Racist Squad member calls Kyle “white supremacist domestic terrorist” and refuses to apologize

Black people like IM2 are perpetuating racism with their attitudes, behavior and threats. Did you hear that the NY leader of BLM threatened “bloodshed” if the new mayor reinstalls the anti-crime unit?

Anyway, relating this back to the topic, a black Congresswoman calling a white kid a “white supremacist” simply because he killed two other whites in self-defense is the type of hatred toward whites that the Democrats are creating.

He's just a harmless internet race warrior. Shits like IM2 sit in font of a computer all day because they're too chickenshit to take it to the streets. A Kwerty-Board community organizer with a stuck Race key.

That's the one between the Insert and Page Up keys. :laughing0301:
He's just a harmless internet race warrior. Shits like IM2 sit in font of a computer all day because they're too chickenshit to take it to the streets. A Kwerty-Board community organizer with a stuck Race key.

That's the one between the Insert and Page Up keys. :laughing0301:
Yeah, he’s probably a scrawny 112-pound skinny weakling, and he’s a big touch guy when he’s anonymous and behind a keyboard.
Yeah, he’s probably a scrawny 112-pound skinny weakling, and he’s a big touch guy when he’s anonymous and behind a keyboard.

Ya never know about some of these people on here. IM2 could even be some skinny white guy who self-identifies, for all we know. :laughing0301:

Say what? We witnessed hundreds of savages, with 30 people killed, during the BLM riots, for month after month, and she picks on a white teen who was obviously defending himself? Whites are in trouble when elected Democrats just spew their venom due to their skin color.

P.S. Rumor has it that our esteemed President of the United States also weighed in with the same disgusting sentiment.

She's garbage.
That's a very broad statement that I don't think you really mean. Taken on its face, you're saying that another riot in which people get killed is justified. Another riot in which people protecting their property kill those attempting to destroy it is justified.

I think what you really mean to say is any destruction done by those upset that they didn't get to lynch the guy is justified, but you will harshly condemn any attempt to oppose said destruction.

Did I get that right?
Rittenhouse hasd no property to protect. He lived with his parents.
Rittenhouse hasd no property to protect. He lived with his parents.
Which doesn't address your overly broad statement that you obviously didn't mean. There's no way you would condone, for example, another riot breaking out and someone taking steps to stop it. Oh, you would condone the riot, just not the steps to stop it before more people got hurt.
For me, the members of the Squad fall under the category of 'People I Would Not Piss On If They Were On Fire'
Say what? We witnessed hundreds of savages, with 30 people killed, during the BLM riots, for month after month, and she picks on a white teen who was obviously defending himself? Whites are in trouble when elected Democrats just spew their venom due to their skin color.

P.S. Rumor has it that our esteemed President of the United States also weighed in with the same disgusting sentiment.

Great Rittenhouse can sue her for defamation along with xiden.

Great Rittenhouse can sue her for defamation along with xiden.

Actually, Rittenhouse can sue a sitting Congressperson for defamation. I don’t think the same applies to a sitting president. However, Biden did defame Rittenhouse when he was only the nominee by superimposing his image over a White Supremacy ad, and I think once Biden is out of office, he can get him for that.

I’d like to see this well-intended, but misguided, kid get compensated for the left making him their sacrificial lamb.
Actually, Rittenhouse can sue a sitting Congressperson for defamation. I don’t think the same applies to a sitting president. However, Biden did defame Rittenhouse when he was only the nominee by superimposing his image over a White Supremacy ad, and I think once Biden is out of office, he can get him for that.

I’d like to see this well-intended, but misguided, kid get compensated for the left making him their sacrificial lamb.

Wild willie got sued while he was in office.


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