Racist Squad member calls Kyle “white supremacist domestic terrorist” and refuses to apologize

Nope. A savage is any cruel and brutal person, and we saw hundreds if not thousands of them incentivized by the racist BLM throughout The Summer of Love.
The Declaration of Independence says otherwise.

He has excited domestic Insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the Inhabitants of our Frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known Rule of Warfare, is an undistinguished Destruction, of all Ages, Sexes and Conditions.
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I don’t know what that poster said, since he’s on ignore, but he is so full of hostility and hate for whites that he is an example of the type of black people who are MAKING good people racist!

That‘s the irony of the entire BLM movement.
His comment was basically that they will kill Kyle without officially saying it.

Well then we he gets his social justice, don't cry.
The squad say idiotic things like this just to get attention. They never offer a solution to anything. That's why it's a waste of time to read any more than the headline in an article like this.
Also, is the jury sequestered? If not, they have undoubtedly heard the President of the United States, along with a Democrat Congresswoman, have declared the defendant a white supremacist Terrorist. Does this not taint them, knowing that if they acquit (as they should), our government officials have labeled the white teen a horrible and dangerous bigot, and that riots are likely to ensue if they let him off?

Many people have noticed how jurors in these cases can be openly intimidated and threatened by the left wing vermin and thugs with no consequences from law enforcment at any level. Same with police officers and their families in Minneapolis and other Democrat gangster strongholds.
In fact he did NOT transport the weapon across state lines.

Pressley is a raacist pig.

Jacob Blake was shot becaiuse he was reaching for a knife NOT a gun.

Race has nothing to do with it you morn he shot when he was attacked and only who attacked him and they were all white

Had he been black on film shooting three people who attacked him he would be support by all the same way.

You are a liar a racisty and a coward

You know nothing about this case or racism in general you uneducated FOOL
The charges on Blake were dropped because he wasn't reaching for anything.

Rittenhouse drove from Illnois. He was underage and in posession of a weapon.

Race is why the protests were held. Him shooting 3 whites does't change that. Rittenhouse came to fight BLM.

Soupnazi, had the killer been black, you would be singing a different tune. Lie to yourself, don't try that shit with me.

Yada, Yada, the same dumb ass personal attack from a punk ass neo nazi.
Yawn. So does burning and looting. Cause and effect. You are the problem and not me. You BREED RACISM by your actions.

You expect people to care about your cause when you march down the street chanting wrap them in bacon and Fry them.

RESPECT when you do that. Is not going to happen.
So I take it you'll be joining the looting when Kyle is exonerated?

Ooops, excuse me. I meant "early Christmas shopping." :laughing0301:
Black people like IM2 are perpetuating racism with their attitudes, behavior and threats. Did you hear that the NY leader of BLM threatened “bloodshed” if the new mayor reinstalls the anti-crime unit?

Anyway, relating this back to the topic, a black Congresswoman calling a white kid a “white supremacist” simply because he killed two other whites in self-defense is the type of hatred toward whites that the Democrats are creating.
The charges on Blake were dropped because he wasn't reaching for anything.

Rittenhouse drove from Illnois. He was underage and in posession of a weapon.

Race is why the protests were held. Him shooting 3 whites does't change that. Rittenhouse came to fight BLM.

Soupnazi, had the killer been black, you would be singing a different tune. Lie to yourself, don't try that shit with me.

Yada, Yada, the same dumb ass personal attack from a punk ass neo nazi.
20 minute drive...........more drivel from liars like you.
Yawn. So does burning and looting. Cause and effect. You are the problem and not me. You BREED RACISM by your actions.

You expect people to care about your cause when you march down the street chanting wrap them in bacon and Fry them.

RESPECT when you do that. Is not going to happen.
The majority of the burning and looting was done by whites who had nothing to do with BLM but they knew idiots like you would fall for it. Fuck the police.
The charges on Blake were dropped because he wasn't reaching for anything.

Rittenhouse drove from Illnois. He was underage and in posession of a weapon.

Race is why the protests were held. Him shooting 3 whites does't change that. Rittenhouse came to fight BLM.

Soupnazi, had the killer been black, you would be singing a different tune. Lie to yourself, don't try that shit with me.

Yada, Yada, the same dumb ass personal attack from a punk ass neo nazi.
Rittenhouse was not in possession of a weapon when he drove from illinois you dumbass. Blake was REACHING for a knife.

There was no protest it was a BLM riot and Rittenhouse opposed a lawless riot which was based on BLM propoganda

You are a liar I am consistent in my supprot for self defense regardless of race. It is you who picks and chooses based on color because you are the well known RACIST
Black people like IM2 are perpetuating racism with their attitudes, behavior and threats. Did you hear that the NY leader of BLM threatened “bloodshed” if the new mayor reinstalls the anti-crime unit?

Anyway, relating this back to the topic, a black Congresswoman calling a white kid a “white supremacist” simply because he killed two other whites in self-defense is the type of hatred toward whites that the Democrats are creating.
Whites have bullied us for 2 and one half centuris and this delusional bitch says this? Lol!
Many people have noticed how jurors in these cases can be openly intimidated and threatened by the left wing vermin and thugs with no consequences from law enforcment at any level. Same with police officers and their families in Minneapolis and other Democrat gangster strongholds.
Along with that, it was reported yesterday that someone was recoding the jury with a camera…..meaning they have their faces. Clear case of intimidation.

In any event, the case should be thrown out for prosecutorial misconduct, but obviously what most sane people, which includes the judge, are hoping for is an acquittal.
The majority of the burning and looting was done by whites who had nothing to do with BLM but they knew idiots like you would fall for it. Fuck the police.
It was done by BLM of all races and colors as it consostently was last year.
Whites have bullied us for 2 and one half centuris and this delusional bitch says this? Lol!
SO you bully back and cry when people stand up to you.

Proves you are a stupid person
His comment was basically that they will kill Kyle without officially saying it.

Well then we he gets his social justice, don't cry.
That’s what we are hearing from activist, white-hating racists - threatening violence. Don’t they know they threatening savage behavior just increases the very racism the purport to be fighting against?

Hint: That tells you this entire thing isn’t about fighting racism. It’s about instituting it - against whites.
The charges on Blake were dropped because he wasn't reaching for anything.

Rittenhouse drove from Illnois. He was underage and in posession of a weapon.

Race is why the protests were held. Him shooting 3 whites does't change that. Rittenhouse came to fight BLM.

Soupnazi, had the killer been black, you would be singing a different tune. Lie to yourself, don't try that shit with me.

Yada, Yada, the same dumb ass personal attack from a punk ass neo nazi.
Same accurate statement and you are closer to being a nazi
Black people like IM2 are perpetuating racism with their attitudes, behavior and threats. Did you hear that the NY leader of BLM threatened “bloodshed” if the new mayor reinstalls the anti-crime unit?

Anyway, relating this back to the topic, a black Congresswoman calling a white kid a “white supremacist” simply because he killed two other whites in self-defense is the type of hatred toward whites that the Democrats are creating.
They have been doing this forever. It is nothing new. The left creates Chaos on purpose. Gas Lights the Nation.....sets it on fire.....then blames it on someone else....

They own the media and the ignorant in this country lap it up. Slurp slurp slurp. IM2 is here to spread RACIAL DISCORD.............Hell blacks would tell him to STFU. They don't like these riots anymore than we do.

They have been doing this forever. It is nothing new. The left creates Chaos on purpose. Gas Lights the Nation.....sets it on fire.....then blames it on someone else....

They own the media and the ignorant in this country lap it up. Slurp slurp slurp. IM2 is here to spread RACIAL DISCORD.............Hell blacks would tell him to STFU. They don't like these riots anymore than we do.

Agree. Most blacks are mortified when they hear the racist blacks spew their venom toward whites. They know all it will do is increase racism.

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