Racist Squad member calls Kyle “white supremacist domestic terrorist” and refuses to apologize

Wrong. I have not been proven wrong by any of you.

If a black man drove 20 miles out of his town, illegally purchased a firearm then called himself policing the streets and ended up killing 2 people, I am sure a police department that shot a black man in the back multiple times then lied about him going for a weapon, would have just let that black man walk right past the[m while carrtying an assault rifle. Thatf may happen innPleasantville, in in black America, no.
You have been manhy times on many threads.

No one lied about Blake reaching for a weapon. Yes it happens all over America you are full of shit.

Class Warfare is a staple of the Communist playbook. They destroy to gain power. Who knows what are who IM2 is really. On this thread he implied killing Kyle and called me a Saltine because I dared challenge what he is..............

People like him are the cause of this not us...........He knows it and just cusses more when we call him on it.
No I did not imply shit. One of you cheered his murders calling them social justice. To that I said,don't whine when Rittenhouse gets social justice. It's a simplle principle called if you live by the sword, you will die by the sword. Don't make this murderer a hero or else he's will have problems.

No, people like you are the problem. I cuss in disdain at your racism, Because you are not calling out anyone. What you ARE doing is showing the world an example of just how strong white racism is in America in 2021.
No I did not imply shit. One of you cheered his murders calling them social justice. To that I said,don't whine when Rittenhouse gets social justice. It's a simplle principle called if you live by the sword, you will die by the sword. Don't make this murderer a hero or else he's will have problems.

No, people like you are the problem. I cuss in disdain at your racism, Because you are not calling out anyone. What you ARE doing is showing the world an example of just how strong white racism is in America in 2021.
You can't crawfish out of your comment on this thread. You know it. Don't worry I didn't call the feds ..........lol
You have been manhy times on many threads.

No one lied about Blake reaching for a weapon. Yes it happens all over America you are full of shit.

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Yes they did lie about Blake. That's why the charges were dropped. That guy in your picture didn't do what Rittenhouse did. What you did is called a false equivalence.

Time for me to go do some work.
this one, dumbass.
Who has the most power in this country?
Banks with their hands in the back pocket of the Federal Reserve. Doesn't mean a damned thing about why your side causes CHAOS........with Class Warfare for politics................They ramp you up to get the attention off their Money Laundering of epic proportions.

You are their slave .......and don't even know it..........Your too stupid to know it. Now 10 .....9.........8..........on the implosion about to happen.
What question..............lol

The view promotes Racism......IM2 and you too.

It's not my problem you can't handle the truth.

You're the one who can't handle the truth.

You're the one who can't handle the truth.

You lie. You are the problem. The sooner the Blacks shame you into oblivion the sooner this BS ends. Same with the brain washed Berkley idiots in this country.
If he deserves any kind of leniency it's for being so retarded that he really didn't know what he was doing. Everything he did were the actions of a mentally impaired craven coward that had no business being in such a place armed without the courage and brains not to shoot people. He's retarded, why didn't they use that as a defense?
So, according to you, in the situation he was in, he should have let the mob kill him?
Yes they did lie about Blake. That's why the charges were dropped. That guy in your picture didn't do what Rittenhouse did. What you did is called a false equivalence.

Time for me to go do some work.
They did not lie.

It is an accurate analogy because you are claiming he would have been shot
My side? let me guess...you are another colonizer that thinks I'm black. Right?
Now you say words I never stated. Typical tactic when you get your ass ..........fitting symbol of the DNC.........handed to you.

I don't care if you are ET...........you are part of the problem in this country.
Tell us your views on censorship.

Who censored the view LMAO.

Typical tactic .........try to now change the subject because you are getting your ass handed to you.

Stop spreading Hate and violence in this country. What ever color you are. Peeps like you need to be shamed into oblivion. I've already stated that. Not censored..........ALLOW YOU TO RUN YOUR RACIST MOUTH and Counter it..........So people look at you and go look at that Rascist dirt bag destroying our town.
what have you done to improve things?
First, most of my efforts are devoted to fighting prejudice against my own minority, the Jews. What have YOU done to improve antisemitism?

Second, I volunteer with a financial literacy group with a local organization to teach basic life skills like making and following a budget. Most of the participants are black.

Third, I donate generously to the homeless shelter near me. Almost all the residents are black.

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