Racist Squad member calls Kyle “white supremacist domestic terrorist” and refuses to apologize

No, but if this guy doesn't go to jail then whatever happens is justified. Because he has broken several laws.
Yeah. The Gang laws of Burn Loot and Murder. OMFG can you believe he had the nerve to try and put out fire they set. The NERVE that someone DARES CHALLENGE THE WOKE WHITE ASSHOLES of BLM.

Why did this mentally challenged kid have a gun? Why was he walking around an urban area hundreds of miles from his home? There is no way to say he bears no responsibility for his actions. It's not like he was thrust into that situation against his will. He went there to live out some fantasy and instead encountered the world as real as it gets.
It was not hundreds of miles from his home it was close enough to his home that he worked there making him part of the community.

Before commenting yuou should learn about the case.
Yeah. The Gang laws of Burn Loot and Murder. OMFG can you believe he had the nerve to try and put out fire they set. The NERVE that someone DARES CHALLENGE THE WOKE WHITE ASSHOLES of BLM.

Whites own burn, loot and murder.

Stay delusional saltine.
Nope. He dispensed social justice.

Good shootin' Kyle. :beer:
I’m impressed with him as I watch him on the stand; other than that one moment, he has composed himself more maturely and more intelligently than any adult I know.

Also, Biden ran a white supremacist visual over a photo of the Kenosha attack. when of course this was not released to race - a white kid killed two whites. It’s only related to race on a larger scale, via the violent BLM movement that encouraged savage behavior throughout the country.
Has any Democrat ever criticized BLM? They’re the ones behind the violence we saw all of summer 2020. Instead, they target their anger out on whites.
I’m impressed with him as I watch him on the stand, other than that one moment, he has composed himself more maturely and more intelligently than I know.

Also, Biden ran a white supremacist visual over a photo of the Kenosha attack. when of course this was not released to race - a white kid killed two whites. It’s only related to race on a larger scale, via the violent BLM movement that encouraged savage behavior throughout the country.

Whites have behaved like savages for over 400 years. STFU.
Pressley is not a racist. We blacks live facing racism, many whites live denying it. People are not called white supremacists by people like Pressley just because they are white. In fact 98-99 percent of us don't run around calling people white supremacists for any of the reasons some of the extremists in this forum claim. We call them that because that's the behavior they exhibit.

Rittenhouse had no business being there. He had no legal right to be armed and in fact transpoorted an illegal firearm across state lines. He had no reason to be acting as police thinking he had permission to take the law in his own hands. These 3 things should send Rittenhouse to prison regardless of whatever excuse he has given.

It's shameful that Jacob Blake took 7 bullets in the back because police THOUGHT he was going for a gun, but this white dude gets to walk down the street gun strapped while shots were being fired and after he actually did kill 2 people. Don't be white trying to tell me how race doesn't have anything to do with this. He the kid walling down the street been black, there would be no trial for him. There would have been a funeral and scum like Lisa would be trying to justify it. Self defense would not even be a consideration.
In fact he did NOT transport the weapon across state lines.

Pressley is a raacist pig.

Jacob Blake was shot becaiuse he was reaching for a knife NOT a gun.

Race has nothing to do with it you morn he shot when he was attacked and only who attacked him and they were all white

Had he been black on film shooting three people who attacked him he would be support by all the same way.

You are a liar a racisty and a coward

You know nothing about this case or racism in general you uneducated FOOL
Has any Democrat ever criticized BLM? They’re the ones behind the violence we saw all of summer 2020. Instead, they target their anger out on whites.
BLM was not the problem.
Whites own burn, loot and murder.

Stay delusional saltine.
Whats the matter. You trying to be slick calling others Crackers. LOL

You are the most Rascist FASCIST poster on this board. I caught the hint in your other post. You should retract that BRO......

We all know what you are and it isn't pretty. I OWE YOU NOTHING. NOTHING.

So why do you care Saltines were offed who were acting like animals in Kenosha burning shit.

It was not hundreds of miles from his home it was close enough to his home that he worked there making him part of the community.

Before commenting yuou should learn about the case.
You should get a better class of hero. This one's pretty weak. If this is what you admire you must be an utterly spineless jellyfish.
I’m impressed with him as I watch him on the stand, other than that one moment, he has composed himself more maturely and more intelligently than I know.

Also, Biden ran a white supremacist visual over a photo of the Kenosha attack. when of course this was not released to race - a white kid killed two whites. It’s only related to race on a larger scale, via the violent BLM movement that encouraged savage behavior throughout the country.

Why would black people even give a shit about two dead white antifa pedophiles, anyway? I'd be surprised if there was much in the way of protests, but we'll see.
Splain that. hmmm........Go ahead.....
I don’t know what that poster said, since he’s on ignore, but he is so full of hostility and hate for whites that he is an example of the type of black people who are MAKING good people racist!

That‘s the irony of the entire BLM movement.
I don't have to. Just understand that what you're cheering for has consequences.
Yawn. So does burning and looting. Cause and effect. You are the problem and not me. You BREED RACISM by your actions.

You expect people to care about your cause when you march down the street chanting wrap them in bacon and Fry them.

RESPECT when you do that. Is not going to happen.
You should get a better class of hero. This one's pretty weak. If this is what you admire you must be an utterly spineless jellyfish.
I never called him a hero

I am calling you out with facts proving you wrong and you are butthurt because you are weaker than I am
Why would black people even give a shit about two dead white antifa pedophiles, anyway? I'd be surprised if there was much in the way of protests, but we'll see.
If there are any protests, it’s because racists like that Congresswomen and our own president* turned it into a racial thing by accusing Kyle of being a white supremacist. Some of these leftist do-gooders are so stupid that they’ll riot because they think a white suoremacist got off.

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