Racist Squad member calls Kyle “white supremacist domestic terrorist” and refuses to apologize

Hopefully it would lead to threads like this not being written.
Why? Because I drew attention to the fact that we have an anti-white racist Democrat in Congress? (More than one….the Squad is made up of antisemites entirely, except one. She‘s just an idiot.) Do whites have to be quiet in the face of an obvious anti-white statement, yet rally behind movements to remove advanced math classes because they’re racist?

Message is: when racist blacks say anti-white things, other whites better shut up and not complain. Otherwise, you are interfering with our ultimate goal to advance anti-white racism.
Why? Because I drew attention to the fact that we have an anti-white racist Democrat in Congress? (More than one….the Squad is made up of antisemites entirely, except one. She‘s just an idiot.) Do whites have to be quiet in the face of an obvious anti-white statement, yet rally behind movements to remove advanced math classes because they’re racist?
I see. You started this thread because you think the democrats hate Jews which directly affects you.
Makes sense.
Do you speak out against anti gays?
Do you speak out against antisemites?

Why is it you leftists expect a persecuted minority to speak out against every group on the “protected minority” list, and then give a big shrug about antisemtism.
Do you speak out against antisemites?

Why is it you leftists expect a persecuted minority to speak out against every group on the “protected minority” list, and then give a big shrug about antisemtism.
I have zero experience with Jews or antisemites. Why don’t you start a thread about the hatred on both sides concerning this issue.
I see. You started this thread because you think the democrats hate Jews which directly affects you.
Makes sense.
No. I’m just pointing out your hypocrisy, and your comment made it easy to do. You practically accuse me of doing nothing to help blacks, and when I ask you what you’ve done to help Jews, you say how people feel about Jews is not your concern.

And again, that’s the double standards with leftists. They become irate if whites aren’t working hard enough, in their opinion, to fight back against the systemic racism they claim exists, and then proudly and cluelessly say how antisemitism is not their concern.
I have zero experience with Jews or antisemites. Why don’t you start a thread about the hatred on both sides concerning this issue.
Why? Bigotry is bigotry. It’s revealing when on a thread discussing a racist black Congresswoman, leftists not only jump in to deflect from her racism toward whites, but start asking what WE have done to combat racism against blacks - and then, revealing the height of hypocrisy, admit they haven’t done a thing about antisemitism because it doesn’t concern them.

This thread is about the racism coming from an elected Black Democrat.
You practically accuse me of doing nothing to help blacks, and when I ask you what you’ve done to help Jews, you say how people feel about Jews is not your concern.
It's none of my concern not because I ignore it. It's not my concern because I have never seen it. I have no experience with it. Why don't you tell all about it. Perhaps if you did you might gain an ally in your fight against it.
It's none of my concern not because I ignore it. It's not my concern because I have never seen it. I have no experience with it. Why don't you tell all about it. Perhaps if you did you might gain an ally in your fight against it.
Well, someone scratched ”Jew” in my new $35,000 car. Does that count?

I was walking with my grandmother when some a-hole sneered to her “too bad Hitler didn’t finish the job” (and my grandmother lost her own grandparents to the Nazis).

When I was a kid, I couldn’t go to a friends Sweet Sixteen party because her parents didn’t allow Jews in the house. Around that same time, my father was looking to buy a new house, and the developer bragged to him that they’ve been successful in discouraging Jews from buying there. (He lost THAT sale!)

Just last week, my neighbor suggested I go on a the cruise she went two years ago - six weeks through Europe and then down to Australia - and when I told her it wasn’t in my budget, she said she wished Jews didn’t worry about money all the time.

So, that answers your question. But we digress as to my personal experience with antisemitism.
He is and the case has everything to do with race since this happened because a black man was shot 7 times in the back.
This trial has nothing to do with race. You may seek to justify the violence and property destruction in the riot with race, but the shooting wasn't racial, and that's all the jury has to consider. If you want to make Rittenhouse out to be a white supremacist, then his defense team can introduce the fact that two of the people he shot were violent felons and one was a child molester.
Well, someone scratched ”Jew” in my new $35,000 car. Does that count?

I was walking with my grandmother when some a-hole sneered to her “too bad Hitler didn’t finish the job” (and my grandmother lost her own grandparents to the Nazis).

When I was a kid, I couldn’t go to a friends Sweet Sixteen party because her parents didn’t allow Jews in the house. Around that same time, my father was looking to buy a new house, and the developer bragged to him that they’ve been successful in discouraging Jews from buying there. (He lost THAT sale!)

Just last week, my neighbor suggested I go on a the cruise she went two years ago - six weeks through Europe and then down to Australia - and when I told her it wasn’t in my budget, she said she wished Jews didn’t worry about money all the time.

So, that answers your question. But we digress as to my personal experience with antisemitism.
Thanks for sharing and yes there is no excuse for behavior like that. I have experienced things like that.
I used to manage a music store and one day when I arrived at work there was "die N*gger bitch" written in soap on the window. We had a female black employee. Instead of making a scene, I went out and cleaned the window before she arrived. I then instructed my employees to not discuss it ever. To this day she doesn't know about it.
What I do now is I assume people are not hateful like that. Once I discover they are I remove them from my life. I gotta say that list grows larger by the day thanks to social media. When I see examples of this kind of thing I do speak out, but my anger is not limited to one political party. There are racists, homophobes, antisemites on both sides.
I see. You started this thread because you think the democrats hate Jews which directly affects you.
Makes sense.
It is difficult to figure out how some Jewish people hate Israel and some love Israel in politics. What the hell is that all about? Especially with the past that is not to kind to Jewish people when the shit hits the fan. Progs were very pro Israel before Obama. This is a reason among many that there are people who do not believe we the people control our government.
No, but if this guy doesn't go to jail then whatever happens is justified. Because he has broken several laws.
That's a very broad statement that I don't think you really mean. Taken on its face, you're saying that another riot in which people get killed is justified. Another riot in which people protecting their property kill those attempting to destroy it is justified.

I think what you really mean to say is any destruction done by those upset that they didn't get to lynch the guy is justified, but you will harshly condemn any attempt to oppose said destruction.

Did I get that right?

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