Radiation Therapy

The other th
My wife just went through it 4 months ago. Hers was a stage 1-2 with nothing that had spread to the lymph nodes. The radiation treatment was 3 weeks at 5 days a week. One thing that you should discuss is the option to lie face down which reduces the exposure of your heart to the radiation. It ended up being no worse than a bad sunburn honestly.

Best of luck to you! It was scary for us but she seems to be ok and is just on meds right now. You don't sound like you are even as far along as my wife, so you will be fine I'm sure.
Thanks, they haven't staged it yet but he was talking about estrogen being high projesteron being low and the hers was low so as breast cancer goes, I'm in a good position for a cure. :). Not sure if I got all of the classifications right.
The other thing worth mentioning was my wife's breast tissue was very fibrous and required an MRI to place a marker wire thing to help the surgeon find the lump. The MRI took almost 3 hours and her actual surgery was barely an hour! Hopefully you won't need the MRI.
My wife just went through it 4 months ago. Hers was a stage 1-2 with nothing that had spread to the lymph nodes. The radiation treatment was 3 weeks at 5 days a week. One thing that you should discuss is the option to lie face down which reduces the exposure of your heart to the radiation. It ended up being no worse than a bad sunburn honestly.

Best of luck to you! It was scary for us but she seems to be ok and is just on meds right now. You don't sound like you are even as far along as my wife, so you will be fine I'm sure.
Thanks, they haven't staged it yet but he was talking about estrogen being high projesteron being low and the hers was low so as breast cancer goes, I'm in a good position for a cure. :). Not sure if I got all of the classifications right.
Ditto. They will put you on Tamoxifen. I took it for about 3 months then said fuck it and tossed it.
But first they will want to talk you in to radiation. Then "just in case", some rounds of chemo.
Do your homework, Sarah. YOURSELF, not from what the onc says. The info is out there on the net. All you need to know. You can also call the Cancer Society and they will talk to you as long as you want. Ask lots of questions. If you want to know more on what I found for myself, I can see if I can find it. Packing and getting ready to move so I'm not sure which box I put it in but it was very eye opening.

Are they going to take any nodes out? For me, the surgeon took just one and it was free and clear but he took it anyway which was fine with me.

Good luck.
Gracie what side effects, if I may ask, did you have from the Tamoxifen and when did they show up? My wife has been on it for about a month and it doesn't seem to be affecting her yet but not sure if it gets gradually worse.
The other th
My wife just went through it 4 months ago. Hers was a stage 1-2 with nothing that had spread to the lymph nodes. The radiation treatment was 3 weeks at 5 days a week. One thing that you should discuss is the option to lie face down which reduces the exposure of your heart to the radiation. It ended up being no worse than a bad sunburn honestly.

Best of luck to you! It was scary for us but she seems to be ok and is just on meds right now. You don't sound like you are even as far along as my wife, so you will be fine I'm sure.
Thanks, they haven't staged it yet but he was talking about estrogen being high projesteron being low and the hers was low so as breast cancer goes, I'm in a good position for a cure. :). Not sure if I got all of the classifications right.
The other thing worth mentioning was my wife's breast tissue was very fibrous and required an MRI to place a marker wire thing to help the surgeon find the lump. The MRI took almost 3 hours and her actual surgery was barely an hour! Hopefully you won't need the MRI.
My wife just went through it 4 months ago. Hers was a stage 1-2 with nothing that had spread to the lymph nodes. The radiation treatment was 3 weeks at 5 days a week. One thing that you should discuss is the option to lie face down which reduces the exposure of your heart to the radiation. It ended up being no worse than a bad sunburn honestly.

Best of luck to you! It was scary for us but she seems to be ok and is just on meds right now. You don't sound like you are even as far along as my wife, so you will be fine I'm sure.
Thanks, they haven't staged it yet but he was talking about estrogen being high projesteron being low and the hers was low so as breast cancer goes, I'm in a good position for a cure. :). Not sure if I got all of the classifications right.
Ditto. They will put you on Tamoxifen. I took it for about 3 months then said fuck it and tossed it.
But first they will want to talk you in to radiation. Then "just in case", some rounds of chemo.
Do your homework, Sarah. YOURSELF, not from what the onc says. The info is out there on the net. All you need to know. You can also call the Cancer Society and they will talk to you as long as you want. Ask lots of questions. If you want to know more on what I found for myself, I can see if I can find it. Packing and getting ready to move so I'm not sure which box I put it in but it was very eye opening.

Are they going to take any nodes out? For me, the surgeon took just one and it was free and clear but he took it anyway which was fine with me.

Good luck.
Gracie what side effects, if I may ask, did you have from the Tamoxifen and when did they show up? My wife has been on it for about a month and it doesn't seem to be affecting her yet but not sure if it gets gradually worse.
Thanks, I had a marker placed when they did the biopsy then an ultrasound. I believe the Oncologist said another ultrasound. I hope no mri.
and get ready for the maze of insurance....make sure you have that covered..the hospital can help you with that....and remember the eobs arrive and you think you need to pay..PAY NOTHING TILL YOU ARE BiLLed....and you can ask for an itemized report with codes...they dont like that but you can do it....now i did not realize this.....when you are in surgery there is more than your doctor....are they using a local...you wil be awake or sedated to just barely there? if you have a sensitive tummy ask for something pre surgery ...i am glad you found someone who have had this done ....and that you may not be in a lot of pain....
Anyone ever had to go through it? What's it like, how long do treatments take?

I am having a lumpectomy and my Oncologist is recommending it because it will lessen the chance of recurrence. Small lump, tiny. Having surgery next week so any quick answers appreciated. :)
and get ready for the maze of insurance....make sure you have that covered..the hospital can help you with that....and remember the eobs arrive and you think you need to pay..PAY NOTHING TILL YOU ARE BiLLed....and you can ask for an itemized report with codes...they dont like that but you can do it....now i did not realize this.....when you are in surgery there is more than your doctor....are they using a local...you wil be awake or sedated to just barely there? if you have a sensitive tummy ask for something pre surgery ...i am glad you found someone who have had this done ....and that you may not be in a lot of pain....
Yeah, I called the surgeon back about the anesthesia. She said it was a general but they aren't putting tubes down my throat. I think it's the barely there thing.

I had pretesting at the hospital. Omg, so many fucking doctors and people at the hospital, just let it be over already. I get there at 7:30 Thursday and surgery isn't until 11.

Cancer is big business, I tell ya.
Anyone ever had to go through it? What's it like, how long do treatments take?

I am having a lumpectomy and my Oncologist is recommending it because it will lessen the chance of recurrence. Small lump, tiny. Having surgery next week so any quick answers appreciated. :)
Hugs are the best. :)
sorry..she cant say that....only the gas passer can decide if you get tubed or not....if they ask you to open your mouth and then he looks down your throat and smile....you get tubed lol.....ask for zofran it will keep you from puking...
The other th
My wife just went through it 4 months ago. Hers was a stage 1-2 with nothing that had spread to the lymph nodes. The radiation treatment was 3 weeks at 5 days a week. One thing that you should discuss is the option to lie face down which reduces the exposure of your heart to the radiation. It ended up being no worse than a bad sunburn honestly.

Best of luck to you! It was scary for us but she seems to be ok and is just on meds right now. You don't sound like you are even as far along as my wife, so you will be fine I'm sure.
Thanks, they haven't staged it yet but he was talking about estrogen being high projesteron being low and the hers was low so as breast cancer goes, I'm in a good position for a cure. :). Not sure if I got all of the classifications right.
The other thing worth mentioning was my wife's breast tissue was very fibrous and required an MRI to place a marker wire thing to help the surgeon find the lump. The MRI took almost 3 hours and her actual surgery was barely an hour! Hopefully you won't need the MRI.
My wife just went through it 4 months ago. Hers was a stage 1-2 with nothing that had spread to the lymph nodes. The radiation treatment was 3 weeks at 5 days a week. One thing that you should discuss is the option to lie face down which reduces the exposure of your heart to the radiation. It ended up being no worse than a bad sunburn honestly.

Best of luck to you! It was scary for us but she seems to be ok and is just on meds right now. You don't sound like you are even as far along as my wife, so you will be fine I'm sure.
Thanks, they haven't staged it yet but he was talking about estrogen being high projesteron being low and the hers was low so as breast cancer goes, I'm in a good position for a cure. :). Not sure if I got all of the classifications right.
Ditto. They will put you on Tamoxifen. I took it for about 3 months then said fuck it and tossed it.
But first they will want to talk you in to radiation. Then "just in case", some rounds of chemo.
Do your homework, Sarah. YOURSELF, not from what the onc says. The info is out there on the net. All you need to know. You can also call the Cancer Society and they will talk to you as long as you want. Ask lots of questions. If you want to know more on what I found for myself, I can see if I can find it. Packing and getting ready to move so I'm not sure which box I put it in but it was very eye opening.

Are they going to take any nodes out? For me, the surgeon took just one and it was free and clear but he took it anyway which was fine with me.

Good luck.
Gracie what side effects, if I may ask, did you have from the Tamoxifen and when did they show up? My wife has been on it for about a month and it doesn't seem to be affecting her yet but not sure if it gets gradually worse.
Moods swings worse than what anyone has seen here. And major thoughts of suicide...worse than the usual I normally have. So in essence...suicidal thoughts and I just felt funky body wise.

I had chat sessions with another gal that had a mastectomy instead of lumpectomy, and we probably chatted on the phone 3 times a week. When I told her I wanted to off myself and couldn't quit crying (not due to cancer..life in general) and I felt weird, she said she was experiencing the same thing and wanted to stop her Tamoxifen. After that call...I decided to do what she was thinking of doing. I stopped. 2 weeks later, I called to see how she was doing because I was back to my "normal" then, and she said she stopped too and felt wonderful.
Gracie, you're moving? Are you happy things are finally getting underway?
Yes, I am moving. :( Finally got the dreaded notice by the landlord. We are not sure what we plan to do yet. Live in our cars or go stay with friends. Packing up bins of stuff for a storage unit, selling all the furniture. Already sold my dresser and bed. I am sleeping in my recliner for now, and when I want to stretch out, I brought Gracie's wrought iron lounge chair inside and lay on that. Sold the pc desk and am using milk crates right now. Yard sale is next week. 2 fridges, new washer and dryer we bought about 6 months ago, patio set, patio swing, leftover plants, knickknakcs, paintings, art, most of my clothes and shoes, kitchen stuff, drapes, tools, gardening equipment...30 years worth of stuff I've been dragging around. What we can't bear to part with...is stuffed in bins now stacked in the dining room so I can gauge how big of a truck we need to get. Smaller the better. Then we have to decide what to do. Wednesday I go in for the cataract surgery, end of month I go to derm doc to make sure the pre cancer spots on my arms are healed that he froze with his ghostbusters freeze gun (that hurt! And it hurts more that I can no longer be a sun lover without smearing 50+ protection lotion all over me).
Then I hafta get my new glasses cuz I can't afford to have the astigmatism repaired in that eye but at least I will not be looking out of a dirty window lens like I am now. Then to SS to have them send our SS checks...somewhere. Close bank account. Get new vet. Stock up on Karma's Hills Diet until we find one, depending where we land.

We have three choices. Inlaws...that live in a slum area with filth hoarders behind her, in front of her, on the sides of her. Then move AGAIN when they move to another slum area in Arizona; Stay with a friend in Riverside; Sleep in our cars and stay here in this area. Still musing on it.

But enough about me.

When I was diagnosed with my cancer....I never got a bill. Nothing. Everything was taken care of. Cancer Society took over. One of the cancer lady go betweens set everything up with medi-cal and Hearst Castle Foundation. Between the two of them..they paid everything, thank God.
I had no problem lifting my arm after the surgery. But I did hate the drain tube from the one node they took out. Damn thing itched and it was gross emptying the little bubble thingy that was collecting fluids from it. And I had shitloads of metal clamps too, instead of stitches. They didn't hurt either. But they ITCHED like mad. Then again, I have a high tolerance for pain. But he was a great surgeon and left me with a little cleft so it LOOKS like I have cleavage although nothing is there. After that, Hearst Foundation set me up with the prosthesis lady and 2 free bras. The only thing that really hurt during all this was the initial biopsy, and the ink injections in my nipple prior to surgery of that one breast. I got there at 6am, surgery was 11am, but I was kept busy being wheeled all over creation for tests and stuff.

If they take blood, READ THE VIAL before they wisk you away to somewhere else. On mine, it was the wrong name. They were sending it off to MY surgeon and it was not even my blood. I caught it cuz I was bored as they were taking blood tests and started reading the vials on the tray. Some had another ladies name, some mine. So double check. Don't just turn yourself over to those folks. Stay aware as long as possible.

When they started the mastectomy...they just stuck a needle in my hand and said "night night!" and that was it. I was out. Woke up yelling about Rwanda and machete's and someone cut my boob off. (I warned them I do not come out of anesthesia all sweet and light..I come out of it PISSED OFF). So when I was waking up...the drugs they had me on were not working so I was yelling at them all and they were injecting this and that until they found the one that shut me up and I was shut up because I was out like a light. Slept a long time after that...so whatever they did, worked. YAY!

Got home, went to bed, did fine. Was up and about not long after. Actually..I barely remember it much now.

You will do fine. Don't cry either. Or cry, and know many of us cry with you. Hang in there. You will be fine!! Cuz I said so. YOU are the one that wants to live to 98, and therefore you shall. Its all positive thinking, Sarah. You will. 98. omg....*shudder* on my end.
Gracie, you're moving? Are you happy things are finally getting underway?
Yes, I am moving. :( Finally got the dreaded notice by the landlord. We are not sure what we plan to do yet. Live in our cars or go stay with friends. Packing up bins of stuff for a storage unit, selling all the furniture. Already sold my dresser and bed. I am sleeping in my recliner for now, and when I want to stretch out, I brought Gracie's wrought iron lounge chair inside and lay on that. Sold the pc desk and am using milk crates right now. Yard sale is next week. 2 fridges, new washer and dryer we bought about 6 months ago, patio set, patio swing, leftover plants, knickknakcs, paintings, art, most of my clothes and shoes, kitchen stuff, drapes, tools, gardening equipment...30 years worth of stuff I've been dragging around. What we can't bear to part with...is stuffed in bins now stacked in the dining room so I can gauge how big of a truck we need to get. Smaller the better. Then we have to decide what to do. Wednesday I go in for the cataract surgery, end of month I go to derm doc to make sure the pre cancer spots on my arms are healed that he froze with his ghostbusters freeze gun (that hurt! And it hurts more that I can no longer be a sun lover without smearing 50+ protection lotion all over me).
Then I hafta get my new glasses cuz I can't afford to have the astigmatism repaired in that eye but at least I will not be looking out of a dirty window lens like I am now. Then to SS to have them send our SS checks...somewhere. Close bank account. Get new vet. Stock up on Karma's Hills Diet until we find one, depending where we land.

We have three choices. Inlaws...that live in a slum area with filth hoarders behind her, in front of her, on the sides of her. Then move AGAIN when they move to another slum area in Arizona; Stay with a friend in Riverside; Sleep in our cars and stay here in this area. Still musing on it.

But enough about me.

When I was diagnosed with my cancer....I never got a bill. Nothing. Everything was taken care of. Cancer Society took over. One of the cancer lady go betweens set everything up with medi-cal and Hearst Castle Foundation. Between the two of them..they paid everything, thank God.
I had no problem lifting my arm after the surgery. But I did hate the drain tube from the one node they took out. Damn thing itched and it was gross emptying the little bubble thingy that was collecting fluids from it. And I had shitloads of metal clamps too, instead of stitches. They didn't hurt either. But they ITCHED like mad. Then again, I have a high tolerance for pain. But he was a great surgeon and left me with a little cleft so it LOOKS like I have cleavage although nothing is there. After that, Hearst Foundation set me up with the prosthesis lady and 2 free bras. The only thing that really hurt during all this was the initial biopsy, and the ink injections in my nipple prior to surgery of that one breast. I got there at 6am, surgery was 11am, but I was kept busy being wheeled all over creation for tests and stuff.

If they take blood, READ THE VIAL before they wisk you away to somewhere else. On mine, it was the wrong name. They were sending it off to MY surgeon and it was not even my blood. I caught it cuz I was bored as they were taking blood tests and started reading the vials on the tray. Some had another ladies name, some mine. So double check. Don't just turn yourself over to those folks. Stay aware as long as possible.

When they started the mastectomy...they just stuck a needle in my hand and said "night night!" and that was it. I was out. Woke up yelling about Rwanda and machete's and someone cut my boob off. (I warned them I do not come out of anesthesia all sweet and light..I come out of it PISSED OFF). So when I was waking up...the drugs they had me on were not working so I was yelling at them all and they were injecting this and that until they found the one that shut me up and I was shut up because I was out like a light. Slept a long time after that...so whatever they did, worked. YAY!

Got home, went to bed, did fine. Was up and about not long after. Actually..I barely remember it much now.

You will do fine. Don't cry either. Or cry, and know many of us cry with you. Hang in there. You will be fine!! Cuz I said so. YOU are the one that wants to live to 98, and therefore you shall. Its all positive thinking, Sarah. You will. 98. omg....*shudder* on my end.
Well, I will be praying for you that you get into a good secure and clean place very soon. And I won't cry anymore because I don't want anyone else to.

Let's just decide all of us are going to be just fine.
Oh, Sarah! So sorry to hear this news. :( Make sure you keep us up to date on how you are doing and feeling.
Thanks, Chris. I'm not scared now, everytime I saw a doctor, I felt better about things. Nobody can feel the lump during exams, I can't either and I definitely have tried.
I will be around and I'll take my tablet to the hospital just in case they make me stay the night. I can never sleep anywhere, heck, I barely sleep here. :)

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