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Racist! Sexist! Anti-Gay!- The Leftist Mantra

Asclepias, I don't dwell on an ultimately irrelevant part of the past as you do. Maybe someday you'll get it, maybe you won't..but I hope you do because I think you're wasting your time & potential focusing on that sort of thing.

I still think you're a good guy, and you definitely have a mind that wishes to learn. You & I have a lot of life to live...I am sure I will change mine on some things at some point...hopefully you're open to changing yours.

Have a good night brother & be well.
On that particular subject its self evident their intellect was inferior to most but the most retarded of racists. If their intellect was superior i would not be typing on the internet now.

Yeah, well, that's pretty stupid, no matter how philosophically astute you'd like to think that it sounds.

Being racist and being retarded are not necessarily symbiotic.

Sounds more like you are pretty stupid.

Yeah, well, whatever you hafta tell yourself to make yourself feel better, son.

I'm here to help. And I'll even waive the fee.

Who said being racist and being retarded are symbiotic and what does that have to do with the point?

Wow, for someone who's as smart as you claim yourself to be, you sure as shinola do have a short memory.

In post #39, LockeJaw said to you:

LockeJaw said:
Their intellect wasn't inferior to the morons on the left today, so what're you talking about, Asclepias?

Your reply?

Asclepias said:
On that particular subject its self evident their intellect was inferior to most but the most retarded of racists. If their intellect was superior i would not be typing on the internet now.

You're implying that all racists are retarded, genius.

Apparently in your very limited viewpoint, there are levels of retardation that correspond to racism, as evidenced by the superlative term "most" retarded. Pursuant to that viewpoint, there must also be a least retarded racist somewhere in the heap, too. And that's just, well, retarded.

Given the menace that was slavery in the colonies, it's pretty safe to say that America's Founding Fathers were racists. Yet they had the philosophical perspicacity to write a Constitution that still holds true as the law of the land for the greatest empire of the past 200 years. Gee.

Adolf Hitler may have been many things—among them, an organizational genius—but mentally slow was certainly not one of them. And wow, it seems like he was just a bit of a racist.

I could cite a hundred examples, but because I doubt that in your case it'd do any good, I'm gonna cut and run.

But no, just because someone is a racist doesn't mean he or she is retarded, contrary to what you implied.
Yeah, shart. After reading that over again...yes, he was saying racists are retarded by virtue of being racist...Which is beyond stupid.

He knows it isn't so.
So if being racist invalidates one's position automatically- Does that mean Lincoln was wrong in everything he did? According to your idiotic logic, liberals...it does.

Aww. Poor locke can't address what any liberal actually says, so he's made up some fine strawman to attack.

Whiny conservatives are a dime a dozen. Locke, you're just boring. If you don't want to be called anti-gay, stop screaming that gays are perverts and comparing them to NAMBLA. Take responsibility for your own actions. If you won't, don't get all weepy on us just because someone correctly points out that you're anti-gay.

We don't accept your politically correct attempts at censorship here. But we will make a deal with you. Stop behaving badly, and we'll stop pointing it out.
Poor mammoth, doesn't even know that up until 1993, NAMBLA marched right alongside the rest of the Gay & Lesbian folks, and had their support.
Besides, what's your beef with gays & pedo-gays in NAMBLA being compared? Sexual attraction is supposedly something you are genetically predisposed to, according to pro-gay normalization folks like yourself, so why would you even get upset at the comparison? According to you idjits & your retarded logic, they're just born attracted to little boys, just like homosexuals would be if they were "born gay", right?
Do you see how stupid you look yet? Probably not, but you really are.
Asclepias, I don't dwell on an ultimately irrelevant part of the past as you do. Maybe someday you'll get it, maybe you won't..but I hope you do because I think you're wasting your time & potential focusing on that sort of thing.

I still think you're a good guy, and you definitely have a mind that wishes to learn. You & I have a lot of life to live...I am sure I will change mine on some things at some point...hopefully you're open to changing yours.

Have a good night brother & be well.

I dont dwell on the past either. I just make sure I understand it and how it created and pertains to the present conditions we live in today. I already have "it" and thats why I have been able to not only achieve success in my life but I have been able pass on to others how to do the same. I dont believe in burying my head in the sand and pretending things didn't happen that are affecting things going on right now. I am open to changing my mind when someone presents me with some new information to consider. So far all I have heard from anyone was denial and the same explanations that don't quite match up with reality.
Yeah, well, that's pretty stupid, no matter how philosophically astute you'd like to think that it sounds.

Being racist and being retarded are not necessarily symbiotic.

Sounds more like you are pretty stupid.

Yeah, well, whatever you hafta tell yourself to make yourself feel better, son.

I'm here to help. And I'll even waive the fee.

Wow, for someone who's as smart as you claim yourself to be, you sure as shinola do have a short memory.

In post #39, LockeJaw said to you:

LockeJaw said:
Their intellect wasn't inferior to the morons on the left today, so what're you talking about, Asclepias?

Your reply?

Asclepias said:
On that particular subject its self evident their intellect was inferior to most but the most retarded of racists. If their intellect was superior i would not be typing on the internet now.

You're implying that all racists are retarded, genius.

Apparently in your very limited viewpoint, there are levels of retardation that correspond to racism, as evidenced by the superlative term "most" retarded. Pursuant to that viewpoint, there must also be a least retarded racist somewhere in the heap, too. And that's just, well, retarded.

Given the menace that was slavery in the colonies, it's pretty safe to say that America's Founding Fathers were racists. Yet they had the philosophical perspicacity to write a Constitution that still holds true as the law of the land for the greatest empire of the past 200 years. Gee.

Adolf Hitler may have been many things—among them, an organizational genius—but mentally slow was certainly not one of them. And wow, it seems like he was just a bit of a racist.

I could cite a hundred examples, but because I doubt that in your case it'd do any good, I'm gonna cut and run.

But no, just because someone is a racist doesn't mean he or she is retarded, contrary to what you implied.

All racists are retarded. What makes you think they are not?

You also seem to have a hard time reading and with comprehension. I was using the word retarded as an adjective to describe racists.

retarded - definition of retarded by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

2. Occurring or developing later than desired or expected; delayed.

Since the founding fathers were racists, they had not developed the intelligence in this area. They were in fact retarded in this particular area as I pointed out and bolded in my post above. If you are going to try and nitpick my words you better have a dictionary handy first.
The majority of those who vote left don't know why they support the left's agenda other than free shit & feel good garbage propaganda.

So yeah, I would say not everyone who is a left leaning voter is that way, but they sure do spout the language like pros.

1. And WHICH groups ARE promoting alternatives to welfare handouts?
Ben Carson and Obama both agree on the concept of MICROLENDING which would replace welfare with sustainable business training, investment and development PAID BACK.

Last I checked it was the Progressives and Liberals promoting Grameen Foundation http://www.grameenfoundation.org, Independent Labor-backed Currency http://www.ithacahours.org, and even setting up Sustainable Campuses to replace public housing and welfare: http://www.campusplan.org

Where are the Conservatives in backing these plans?
Where the Politicized Liberals have sold out their own constituents for votes, and pouring Billions into election campaigns and ZERO into these sustainable plans pushed by REAL progressives,

Why haven't the Conservatives stepped in to EXPOSE this fraud by fake liberals exploiting their constituents for votes and political points in the media?

Lockejaw as much as Conservatives like Ted Nugent complain about the poverty pimping, where is the ACTION to step in and fund and support these sustainable reform plans?

The Conservatives could have SHOWN UP the Democrats by taking on these plans,
and exposing the liberal politicians as frauds.

Instead, all I see are MORE complaints and MORE money going into campaigns.

So Lockejaw NOBODY is funding these plans that could replace welfare!
BOTH sides are too busy funding campaigns against the other side.

So who is going to believe the politicians on either side if they only care about elections???

2. As for spouting off propaganda, what rhetoric have YOU been spouting off that makes you look any different, Lockejaw?

I listed key examples above of solutions that are about DOING not just complaining.
These are proven SOLUTIONS that work to break the cycle of poverty and dependence.

What SOLUTIONS have you offered that would change anyone's mind about depending on politicians pushing welfare and dependence on govt?

Why would anyone follow you if you don't offer any ways of breaking the poverty cycle?
Yeah, shart. After reading that over again...yes, he was saying racists are retarded by virtue of being racist...Which is beyond stupid.

He knows it isn't so.

Look up the word retarded and try again Locke. Racists are definitely retarded. All of them.

If you go that broad, then ALL people are racist on some level, and ALL of us are retarded in some areas.
Given my experience with people, and struggling to understand where our differences are coming from, I would AGREE with that assessment of humanity in general!
Can't argue with that, myself included! ;-)
Though not really a recent phenomena, the left's mantra of "Racist! Sexist! Anti-Gay!" has become louder recently. Especially on Internet message boards, news comment sections, & the like.

After years of witnessing this shout down tactic, one thing seems to be clear. These morons have shouted themselves stupid & seem to really believe that all they need to do to win an argument is label their opposition with their mantra.

Like being a racist or sexist or any other 'ist Hated by the left automatically makes someone's arguments null and void. Which is retarded, but that's leftists for you...

So, I have a question..oh enlightened left wing geniuses, Abraham Lincoln was a racist(and Ive heard the rumor of him being a fag, it's unsubstantiated so save that for another thread), he wanted to ship the slaves back to Africa & didn't believe black folks could ever assimilate into western culture.

So if being racist invalidates one's position automatically- Does that mean Lincoln was wrong in everything he did? According to your idiotic logic, liberals...it does.

It's part of a highly successful textbook strategy known as "Jamming"

The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of homophobia, latent homosexual tendencies and bigotry . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone whom opposes the Agenda. Jamming is to ridicule the opponent in the eyes of the world and to evoke the "pack mentality" .

Mentally healthy human beings will naturally feel a sense of shame and exclusion when they perceive that they are not part of the the pack, both in their thoughts and actions. The Jammimg tactic is to evoke a sense of shame in the opponent when his opposition to the gay movement and sexual perversion surfaces. Gay propaganda will depict opponents as homophobic and queer hating redneck bigots, as crude obnoxious loudmouths. It can depict them being isolated from the pack, shunned criticized, and despised. Most importantly however, it must depict gays as experiencing horrific persecution and suffering as a result of the "homophobic - queer hating red necks" . The opponent must be made the villain, both in the eyes of the uninvolved, and when possible in their own eyes also.
Gay Brainwashing Techniques
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Bodiecca, among others here, believe sexual battery is mostly INTERRACIAL, black men commit sexual battery on white females. And one helpful poster said "no white man would" rape the white woman pictured. Neither appear to be Democrats. I rest that portion of my case.
Sounds more like you are pretty stupid.

Yeah, well, whatever you hafta tell yourself to make yourself feel better, son.

I'm here to help. And I'll even waive the fee.

Wow, for someone who's as smart as you claim yourself to be, you sure as shinola do have a short memory.

In post #39, LockeJaw said to you:

Your reply?

You're implying that all racists are retarded, genius.

Apparently in your very limited viewpoint, there are levels of retardation that correspond to racism, as evidenced by the superlative term "most" retarded. Pursuant to that viewpoint, there must also be a least retarded racist somewhere in the heap, too. And that's just, well, retarded.

Given the menace that was slavery in the colonies, it's pretty safe to say that America's Founding Fathers were racists. Yet they had the philosophical perspicacity to write a Constitution that still holds true as the law of the land for the greatest empire of the past 200 years. Gee.

Adolf Hitler may have been many things—among them, an organizational genius—but mentally slow was certainly not one of them. And wow, it seems like he was just a bit of a racist.

I could cite a hundred examples, but because I doubt that in your case it'd do any good, I'm gonna cut and run.

But no, just because someone is a racist doesn't mean he or she is retarded, contrary to what you implied.

All racists are retarded. What makes you think they are not?

You also seem to have a hard time reading and with comprehension. I was using the word retarded as an adjective to describe racists.

retarded - definition of retarded by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

2. Occurring or developing later than desired or expected; delayed.

Since the founding fathers were racists, they had not developed the intelligence in this area. They were in fact retarded in this particular area as I pointed out and bolded in my post above. If you are going to try and nitpick my words you better have a dictionary handy first.

Retarded implies slow or limited in intellectual or emotional development . There are some pretty intelligent racists - although I would certainly consider their thinking as primitive and tribalistic. I think "retarded" used in the proper context is better summed up by a realtively new word which has come into common usage "LIBTARD"

I believe it's fairly common knowledge that the fuzzy logic perpetrated by LIBTARDS is quite retarded - --- speaking of retards, how are you Asclepias ?
The extremist's mantra:

A rascist's dream come true; except for the fact most SEXUAL BATTERIES are intraracial.


BODICCA, or CA CA for short.

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