Racist Woke Mob Votes To End Confederate Flag Day

I dont see the other side lifting a finger to curry favor with the black community.
If by "lift a finger" and "curry favor" you mean pander and lie for 100 years, then yes, that may be the way to get the black community.
It means engaging and trying to do something that the community cares about
After 40 years of giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else, it's time to join the modern world with a living wage Te

Healthcare daycare cheap college and ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly taxing the rich for a change. And getting some debate on the crap GOP internet garbage. And Fox for that matter especially prime time omg. Rupert Murdock is a total scumbag and killing America. He also leads the charge against Megan MarkleIn the UK and Diana. he is not allowed to control a TV station anywhere else. A total disgrace.

You can't have a welfare state and unlimited legal and illegal immigration.

We are crashing and burning as a nation and a culture.
Close your eyes, think about statistics and imagine what America would look like without any darkies....I know what you see when you do...until you don't see that you will have that scary RACISM you manifest and foster.
Imagine what would happen to nations like Japan if their population was suddenly comprised of 35% darkies?
35%! That would end Japan. We have only 12% and look at the trouble they cause
Jesus you two are pathetic. Dumb and dumber here solving the worlds problems. Idiots
US has 13% of which approximately 9% only vote Democrat and then complain that nothing has changed in my 40 years on this Earth. We Jews are just as bad…most of us anyway.
Yea because if we had been voting Republican for the last 40yrs things would be great. Smfh. That would be like black folks voting for Bull Connor in the 60s.
How about you hold both parties accountable and switch it up? Democrats have been screwing the black community so far as I can see. Doesn't mean Republicans would not but give them a shot.
Since the 60s statistics show they black folks do better under Dem Presidents.
Really? Then why is BLM burning down cities.

What president has signed a police reform bill?

Why do we need DEI and Affirmative Action and I don't mean just presidents.

Why was AA creates and who.benefits the most from it?

I mean local representatives. Voting for Elijah Cummings for 40 consecutive years did wonders for Baltimore.

Cummings was just a part of the Government. You have the Mayor, City Council, County Reps and the Governor to deal with. So he can't overstep any of them.

If you want to stick with one party, OK but why not vote in different people from that party?

I agree if they are doing the job, next.
I dont see the other side lifting a finger to curry favor with the black community.
If by "lift a finger" and "curry favor" you mean pander and lie for 100 years, then yes, that may be the way to get the black community.
It means engaging and trying to do something that the community cares about
After 40 years of giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else, it's time to join the modern world with a living wage Te

Healthcare daycare cheap college and ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly taxing the rich for a change. And getting some debate on the crap GOP internet garbage. And Fox for that matter especially prime time omg. Rupert Murdock is a total scumbag and killing America. He also leads the charge against Megan MarkleIn the UK and Diana. he is not allowed to control a TV station anywhere else. A total disgrace.
ARe you trying to give Mitch McConnell and Brave Sir Lindsey fainting attacks? Surely returning taxes to where they were at the end of Reagan's terms will kill our economy and impoverish workers.
Why are we the only modern country without a living wage?
Because your ilk allows businesses to get away with hiring illegal labor so you can get a bunch of illegal votes and/or breed a new crop of Dem voters.

The irony is that the very thing you want to fix is actually caused by the illegal immigration you support.
Close your eyes, think about statistics and imagine what America would look like without any darkies....I know what you see when you do...until you don't see that you will have that scary RACISM you manifest and foster.
Imagine what would happen to nations like Japan if their population was suddenly comprised of 35% darkies?
35%! That would end Japan. We have only 12% and look at the trouble they cause
Problems white racists cause you mean. And Republicans of this new variety of brainwashed functional racist morons. Change the channel. Why are we the only modern country without a living wage? Healthcare etc etc etc. Brainwashed ignoramuses like you.

So, you make an absurd claim, about white wacism, and to back it up, you point to the Minimum Wage? Which is not racial at all?


View attachment 488374
Think again lol. Or think! No living wage is crap for brainwashed functional morons. Total doop of the greedy idiot GOP brainwashers.... Ditto all the rest of the things the GOP doesn't allow.
Close your eyes, think about statistics and imagine what America would look like without any darkies....I know what you see when you do...until you don't see that you will have that scary RACISM you manifest and foster.
Imagine what would happen to nations like Japan if their population was suddenly comprised of 35% darkies?
35%! That would end Japan. We have only 12% and look at the trouble they cause
Jesus you two are pathetic. Dumb and dumber here solving the worlds problems. Idiots
US has 13% of which approximately 9% only vote Democrat and then complain that nothing has changed in my 40 years on this Earth. We Jews are just as bad…most of us anyway.
Yea because if we had been voting Republican for the last 40yrs things would be great. Smfh. That would be like black folks voting for Bull Connor in the 60s.
How about you hold both parties accountable and switch it up? Democrats have been screwing the black community so far as I can see. Doesn't mean Republicans would not but give them a shot.
Since the 60s statistics show they black folks do better under Dem Presidents.
Really? Then why is BLM burning down cities.

What president has signed a police reform bill?

Why do we need DEI and Affirmative Action and I don't mean just presidents.

Why was AA creates and who.benefits the most from it?

I mean local representatives. Voting for Elijah Cummings for 40 consecutive years did wonders for Baltimore.

Cummings was just a part of the Government. You have the Mayor, City Council, County Reps and the Governor to deal with. So he can't overstep any of them.

If you want to stick with one party, OK but why not vote in different people from that party?

I agree if they are doing the job, next.
So you agree that voting for the same people over and over again stupid, right? You need to hold people accountable regardless of party. Wow we agree.
Anyone who thinks Confederate Day is stupid is just part of the Commie Woke Mob and hates our American way of life and heritage.....stop trying to cancel Confederate culture!!
I dont see the other side lifting a finger to curry favor with the black community.
If by "lift a finger" and "curry favor" you mean pander and lie for 100 years, then yes, that may be the way to get the black community.
It means engaging and trying to do something that the community cares about
After 40 years of giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else, it's time to join the modern world with a living wage Te

Healthcare daycare cheap college and ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly taxing the rich for a change. And getting some debate on the crap GOP internet garbage. And Fox for that matter especially prime time omg. Rupert Murdock is a total scumbag and killing America. He also leads the charge against Megan MarkleIn the UK and Diana. he is not allowed to control a TV station anywhere else. A total disgrace.
ARe you trying to give Mitch McConnell and Brave Sir Lindsey fainting attacks? Surely returning taxes to where they were at the end of Reagan's terms will kill our economy and impoverish workers.
Reagan lowered Kennedy's 70% top rate to 50% and had success. On his way out he took it down to 28% a disgrace. We need to get it back up to 50 at least. And close some giveaway to the rich/giant corporations loopholes.... Only a brain washed functional moron would vote for Republicans these days. End of story
Anyone who thinks Confederate Day is stupid is just part of the Commie Woke Mob and hates our American way of life and heritage.....stop trying to cancel Confederate culture!!
The men who actually fought the Civil War reconciled

But libs who were born 150 years later suddenly want to relive the past
Close your eyes, think about statistics and imagine what America would look like without any darkies....I know what you see when you do...until you don't see that you will have that scary RACISM you manifest and foster.
Imagine what would happen to nations like Japan if their population was suddenly comprised of 35% darkies?
35%! That would end Japan. We have only 12% and look at the trouble they cause
Jesus you two are pathetic. Dumb and dumber here solving the worlds problems. Idiots
US has 13% of which approximately 9% only vote Democrat and then complain that nothing has changed in my 40 years on this Earth. We Jews are just as bad…most of us anyway.
Yea because if we had been voting Republican for the last 40yrs things would be great. Smfh. That would be like black folks voting for Bull Connor in the 60s.
How about you hold both parties accountable and switch it up? Democrats have been screwing the black community so far as I can see. Doesn't mean Republicans would not but give them a shot.
Since the 60s statistics show they black folks do better under Dem Presidents.
Really? Then why is BLM burning down cities.

What president has signed a police reform bill?

Why do we need DEI and Affirmative Action and I don't mean just presidents.

Why was AA creates and who.benefits the most from it?

I mean local representatives. Voting for Elijah Cummings for 40 consecutive years did wonders for Baltimore.

Cummings was just a part of the Government. You have the Mayor, City Council, County Reps and the Governor to deal with. So he can't overstep any of them.

If you want to stick with one party, OK but why not vote in different people from that party?

I agree if they are doing the job, next.
So you agree that voting for the same people over and over again stupid, right? You need to hold people accountable regardless of party. Wow we agree.
What conservative policies has the GOP written or advocated for -- but didn't pass that you are upset about??

Seems as tho most of the whining from conservatives is not really policies based....just more about their feelings and how they think the GOP isn't doing enough to stop time and return things back to the good ole days...except they can't tell you when those good ole days were without sounding like morons..
Why are we the only modern country without a living wage?
Because your ilk allows businesses to get away with hiring illegal labor so you can get a bunch of illegal votes and/or breed a new crop of Dem voters.

The irony is that the very thing you want to fix is actually caused by the illegal immigration you support.
Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill that started out with an ID card to end illegal immigration. The only solution as proved in other modern countries. You are totally missinformed. Change the channel read something not from Rupert scumbag hate and missinformation Murdoch.
Anyone who thinks Confederate Day is stupid is just part of the Commie Woke Mob and hates our American way of life and heritage.....stop trying to cancel Confederate culture!!
The men who actually fought the Civil War reconciled

But libs who were born 150 years later suddenly want to relive the past
Do you get tired of both trying to defend the Confederacy while simultaneously claiming they were all just a bunch of racist democrats?

"The Arkansas House on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a proposal to end a day that commemorates the Confederate flag. The majority-Republican House voted 80-7 for legislation to abolish Confederate Flag Day, which is designated as the Saturday before Easter. The bill now heads to the majority-Republican Senate for a vote. The top Republican in the House, Rep. Austin McCollum, sponsored the measure and noted Confederate Flag Day was enacted in response to the 1957 desegregation of Little Rock Central High School. Gov. Asa Hutchinson said in a statement the measure makes sense to him and he plans to sign it if it reaches his desk."

Why won't they leave the Confederacy alone?? Haven't they already defeated them?? Why does the racist woke mob continue to attack the patriotism and honor of the Confederacy?? It was bad enough when these people forced legislators to change the symbolic meaning of one of the stars on the state's flag from honoring the Confederacy to honoring a bunch of subhuman savage native Americans...now these folks are doing away with Confederate day??

This is outrageous....Confederate Day is easily one of the most sacred days in the history of Arkansas...People have celebrated that day for generations or at least until those uppity darkies started attending schools with real Americans.....

View attachment 480545
Didn't realize such a day existed
Kinda makes you scratch your head doesn’t it?
It’s just stupid. Sort of like most of your hypocritical posts. You voted for Biden but against Newsome? Their beliefs are identical.
I like smaller government but I’m not going to vote for a douchebag and Trump along with many of the new republicans are total douche bags. The republicans have a serious douche bag problem

But what does that have to do with confederate flag day? What are you calling stupid?
Confederate Day is stupid as is your hypocrisy. You could have abstained.
Why would you need to bring up my hypocrisy in a thread that has a topic that we agree on? Where did that come from?
It came from the fact that I am not a hypocrite and stand firmly in my beliefs. You pick and choose.
So what? Why start in with that in a thread about the confederate flag on a point in which we agree?
Because people like you (hypocrites) need to be called out.
Why do I need to be called out on this particular thread which is about racism? Because that just makes it seem like you are reluctantly admitting that there is stupid racist shit going on in this country but then changing the subject from that to try and personally attack me as a hypocrite for no reason at all. Sounds like a distraction from the point which we actually agree on. Does agreeing with me make you feel that uncomfortable that you need to pick a fight? What’s up with you?
Confederate Flag Day is stupid. But that doesn't excuse people like you who also vote stupidly is my point. That is why.
The only reason to bring up the “but” in the last statement of yours is to change the subject.

Maybe you should ask yourself why you felt the need to do that.
Nope. It is to call your hypocrisy. I am not a hypocrite. I think BLM is stupid. I think the Alt Right is equally stupid. Maybe you should look up the word "hypocrite" and see if your picture is there?
See again, why are we talking about BLM, an org I know little to nothing about? This thread was about a confederate holiday. So why are we talking about me and BLM?
Close your eyes, think about statistics and imagine what America would look like without any darkies....I know what you see when you do...until you don't see that you will have that scary RACISM you manifest and foster.
Imagine what would happen to nations like Japan if their population was suddenly comprised of 35% darkies?
35%! That would end Japan. We have only 12% and look at the trouble they cause
Jesus you two are pathetic. Dumb and dumber here solving the worlds problems. Idiots
US has 13% of which approximately 9% only vote Democrat and then complain that nothing has changed in my 40 years on this Earth. We Jews are just as bad…most of us anyway.
Yea because if we had been voting Republican for the last 40yrs things would be great. Smfh. That would be like black folks voting for Bull Connor in the 60s.
How about you hold both parties accountable and switch it up? Democrats have been screwing the black community so far as I can see. Doesn't mean Republicans would not but give them a shot.
It’s just funny and ironic that you think black people who want to see change should lean into a party that identifies as conservative which wants to keep things traditional and preserve a constitutional system that fostered 100s of years of racial oppression. If you want the black vote to go Right then perhaps the right should launch a campaign in support of issues that the black community cares about. I know I know... crazy idea
My point is that they have been treated like shit by the Democrats who think of them as lesser people hence they support DEI and AA. Give the other party a shot and then go back and forth. Don't let one party have a monopoly on your vote. I find it funny how stupid you are that you don't see that under Democratic party rule their lives have not improved. At least not in my lifetime and I have been alive for 40 yrs.
I dont see the other side lifting a finger to curry favor with the black community. You may not love your job but very few are going to leave that job for another unless the new job offers something that’s more attractive than the old job. Get it?
I view it like I do my landscapers. I change them every four years. This way it keeps them honest and hardworking. I recommend the same for politicians. Re-Electing Elijah Cummings for 40 consecutive years did wonders for Baltimore.....
Nothing has been done for regular people by the federal government in the last 40 years of GOP misgovernment, dingbats.
Close your eyes, think about statistics and imagine what America would look like without any darkies....I know what you see when you do...until you don't see that you will have that scary RACISM you manifest and foster.
Imagine what would happen to nations like Japan if their population was suddenly comprised of 35% darkies?
35%! That would end Japan. We have only 12% and look at the trouble they cause
Problems white racists cause you mean. And Republicans of this new variety of brainwashed functional racist morons. Change the channel. Why are we the only modern country without a living wage? Healthcare etc etc etc. Brainwashed ignoramuses like you.

So, you make an absurd claim, about white wacism, and to back it up, you point to the Minimum Wage? Which is not racial at all?


View attachment 488374
Think again lol. Or think! No living wage is crap for brainwashed functional morons. Total doop of the greedy idiot GOP brainwashers.... Ditto all the rest of the things the GOP doesn't allow.

Err, nope. There are plenty of people who can make serious and well thought out arguments against increasing the min wage and none of their arguments are wacist.

That you keep citing an unrelated policy position to support your claims of wacism, is you revealing that you know you cannot support your claims of wacism with anything real.
I dont see the other side lifting a finger to curry favor with the black community.
If by "lift a finger" and "curry favor" you mean pander and lie for 100 years, then yes, that may be the way to get the black community.
It means engaging and trying to do something that the community cares about
After 40 years of giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else, it's time to join the modern world with a living wage Te

Healthcare daycare cheap college and ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly taxing the rich for a change. And getting some debate on the crap GOP internet garbage. And Fox for that matter especially prime time omg. Rupert Murdock is a total scumbag and killing America. He also leads the charge against Megan MarkleIn the UK and Diana. he is not allowed to control a TV station anywhere else. A total disgrace.
ARe you trying to give Mitch McConnell and Brave Sir Lindsey fainting attacks? Surely returning taxes to where they were at the end of Reagan's terms will kill our economy and impoverish workers.
Reagan lowered Kennedy's 70% top rate to 50% and had success. On his way out he took it down to 28% a disgrace. We need to get it back up to 50 at least. And close some giveaway to the rich/giant corporations loopholes.... Only a brain washed functional moron would vote for Republicans these days. End of story
It is sad. I realize leaders of both parties have to let those on their extreme wings at least have a chance to marshall enough votes to pass stuff, but the gop's need to appease Trump and his cultists of the Lost Cause seems to sap the courage of people like Collins and Romney to cause even minimal disruption to the .1% and corporate profits and raise 800 Billion for the new roads and ports the .1% NEED to keep their products flowing. Forget about 50% rates, we can't even bring ourselves to put penny taxes on day traders who really do nothing positive that couldn't be done by simply injecting bank liquidity into markets

In some ways it feels like 1972, but the dems aren't actually as bad. Nixon wanted to get my legs and balls blown off, and it turned out he was setting the stage for hyperinflation, and McGovern wanted to get rid of the cia and defense and have a rusky summit. Biden's veering left but it's not like the gop is occupying the middle lane.

"The Arkansas House on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a proposal to end a day that commemorates the Confederate flag. The majority-Republican House voted 80-7 for legislation to abolish Confederate Flag Day, which is designated as the Saturday before Easter. The bill now heads to the majority-Republican Senate for a vote. The top Republican in the House, Rep. Austin McCollum, sponsored the measure and noted Confederate Flag Day was enacted in response to the 1957 desegregation of Little Rock Central High School. Gov. Asa Hutchinson said in a statement the measure makes sense to him and he plans to sign it if it reaches his desk."

Why won't they leave the Confederacy alone?? Haven't they already defeated them?? Why does the racist woke mob continue to attack the patriotism and honor of the Confederacy?? It was bad enough when these people forced legislators to change the symbolic meaning of one of the stars on the state's flag from honoring the Confederacy to honoring a bunch of subhuman savage native Americans...now these folks are doing away with Confederate day??

This is outrageous....Confederate Day is easily one of the most sacred days in the history of Arkansas...People have celebrated that day for generations or at least until those uppity darkies started attending schools with real Americans.....

View attachment 480545
Didn't realize such a day existed
Kinda makes you scratch your head doesn’t it?
It’s just stupid. Sort of like most of your hypocritical posts. You voted for Biden but against Newsome? Their beliefs are identical.
I like smaller government but I’m not going to vote for a douchebag and Trump along with many of the new republicans are total douche bags. The republicans have a serious douche bag problem

But what does that have to do with confederate flag day? What are you calling stupid?
Confederate Day is stupid as is your hypocrisy. You could have abstained.
Why would you need to bring up my hypocrisy in a thread that has a topic that we agree on? Where did that come from?
It came from the fact that I am not a hypocrite and stand firmly in my beliefs. You pick and choose.
So what? Why start in with that in a thread about the confederate flag on a point in which we agree?
Because people like you (hypocrites) need to be called out.
Why do I need to be called out on this particular thread which is about racism? Because that just makes it seem like you are reluctantly admitting that there is stupid racist shit going on in this country but then changing the subject from that to try and personally attack me as a hypocrite for no reason at all. Sounds like a distraction from the point which we actually agree on. Does agreeing with me make you feel that uncomfortable that you need to pick a fight? What’s up with you?
Confederate Flag Day is stupid. But that doesn't excuse people like you who also vote stupidly is my point. That is why.
The only reason to bring up the “but” in the last statement of yours is to change the subject.

Maybe you should ask yourself why you felt the need to do that.
Nope. It is to call your hypocrisy. I am not a hypocrite. I think BLM is stupid. I think the Alt Right is equally stupid. Maybe you should look up the word "hypocrite" and see if your picture is there?
See again, why are we talking about BLM, an org I know little to nothing about? This thread was about a confederate holiday. So why are we talking about me and BLM?
There is no need to know much about BLM as long as you know that at no time and at no point in BLM's history or any other similar org to BLM; ever blew up a church killing 4 little white girls....and bragged about it....especially when bragging about it meant they knew law enforcement would be reluctant to charge them...
R_00.rac008 (51).png

I only know of right-wing white supremacy groups with that kind of history....when BLM does that, then they can talk to me about how the KKK and BLM are the same thing
I dont see the other side lifting a finger to curry favor with the black community.
If by "lift a finger" and "curry favor" you mean pander and lie for 100 years, then yes, that may be the way to get the black community.
It means engaging and trying to do something that the community cares about
After 40 years of giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else, it's time to join the modern world with a living wage Te

Healthcare daycare cheap college and ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly taxing the rich for a change. And getting some debate on the crap GOP internet garbage. And Fox for that matter especially prime time omg. Rupert Murdock is a total scumbag and killing America. He also leads the charge against Megan MarkleIn the UK and Diana. he is not allowed to control a TV station anywhere else. A total disgrace.
ARe you trying to give Mitch McConnell and Brave Sir Lindsey fainting attacks? Surely returning taxes to where they were at the end of Reagan's terms will kill our economy and impoverish workers.
Reagan lowered Kennedy's 70% top rate to 50% and had success. On his way out he took it down to 28% a disgrace. We need to get it back up to 50 at least. And close some giveaway to the rich/giant corporations loopholes.... Only a brain washed functional moron would vote for Republicans these days. End of story
It is sad. I realize leaders of both parties have to let those on their extreme wings at least have a chance to marshall enough votes to pass stuff, but the gop's need to appease Trump and his cultists of the Lost Cause seems to sap the courage of people like Collins and Romney to cause even minimal disruption to the .1% and corporate profits and raise 800 Billion for the new roads and ports the .1% NEED to keep their products flowing. Forget about 50% rates, we can't even bring ourselves to put penny taxes on day traders who really do nothing positive that couldn't be done by simply injecting bank liquidity into markets

In some ways it feels like 1972, but the dems aren't actually as bad. Nixon wanted to get my legs and balls blown off, and it turned out he was setting the stage for hyperinflation, and McGovern wanted to get rid of the cia and defense and have a rusky summit. Biden's veering left but it's not like the gop is occupying the middle lane.

The Confederacy was assimilated into the greater American Culture generations ago. Those heroes that ACTUALLY fought the South, did not have half this animosity towards them or their descendants as you people do.

Who are you to gainsay the forgiveness given by those who actually defeated the Confederacy? What Moral Authority do you have, that is greater than their Service?

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