Racist Woke Mob Votes To End Confederate Flag Day

God bless the Confederacy, the last best hope of Liberty. Gddamn the Union and the filthy welfare state..

I never knew that there was a confederate flag day.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I wonder what will happen come June 14th?
From what I have found out. That it seem as if it just started in 2018.
I think it was made up by the Leftist's crew to stir up racial tensions.
But people holds on to this flag because they were accustom on seeing it displayed around towns, but not for the reason it stand for.
Only the rich elites wanted slavery to go on. But the poor working class at the time thought that slavery was taking jobs from them. And at that time, there were only two class of people. The rich and the poor.
But most of these people who loves this flag are just accustom of seeing it displayed around since they were a child. Like some still celebrates Christmas even though it is not a Christian holiday. But people are just accustom to celebrating it that they can't let it go like a child can't let go of the nipple.


"The Arkansas House on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a proposal to end a day that commemorates the Confederate flag. The majority-Republican House voted 80-7 for legislation to abolish Confederate Flag Day, which is designated as the Saturday before Easter. The bill now heads to the majority-Republican Senate for a vote. The top Republican in the House, Rep. Austin McCollum, sponsored the measure and noted Confederate Flag Day was enacted in response to the 1957 desegregation of Little Rock Central High School. Gov. Asa Hutchinson said in a statement the measure makes sense to him and he plans to sign it if it reaches his desk."

Why won't they leave the Confederacy alone?? Haven't they already defeated them?? Why does the racist woke mob continue to attack the patriotism and honor of the Confederacy?? It was bad enough when these people forced legislators to change the symbolic meaning of one of the stars on the state's flag from honoring the Confederacy to honoring a bunch of subhuman savage native Americans...now these folks are doing away with Confederate day??

This is outrageous....Confederate Day is easily one of the most sacred days in the history of Arkansas...People have celebrated that day for generations or at least until those uppity darkies started attending schools with real Americans.....

View attachment 480545
Didn't realize such a day existed
Kinda makes you scratch your head doesn’t it?
It’s just stupid. Sort of like most of your hypocritical posts. You voted for Biden but against Newsome? Their beliefs are identical.
I like smaller government but I’m not going to vote for a douchebag and Trump along with many of the new republicans are total douche bags. The republicans have a serious douche bag problem

But what does that have to do with confederate flag day? What are you calling stupid?
Confederate Day is stupid as is your hypocrisy. You could have abstained.
Close your eyes, think about statistics and imagine what America would look like without any darkies....I know what you see when you do...until you don't see that you will have that scary RACISM you manifest and foster.
Imagine what would happen to nations like Japan if their population was suddenly comprised of 35% darkies?
35%! That would end Japan. We have only 12% and look at the trouble they cause
Jesus you two are pathetic. Dumb and dumber here solving the worlds problems. Idiots
US has 13% of which approximately 9% only vote Democrat and then complain that nothing has changed in my 40 years on this Earth. We Jews are just as bad…most of us anyway.
Yea because if we had been voting Republican for the last 40yrs things would be great. Smfh. That would be like black folks voting for Bull Connor in the 60s.
How about you hold both parties accountable and switch it up? Democrats have been screwing the black community so far as I can see. Doesn't mean Republicans would not but give them a shot.

"The Arkansas House on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a proposal to end a day that commemorates the Confederate flag. The majority-Republican House voted 80-7 for legislation to abolish Confederate Flag Day, which is designated as the Saturday before Easter. The bill now heads to the majority-Republican Senate for a vote. The top Republican in the House, Rep. Austin McCollum, sponsored the measure and noted Confederate Flag Day was enacted in response to the 1957 desegregation of Little Rock Central High School. Gov. Asa Hutchinson said in a statement the measure makes sense to him and he plans to sign it if it reaches his desk."

Why won't they leave the Confederacy alone?? Haven't they already defeated them?? Why does the racist woke mob continue to attack the patriotism and honor of the Confederacy?? It was bad enough when these people forced legislators to change the symbolic meaning of one of the stars on the state's flag from honoring the Confederacy to honoring a bunch of subhuman savage native Americans...now these folks are doing away with Confederate day??

This is outrageous....Confederate Day is easily one of the most sacred days in the history of Arkansas...People have celebrated that day for generations or at least until those uppity darkies started attending schools with real Americans.....

View attachment 480545

I am a coward.

But I am going to timidly comment on that photo. And then stop.

We see Caucasian people refusing to welcome that well-dressed African American young lady to the newly desegregated high school.

The photo earned the young lady a lot of sympathy.

Everyone has his/her opinion about the wisdom or unwisdom of the order to desegregate that school. I feel that there are reasonable pros and cons.

If that school is still operating today, I am guessing that both teachers and students are facing challenges that did not exist before integration.

"The Arkansas House on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a proposal to end a day that commemorates the Confederate flag. The majority-Republican House voted 80-7 for legislation to abolish Confederate Flag Day, which is designated as the Saturday before Easter. The bill now heads to the majority-Republican Senate for a vote. The top Republican in the House, Rep. Austin McCollum, sponsored the measure and noted Confederate Flag Day was enacted in response to the 1957 desegregation of Little Rock Central High School. Gov. Asa Hutchinson said in a statement the measure makes sense to him and he plans to sign it if it reaches his desk."

Why won't they leave the Confederacy alone?? Haven't they already defeated them?? Why does the racist woke mob continue to attack the patriotism and honor of the Confederacy?? It was bad enough when these people forced legislators to change the symbolic meaning of one of the stars on the state's flag from honoring the Confederacy to honoring a bunch of subhuman savage native Americans...now these folks are doing away with Confederate day??

This is outrageous....Confederate Day is easily one of the most sacred days in the history of Arkansas...People have celebrated that day for generations or at least until those uppity darkies started attending schools with real Americans.....

View attachment 480545
Didn't realize such a day existed
Kinda makes you scratch your head doesn’t it?
It’s just stupid. Sort of like most of your hypocritical posts. You voted for Biden but against Newsome? Their beliefs are identical.
I like smaller government but I’m not going to vote for a douchebag and Trump along with many of the new republicans are total douche bags. The republicans have a serious douche bag problem

But what does that have to do with confederate flag day? What are you calling stupid?
Confederate Day is stupid as is your hypocrisy. You could have abstained.
Why would you need to bring up my hypocrisy in a thread that has a topic that we agree on? Where did that come from?
Close your eyes, think about statistics and imagine what America would look like without any darkies....I know what you see when you do...until you don't see that you will have that scary RACISM you manifest and foster.
Imagine what would happen to nations like Japan if their population was suddenly comprised of 35% darkies?
35%! That would end Japan. We have only 12% and look at the trouble they cause
Jesus you two are pathetic. Dumb and dumber here solving the worlds problems. Idiots
US has 13% of which approximately 9% only vote Democrat and then complain that nothing has changed in my 40 years on this Earth. We Jews are just as bad…most of us anyway.
Yea because if we had been voting Republican for the last 40yrs things would be great. Smfh. That would be like black folks voting for Bull Connor in the 60s.
How about you hold both parties accountable and switch it up? Democrats have been screwing the black community so far as I can see. Doesn't mean Republicans would not but give them a shot.
It’s just funny and ironic that you think black people who want to see change should lean into a party that identifies as conservative which wants to keep things traditional and preserve a constitutional system that fostered 100s of years of racial oppression. If you want the black vote to go Right then perhaps the right should launch a campaign in support of issues that the black community cares about. I know I know... crazy idea

"The Arkansas House on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a proposal to end a day that commemorates the Confederate flag. The majority-Republican House voted 80-7 for legislation to abolish Confederate Flag Day, which is designated as the Saturday before Easter. The bill now heads to the majority-Republican Senate for a vote. The top Republican in the House, Rep. Austin McCollum, sponsored the measure and noted Confederate Flag Day was enacted in response to the 1957 desegregation of Little Rock Central High School. Gov. Asa Hutchinson said in a statement the measure makes sense to him and he plans to sign it if it reaches his desk."

Why won't they leave the Confederacy alone?? Haven't they already defeated them?? Why does the racist woke mob continue to attack the patriotism and honor of the Confederacy?? It was bad enough when these people forced legislators to change the symbolic meaning of one of the stars on the state's flag from honoring the Confederacy to honoring a bunch of subhuman savage native Americans...now these folks are doing away with Confederate day??

This is outrageous....Confederate Day is easily one of the most sacred days in the history of Arkansas...People have celebrated that day for generations or at least until those uppity darkies started attending schools with real Americans.....

View attachment 480545
Didn't realize such a day existed
Kinda makes you scratch your head doesn’t it?
It’s just stupid. Sort of like most of your hypocritical posts. You voted for Biden but against Newsome? Their beliefs are identical.
I like smaller government but I’m not going to vote for a douchebag and Trump along with many of the new republicans are total douche bags. The republicans have a serious douche bag problem

But what does that have to do with confederate flag day? What are you calling stupid?
Confederate Day is stupid as is your hypocrisy. You could have abstained.
Why would you need to bring up my hypocrisy in a thread that has a topic that we agree on? Where did that come from?
It came from the fact that I am not a hypocrite and stand firmly in my beliefs. You pick and choose.
Close your eyes, think about statistics and imagine what America would look like without any darkies....I know what you see when you do...until you don't see that you will have that scary RACISM you manifest and foster.
Imagine what would happen to nations like Japan if their population was suddenly comprised of 35% darkies?
35%! That would end Japan. We have only 12% and look at the trouble they cause
Jesus you two are pathetic. Dumb and dumber here solving the worlds problems. Idiots
US has 13% of which approximately 9% only vote Democrat and then complain that nothing has changed in my 40 years on this Earth. We Jews are just as bad…most of us anyway.
Yea because if we had been voting Republican for the last 40yrs things would be great. Smfh. That would be like black folks voting for Bull Connor in the 60s.
How about you hold both parties accountable and switch it up? Democrats have been screwing the black community so far as I can see. Doesn't mean Republicans would not but give them a shot.
It’s just funny and ironic that you think black people who want to see change should lean into a party that identifies as conservative which wants to keep things traditional and preserve a constitutional system that fostered 100s of years of racial oppression. If you want the black vote to go Right then perhaps the right should launch a campaign in support of issues that the black community cares about. I know I know... crazy idea
My point is that they have been treated like shit by the Democrats who think of them as lesser people hence they support DEI and AA. Give the other party a shot and then go back and forth. Don't let one party have a monopoly on your vote. I find it funny how stupid you are that you don't see that under Democratic party rule their lives have not improved. At least not in my lifetime and I have been alive for 40 yrs.

"The Arkansas House on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a proposal to end a day that commemorates the Confederate flag. The majority-Republican House voted 80-7 for legislation to abolish Confederate Flag Day, which is designated as the Saturday before Easter. The bill now heads to the majority-Republican Senate for a vote. The top Republican in the House, Rep. Austin McCollum, sponsored the measure and noted Confederate Flag Day was enacted in response to the 1957 desegregation of Little Rock Central High School. Gov. Asa Hutchinson said in a statement the measure makes sense to him and he plans to sign it if it reaches his desk."

Why won't they leave the Confederacy alone?? Haven't they already defeated them?? Why does the racist woke mob continue to attack the patriotism and honor of the Confederacy?? It was bad enough when these people forced legislators to change the symbolic meaning of one of the stars on the state's flag from honoring the Confederacy to honoring a bunch of subhuman savage native Americans...now these folks are doing away with Confederate day??

This is outrageous....Confederate Day is easily one of the most sacred days in the history of Arkansas...People have celebrated that day for generations or at least until those uppity darkies started attending schools with real Americans.....

View attachment 480545

Come on. "woke"?

The argument used against Kaepernick was something to do with the military. The Confederacy killed 140,000 US troops.

It's the very thing the right attack all the time. Anti-Patriotic nonsense. Hypocrisy.

1. That argument was flawed. The flag is not a symbol of the military. The Flag is the symbol of the nation as a whole. Kaepernick is an anti-American asshole and a piece of shit.

2. The Confederacy, and it's history, has long ago been assimilated into American culture and heritage, and by and large those that celebrate that portion of our heritage are, as a group, at LEAST as patriotic as the rest of Americans. Only an asshole would try to reopen a wound from a hundred years before they were born.

"The Arkansas House on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a proposal to end a day that commemorates the Confederate flag. The majority-Republican House voted 80-7 for legislation to abolish Confederate Flag Day, which is designated as the Saturday before Easter. The bill now heads to the majority-Republican Senate for a vote. The top Republican in the House, Rep. Austin McCollum, sponsored the measure and noted Confederate Flag Day was enacted in response to the 1957 desegregation of Little Rock Central High School. Gov. Asa Hutchinson said in a statement the measure makes sense to him and he plans to sign it if it reaches his desk."

Why won't they leave the Confederacy alone?? Haven't they already defeated them?? Why does the racist woke mob continue to attack the patriotism and honor of the Confederacy?? It was bad enough when these people forced legislators to change the symbolic meaning of one of the stars on the state's flag from honoring the Confederacy to honoring a bunch of subhuman savage native Americans...now these folks are doing away with Confederate day??

This is outrageous....Confederate Day is easily one of the most sacred days in the history of Arkansas...People have celebrated that day for generations or at least until those uppity darkies started attending schools with real Americans.....

View attachment 480545
I'm surprised.

"The Arkansas House on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a proposal to end a day that commemorates the Confederate flag. The majority-Republican House voted 80-7 for legislation to abolish Confederate Flag Day, which is designated as the Saturday before Easter. The bill now heads to the majority-Republican Senate for a vote. The top Republican in the House, Rep. Austin McCollum, sponsored the measure and noted Confederate Flag Day was enacted in response to the 1957 desegregation of Little Rock Central High School. Gov. Asa Hutchinson said in a statement the measure makes sense to him and he plans to sign it if it reaches his desk."

Why won't they leave the Confederacy alone?? Haven't they already defeated them?? Why does the racist woke mob continue to attack the patriotism and honor of the Confederacy?? It was bad enough when these people forced legislators to change the symbolic meaning of one of the stars on the state's flag from honoring the Confederacy to honoring a bunch of subhuman savage native Americans...now these folks are doing away with Confederate day??

This is outrageous....Confederate Day is easily one of the most sacred days in the history of Arkansas...People have celebrated that day for generations or at least until those uppity darkies started attending schools with real Americans.....

View attachment 480545

Come on. "woke"?

The argument used against Kaepernick was something to do with the military. The Confederacy killed 140,000 US troops.

It's the very thing the right attack all the time. Anti-Patriotic nonsense. Hypocrisy.

1. That argument was flawed. The flag is not a symbol of the military. The Flag is the symbol of the nation as a whole. Kaepernick is an anti-American asshole and a piece of shit.

2. The Confederacy, and it's history, has long ago been assimilated into American culture and heritage, and by and large those that celebrate that portion of our heritage are, as a group, at LEAST as patriotic as the rest of Americans. Only an asshole would try to reopen a wound from a hundred years before they were born.
The con-federacy and any celebration of it is a celebration of and by losers.

"The Arkansas House on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a proposal to end a day that commemorates the Confederate flag. The majority-Republican House voted 80-7 for legislation to abolish Confederate Flag Day, which is designated as the Saturday before Easter. The bill now heads to the majority-Republican Senate for a vote. The top Republican in the House, Rep. Austin McCollum, sponsored the measure and noted Confederate Flag Day was enacted in response to the 1957 desegregation of Little Rock Central High School. Gov. Asa Hutchinson said in a statement the measure makes sense to him and he plans to sign it if it reaches his desk."

Why won't they leave the Confederacy alone?? Haven't they already defeated them?? Why does the racist woke mob continue to attack the patriotism and honor of the Confederacy?? It was bad enough when these people forced legislators to change the symbolic meaning of one of the stars on the state's flag from honoring the Confederacy to honoring a bunch of subhuman savage native Americans...now these folks are doing away with Confederate day??

This is outrageous....Confederate Day is easily one of the most sacred days in the history of Arkansas...People have celebrated that day for generations or at least until those uppity darkies started attending schools with real Americans.....

View attachment 480545

Come on. "woke"?

The argument used against Kaepernick was something to do with the military. The Confederacy killed 140,000 US troops.

It's the very thing the right attack all the time. Anti-Patriotic nonsense. Hypocrisy.

1. That argument was flawed. The flag is not a symbol of the military. The Flag is the symbol of the nation as a whole. Kaepernick is an anti-American asshole and a piece of shit.

2. The Confederacy, and it's history, has long ago been assimilated into American culture and heritage, and by and large those that celebrate that portion of our heritage are, as a group, at LEAST as patriotic as the rest of Americans. Only an asshole would try to reopen a wound from a hundred years before they were born.
Have you ANY idea what these inner city savages will do to you when you point out the TRUTH that Slavery was beneficial to blacks? Wokism hides the TRUTH BEHIND PC BULLISHIT

"The Arkansas House on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a proposal to end a day that commemorates the Confederate flag. The majority-Republican House voted 80-7 for legislation to abolish Confederate Flag Day, which is designated as the Saturday before Easter. The bill now heads to the majority-Republican Senate for a vote. The top Republican in the House, Rep. Austin McCollum, sponsored the measure and noted Confederate Flag Day was enacted in response to the 1957 desegregation of Little Rock Central High School. Gov. Asa Hutchinson said in a statement the measure makes sense to him and he plans to sign it if it reaches his desk."

Why won't they leave the Confederacy alone?? Haven't they already defeated them?? Why does the racist woke mob continue to attack the patriotism and honor of the Confederacy?? It was bad enough when these people forced legislators to change the symbolic meaning of one of the stars on the state's flag from honoring the Confederacy to honoring a bunch of subhuman savage native Americans...now these folks are doing away with Confederate day??

This is outrageous....Confederate Day is easily one of the most sacred days in the history of Arkansas...People have celebrated that day for generations or at least until those uppity darkies started attending schools with real Americans.....

View attachment 480545

Come on. "woke"?

The argument used against Kaepernick was something to do with the military. The Confederacy killed 140,000 US troops.

It's the very thing the right attack all the time. Anti-Patriotic nonsense. Hypocrisy.

1. That argument was flawed. The flag is not a symbol of the military. The Flag is the symbol of the nation as a whole. Kaepernick is an anti-American asshole and a piece of shit.

2. The Confederacy, and it's history, has long ago been assimilated into American culture and heritage, and by and large those that celebrate that portion of our heritage are, as a group, at LEAST as patriotic as the rest of Americans. Only an asshole would try to reopen a wound from a hundred years before they were born.
The con-federacy and any celebration of it is a celebration of and by losers.

YOu really gloating over a war someone else won a hundred years before you were born?

LOL!!! What a pussy.

"The Arkansas House on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a proposal to end a day that commemorates the Confederate flag. The majority-Republican House voted 80-7 for legislation to abolish Confederate Flag Day, which is designated as the Saturday before Easter. The bill now heads to the majority-Republican Senate for a vote. The top Republican in the House, Rep. Austin McCollum, sponsored the measure and noted Confederate Flag Day was enacted in response to the 1957 desegregation of Little Rock Central High School. Gov. Asa Hutchinson said in a statement the measure makes sense to him and he plans to sign it if it reaches his desk."

Why won't they leave the Confederacy alone?? Haven't they already defeated them?? Why does the racist woke mob continue to attack the patriotism and honor of the Confederacy?? It was bad enough when these people forced legislators to change the symbolic meaning of one of the stars on the state's flag from honoring the Confederacy to honoring a bunch of subhuman savage native Americans...now these folks are doing away with Confederate day??

This is outrageous....Confederate Day is easily one of the most sacred days in the history of Arkansas...People have celebrated that day for generations or at least until those uppity darkies started attending schools with real Americans.....

View attachment 480545
Didn't realize such a day existed
Kinda makes you scratch your head doesn’t it?
It’s just stupid. Sort of like most of your hypocritical posts. You voted for Biden but against Newsome? Their beliefs are identical.
I like smaller government but I’m not going to vote for a douchebag and Trump along with many of the new republicans are total douche bags. The republicans have a serious douche bag problem

But what does that have to do with confederate flag day? What are you calling stupid?
Confederate Day is stupid as is your hypocrisy. You could have abstained.
Why would you need to bring up my hypocrisy in a thread that has a topic that we agree on? Where did that come from?
It came from the fact that I am not a hypocrite and stand firmly in my beliefs. You pick and choose.
So what? Why start in with that in a thread about the confederate flag on a point in which we agree?
Yea because if we had been voting Republican for the last 40yrs things would be great. Smfh. That would be like black folks voting for Bull Connor in the 60s.

Because supporting the Democrats has certainly done wonders for you folks, hasn't it.

"The Arkansas House on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a proposal to end a day that commemorates the Confederate flag. The majority-Republican House voted 80-7 for legislation to abolish Confederate Flag Day, which is designated as the Saturday before Easter. The bill now heads to the majority-Republican Senate for a vote. The top Republican in the House, Rep. Austin McCollum, sponsored the measure and noted Confederate Flag Day was enacted in response to the 1957 desegregation of Little Rock Central High School. Gov. Asa Hutchinson said in a statement the measure makes sense to him and he plans to sign it if it reaches his desk."

Why won't they leave the Confederacy alone?? Haven't they already defeated them?? Why does the racist woke mob continue to attack the patriotism and honor of the Confederacy?? It was bad enough when these people forced legislators to change the symbolic meaning of one of the stars on the state's flag from honoring the Confederacy to honoring a bunch of subhuman savage native Americans...now these folks are doing away with Confederate day??

This is outrageous....Confederate Day is easily one of the most sacred days in the history of Arkansas...People have celebrated that day for generations or at least until those uppity darkies started attending schools with real Americans.....

View attachment 480545
Didn't realize such a day existed
Kinda makes you scratch your head doesn’t it?
It’s just stupid. Sort of like most of your hypocritical posts. You voted for Biden but against Newsome? Their beliefs are identical.
I like smaller government but I’m not going to vote for a douchebag and Trump along with many of the new republicans are total douche bags. The republicans have a serious douche bag problem

But what does that have to do with confederate flag day? What are you calling stupid?
Confederate Day is stupid as is your hypocrisy. You could have abstained.
Why would you need to bring up my hypocrisy in a thread that has a topic that we agree on? Where did that come from?
It came from the fact that I am not a hypocrite and stand firmly in my beliefs. You pick and choose.
So what? Why start in with that in a thread about the confederate flag on a point in which we agree?
Because people like you (hypocrites) need to be called out.

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