupidity is not a singular attribute it seems.

You call the Arabs 'non-compliants' in Israel. How in the world do you wake up in the morning without drowning yourself in your sink? These folks who want to kill all the Jews are not non-compliant but they are combatants living among the peaceful.

I think you would change your own tune if a 'non-compliant' group of Islamists were to kill your family and friends in your streets. You would either expose your neck or you would insist that they be expelled from this shore.

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