Racist Squad member calls Kyle “white supremacist domestic terrorist” and refuses to apologize

Pressley is not a racist. We blacks live facing racism, many whites live denying it. People are not called white supremacists by people like Pressley just because they are white. In fact 98-99 percent of us don't run around calling people white supremacists for any of the reasons some of the extremists in this forum claim. We call them that because that's the behavior they exhibit.

Rittenhouse had no business being there. He had no legal right to be armed and in fact transpoorted an illegal firearm across state lines. He had no reason to be acting as police thinking he had permission to take the law in his own hands. These 3 things should send Rittenhouse to prison regardless of whatever excuse he has given.

It's shameful that Jacob Blake took 7 bullets in the back because police THOUGHT he was going for a gun, but this white dude gets to walk down the street gun strapped while shots were being fired and after he actually did kill 2 people. Don't be white trying to tell me how race doesn't have anything to do with this. He the kid walling down the street been black, there would be no trial for him. There would have been a funeral and scum like Lisa would be trying to justify it. Self defense would not even be a consideration.
Doesn't mean he is either. This case isn't about race.
He is and the case has everything to do with race since this happened because a black man was shot 7 times in the back.
She’s a racist Congresswoman on the Democrat side perpetuating the contempt and disdain toward United States citizens who are white.
Right. I meant "Who the f*ck does she think she is?" :04:
It's going to get a lot worse.

BLM and their lib supporters, in and out of Congress, are doing their best to turn America into a world-class shithole.
Whites like you and Lisa have made this a dysfunctional nation.
Much worse on The Democrat side, and everyone who isn’t a brainwashed leftist knows it.
Only a radicalized right winger makes such a claim. Your ass is republican and racist. You and most of the white members here.
Only a radicalized right winger makes such a claim. Your ass is republican and racist. You and most of the white members here.

So I take it you'll be joining the looting when Kyle is exonerated?

Ooops, excuse me. I meant "early Christmas shopping." :laughing0301:
Much worse on The Democrat side, and everyone who isn’t a brainwashed leftist knows it.

Wonder where you could live where there was just one political party. Syria is a failed state since 2005.
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She’s a racist Congresswoman on the Democrat side perpetuating the contempt and disdain toward United States citizens who are white.
Lol! Stop whining. Blacks taken white racist crap for 245 years. I thin we have been very patient. But now that patience has come to an end. Pressley is no racist, but you are a white racist who has an entitlement mentality.
Awee.............poor things upset that Burn Loot and Murder got Darwin Awards.....

Amazing how soo many of them protesting and burning shit are Brain Dead ......Brain Washed whites.

Let's see how it goes after Kyle gets found Not Guilty.

So I take it you'll be joining the looting when Kyle is exonerated?

Ooops, excuse me. I meant "early Christmas shopping." :laughing0301:
No, but if this guy doesn't go to jail then whatever happens is justified. Because he has broken several laws.
I believe the word savages is reserved for the Native Americans.
You need to amend this, colonizer.
Nope. A savage is any cruel and brutal person, and we saw hundreds if not thousands of them incentivized by the racist BLM throughout The Summer of Love.

Just yesterday we had the Leader of the NYC chapter of BLM threaten “bloodshed” if NY restarts the anti-crime bill. Why doesn’t the racist Congresswoman criticize that man and the 30 lives lost to the violence his group promoted? Why is all her hatred reserved for a white kid who killed in self-defense?

Lol! Stop whining. Blacks taken white racist crap for 245 years. I thin we have been very patient. But now that patience has come to an end. Pressley is no racist, but you are a white racist who has an entitlement mentality.
Here we go again. Last time you were 232. What's the secret to that huh.

This some SUPER HERO stuff or what. So how long were you a Slave. Was it under the Duke of York in this long life span of yours.
Awee.............poor things upset that Burn Loot and Murder got Darwin Awards.....

Amazing how soo many of them protesting and burning shit are Brain Dead ......Brain Washed whites.

Let's see how it goes after Kyle gets found Not Guilty.

The burners are right wing whites.
Wonder where you could live where there was just one political party. Syria is a failed state since 2005.
Wrong thread. We aren’t talking about Syria here. We are talking about the racist Democrats calling whites “white supremacists” because..well….they’re white.
No, but if this guy doesn't go to jail then whatever happens is justified. Because he has broken several laws.

Nope. He dispensed social justice.

Good shootin' Kyle. :beer:
Nope. A savage is any cruel and brutal person, and we saw hundreds if not thousands of them incentivized by the racist BLM throughout The Summer of Love.

Just yesterday we had the Leader of the NYC chapter of BLM threaten “bloodshed” if NY restarts the anti-crime bill. Why doesn’t the racist Congresswoman criticize that man and the 30 lives lost to the violence his group promoted? Why is all her hatred reserved for a white kid who killed in self-defense?


Savages include people who make laws and policies that allow them to burn, loot, rape, pillage, rob, and murder.

Like whites have done since at least 1776.

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