Radical Liberalized Terrorists Shoots Republicans; Liberal Fake News Media Respond With NO CLASS

Of course not.

You didn't, but other conservatives here posted those very "hunting permit" images here. And no other conservatives criticized them for it.

That's kind of the point. We liberals always criticize the few liberals who call for violence (and conservatives always shamelessly lie about that). Conservatives never criticize the constant calls for violence from other conservatives.

The two sides are very different. Conservatives endorse violence, liberals reject it.

You do realize there is a whole wide world out there full of actual people right??? Not just words on a screen in an internet forum, right??

And there is a really BIG difference between the two??? That what goes on in this forum board, is people letting off steam that they probably wouldn't do in public? It surely wasn't a conservative that shot the Congressmen. It wasn't Republicans that stormed the White House during the inauguration, demanding their pink rights or whatever the hell they were demanding. It wasn't Conservatives or Republicans that were storming the streets and inciting riots after losing an election.

So where in the hell do you come up with Conservatives 'ACTUALLY' endorsing AND carrying out violence????
You do realize there is a whole wide world out there full of actual people right??? Not just words on a screen in an internet forum, right?

And in that real world, conservatives are just as violence-prone. The vast majority of incidents tracked by SPLC come from conservatives.

Hate Incidents

So, tell us more about this "storming of the White House". Why did you make up such a story? That's kind of the point, that conservative concoct fake stories of violent liberals to justify their own brownshirt tactics.
We need to understand what radicalizes left wing lunatics and then stop whatever motivates them to act upon the violent rhetoric of their so called leaders.

Maybe the hate speech of the left should be stoppped.

Hate speech isn't protected by the first ammendment....isn't that the left wing line?
Isis uses the internet and propaganda to radicalize. The left is no different.
You do realize there is a whole wide world out there full of actual people right??? Not just words on a screen in an internet forum, right?

And in that real world, conservatives are just as violence-prone. The vast majority of incidents tracked by SPLC come from conservatives.

Hate Incidents

So, tell us more about this "storming of the White House". Why did you make up such a story? That's kind of the point, that conservative concoct fake stories of violent liberals to justify their own brownshirt tactics.

That's true but Republican Cupcakes whine, cry and carry on so much better and louder than Democrats.

Their echo chamber is a well oiled propaganda machine and all the Pseudo-cons parrot their talking points like the good little sheep they are.
You do realize there is a whole wide world out there full of actual people right??? Not just words on a screen in an internet forum, right?

And in that real world, conservatives are just as violence-prone. The vast majority of incidents tracked by SPLC come from conservatives.

Hate Incidents

So, tell us more about this "storming of the White House". Why did you make up such a story? That's kind of the point, that conservative concoct fake stories of violent liberals to justify their own brownshirt tactics.

Here's your fake news.........Oops my bad, they didn't make it to the porch steps :rolleyes:, but were not only in DC but around the world. And CNN says it was 'peaceful' protests. Now I don't know about you, but people & police being injured, one person was shot in Seattle and who knows what else........sure as hell isn't peaceful.

Inauguration protests: Police injured, more than 200 arrested - CNNPolitics.com

Anti-Trump demonstrators clash with DC police

Washington (CNN)Six police officers were injured and 217 protesters arrested Friday after a morning of peaceful protests and coordinated disruptions of Donald Trump's inauguration ceremony gave way to ugly street clashes in downtown Washington.

At least two DC police officers and one other person were taken to the hospital after run-ins with protesters, DC Fire Spokesman Vito Maggiolo told CNN. Acting DC Police Chief Peter Newsham said the officers' injuries were considered minor and not life threatening.
Bursts of chaos erupted on 12th and K streets as black-clad "antifascist" protesters smashed storefronts and bus stops, hammered out the windows of a limousine and eventually launched rocks at a phalanx of police lined up in an eastbound crosswalk. Officers responded by launching smoke and flash-bang devices, which could be heard from blocks away, into the street to disperse the crowds.

"Pepper spray and other control devices were used to control the criminal actors and protect persons and property," police said.
Anti-Trump protests also broke out Friday in US cities, including New York, Seattle, Dallas, Chicago and Portland, Oregon. Authorities in Seattle say one person was in critical condition at a hospital with a gunshot wound. Demonstrations also took place overseas in Hong Kong, Berlin and London.

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In Washington, Newsham told CNN the several hundred demonstrators who actively confronted police were vastly outnumbered by the thousands of nonviolent protesters who swarmed the nation's capital for Inauguration Day and Saturday's Women's March on Washington.
"We have been pointing out all along that this is a very isolated incident, and by and large, everything is going peacefully and a lot of folks have come to the city to enjoy this historic day, not only the Capitol but walking all around the city," he said.
But many protesters, including permitted marchers, accused security personnel of denying them access to their planned routes.
Ashley Link, 37, made her way to Franklin Square after an ANSWER Coalition protest slated for the Navy Memorial on Pennsylvania Avenue, about a mile away, was effectively blocked by what many there described as onerous security restrictions. She expressed concern that isolated clashes with police would overshadow other messages on display, but sympathized with the rowdier elements in the street.
"I'm all about peaceful protesting, practicing nonviolence, but at the same time, I understand why people are so frustrated," she said. "They are so upset about so many things in our country right now that to make a poster? There's not a poster big enough to cover all the things that people are frustrated about."
Hours earlier, Lysander Reid-Powell, a 20-year-old student from New Mexico, joined in a Black Lives Matter-led blockade of an entrance onto the National Mall.
"I think Donald Trump is a fascist, and it's very easy for people, especially people who are in pain, to slip into fascism," he said. "It's easy for people to feel like the individual has no power and that you're just one small little ant in the big hill, so ultimately all that matters is popular resistance."

As Trump supporters and other spectators began to emerge from their hotels, many in the new president's signature red caps, and ead for the security checkpoints on Friday morning, protesters at multiple entry points sought to cut off access by staging coordinated sit-ins. As the swearing-in ceremony neared around noon, hundreds of people remained snarled in long lines.

<img alt="Demonstrators protest against US President-elect Donald Trump before his inauguration on January 20, 2017, in Washington, DC. " class="media__image" src="//i2.cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/170120101144-protest-1-large-169.jpg">
Demonstrators protest against US President-elect Donald Trump before his inauguration on January 20, 2017, in Washington, DC.
Three women were chained together at the neck on 10th Street, and more than 150 DisruptJ20 demonstrators surrounded an entrance near the Canadian embassy. "This checkpoint is closed," they chanted, forcing Trump supporters to turn back and walk along Indiana Avenue in search of a clearer path.
An assortment of "pop up" protests also lined the streets surrounding the secure zones on the mall. "We're here to take a stand against the ideas that Trump spouted throughout the course of this campaign -- sexism, Islamophobia, his bigotry and nationalism," said protester Jed Holtz, from New York City.

<img alt="A man is washed with water after being sprayed by police pepper spray during an anti-Trump demonstration on January 20, 2017 in Washington, DC. " class="media__image" src="//i2.cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/170120101145-protest-2-large-169.jpg">
A man is washed with water after being sprayed by police pepper spray during an anti-Trump demonstration on January 20, 2017 in Washington, DC.
The protests did not stop at the checkpoints. A half-dozen members of "Democracy Spring," a group that agitates against the influence of money in politics, obtained tickets that placed them within shouting distance of the swearing-in ceremony.
As Trump stepped forward to to take the oath of office, six protesters, each wearing a letter of the word "RESIST," stood up to chant the preamble to US Constitution.
Their shouting made it difficult for those seated nearby -- including former campaign staffers and volunteers, as well as Trump's ex-wife Ivana Trump -- to hear Trump utter the words that officially made him the 45th President of the United States.
The disruption was compounded when, much as it happened at Trump's campaign rallies, his supporters responded, erupting in shouts of "Trump, Trump, Trump!" as they tried to drown out the interlopers.
Liberal groups praised the work of protesters, many of whom traveled from around the country to rail against a president they called "illegitimate" in thousands of signs and songs.
"The only source of light on this miserable day is the massive, multi-racial, multi-generational progressive resistance movement led by women and people of color that's already emerging to confront Donald Trump's agenda of hate and growing stronger every single day," Democracy for America Executive Director Charles Chamberlain said in a statement following the inaugural ceremony.
Demonstrations elsewhere
In New York, nine people were arrested for disorderly conduct, according to the New York Police Department. Authorities said five people were arrested at a protest in Dallas, six in Chicago.
In Portland, Oregon, protesters were armed with clubs, sticks and throwing unknown liquid at officers, according to the Portland Police Department. Six people were arrested in Portland Friday, Portland Police Sgt. Pete Simpson tells CNN.
In Seattle, people threw bricks and other items at officers during a demonstration on the the University of Washington campus, city police said. Harborview Medical Center in Seattle confirmed it was treating a man who was shot at the protest and is in critical condition. Seattle police said a man turned himself in to campus police and was being questioned.
Global protests
The anti-Trump protests extended well beyond water's edge, with rallies popping up in Australia, London, Hong Kong and Berlin -- where demonstrators held a sign that read, "Walls divide." In the West Bank, Palestinians protested against Israeli settlements and Trump's plan to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv.
In Sydney, anti-Trump protesters and Trump supporters spilled into the city's streets Saturday to protest the US President.
Thousands of people attended a Women's March in Martin Place in the central part of the city. Event organizers claimed nearly 5,000 people attended the march, but Sydney police estimate that the number was closer to 3,000.
Chants from the crowd included "women united will never be defeated" and "when women's rights are under attack, what do we do, stand up fight back."
A separate, smaller protest of approximately 30 people, in support of Trump also took place at Martin Place on Saturday.
The pro-Trump crowd waved US and confederate flags in the air and shouted: "It's all over lefty scum" and "drain the swamp," witness to the protest Eliza Berlage told CNN. Some Trump enthusiast also carried placards saying "Aussies for Trump," Berlage said.
The police refrained the pro-Trump protesters from going into the area with the anti-Trump protesters.
Scuffles ensued as police tried to physically restrain some of the rally goers, Berlage said.
On Thursday night in Washington, protesters gathered on 14th Street outside the National Press Club to demonstrate against "DeploraBall," an event organized by some of Trump's most aggressive online supporters. The name riffs off the campaign description of some Trump backers by his defeated opponent, Hillary Clinton, as a "basket of deplorables."

As attendees -- some of whom were clad in suits and red hats, others dressed in gowns -- entered the event, demonstrators chanted "Shame" and "Nazis go home" behind a phalanx of police. Some held signs that read "No Alt Reich" and "No Nazi USA."

<img alt="A protester has her eyes flushed with water." class="media__image" src="//i2.cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/170120024828-trump-protest-dc-large-169.jpg">
A protester has her eyes flushed with water.

<img alt="" class="media__image" src="//i2.cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/170120025022-trump-protest-dc-02-large-169.jpg">
The Women's March gets ready for prime time
On Saturday, the Women's March on Washington could attract a quarter million participants, organizers said.
"We're really trying to set a tone of resistance for the coming years," Lacy MacAuley, a DisruptJ20 organizer, told CNN. "Donald Trump represents a shift in our politics in a dangerous, harmful, exclusionary direction. We oppose those policies of hate."
According to Department of Homeland Security chief Jeh Johnson, as many as 900,000 spectators may attend inaugural ceremonies.
Johnson told reporters last week that 28,000 security personnel from dozens of agencies, including local and out-of-town police officers, will be fanned out across the city on Inauguration Day and into the weekend.
Organizers of the march, which begins near Capitol Hill at 10 a.m. ET, now say internal divisions, many of them stemming from a divisive Democratic primary fight, are being put aside in the name of solidarity.
"We have already proven that Hillary and Bernie Sanders supporters can work together against fascism, xenophobia, and racism," Linda Sarsour, a Palestinian-American Muslim activist from Brooklyn, told CNN.
The march, which began with a modest Facebook call in the aftermath of the election, has grown in to what could be one of the larger political demonstrations ever in DC.
There are more than 600 "sister marches" planned around the country and fundraising for the event has largely come in chunks of $20 and $30 online donations.
"It really reminds me of the Sanders campaign," Sarsour said. "A very grassroots, very grass-powered movement."
So who exactly feeds you your bizarre talking points?
'Talking Points'? Dude, this is reported 'news'.

Put the paranoid political crack pipe down, take the liberal ear-piece out of your ear through which they are feeding you what to think / say - like they did with Hillary during debates, and think for yourself.

Take a look around for yourself and for once just take in the actual SHIT that is going on....crap like this ass-clown and what he had the nerve to tweet.



THAT is THINKING FOR YOURSELF, snowflake. Try it sometime.

You're the one spouting alt-right talking points.

One man, with a history of violence, who should NEVER have access to weapons, took a gun a shot a Congressman.

Liberals have NOT lost their minds and they're not rampaging through the street killing people or suggesting people be killed.

But you're here every day publishing hate against liberals, suggesting the US should just get rid of the left.

This is a coordinated alt right campaign that has been waiting for this moment to use it as a lever to try to seize control of your country.

It ain't gonna work.
:lmao: *cough, snort, choke, GASP* :lmao:

It's getting so bizarre, it's not worth arguing about........just sit back & laugh :badgrin:
Here's your fake news.........Oops my bad, they didn't make it to the porch steps :rolleyes:,

So, fake news, got it. You made up a fictional story about someone "storming the white house."

And you're pretending antifa anarchists are liberals? Liberals have always condemned those assholes.

Sucks to be you You can't find any violent liberals, so you have to make them. How else can you justify having your brownshirts start wielding the truncheons?

Oh, let's look at a couple more posters here. This is from just one thread. I could grab such conservative quotes from many threads.

Liberals HATE trump so much because they are white-hating RACISTS

"Except the difference between now and then is that the people being rounded up will deserve it this time." -- Miketx

"If you were a traitorous scumbag loyal to the king in 1776 you were dealt with, same as liberals will be dealt with now." -- Blueslegend

Do you agree with the sentiments of those loyal conservatives? Obviously, no other conservative are bothered by it. I've never seen a conservative here ever condemn the endless conservative calls for violence and fascism. They're all happy to let their very violent brethren do such violence for them, while they sit back and cry crocodile tears.

Needless to say, you don't see any liberals threatening violence against conservatives, or gloating about how conservatives will all be put into the camps. The two sides are totally different. Liberals are peaceful and democratic, conservatives are violent and authoritarian.

I read this today. Fucking brilliant. Love her or hate her, there's no denying that Camille understands what the hell is going on.

The interview truly deserves its own thread...

Yep, I read that today too. I always love reading Camille. She's one of the few honest and thoughtful liberals left. She makes no excuses and takes her side to task when they are wrong. It's refreshing.
Yep, I read that today too. I always love reading Camille.

You're actually impressed by her sniveling? Poor Paglia is so butthurt over Clinton's life of stunning success and her own life of whiny failure. She's been weeping with jealously for over 20 years now. Kind of like Maureen Dowd.

That is, she's a kindred soul with the Trump-snowflakes, living only for rage, violence and butthurt.
Here's your fake news.........Oops my bad, they didn't make it to the porch steps :rolleyes:,

So, fake news, got it. You made up a fictional story about someone "storming the white house."

And you're pretending antifa anarchists are liberals? Liberals have always condemned those assholes.

Sucks to be you You can't find any violent liberals, so you have to make them. How else can you justify having your brownshirts start wielding the truncheons?

Oh, let's look at a couple more posters here. This is from just one thread. I could grab such conservative quotes from many threads.

Liberals HATE trump so much because they are white-hating RACISTS

"Except the difference between now and then is that the people being rounded up will deserve it this time." -- Miketx

"If you were a traitorous scumbag loyal to the king in 1776 you were dealt with, same as liberals will be dealt with now." -- Blueslegend

Do you agree with the sentiments of those loyal conservatives? Obviously, no other conservative are bothered by it. I've never seen a conservative here ever condemn the endless conservative calls for violence and fascism. They're all happy to let their very violent brethren do such violence for them, while they sit back and cry crocodile tears.

Needless to say, you don't see any liberals threatening violence against conservatives, or gloating about how conservatives will all be put into the camps. The two sides are totally different. Liberals are peaceful and democratic, conservatives are violent and authoritarian.

So tell me just who are the Anti-Trump protesters that were in the streets of DC, San Francisco, LA, Seattle and elsewhere? They sure weren't Conservatives or Republicans or Righties. They were Left, Democrat, Liberals.
I'm talking about & including 'references' to actual events that have been happening in the world around us. .....and you keep talking about & linking to a discussion on a message board. If you choose to think this forum is real life, then you are a bigger idiot than I gave you credit for.
I linked to much more numerous real events, and you ignored them. I'm pointed at the real world, and you ran from it, shielding yourself with the talking points that your cult had fed you. For a change, you should try looking at info that doesn't come from your cult.

And now you're upset about mere protesters? Your true agenda shows through. You want to stop all dissent against DearLeader, period.
Yep, I read that today too. I always love reading Camille.

You're actually impressed by her sniveling? Poor Paglia is so butthurt over Clinton's life of stunning success and her own life of whiny failure. She's been weeping with jealously for over 20 years now. Kind of like Maureen Dowd.

That is, she's a kindred soul with the Trump-snowflakes, living only for rage, violence and butthurt.

Clinton......success? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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