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Racist! Sexist! Anti-Gay!- The Leftist Mantra

If you believe it is a choice, then you must ignore all research done into physical differences between gay and straight people and natural occurrences in nature across non-human species.
I am yet to see any such research.
What psychological damages are gay people inflicting on children, and why is it okay for psychological damage to be done to gay children?
To begin with, the justification and legitimization of a poor lifestyle choice.

Haven't seen the research? You should look it up.

Why should I look it up, you are the one telling me that it exists.

Ohhh....you know as well as I do that this 'research' is junk science!

You argue like a canadian...:lmao:
And Nutz, if it weren't for the constant race-mongering in all of instituions, media to colleges to Hollywood, etc, we wouldn't have this upsurge in white racism. Nothing good will come from forcing ANYTHING in any given society, IMHO. Yes, there are short term gains in tolerance because the coeercion is still there, but eventually people do get tired of being the scapegoat for left wing loons only interested in cultural unrest to keep their asses in their seats in DC. We are seeing the long term effects of constantly pointing fingers at white straight Christian males, they're coming for straight, black, Christian men even stronger....they've damn near had us beat into submission 30-40 years ago.
Lockejaw should know what it is to be sexist, homophobic, and racist.

This is a silly OP.

You're such a silly little person .

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And Nutz, if it weren't for the constant race-mongering in all of instituions, media to colleges to Hollywood, etc, we wouldn't have this upsurge in white racism. Nothing good will come from forcing ANYTHING in any given society, IMHO. Yes, there are short term gains in tolerance because the coeercion is still there, but eventually people do get tired of being the scapegoat for left wing loons only interested in cultural unrest to keep their asses in their seats in DC. We are seeing the long term effects of constantly pointing fingers at white straight Christian males, they're coming for straight, black, Christian men even stronger....they've damn near had us beat into submission 30-40 years ago.

That simply is not true. There is no constant finger pointing by blacks or the left nor is there a concerted race mongering effort. The pseudo-cons are simply playing the reverse racism to garner support. It is a tactic...THEY make everything about race. They are the ones complaining about white privilege. They are the ones hyper propagandizing race and creating a division among the races. They aren't being called racists, but they are claiming that they are...manufacturing blame and playing the victim.

You are black...does Al Sharpton represent you? He doesn't represent me, but that is what the pseudo-right is claiming. What about the New Black Panthers...do you subscribe to their ideology? I don't...but the pseudo-cons think they represent all blacks.

What is being forced on whites? Please be specific.
Nutz. You seem to be coming out of the leftist trance, yet you get sucked back in when it comes to race. I have faith in you yet. But seriously, you've got to be blind to not see that the left, the most obvious being the media, pushes the envelope every time on any story they can stir up some racial unrest. The left labeled George Zimmerman as a white man, then when the picture shows up, they try to lighten his skin, they get caught on that..they refer to him as a "white Hispanic"(never mind the fact white Hispanic would mean spaniard or Portuguese & Zimmerman is half jewish & half Peruvian, with Afro-Peruvian great grandparents). They just had to leave that "white" in there.

So you're only fooling yourself, brother.

Be Aware.
Nutz. You seem to be coming out of the leftist trance, yet you get sucked back in when it comes to race. I have faith in you yet. But seriously, you've got to be blind to not see that the left, the most obvious being the media, pushes the envelope every time on any story they can stir up some racial unrest. The left labeled George Zimmerman as a white man, then when the picture shows up, they try to lighten his skin, they get caught on that..they refer to him as a "white Hispanic"(never mind the fact white Hispanic would mean spaniard or Portuguese & Zimmerman is half jewish & half Peruvian, with Afro-Peruvian great grandparents). They just had to leave that "white" in there.

So you're only fooling yourself, brother.

Be Aware.

Oh, never been a lefty, but it amazes me that if I am against bigotry, I am called a lefty.

I see more of the right perverting news and making it racial. Protesting bigotry is not bigotry and is not leftist.
What if I told you I think it was and still is a form of bigotry to label Zimmerman as a "white Hispanic", when he is a man of clear brown mestizo heritage? Using race as a tactic to rile up fear & hatred is even worse than bigotry in my book. That is what they did from the moment they started reporting it...I was on this very board when all the crap started, with the original story I wanted Zimmerman locked up too. But I didn't cling to the lies like the left here did, I don't remember how you yourself opines on the topic.

The left here to this day...if you say "Zimmerman is not white(which he is not), the left will scream that he is. I've seen it too many times to count.

Yes, the right by nature is reactionary...the whites are reacting to the cultural Marxism that permeates our culture. I don't like it, but I atleast know that culture wars are a two way street, but ultimately one is worse than the other...and the minority of racists not only in the right but in America in general don't make the leftists any better...they're practically the same thing.

Nutz. You seem to be coming out of the leftist trance, yet you get sucked back in when it comes to race. I have faith in you yet. But seriously, you've got to be blind to not see that the left, the most obvious being the media, pushes the envelope every time on any story they can stir up some racial unrest. The left labeled George Zimmerman as a white man, then when the picture shows up, they try to lighten his skin, they get caught on that..they refer to him as a "white Hispanic"(never mind the fact white Hispanic would mean spaniard or Portuguese & Zimmerman is half jewish & half Peruvian, with Afro-Peruvian great grandparents). They just had to leave that "white" in there.

So you're only fooling yourself, brother.

Be Aware.

Oh, never been a lefty, but it amazes me that if I am against bigotry, I am called a lefty.

I see more of the right perverting news and making it racial. Protesting bigotry is not bigotry and is not leftist.
Depends on what "anti-gay" means. What do you mean when you use that term?

Opposing gay marriage.

As for Lincoln, he could've believed that blacks were demons sent to destroy America. But he signed his name on the paper.

Cons always point out that Obama used to be against gay marriage like it's a smoking gun that makes Democrats look stupid. But in practice he's defending their rights because it's the right thing to do. So who cares what he believes?
I oppose the very idea of two people of the same sex forming a union as being considered the equivelant of a traditional, male & female marriage. I oppose the idea that homosexuality should be held up as some special thing, when it has no benefits to society, it's selfishness defined. And that is fine, do as you please, just don't expect everyone to bow down to your agenda.

Not gonna happen.

So...heterosexuality is "selfishness defined" too, right?
Why should I look it up, you are the one telling me that it exists.

You should look it up so that you'll be able to stop talking out of your ass. :cool:

I have...it is junk science. Perhaps you have a better source and can share it with me. If not, I call BS on you.

Here's a study on the psychological damage inflicted on gay people by society.

Society’s Negative Impact on the Mental Health of Homosexuals

Maybe the suicide section will help you to give a fuck.

Of course, if you disagree even a tiny little bit feel free to dismiss everything discussed as "junk science." :rolleyes:
You should look it up so that you'll be able to stop talking out of your ass. :cool:

I have...it is junk science. Perhaps you have a better source and can share it with me. If not, I call BS on you.

Here's a study on the psychological damage inflicted on gay people by society.

Society’s Negative Impact on the Mental Health of Homosexuals

Maybe the suicide section will help you to give a fuck.

Of course, if you disagree even a tiny little bit feel free to dismiss everything discussed as "junk science." :rolleyes:

Umm, you totally changed the topic at hand. How dishonest. I was referring to this:
If you believe it is a choice, then you must ignore all research done into physical differences between gay and straight people and natural occurrences in nature across non-human species.

But your link covers an entirely different topic...attributing nonsense to me despite the fact I said this:
Nutz said:
.BUT, despite my feelings, I believe they deserve to be treated with respect and common decency. I think it is wrong to demean gays by calling them faggots and other nasty names.

If you want to have a discussion with me, please be honest. If you are high, pass the blunt and I will forgive you.
Sorry Old School, but I just plain don't give a fuck. They bring it on themselves, they have no proof they're "born gay"..nothing but junk science & since they have yet to prove it(they never will without lying), they are sexual deviants in my eyes & do not deserve to be considered for special rights.

They serve no purpose whatsoever, dumb asses like you continue to validate their perversions & promote it and get all pissy when folks like myself don't want my tax dollars going to finding a cure for AIDS, which for the most part is completely avoidable in the states.

I don't feel sorry for them. Their attempts at bullying the masses into validating their mental sickness & the vileness of their campaigns to recruit children into their lifestyle have left me callous.

You know, at one point they were vocally in lockstep with fucking NAMBLA...Vocally. I doubt they ever abandoned their support, they just figured out they need to wait until society has sunk to accepting homosexuality as normal & healthy before they can continue their march forward to molesting their adopted children & eventually marrying them.
What if I told you I think it was and still is a form of bigotry to label Zimmerman as a "white Hispanic", when he is a man of clear brown mestizo heritage? Using race as a tactic to rile up fear & hatred is even worse than bigotry in my book. That is what they did from the moment they started reporting it...I was on this very board when all the crap started, with the original story I wanted Zimmerman locked up too. But I didn't cling to the lies like the left here did, I don't remember how you yourself opines on the topic.
I wasn't here. The Zimmerman thing was nothing more than a spectacle and really has no bearing on race relations in the US. Calling him white, black, hispanic..it makes no difference. You put to much stock into Zimmerman. Zimmerman is irrelevant.
The left here to this day...if you say "Zimmerman is not white(which he is not), the left will scream that he is. I've seen it too many times to count.
Who cares...seriously. Who really cares what race Zimmerman is. The fact is, he is a pussy that took a gun to a fist fight. If the race issue weren't played (by either side) then Zimmerman would have been convicted. The right was equally as guilty as they convicted Trayvon as a criminal thug...just because the color of his skin. Which is worst?
Yes, the right by nature is reactionary...the whites are reacting to the cultural Marxism that permeates our culture. I don't like it, but I atleast know that culture wars are a two way street, but ultimately one is worse than the other...and the minority of racists not only in the right but in America in general don't make the leftists any better...they're practically the same thing.

They are the same thing...but why do you speak out against left racists and ignore/ enable right racists? Why do you give a white racist the benefit of the doubt but not a black or liberal racist?
Nutz, understand that I am not giving racist right wingers a pass, I simply find them boring to discuss things with..most don't realize they're being used too. The left racism is a symptom of a larger problem called political correctness a.k.a cultural Marxism.

Most folks do not understand or even have the intellectual honesty to look up & find the truth, cultural Marxism, the bastard child of political Marxism has taken hold of every institution. White Nationalists have no power in our political situation, and rightly so.

I just believe we need to focus on the ones doing the most damage to the fabric of our society, and that's the left.

You keep fighting those racist faceless nobodies while I fight the real problem.. To kill the snake, you have to take off the head. The left is responsible for the majority of the racial unrest in the country, along with the moral decay.

That is why I have a bigger problem with them.
Though not really a recent phenomena, the left's mantra of "Racist! Sexist! Anti-Gay!" has become louder recently. Especially on Internet message boards, news comment sections, & the like.

After years of witnessing this shout down tactic, one thing seems to be clear. These morons have shouted themselves stupid & seem to really believe that all they need to do to win an argument is label their opposition with their mantra.

Like being a racist or sexist or any other 'ist Hated by the left automatically makes someone's arguments null and void. Which is retarded, but that's leftists for you...

So, I have a question..oh enlightened left wing geniuses, Abraham Lincoln was a racist(and Ive heard the rumor of him being a fag, it's unsubstantiated so save that for another thread), he wanted to ship the slaves back to Africa & didn't believe black folks could ever assimilate into western culture.

So if being racist invalidates one's position automatically- Does that mean Lincoln was wrong in everything he did? According to your idiotic logic, liberals...it does.

The only thing idiotic is your premise. Being a racist doesn't invalidate the position you hold. It only shows your inferior intellect. The founding fathers were racists as many of our presidents (Nixon comes to mind) have been.
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Their intellect wasn't inferior to the morons on the left today, so what're you talking about, Asclepias?

On that particular subject its self evident their intellect was inferior to most but the most retarded of racists. If their intellect was superior i would not be typing on the internet now.

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