

Searcher for Accuracy
Apr 27, 2008
Born as, but still forced to "convert to"? How can that be?

Soldier killed in Lebanon War 'finally promoted to rank of Jew'

By Anshel Pfeffer, Haaretz Correspondent

Yesmao Yela'o was preparing to visit his mother in Ethiopia, whom he had not seen in five years, but the Second Lebanon War started and he was called up. "He told me that if he comes back from the war he would go then," says Moshe Aylim, a childhood friend from Ethiopia who immigrated with Yesmao to Israel. On August 6, 2006 Yesmao was killed in a pre-dawn clash with Hezbollah fighters in the western sector.

Yesmao was the youngest of 13 siblings fathered by Fentai, a Jew who moved to Israel 20 years ago with some of his children from a previous marriage. Yesmao remained in Ethiopia with his sister Azmara and their Christian mother. But he was raised Jewish in Ethiopia, where religion follows the father.

On reaching adulthood Yesmao could immigrate on his own, and he came with Azmara and her children. They lived at the absorption center on Kibbutz Ayelet Hashahar. Yesmao was accepted to an intensive Jewish Agency program for Ethiopian immigrants in their teens and early 20s.

"He had lived as a Jew in Ethiopia, immigrated to Israel as a Jew, and completed the conversion process successfully," says Rabbi Menachem Waldman, director of the Shvut Am organization, which has accompanied the process for 17 years on the Chief Rabbinate's behalf. "When he arrived at the rabbinic court for the final stage, they pulled the same trick on him as on other youngsters. The rabbinic judges demanded he furnish confirmation from the synagogue he prays at, but from what synagogue is a young guy like him, without a family, going to get confirmation?"

Yesmao enlisted in the IDF at 23 and served as a sniper with Battalion 12 of the Golani Brigade. Yaron Lipman, his squad commander throughout combat training, describes a shy soldier.

After the army he worked as a security guard for the Postal Authority, saving up for school while continuing to help support his sister and saving for the visit to his mother.

Then the war began and he was called up, his first reserve duty. "We set out for battle unprepared, unequipped and untrained," Hezki Shoham, a soldier in his platoon, says. Yesmao was killed by a direct hit to the head in a battle with Hezbollah.

Then the issue of his burial place arose. IDF records listed him as non-Jewish, but after special application to Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar, Yesmao was ruled to have completed the conversion process, and was buried in a regular plot.

"After his death he was promoted to the rank of Jew," a buddy from his platoon said with bitterness.

The Jewish Agency brought his mother, Gondria, to the funeral, where it was revealed that Yesmao had a 6-year-old son, born while he was in Gondar awaiting immigration. The boy came for the memorial service on the first anniversary of his father's death. The authorities said he and his grandmother could stay, "but there was no one here to support them," Azmara says.

im telling you.. it's the new master race. Different racist standards, same racist objective.
Jews have less interest in integrating blacks into Israeli society today than white Southerners did 40 years ago, but the difference is that there are no white gentile lawyer brigades that have descended on Israel to file lawsuit after lawsuit to achieve this goal. No white gentile movie director will skip into Tel Aviv and crank out a tear-jerker a year featuring the cold-hearted Ashkenazi man who's led to see the error of his ways in refusing to allow his daughter to marry a Sephardic student. No white gentile newspaper reporter will write story after story about the heroic struggle of the Somalis to be accepted into Israeli society. And so on.

One standard for Jews, one standard for everyone else.

Some in the world get this. What breaks my fucking brain is that the Target for Destruction No. 1, white gentile Americans, don't have a clue. To them, Jews are wonderful-special-smart-neato-spiritual-poor victim people who are only disliked by a few crazy rednecks who are just jealous because of all the money. And, as so many white Christian conservatives like to tell me, "They're God's chosen people. We have to do what they say" (actual quote). They reserved their hottest anger for "anti-Semites" like me, becoming visibly upset even at mild questions about whether it's really such a good idea for our military to be in the complete service of Israel. Try pointing out to them that the same Jews who call for white gentile soldiers from Iowa to die in the sand to make Israel safe are also mocking their own Christian faith and conservative values through Hollywood/Manhattan/the Frankfurt School, and you get a dull stare that might well be accompanied by a banjo.

Like they say, "What's the difference between a white American and a Palestinian? The Palestinian knows he's occupied."
Jews have less interest in integrating blacks into Israeli society today than white Southerners did 40 years ago, but the difference is that there are no white gentile lawyer brigades that have descended on Israel to file lawsuit after lawsuit to achieve this goal. No white gentile movie director will skip into Tel Aviv and crank out a tear-jerker a year featuring the cold-hearted Ashkenazi man who's led to see the error of his ways in refusing to allow his daughter to marry a Sephardic student. No white gentile newspaper reporter will write story after story about the heroic struggle of the Somalis to be accepted into Israeli society. And so on.

One standard for Jews, one standard for everyone else.

Some in the world get this. What breaks my fucking brain is that the Target for Destruction No. 1, white gentile Americans, don't have a clue. To them, Jews are wonderful-special-smart-neato-spiritual-poor victim people who are only disliked by a few crazy rednecks who are just jealous because of all the money. And, as so many white Christian conservatives like to tell me, "They're God's chosen people. We have to do what they say" (actual quote). They reserved their hottest anger for "anti-Semites" like me, becoming visibly upset even at mild questions about whether it's really such a good idea for our military to be in the complete service of Israel. Try pointing out to them that the same Jews who call for white gentile soldiers from Iowa to die in the sand to make Israel safe are also mocking their own Christian faith and conservative values through Hollywood/Manhattan/the Frankfurt School, and you get a dull stare that might well be accompanied by a banjo.

Like they say, "What's the difference between a white American and a Palestinian? The Palestinian knows he's occupied."

Ignorant crap. American troops are NOT dieing for Israel. The American Military does not serve Israel. As a matter of fact if the US had stayed out of it, several wars fought by Israel would have settled a lot of problems YEARS ago, but we FORCED them to stop.

Your a racist pure and simple. You hate because you LIKE to hate. Even if you got that "white" country you claim you want, you would continue to hate. Then you would be ferreting out those that just were not white enough for you.

By the way, still waiting for that family tree that proves YOU are white enough.
Ignorant crap. American troops are NOT dieing for Israel. The American Military does not serve Israel.

Read Walt & Mearsheimer's book for a different take.

Your a racist pure and simple. You hate because you LIKE to hate.

This is not an argument. Nor is it spelled correctly.

I mean, a lot of folks on the board are liberal or anti-white. But I don't just say "you're liberal" and therefore wrong. I try to meet the points.
Jews have less interest in integrating blacks into Israeli society today than white Southerners did 40 years ago, but the difference is that there are no white gentile lawyer brigades that have descended on Israel to file lawsuit after lawsuit to achieve this goal. No white gentile movie director will skip into Tel Aviv and crank out a tear-jerker a year featuring the cold-hearted Ashkenazi man who's led to see the error of his ways in refusing to allow his daughter to marry a Sephardic student. No white gentile newspaper reporter will write story after story about the heroic struggle of the Somalis to be accepted into Israeli society. And so on.

One standard for Jews, one standard for everyone else.

Some in the world get this. What breaks my fucking brain is that the Target for Destruction No. 1, white gentile Americans, don't have a clue. To them, Jews are wonderful-special-smart-neato-spiritual-poor victim people who are only disliked by a few crazy rednecks who are just jealous because of all the money. And, as so many white Christian conservatives like to tell me, "They're God's chosen people. We have to do what they say" (actual quote). They reserved their hottest anger for "anti-Semites" like me, becoming visibly upset even at mild questions about whether it's really such a good idea for our military to be in the complete service of Israel. Try pointing out to them that the same Jews who call for white gentile soldiers from Iowa to die in the sand to make Israel safe are also mocking their own Christian faith and conservative values through Hollywood/Manhattan/the Frankfurt School, and you get a dull stare that might well be accompanied by a banjo.

Like they say, "What's the difference between a white American and a Palestinian? The Palestinian knows he's occupied."

Early morning news was about Israel





Then I was given this on Hamas' history:


which makes this: http://www.israpundit.com/2008/?p=536 kinda "funny".... or something...

but no wonder some cannot quite keep up!
Early morning news was about Israel





Then I was given this on Hamas' history:


which makes this: http://www.israpundit.com/2008/?p=536 kinda "funny".... or something...

but no wonder some cannot quite keep up!

Are you really so stupid as to believe that Hamas is a creation of the Mossad?


Not to mention that that idiocy has nothing to do with the article on Obama's church. We already know what Rev Wright says about Israel. Why would his giving a platform to Hamas surprise you?

But good on ya that you found our own little nazi to keep you company.
Are you really so stupid as to believe that Hamas is a creation of the Mossad?

Golda Meir is a NAZI???????

Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of the Islamist movement in Palestine, returning from Cairo in the seventies, established an Islamic charity association. Prime Minister Golda Meir, saw this as a an opportunity to counterbalance the rise of Arafat’s Fatah movement. .According to the Israeli weekly Koteret Rashit (October 1987), "The Islamic associations as well as the university had been supported and encouraged by the Israeli military authority" in charge of the (civilian) administration of the West Bank and Gaza. "They [the Islamic associations and the university] were authorized to receive money payments from abroad."

You need to read more than AIPAC propaganda sheets, LOL.....
Are you really so stupid as to believe that Hamas is a creation of the Mossad?


Golda Meir is a NAZI???????

Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of the Islamist movement in Palestine, returning from Cairo in the seventies, established an Islamic charity association. Prime Minister Golda Meir, saw this as a an opportunity to counterbalance the rise of Arafat’s Fatah movement. .According to the Israeli weekly Koteret Rashit (October 1987), "The Islamic associations as well as the university had been supported and encouraged by the Israeli military authority" in charge of the (civilian) administration of the West Bank and Gaza. "They [the Islamic associations and the university] were authorized to receive money payments from abroad."

You need to read more than AIPAC propaganda sheets, LOL.....

Where exactly do 'tards like you come from? Let me draw you a picture with the big, fat crayons on the Indian Chief tablet ....

There's no difference between you and WJ except the specific entity you are fearmongering about. Otherwise, you got the same, worn out tune. People like YOU keep racism alive and well where it would have otherwise died of old age except in the minds of the few ignorant haters who always have to blame their failures on someone or something different.

At least WJ attempts to cloak his stuff in legitimacy. Yours is just nonsensical, alarmist fearmongering.
Where exactly do 'tards like you come from? Let me draw you a picture with the big, fat crayons on the Indian Chief tablet ....

There's no difference between you and WJ except the specific entity you are fearmongering about. Otherwise, you got the same, worn out tune. People like YOU keep racism alive and well where it would have otherwise died of old age except in the minds of the few ignorant haters who always have to blame their failures on someone or something different.

At least WJ attempts to cloak his stuff in legitimacy. Yours is just nonsensical, alarmist fearmongering.

I was watching this really insane program yesterday on the History Channel, you know, that thing about the "bible codes" --- the one where a few very strange types from one group demos how the so-called bible code has predictions by name, of Bin Laden and the Twin Towers, among other things......

And the idiots just lap this crap up..... more Hagee-huggers than McCain out running loose.....

and then there are the shamans and the peyote munchers...... and whirling dervishes, should we start a list of all the "religion" nuts?

and that freak, Manson, with his "visions".....

as Hannum said, "There's a sucker born every minute."

The US needs to cut that patch of sand loose, or give 'em Idaho, and move them there, do like they did for the Native Americans!

What we have done is the equivalent of a nudist attacking a hornet's nest!
I was watching this really insane program yesterday on the History Channel, you know, that thing about the "bible codes" --- the one where a few very strange types from one group demos how the so-called bible code has predictions by name, of Bin Laden and the Twin Towers, among other things......

And the idiots just lap this crap up..... more Hagee-huggers than McCain out running loose.....

and then there are the shamans and the peyote munchers...... and whirling dervishes, should we start a list of all the "religion" nuts?

and that freak, Manson, with his "visions".....

as Hannum said, "There's a sucker born every minute."

The US needs to cut that patch of sand loose, or give 'em Idaho, and move them there, do like they did for the Native Americans!

What we have done is the equivalent of a nudist attacking a hornet's nest!

Just in case you haven't been kept up to date, McCain set Hagee out on the curb.

Which patch of sand would you be referring to specifically? If you mean the ME, it isn't likely. Not so long as we don't come up with a viable alternative fuel, and not as long as sparing some minnow prevents us from drilling for oil in our own country.

And not so long as oil companies are raking in record-setting profits with the status quo.

None of which has anything to do with racism.:eusa_think:
except in the minds of the few ignorant haters who always have to blame their failures on someone or something different.

It's funny, whenever anyone BUT whites has a complaint, it's never that they're "blaming their failures on someone or something different," it's a perfectly legitimate complaint. But whenever WHITES have a complaint, they're just paranoid racist haters. Someone might point out that that's a little unfair, but then someone might scream "racist" and we'll go down blubbering. Man, what'll make Gunny happy? All whites kill themselves tomorrow?
She's one of the rabid Israel haters...not very bright, though. But could you fix the earlier post so it doesn't look like I wrote those pathetic ramblings? ;)

And the lap dog speaks as a pitbull......................being one of the actual biggest haters on the board................:rolleyes:

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