Racist, Sexist Border Patrol Agents on Facebook

Have you ever wondered why CBP ranks dead last at recruiting female agents and officers of any federal law enforcement agency?

Here's your first clue:

"Another is a photo illustration of a smiling President Donald Trump forcing Ocasio-Cortez’s head toward his crotch. The agent who posted the image commented: 'That’s right bitches. The masses have spoken and today democracy won...'"

"Several of the postings reviewed by ProPublica refer to the planned visit by members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, including Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Veronica Escobar, to a troubled Border Patrol facility outside of El Paso. Agents at the compound in Clint, Texas, have been accused of holding children in neglectful, inhumane conditions.

"One member encouraged Border Patrol agents to hurl a 'burrito at these bitches.'

" Another, apparently a patrol supervisor, wrote, 'Fuck the hoes.' 'There should be no photo ops for these scum buckets,' posted a third member."

Too much MAGA?

Inside the Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes — ProPublica
gee, racism eh? ya wouldn't think that would be issue
Last edited by a moderator:
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Drowned migrant father and daughter mourned at El Salvador cemetery

"SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — The bodies of a man and his young daughter who drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande into Texas are being laid to rest in their native El Salvador.

Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his daughter Valeria died while trying to cross the Rio Grande on June 23, their deaths captured by a horrific and haunting image that sparked outrage."

Fake (funeral) News?
Yea, there was a lot of mourning going on at this time too.

AOC Threatens INFOWARS Plus Tucker Carlson destroys American Concentration Camp Myth

View attachment 267221View attachment 267220

Yea, there was a lot of mourning going on at this time too.
That time we didn't have access to the hospitals where the babies allegedly died; today we have access to alleged CBP "torture facilities".

Link deleted.

"ABC News also noted that migrant children in at least two Customs and Border Protection facilities were forced to sleep on concrete floors with the lights on and had no access to hygiene products. One doctor wrote that the conditions were comparable to 'torture facilities.'

George Soros controls those detention centers. And he funded AOC campaign. They has been after Soros for a long time about the conditions of those detention centers. It is George soros is the one pointing his finger at Pres.Trump. Claiming that it is his fault. But him and AOC are trying to make it seem as if Pres.Trump is keeping them out.


Illegal alien champions Gates, Soros profit by jailing them - WND - WND

Homeland Security watchdog slams conditions at ICE detention facilities, including one in Aurora


George Soros controls those detention centers. And he funded AOC campaign. They has been after Soros for a long time about the conditions of those detention centers. It is George soros is the one pointing his finger at Pres.Trump. Claiming that it is his fault. But him and AOC are trying to make it seem as if Pres.Trump is keeping them out.
Your link:

"Last week, nearly two dozen protesters reportedly picketed outside the Seattle headquarters of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation over a $2.2 million investment by the Gates Trust into the prison firm.

WND has found that Soros purchased 105,354 shares of GEO Group Inc. between Dec. 31, 2007, and March 31, 2008."

"Read more at Illegal alien champions Gates, Soros profit by jailing them - WND - WND"

Just because Soros and Gates invest in for-profit prisons doesn't mean they control who gets in; that would be Trump's department.

They have a contract with the government way before Pres.Trump came in office. Pres.Trump can't shut them down, because of the heavy flow of immigrants. If he did, he wouldn't have any place to put them. Right now, George Soros is trying to get more money out of the government to house these immigrants. But Pres.Trump is trying to do less spending to bring down the deficit. How these bankers make money is from interest. Right now, our taxes are paying off the interest. But pres.Trump was bringing down the deficit. But the bankers (Soros and the Rockefeller) has raised up the interest rate, tom keep the deficit from going down. The bankers want the country to borrow more and more so that it will be impossible to pay them back. We will all be in debt to them for the rest of our lives.
Last edited by a moderator:
Remember the Covington School kid in the MAGA hat mainstream press debacle? Jesse Smollett's fudge packing lie the mainstream press bought lock stock & barrel? This is smelling of yet another manufactured outrage...
Remember the Covington School kid in the MAGA hat mainstream press debacle? Jesse Smollett's fudge packing lie the mainstream press bought lock stock & barrel? This is smelling of yet another manufactured outrage...
Remember Charlottsville, Sandy Hook, 911?

Inside the Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes — ProPublica

"Created in August 2016, the Facebook group is called 'I’m 10-15' and boasts roughly 9,500 members from across the country. (10-15 is Border Patrol code for 'aliens in custody.')

"The group described itself, in an online introduction, as a forum for 'funny' and 'serious' discussion about work with the patrol. 'Remember you are never alone in this family,' the introduction said."

Remember Charlottsville, Sandy Hook, 911?

I remember them.

Do you have a point?

George has the TDS bad
George has the TDS bad
TMS, actually.
Are you appalled?

Trump administration branded "twisted monsters" for trying to delay doctors' visit to detained migrant children

"The former head of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics has condemned the Trump administration as 'twisted monsters' for appearing to try to delay taking action to address 'appalling' conditions at its detention facilities holding migrant children.

On Friday, U.S. District J"udge Dolly Gee ordered the Trump administration to give health experts access to its detention facilities holding migrant children to assess their medical needs and ensure that they are being held in 'safe and sanitary' conditions after reports last month revealed that children were receiving insufficient care."

You've become worn out and tiresome.
You've become worn out and tiresome.

Historian: Impeachment is ‘a complicated question’
Drowned migrant father and daughter mourned at El Salvador cemetery

"SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — The bodies of a man and his young daughter who drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande into Texas are being laid to rest in their native El Salvador.

Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his daughter Valeria died while trying to cross the Rio Grande on June 23, their deaths captured by a horrific and haunting image that sparked outrage."

Fake (funeral) News?
Yea, there was a lot of mourning going on at this time too.

AOC Threatens INFOWARS Plus Tucker Carlson destroys American Concentration Camp Myth

View attachment 267221View attachment 267220

Yea, there was a lot of mourning going on at this time too.
That time we didn't have access to the hospitals where the babies allegedly died; today we have access to alleged CBP "torture facilities".

Link deleted.

"ABC News also noted that migrant children in at least two Customs and Border Protection facilities were forced to sleep on concrete floors with the lights on and had no access to hygiene products. One doctor wrote that the conditions were comparable to 'torture facilities.'

George Soros controls those detention centers. And he funded AOC campaign. They has been after Soros for a long time about the conditions of those detention centers. It is George soros is the one pointing his finger at Pres.Trump. Claiming that it is his fault. But him and AOC are trying to make it seem as if Pres.Trump is keeping them out.


Illegal alien champions Gates, Soros profit by jailing them - WND - WND

Homeland Security watchdog slams conditions at ICE detention facilities, including one in Aurora


George Soros controls those detention centers. And he funded AOC campaign. They has been after Soros for a long time about the conditions of those detention centers. It is George soros is the one pointing his finger at Pres.Trump. Claiming that it is his fault. But him and AOC are trying to make it seem as if Pres.Trump is keeping them out.
Your link:

"Last week, nearly two dozen protesters reportedly picketed outside the Seattle headquarters of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation over a $2.2 million investment by the Gates Trust into the prison firm.

WND has found that Soros purchased 105,354 shares of GEO Group Inc. between Dec. 31, 2007, and March 31, 2008."

"Read more at Illegal alien champions Gates, Soros profit by jailing them - WND - WND"

Just because Soros and Gates invest in for-profit prisons doesn't mean they control who gets in; that would be Trump's department.

They have a contract with the government way before Pres.Trump came in office. Pres.Trump can't shut them down, because of the heavy flow of immigrants. If he did, he wouldn't have any place to put them. Right now, George Soros is trying to get more money out of the government to house these immigrants. But Pres.Trump is trying to do less spending to bring down the deficit. How these bankers make money is from interest. Right now, our taxes are paying off the interest. But pres.Trump was bringing down the deficit. But the bankers (Soros and the Rockefeller) has raised up the interest rate, tom keep the deficit from going down. The bankers want the country to borrow more and more so that it will be impossible to pay them back. We will all be in debt to them for the rest of our lives.

They have a contract with the government way before Pres.Trump came in office. Pres.Trump can't shut them down, because of the heavy flow of immigrants. If he did, he wouldn't have any place to put them.
The ignorance and racism underlying Trump's "zero tolerance" immigration policies are designed to make the border crisis worse.

It's more proof Trump is simply unable or unwilling to perform his POTUS tasks:

The only consistent thing about Trump's immigration policy is his animus toward migrants

"Trump’s failures as a president are framed by his personal shortcomings. Incurious, egocentric, incapable of introspection or reflection, he forges ahead on a dyspeptic gut instinct then seeks to blame others for failures or, in Orwellian fashion, calls a loss a win.

"The humanitarian crisis at the border, which results from hundreds of thousands of people fleeing danger and poverty in Central America, will not be fixed by bellowing at Mexico to do more, or by terrorizing immigrant communities in the U.S. with threats of mass sweeps.

"The nation needs a coherent set of laws and policies to fix our failed immigration system.

"Instead, all we’re getting is disjointed declarations from a president who is clueless about the nature and scope of the problem, and preternaturally incapable for forming humane, sensible, workable policies to address our growing problems.

"So he flails.

"And fails. Again."
Remember Charlottsville, Sandy Hook, 911?

Inside the Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes — ProPublica

"Created in August 2016, the Facebook group is called 'I’m 10-15' and boasts roughly 9,500 members from across the country. (10-15 is Border Patrol code for 'aliens in custody.')

"The group described itself, in an online introduction, as a forum for 'funny' and 'serious' discussion about work with the patrol. 'Remember you are never alone in this family,' the introduction said."

Remember Charlottsville, Sandy Hook, 911?

I remember them.

Do you have a point?

George has the TDS bad
George has the TDS bad
TMS, actually.
Are you appalled?

Trump administration branded "twisted monsters" for trying to delay doctors' visit to detained migrant children

"The former head of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics has condemned the Trump administration as 'twisted monsters' for appearing to try to delay taking action to address 'appalling' conditions at its detention facilities holding migrant children.

On Friday, U.S. District J"udge Dolly Gee ordered the Trump administration to give health experts access to its detention facilities holding migrant children to assess their medical needs and ensure that they are being held in 'safe and sanitary' conditions after reports last month revealed that children were receiving insufficient care."

You've become worn out and tiresome.
You've become worn out and tiresome.

Historian: Impeachment is ‘a complicated question’

Then you double down on worn out and tiresome. Stick your crap up your ass
Have you ever wondered why CBP ranks dead last at recruiting female agents and officers of any federal law enforcement agency?

Here's your first clue:

"Another is a photo illustration of a smiling President Donald Trump forcing Ocasio-Cortez’s head toward his crotch. The agent who posted the image commented: 'That’s right bitches. The masses have spoken and today democracy won...'"

"Several of the postings reviewed by ProPublica refer to the planned visit by members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, including Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Veronica Escobar, to a troubled Border Patrol facility outside of El Paso. Agents at the compound in Clint, Texas, have been accused of holding children in neglectful, inhumane conditions.

"One member encouraged Border Patrol agents to hurl a 'burrito at these bitches.'

" Another, apparently a patrol supervisor, wrote, 'Fuck the hoes.' 'There should be no photo ops for these scum buckets,' posted a third member."

Too much MAGA?

Inside the Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes — ProPublica

Maybe you guys should start a “social score” system run by the government, so if people are mean like this and hurt your feelings you can throw them in jail. I mean, it works for China right?
Maybe you guys should start a “social score” system run by the government, so if people are mean like this and hurt your feelings you can throw them in jail. I mean, it works for China right?
Right after you guys stop giving badges to brainless bigots.

"According to screenshots by ProPublica, a nonprofit investigative news outlet, roughly 9,500 current and former Border Patrol agents are a part of the private group, where they have shared offensive content including an illustration of Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez performing oral sex at an immigrant detention center.

"Commentators in the group referred to a drowned migrant father and his toddler as 'floaters.'

"They also joked about tossing burritos at Hispanic members of Congress, including Ocasio-Cortez and El Paso Congresswoman Veronica Escobar, who plan to visit the detention center in Clint, Texas, according to screenshots by ProPublica."

CBP Investigating Offensive Border Patrol Facebook Group Activity
Have you ever wondered why CBP ranks dead last at recruiting female agents and officers of any federal law enforcement agency?

Here's your first clue:

"Another is a photo illustration of a smiling President Donald Trump forcing Ocasio-Cortez’s head toward his crotch. The agent who posted the image commented: 'That’s right bitches. The masses have spoken and today democracy won...'"

"Several of the postings reviewed by ProPublica refer to the planned visit by members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, including Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Veronica Escobar, to a troubled Border Patrol facility outside of El Paso. Agents at the compound in Clint, Texas, have been accused of holding children in neglectful, inhumane conditions.

"One member encouraged Border Patrol agents to hurl a 'burrito at these bitches.'

" Another, apparently a patrol supervisor, wrote, 'Fuck the hoes.' 'There should be no photo ops for these scum buckets,' posted a third member."

Too much MAGA?

Inside the Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes — ProPublica
Thank God there are still some MEN left in this country.
I remember them.

Do you have a point?

George has the TDS bad
George has the TDS bad
TMS, actually.
Are you appalled?

Trump administration branded "twisted monsters" for trying to delay doctors' visit to detained migrant children

"The former head of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics has condemned the Trump administration as 'twisted monsters' for appearing to try to delay taking action to address 'appalling' conditions at its detention facilities holding migrant children.

On Friday, U.S. District J"udge Dolly Gee ordered the Trump administration to give health experts access to its detention facilities holding migrant children to assess their medical needs and ensure that they are being held in 'safe and sanitary' conditions after reports last month revealed that children were receiving insufficient care."

You've become worn out and tiresome.
You've become worn out and tiresome.

Historian: Impeachment is ‘a complicated question’

Then you double down on worn out and tiresome. Stick your crap up your ass
Then you double down on worn out and tiresome. Stick your crap up your ass

Enough MAGA?
George has the TDS bad
George has the TDS bad
TMS, actually.
Are you appalled?

Trump administration branded "twisted monsters" for trying to delay doctors' visit to detained migrant children

"The former head of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics has condemned the Trump administration as 'twisted monsters' for appearing to try to delay taking action to address 'appalling' conditions at its detention facilities holding migrant children.

On Friday, U.S. District J"udge Dolly Gee ordered the Trump administration to give health experts access to its detention facilities holding migrant children to assess their medical needs and ensure that they are being held in 'safe and sanitary' conditions after reports last month revealed that children were receiving insufficient care."

You've become worn out and tiresome.
You've become worn out and tiresome.

Historian: Impeachment is ‘a complicated question’

Then you double down on worn out and tiresome. Stick your crap up your ass
Then you double down on worn out and tiresome. Stick your crap up your ass

Enough MAGA?

You're about one more stupid post from ignore
Have you ever wondered why CBP ranks dead last at recruiting female agents and officers of any federal law enforcement agency?

Here's your first clue:

"Another is a photo illustration of a smiling President Donald Trump forcing Ocasio-Cortez’s head toward his crotch. The agent who posted the image commented: 'That’s right bitches. The masses have spoken and today democracy won...'"

"Several of the postings reviewed by ProPublica refer to the planned visit by members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, including Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Veronica Escobar, to a troubled Border Patrol facility outside of El Paso. Agents at the compound in Clint, Texas, have been accused of holding children in neglectful, inhumane conditions.

"One member encouraged Border Patrol agents to hurl a 'burrito at these bitches.'

" Another, apparently a patrol supervisor, wrote, 'Fuck the hoes.' 'There should be no photo ops for these scum buckets,' posted a third member."

Too much MAGA?

Inside the Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes — ProPublica

Maybe you guys should start a “social score” system run by the government, so if people are mean like this and hurt your feelings you can throw them in jail. I mean, it works for China right?
Maybe you guys should start a “social score” system run by the government, so if people are mean like this and hurt your feelings you can throw them in jail. I mean, it works for China right?
Right after you guys stop giving badges to brainless bigots.

"According to screenshots by ProPublica, a nonprofit investigative news outlet, roughly 9,500 current and former Border Patrol agents are a part of the private group, where they have shared offensive content including an illustration of Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez performing oral sex at an immigrant detention center.

"Commentators in the group referred to a drowned migrant father and his toddler as 'floaters.'

"They also joked about tossing burritos at Hispanic members of Congress, including Ocasio-Cortez and El Paso Congresswoman Veronica Escobar, who plan to visit the detention center in Clint, Texas, according to screenshots by ProPublica."

CBP Investigating Offensive Border Patrol Facebook Group Activity

“Current and former” employees. Are you suggesting that former employees don’t have a right to criticize politicians? Even current employees are free to do so.

Not seeing what there is to be outraged about. Calling a dead body in a river a “floater” is quite normal if you are in that line of work....because you know, it correctly describes how the body was found.

Yea, there was a lot of mourning going on at this time too.
That time we didn't have access to the hospitals where the babies allegedly died; today we have access to alleged CBP "torture facilities".

Link deleted.

"ABC News also noted that migrant children in at least two Customs and Border Protection facilities were forced to sleep on concrete floors with the lights on and had no access to hygiene products. One doctor wrote that the conditions were comparable to 'torture facilities.'

George Soros controls those detention centers. And he funded AOC campaign. They has been after Soros for a long time about the conditions of those detention centers. It is George soros is the one pointing his finger at Pres.Trump. Claiming that it is his fault. But him and AOC are trying to make it seem as if Pres.Trump is keeping them out.


Illegal alien champions Gates, Soros profit by jailing them - WND - WND

Homeland Security watchdog slams conditions at ICE detention facilities, including one in Aurora


George Soros controls those detention centers. And he funded AOC campaign. They has been after Soros for a long time about the conditions of those detention centers. It is George soros is the one pointing his finger at Pres.Trump. Claiming that it is his fault. But him and AOC are trying to make it seem as if Pres.Trump is keeping them out.
Your link:

"Last week, nearly two dozen protesters reportedly picketed outside the Seattle headquarters of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation over a $2.2 million investment by the Gates Trust into the prison firm.

WND has found that Soros purchased 105,354 shares of GEO Group Inc. between Dec. 31, 2007, and March 31, 2008."

"Read more at Illegal alien champions Gates, Soros profit by jailing them - WND - WND"

Just because Soros and Gates invest in for-profit prisons doesn't mean they control who gets in; that would be Trump's department.

They have a contract with the government way before Pres.Trump came in office. Pres.Trump can't shut them down, because of the heavy flow of immigrants. If he did, he wouldn't have any place to put them. Right now, George Soros is trying to get more money out of the government to house these immigrants. But Pres.Trump is trying to do less spending to bring down the deficit. How these bankers make money is from interest. Right now, our taxes are paying off the interest. But pres.Trump was bringing down the deficit. But the bankers (Soros and the Rockefeller) has raised up the interest rate, tom keep the deficit from going down. The bankers want the country to borrow more and more so that it will be impossible to pay them back. We will all be in debt to them for the rest of our lives.

They have a contract with the government way before Pres.Trump came in office. Pres.Trump can't shut them down, because of the heavy flow of immigrants. If he did, he wouldn't have any place to put them.
The ignorance and racism underlying Trump's "zero tolerance" immigration policies are designed to make the border crisis worse.

It's more proof Trump is simply unable or unwilling to perform his POTUS tasks:

The only consistent thing about Trump's immigration policy is his animus toward migrants

"Trump’s failures as a president are framed by his personal shortcomings. Incurious, egocentric, incapable of introspection or reflection, he forges ahead on a dyspeptic gut instinct then seeks to blame others for failures or, in Orwellian fashion, calls a loss a win.

"The humanitarian crisis at the border, which results from hundreds of thousands of people fleeing danger and poverty in Central America, will not be fixed by bellowing at Mexico to do more, or by terrorizing immigrant communities in the U.S. with threats of mass sweeps.

"The nation needs a coherent set of laws and policies to fix our failed immigration system.

"Instead, all we’re getting is disjointed declarations from a president who is clueless about the nature and scope of the problem, and preternaturally incapable for forming humane, sensible, workable policies to address our growing problems.

"So he flails.

"And fails. Again."

A Homeland Security initiative to put fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border could discriminate against minorities, according to an Obama-appointed federal judge who’s ruled that the congressionally-approved project may have a “disparate impact on lower-income minority communities.”

This of course means that protecting the porous—and increasingly violent—southern border is politically incorrect. At least that’s what the public college professor at the center of the case is working to prove and this month she got help from a sympathetic federal judge. Denise Gilman, a clinical professor at the taxpayer-funded University of Texas-Austin, is researching the “human rights impact” of erecting a barrier to protect the U.S. from terrorists, illegal immigrants, drug traffickers and other serious threats.
Obama Judge: Mexican Border Fence May Have “Disparate Impact” on Minorities - Judicial Watch

When the federal government began seizing private land along the U.S.-Mexico border to build a towering fence, Teofilo Flores was offered $1,650 for a slice of his backyard.
At first, it seemed like a square deal. But then the cotton grower learned that his neighbor had received 40 times more for a similar piece of land. And another nearby farmer pocketed $1 million in exchange for his cooperation
Landowners Along U.S.-Mexico Border Claim Gov't Is Abusing its Power to Take Land at Unfair Prices

I'm not the one falsely accusing large percents of the population of vile acts.

That is you, you race baiting asshole.

Also, fuck you.

Supporting Trump's racist behavior is a vile act, you racist asshole. Also, I wouldn't fuck you unless you wash your crusty stinking ass hole first..

Yeah, Trump is so racist, that you race baiting assholes are reduced to trying to make an issue out of jokes on face book.

Stupid asshole.

Are they discussing your crusty stinking ass on Facebook now/

My point stands. If America was half, hell, no, a TENTH as racist as assholes like you claim,

you would have REAL ISSUES to focus on, and not have time to worry about a few jokes and comments on facebook.

We do have REAL ISSUES you idiot. Those vile jokes make that clear.

IF you had real issues you would be focusing on them, and not have time to worry about a couple of jokes on the internet.

That you have to look this hard to support your narrative of the US as being sooooooo racist,

proves that your view of the world, is utterly out of touch with reality.
George has the TDS bad
George has the TDS bad
TMS, actually.
Are you appalled?

Trump administration branded "twisted monsters" for trying to delay doctors' visit to detained migrant children

"The former head of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics has condemned the Trump administration as 'twisted monsters' for appearing to try to delay taking action to address 'appalling' conditions at its detention facilities holding migrant children.

On Friday, U.S. District J"udge Dolly Gee ordered the Trump administration to give health experts access to its detention facilities holding migrant children to assess their medical needs and ensure that they are being held in 'safe and sanitary' conditions after reports last month revealed that children were receiving insufficient care."

You've become worn out and tiresome.
You've become worn out and tiresome.

Historian: Impeachment is ‘a complicated question’

Then you double down on worn out and tiresome. Stick your crap up your ass
Then you double down on worn out and tiresome. Stick your crap up your ass

Enough MAGA?

waiting 10 years to date a 10 year old would make her 20.

Learn to count.
Have you ever wondered why CBP ranks dead last at recruiting female agents and officers of any federal law enforcement agency?

Here's your first clue:

"Another is a photo illustration of a smiling President Donald Trump forcing Ocasio-Cortez’s head toward his crotch. The agent who posted the image commented: 'That’s right bitches. The masses have spoken and today democracy won...'"

"Several of the postings reviewed by ProPublica refer to the planned visit by members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, including Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Veronica Escobar, to a troubled Border Patrol facility outside of El Paso. Agents at the compound in Clint, Texas, have been accused of holding children in neglectful, inhumane conditions.

"One member encouraged Border Patrol agents to hurl a 'burrito at these bitches.'

" Another, apparently a patrol supervisor, wrote, 'Fuck the hoes.' 'There should be no photo ops for these scum buckets,' posted a third member."

Too much MAGA?

Inside the Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes — ProPublica
Before you know it, the Trump Train will be rolling into Auschwitz. These are very, very, bad, evil people folks.
Supporting Trump's racist behavior is a vile act, you racist asshole. Also, I wouldn't fuck you unless you wash your crusty stinking ass hole first..

Yeah, Trump is so racist, that you race baiting assholes are reduced to trying to make an issue out of jokes on face book.

Stupid asshole.

Are they discussing your crusty stinking ass on Facebook now/

My point stands. If America was half, hell, no, a TENTH as racist as assholes like you claim,

you would have REAL ISSUES to focus on, and not have time to worry about a few jokes and comments on facebook.

We do have REAL ISSUES you idiot. Those vile jokes make that clear.

IF you had real issues you would be focusing on them, and not have time to worry about a couple of jokes on the internet.

That you have to look this hard to support your narrative of the US as being sooooooo racist,

proves that your view of the world, is utterly out of touch with reality.
The jokes are centered around dead people. How fuckin sick is that?
And this is exactly what CRCs approve up.....the sexual attack on women....
Racism and sexism are big parts of MAGA, and most conservatives have always endorsed both. Since Trump moved into the White House, they no longer see any need to hide their bigotry and cowardice.

Inside the Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes — ProPublica

"Members of a secret Facebook group for current and former Border Patrol agents joked about the deaths of migrants, discussed throwing burritos at Latino members of Congress visiting a detention facility in Texas on Monday and posted a vulgar illustration depicting Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez engaged in oral sex with a detained migrant, according to screenshots of their postings."

I’d call you a troll but that would be offensive to trolls.
The democrat party thrives on racism, sexism, homofascism and whatever bigotry it finds convenient. Then they propagate that through msm and any dissent they establish as the bigotry. Utter hypocrisy. And they count on dupes like you to parrot the agenda.
’d call you a troll but that would be offensive to trolls.
The democrat party thrives on racism, sexism, homofascism and whatever bigotry it finds convenient. Then they propagate that through msm and any dissent they establish as the bigotry. Utter hypocrisy. And they count on dupes like you to parrot the agenda.
How many CBP thugs are Democrats?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claims CBP officers told women to drink out of toilets in detention facility

"Freshman Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed Customs and Border Protection officers ordered women to drink water out of toilets at a migrant detention center along the U.S.-Mexico border.

"Ocasio-Cortez joined more than a dozen House members in a visit to detention centers in Texas on Monday.

"The trip was organized by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus following news reports of inhumane living conditions at some facilities."
And when we hear things like that, it' doesn't take long or much searching to find some CRC saying "good".
Good lol
Human suffering is "GOOD" for you?
Yeah, Trump is so racist, that you race baiting assholes are reduced to trying to make an issue out of jokes on face book.

Stupid asshole.

Are they discussing your crusty stinking ass on Facebook now/

My point stands. If America was half, hell, no, a TENTH as racist as assholes like you claim,

you would have REAL ISSUES to focus on, and not have time to worry about a few jokes and comments on facebook.

We do have REAL ISSUES you idiot. Those vile jokes make that clear.

IF you had real issues you would be focusing on them, and not have time to worry about a couple of jokes on the internet.

That you have to look this hard to support your narrative of the US as being sooooooo racist,

proves that your view of the world, is utterly out of touch with reality.
The jokes are centered around dead people. How fuckin sick is that?

Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Not showing that picture. I know that this could have been prevented if liberals didn't entice illegal immigration by creating sanctuary cities. So in a sense, these poor souls where murdered by liberals. The poor little girl and her father would be alive now, if it weren't for the asshole liberals promising these poor folks sanctuary . Especial since "sanctuary city" status has never ever been sanctioned by legitimate vote of the people. Web a tangled web we weave...
"Enticing illegal immigration by Liberals" is a gigantic lie. Illegal immigration started with our own illegal immigration into their own countries. Tell me I'm wrong, then prove it. If you can't, I was right. You are a liar.
Have you ever wondered why CBP ranks dead last at recruiting female agents and officers of any federal law enforcement agency?

Here's your first clue:

"Another is a photo illustration of a smiling President Donald Trump forcing Ocasio-Cortez’s head toward his crotch. The agent who posted the image commented: 'That’s right bitches. The masses have spoken and today democracy won...'"

"Several of the postings reviewed by ProPublica refer to the planned visit by members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, including Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Veronica Escobar, to a troubled Border Patrol facility outside of El Paso. Agents at the compound in Clint, Texas, have been accused of holding children in neglectful, inhumane conditions.

"One member encouraged Border Patrol agents to hurl a 'burrito at these bitches.'

" Another, apparently a patrol supervisor, wrote, 'Fuck the hoes.' 'There should be no photo ops for these scum buckets,' posted a third member."

Too much MAGA?

Inside the Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes — ProPublica

Big fucking deal. THey have a hard job and they tell some off color jokes.

You lefties who side with the criminals, are the actual problem. Not them.
They tell some off color jokes about the people who are lying about them, insulting them and attacking them. That's pretty mild.

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