Racist Squad member calls Kyle “white supremacist domestic terrorist” and refuses to apologize

Rittenhouse was not in possession of a weapon when he drove from illinois you dumbass. Blake was REACHING for a knife.

There was no protest it was a BLM riot and Rittenhouse opposed a lawless riot which was based on BLM propoganda

You are a liar I am consistent in my supprot for self defense regardless of race. It is you who picks and chooses based on color because you are the well known RACIST
Of course not. Rittenhouse was not law enforcement he was not opposing shit. He wasc looking for trouble, found it and because he is white, he is probably going to get away with it. He did not libe in Kenosha but he ended up there with a gun. Soupnazi, I don't pick and choose. I oppose racism coming from the whites in this forum. There is notning racist about it unless you're a white racisft and don't like being called out. So stop lying about being colorblind, I've been black all my life. I know when I see someone white who truly does not see color. They are the ones who generally don't preach about how they don't see color.
They have been doing this forever. It is nothing new. The left creates Chaos on purpose. Gas Lights the Nation.....sets it on fire.....then blames it on someone else....

They own the media and the ignorant in this country lap it up. Slurp slurp slurp. IM2 is here to spread RACIAL DISCORD.............Hell blacks would tell him to STFU. They don't like these riots anymore than we do.

No, you and the other whites who are racists create the discord. I'm here to oppose the discord you create. Nobody black in this forum has told me to shuyt up yet. You don't know any blacks.
They have been doing this forever. It is nothing new. The left creates Chaos on purpose. Gas Lights the Nation.....sets it on fire.....then blames it on someone else....

They own the media and the ignorant in this country lap it up. Slurp slurp slurp. IM2 is here to spread RACIAL DISCORD.............Hell blacks would tell him to STFU. They don't like these riots anymore than we do.

Just took a look at the video you posted. I think the worst part is Pelosi and the Dems kneeling in submission to blacks, superimposed over the BLM violence. The LAST thing you want to do is bow before racists and savages. It jusr encourages more of their unacceptable behavior.

Same reason you don’t give into a two-year-old, throwing a massive tantrum in the floor, because he wants ice cream an hour before dinner.
Of course not. Rittenhouse was not law enforcement he was not opposing shit. He wasc looking for trouble, found it and because he is white, he is probably going to get away with it. He did not libe in Kenosha but he ended up there with a gun. Soupnazi, I don't pick and choose. I oppose racism coming from the whites in this forum. There is notning racist about it unless you're a white racisft and don't like being called out. So stop lying about being colorblind, I've been black all my life. I know when I see someone white who truly does not see color. They are the ones who generally don't preach about how they don't see color.

I never claimed to be color blind but you are a racist and the only one here. You have long been proven wrong on racism and are just a bitter hate filled liar.

MOST would supprot a black mans right to self defense as they do Rittenhouse even if a black man had shot whites in self defense. You are out of touch with reality and clueless

Rittenhouse may well be many bad things but none of that negates his right to self defense and that would apply to blacks as well.
Agree. Most blacks are mortified when they hear the racist blacks spew their venom toward whites. They know all it will do is increase racism.
IM2 called me a Saltine on this thread. New WOKE version of Cracker. lol

He proves our sides point every time. We know their agenda and it isn't about protecting blacks. The leftist WHITE LUNATICS go out and pillage in their name as well.

It's Gas Lighting for votes without a care for who gets hurt or killed.
No, you and the other whites who are racists create the discord. I'm here to oppose the discord you create. Nobody black in this forum has told me to shuyt up yet. You don't know any blacks.
You have no idea who is black or white on this forum unless they tell you or announce it which few do

You are the one creating discord
No, you and the other whites who are racists create the discord. I'm here to oppose the discord you create. Nobody black in this forum has told me to shuyt up yet. You don't know any blacks.
Yawn. Tell me about White Flight you Racist Fascist prick. lol

I grew up and saw YOUR SIDE with my own eyes. I knew the neighbors who were black and friends who CAN'T STAND people like you either. You are the problem for blacks along with the drug induced white idiots of the DNC.
IM2 called me a Saltine on this thread. New WOKE version of Cracker. lol

He proves our sides point every time. We know their agenda and it isn't about protecting blacks. The leftist WHITE LUNATICS go out and pillage in their name as well.

It's Gas Lighting for votes without a care for who gets hurt or killed.
Yup. He called me a racist because I dared say that blacks contribute to the problem of poverty and crime by having such a high out-of-wedlock birthrate (which is proven to be correlated). Because I failed to blame whites ENTIRELY for the problems in the inner-cities, I’m a rwcist.

Thats actually what the Dems are trying to do: get white dissenters to submit by calling them racist if they don’t blame whites for every single problem.
I never claimed to be color blind but you are a racist and the only one here. You have long been proven wrong on racism and are just a bitter hate filled liar.

MOST would supprot a black mans right to self defense as they do Rittenhouse even if a black man had shot whites in self defense. You are out of touch with reality and clueless

Rittenhouse may well be many bad things but none of that negates his right to self defense and that would apply to blacks as well.
Wrong. I have not been proven wrong by any of you.

If a black man drove 20 miles out of his town, illegally purchased a firearm then called himself policing the streets and ended up killing 2 people, I am sure a police department that shot a black man in the back multiple times then lied about him going for a weapon, would have just let that black man walk right past the[m while carrtying an assault rifle. Thatf may happen innPleasantville, in in black America, no.
Yup. He called me a racist because I dared say that blacks contribute to the problem of poverty and crime by having such a high out-of-wedlock birthrate (which is proven to be correlated). Because I failed to blame whites ENTIRELY for the problems in the inner-cities, I’m a rwcist.

Thats actually what the Dems are trying to do: get white dissenters to submit by calling them racist if they don’t blame whites for every single problem.
Class Warfare is a staple of the Communist playbook. They destroy to gain power. Who knows what are who IM2 is really. On this thread he implied killing Kyle and called me a Saltine because I dared challenge what he is..............

People like him are the cause of this not us...........He knows it and just cusses more when we call him on it.
Yawn. Tell me about White Flight you Racist Fascist prick. lol

I grew up and saw YOUR SIDE with my own eyes. I knew the neighbors who were black and friends who CAN'T STAND people like you either. You are the problem for blacks along with the drug induced white idiots of the DNC.
You did see shit because you didn't live it. Now quit lying because I am black, know way more blacks than you and all the blacks I know take the same position I do. In fact I'm kind and gentle compared to some of my friends. The problem for blacks are white racists like you who siyt in positons of respnsibility. Stiop lying to yourself.
Wrong. I have not been proven wrong by any of you.

If a black man drove 20 miles out of his town, illegally purchased a firearm then called himself policing the streets and ended up killing 2 people, I am sure a police department that shot a black man in the back multiple times then lied about him going for a weapon, would have just let that black man walk right past the[m while carrtying an assault rifle. Thatf may happen innPleasantville, in in black America, no.
When I visited my mother n law in her old home I heard gunshots all the time there. You are Full of it. Was glad when we finally got her out of there. Too many.......BLACKS couldn't leave ......couldn't afford it.

But you ignore that part of the equation to promote racism..........You are a walking typing billboard of Racism in this country.
You did see shit because you didn't live it. Now quit lying because I am black, know way more blacks than you and all the blacks I know take the same position I do. In fact I'm kind and gentle compared to some of my friends. The problem for blacks are white racists like you who siyt in positons of respnsibility. Stiop lying to yourself.
Yawn. I saw it......PERIOD.....I don't give a damn if your Racist Fascist butt doesn't believe me.

It's crystal clear what you are on this thread to any with an IQ of a Saltine Cracker lol

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