Radical Liberalized Terrorists Shoots Republicans; Liberal Fake News Media Respond With NO CLASS

Red is at it again. So Malcolm Harris is the liberal fake news media?

Nice to know.

You guys should boycott him.
All the hate these past years aimed at Obama and Hillary from the right and now the right wing haters have something to sing about, too funny. One bad apple and now we will hear about it forever, for so limited is the right wing mind they feed on wrongs.

"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance." Eric Hoffer
so limited are you to keep this a partisan issue.

what do you think will happen next? a right wing doosh-nutbag will join in shooting at the other side. can you think of a worse scenario that we simply start opening fire on people cause we don't like them?

the left has been legitimizing violence for quite some time and blaming the right for making them do it. all of it needs to stop and all of the "but they had it coming" needs to be a flag you're the problem.

flag on you now.
Red is at it again. So Malcolm Harris is the liberal fake news media?

Nice to know.

You guys should boycott him.
or just ignore him and move on.

nothing pisses of a loud mouth more than to go "that's nice" and not join in their games.
The asshole was a member of several Anti-GOP hate groups. No doubt he was inspired to kill Republicans by his Democrat heroes he saw on the Idiot Box.

Steve Colbert preaches a level of hate not seen since Joseph Goebbels. Leftist love him for it.

Yeah, Colbert has become unhinged. He's obsessed with Trump. There's no doubt he's a part of the round-the-clock hysterical Democrat incitement. This nutter probably watched him every night. He probably truly believed killing some Republicans is what his hero Colbert would want him to do. This incitement stuff has gotten completely out of control. Democrats need to be reigned in.
It's all about the incitement. Democrats have set out on a mission to incite, unlike anything ever seen before. Their rhetoric and behavior since Election Day has been dangerously shameful. If they aren't reigned in soon, more Democrats are gonna act on their incitement. More folks are gonna die.
Ever since they started paying protesters, things have gotten out of hand. Between their dangerous rhetoric and violent outbursts, it is clear we have a problem. The radical left is no different than any other terrorist organization and they need to be treated as such.
It's all about the incitement. Democrats have set out on a mission to incite, unlike anything ever seen before. Their rhetoric and behavior since Election Day has been dangerously shameful. If they aren't reigned in soon, more Democrats are gonna act on their incitement. More folks are gonna die.
Ever since they started paying protesters, things have gotten out of hand. Between their dangerous rhetoric and violent outbursts, it is clear we have a problem. The radical left is no different than any other terrorist organization and they need to be treated as such.

It's out of control. Since Election Day, it's been round-the-clock hysterical incitement. It's unprecedented hate. It's downright dangerous. I've been saying that for months. That's why i'm not surprised this kind of attack happened. It was actually inevitable. And there's likely gonna be more. If Democrats aren't reigned in, more of their supporters will act on the incitement. Something needs to be done.
So who exactly feeds you your bizarre talking points?
Talking points are the exclusive province of the Left..
Bottom line....One of YOUR PEOPLE decided to shoot and wound while trying to KILL members of Congress with whom this shooter had political disagreement..
If you are defending this, you are just as culpable as the shooter.
Well, at least you didn't deny how you just recite every nonsense talking point that your masters feed you. That's for the best, as nobody would have believed it.

There's a reason your masters feed you such hysteria. It keeps you frightened and obedient.

Oh, if it had been a Republican saying such a type of meaningless thing, we would have ignored it. We're not like you. We don't get outraged on command about insignificant nonsense.
You are a dyed in the wool leftist anti American moon bat...
You are WRONG on so many levels here. Enough to build world's tallest sky scraper.
No one here agrees with your statements
Quit while you're getting the shit beaten out of you.
Quit while you're getting the shit beaten out of you.

Do your mind always turn to violence like that?

Of course it does. That's the point I keep making.

Not a single conservative would back away from the constant conservative calls for violence, even after they came back to bite them. Quite the contrary, you all got even more strident in calling for violence.

The two sides here are totally different. The liberals are calm, peaceful, rational and pro-democracy. The conservatives are hysterical, violent, unstable and authoritarian.
All the hate these past years aimed at Obama and Hillary from the right and now the right wing haters have something to sing about, too funny. One bad apple and now we will hear about it forever, for so limited is the right wing mind they feed on wrongs.

"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance." Eric Hoffer
No one from our side SHOT at hem....Nor did anything even close to that occur.
You are comparing political opposition to policy to the acts of an anarchist. When the elected leaders are being targeted by crazed politically motivated gun toting wackos, we are a less than a third world country.
Your side has been rioting, destroying public and private property. YOUR SIDE has been disrupting commerce. YOUR SIDE has been interfering with the rights of private citizens.
Now a member of YOUR SIDE has decided to use our elected officials as target practice......There is no escape from this. The Left is in serious trouble over the rioting and anarchist behavior. And now we have attempted murder of members of Congress....
WTF....This is going to sink the leftist movement into deeper despair.
Quit while you're getting the shit beaten out of you.

Do your mind always turn to violence like that?

Of course it does. That's the point I keep making.

Not a single conservative would back away from the constant conservative calls for violence, even after they came back to bite them. Quite the contrary, you all got even more strident in calling for violence.

The two sides here are totally different. The liberals are calm, peaceful, rational and pro-democracy. The conservatives are hysterical, violent, unstable and authoritarian.
Sweetheart.....Are you aware of the term "figurative" or how about "proverbial"?
Calm and peaceful?
The riots preceding and following the Trump election victory?
The screaming and interfering at various events held by and for conservatives?
Don't you DARE say anything regarding 'peaceful'....
This incident is going to hang around the necks of the Left for a very ,long time......
Go away quietly. You are on the losing side here.
Keep a low profile.
Talking points are the exclusive province of the Left..

Too ffunny. As if the Bush Administration didn't use Talking Points in the run up to the Iraq invasion.

In reality they all use talking points to convince the public of their righteousness.
Sweetheart.....Are you aware of the term "figurative" or how about "proverbial"?

Such as the proverbial honest conservative, who doesn't actually exist anywhere?

Calm and peaceful?

Yep. Liberals here are calm and peaceful, conservatives are violent and hysterical. Hysterically claiming otherwise doesn't really help your case.

Now, you Trump fans do understand that your constant snowflake meltdowns make your own tough guy acts not actually very threatening, right?

But then, that's why you want your precious big authoritarian government to carry out the violence, while you watch from your SafeSpace.
Quit while you're getting the shit beaten out of you.

Do your mind always turn to violence like that?

Of course it does. That's the point I keep making.

Not a single conservative would back away from the constant conservative calls for violence, even after they came back to bite them. Quite the contrary, you all got even more strident in calling for violence.

The two sides here are totally different. The liberals are calm, peaceful, rational and pro-democracy. The conservatives are hysterical, violent, unstable and authoritarian.
Lol, the shooter was a Looney liberal just like yourself.

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