Racists Love Republicans and Republicans Love Racists

Fat Bastardo

Senior Member
Jun 19, 2015
Not all Republicans are racists but IMO most are to some degree. Nearly all racists are Republicans. The following report shows that Republicans accepted $65,000 from a White Supremicist who was a big hero of Dylann Roof.

Earl Holt, leader of the Council of Conservative Citizens is a racist who give money to Republicans including Ted Cruz and Cruz accepted the until it came out the Earl Holt was one of Dylann Roof's heroes. This is typical Republican behavior!


WASHINGTON (AP) — The leader of a white supremacist group cited by Charleston church murder suspect Dylann Roof made $65,000 in donations to Republicans, including several to Republican presidential candidates, The Guardian newspaper reported Sunday night.

Read the rest HERE!

This is less about Dylann Roof and more about his CONservative Republican mentors and the overall hypocrisy and evil that is the GOP.

The Council of Conservative Citizens website helped fuel Roof's maniacal hatred for non Whites. The Ku Klux Klan is alive and well and it has changed it's letters from KKK to GOP.
And it's Democrats who are the racist and bigots.

so what the hell eh?
LOL, The op doesn't realize that the democrats are so full of anti-white racist that they're racist themselves.

The democrats think nothing of blaming all whites for what they killer did. That's racist!
The democrats think nothing of the twice as many whites slaughtered by blacks every year. That is pretty racist.

Who exactly is the real racist??? The democrats. People speaking up about their own slaughter aren't racist. Assholes.
And it's Democrats who are the racist and bigots.

so what the hell eh?

This is the response you get from them whenever you point out their behavior.

You show that the tea party accepts racism. Their response: The Dems are the REAL ones that accept racism

You show that republicans admit openly they give a shit about the poor. Their response: The Dems are the REAL ones that doesnt accept racism

Thats they're only play...I call it "Doing the Stephanie"
What makes republicans racist? Speaking about crime stats that show that blacks slaughter twice as many whites every year isn't racist. Anyone that gave a damn about black lives would be doing that and working out a plan to stop it.

Democrats are racist as they have to pound the drum against whites 24 hours per day. You're far more racist then one sick kid.....Racist bigots!!!!



The South shall rise again!!!
In this life when you have people like the OP and the rest of the clown buss,pointing fingers and make claims,is almost always because they are in fact guilty of what they claim others of being,
Its typical of small children and adults with zip for integrity.
So what op,,,,People that speak out about black on white violence which is far bigger then white on black violence today. Why shouldn't they be able to donate money???

Whites for 60 years have been moving out of neighborhoods that have been getting destroyed by blacks. Yet, blacks don't have to answer for shit. Blacks are the real racist.
Not all Republicans are racists but IMO most are to some degree. Nearly all racists are Republicans. The following report shows that Republicans accepted $65,000 from a White Supremicist who was a big hero of Dylann Roof.

Earl Holt, leader of the Council of Conservative Citizens is a racist who give money to Republicans including Ted Cruz and Cruz accepted the until it came out the Earl Holt was one of Dylann Roof's heroes. This is typical Republican behavior!


WASHINGTON (AP) — The leader of a white supremacist group cited by Charleston church murder suspect Dylann Roof made $65,000 in donations to Republicans, including several to Republican presidential candidates, The Guardian newspaper reported Sunday night.

Read the rest HERE!

This is less about Dylann Roof and more about his CONservative Republican mentors and the overall hypocrisy and evil that is the GOP.

The Council of Conservative Citizens website helped fuel Roof's maniacal hatred for non Whites. The Ku Klux Klan is alive and well and it has changed it's letters from KKK to GOP.

Yo, take a gander, all of your fellow Democrats!!!
Love it, when you squirm!!!

Not all democrats are genocidal fucks - oh wait, seems they are....

And we have another fact free statement from a member and support of the racist party of pedophiles.

Unlike you I post factual statement and links. When I said that the GOP is a party full of pedophiles I can prove it. PROOF the GOP aka the Republican party is infested with pedophiles. Click the link and see a list of convicted GOP pedophiles.

People who vote for and support the Republican Party are either knowingly or unknowingly supporting child molesters. Now that you know that the Republican Party is the party of pedophiles are you still going to be a Republican and vote for other Republican pedophiles and Republican pedophile enablers?

Are you going to continue to support pedophiles?
I don't know how these tools that spews this crap isn't Embarrassed with themselves.

they paint MILLIONS of people as racist just for a party they support

Have you seen how they (dems) on here treat any Black Republicans? oh and, you should go back and see how they treated Mrs. Palin.

you're a hater and nutjob brainwashed tool for the Democrat party. that's all
Not all Republicans are racists but IMO most are to some degree. Nearly all racists are Republicans. The following report shows that Republicans accepted $65,000 from a White Supremicist who was a big hero of Dylann Roof.

Earl Holt, leader of the Council of Conservative Citizens is a racist who give money to Republicans including Ted Cruz and Cruz accepted the until it came out the Earl Holt was one of Dylann Roof's heroes. This is typical Republican behavior!


WASHINGTON (AP) — The leader of a white supremacist group cited by Charleston church murder suspect Dylann Roof made $65,000 in donations to Republicans, including several to Republican presidential candidates, The Guardian newspaper reported Sunday night.

Read the rest HERE!

This is less about Dylann Roof and more about his CONservative Republican mentors and the overall hypocrisy and evil that is the GOP.

The Council of Conservative Citizens website helped fuel Roof's maniacal hatred for non Whites. The Ku Klux Klan is alive and well and it has changed it's letters from KKK to GOP.
And, what do Democrats love besides money, power, attention, themselves, fifteen minutes in front of the cameras, their contributors, their perks and benefits, and votes? Curious minds want to know.
Not all Republicans are racists but IMO most are to some degree. Nearly all racists are Republicans. The following report shows that Republicans accepted $65,000 from a White Supremicist who was a big hero of Dylann Roof.

Earl Holt, leader of the Council of Conservative Citizens is a racist who give money to Republicans including Ted Cruz and Cruz accepted the until it came out the Earl Holt was one of Dylann Roof's heroes. This is typical Republican behavior!


WASHINGTON (AP) — The leader of a white supremacist group cited by Charleston church murder suspect Dylann Roof made $65,000 in donations to Republicans, including several to Republican presidential candidates, The Guardian newspaper reported Sunday night.

Read the rest HERE!

This is less about Dylann Roof and more about his CONservative Republican mentors and the overall hypocrisy and evil that is the GOP.

The Council of Conservative Citizens website helped fuel Roof's maniacal hatred for non Whites. The Ku Klux Klan is alive and well and it has changed it's letters from KKK to GOP.
And, what do Democrats love besides money, power, attention, themselves, fifteen minutes in front of the cameras, their contributors, their perks and benefits, and votes? Curious minds want to know.

lol, sitting on the edge of our seats waiting to hear them answer that one.
Not all Republicans are racists but IMO most are to some degree. Nearly all racists are Republicans. The following report shows that Republicans accepted $65,000 from a White Supremicist who was a big hero of Dylann Roof.

Earl Holt, leader of the Council of Conservative Citizens is a racist who give money to Republicans including Ted Cruz and Cruz accepted the until it came out the Earl Holt was one of Dylann Roof's heroes. This is typical Republican behavior!


WASHINGTON (AP) — The leader of a white supremacist group cited by Charleston church murder suspect Dylann Roof made $65,000 in donations to Republicans, including several to Republican presidential candidates, The Guardian newspaper reported Sunday night.

Read the rest HERE!

This is less about Dylann Roof and more about his CONservative Republican mentors and the overall hypocrisy and evil that is the GOP.

The Council of Conservative Citizens website helped fuel Roof's maniacal hatred for non Whites. The Ku Klux Klan is alive and well and it has changed it's letters from KKK to GOP.
And, what do Democrats love besides money, power, attention, themselves, fifteen minutes in front of the cameras, their contributors, their perks and benefits, and votes? Curious minds want to know.

Beautiful Strawmen crafted by the finest Strawman builder in the land. You!
Not all Republicans are racists but IMO most are to some degree. Nearly all racists are Republicans. The following report shows that Republicans accepted $65,000 from a White Supremicist who was a big hero of Dylann Roof.

Earl Holt, leader of the Council of Conservative Citizens is a racist who give money to Republicans including Ted Cruz and Cruz accepted the until it came out the Earl Holt was one of Dylann Roof's heroes. This is typical Republican behavior!


WASHINGTON (AP) — The leader of a white supremacist group cited by Charleston church murder suspect Dylann Roof made $65,000 in donations to Republicans, including several to Republican presidential candidates, The Guardian newspaper reported Sunday night.

Read the rest HERE!

This is less about Dylann Roof and more about his CONservative Republican mentors and the overall hypocrisy and evil that is the GOP.

The Council of Conservative Citizens website helped fuel Roof's maniacal hatred for non Whites. The Ku Klux Klan is alive and well and it has changed it's letters from KKK to GOP.

Yo, take a gander, all of your fellow Democrats!!!View attachment 42956 Love it, when you squirm!!!


You lied and that is what Republicans do. Tell me the names of the people in those robes and then show first if those CHRISTIANS are/were registered voters and then show their party affiliation.

BTW, you hero David Duke was kicked out of the Democratic party and was welcomed with open arm by the GOP.

Here is David Dukes poltitcal candidate history. He did quite well as a Republican. Your people, other racist Republicans funded, supported and elected David Duke. I bet that deep down inside you are welling with pride.


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