Radical New Congress Constitution rule irks House Democrats

Sore fucking losers. DemonRats. Last year they denied there was a TEA Party. Tea Party kicked some ass in both parties. Jillian only likes the constitution when the DemonRats are in power. She's like obie wan, anyone who isn't a demonRats is a fake constitutionalist or a fake patriot. Yeah Yeah Yeah.

Tea Baggers are the intellectual base of the Republican Party. Everyone knows that.
Sore fucking losers. DemonRats. Last year they denied there was a TEA Party. Tea Party kicked some ass in both parties. Jillian only likes the constitution when the DemonRats are in power. She's like obie wan, anyone who isn't a demonRats is a fake constitutionalist or a fake patriot. Yeah Yeah Yeah.

Tea Baggers are the intellectual base of the Republican Party. Everyone knows that.

Everyone as wacko far left as YOU.:lol::cuckoo:
Sore fucking losers. DemonRats. Last year they denied there was a TEA Party. Tea Party kicked some ass in both parties. Jillian only likes the constitution when the DemonRats are in power. She's like obie wan, anyone who isn't a demonRats is a fake constitutionalist or a fake patriot. Yeah Yeah Yeah.


i like when people who know what the hell the constitution is talk about it. did you ever hear me say alito shouldn't be allowed to talk about the constitution? roberts? i disagree with them, too.

but imbeciles like who who pretend you *know* what it says deserve to be made fun of...


go have another drink, willow... i think you're not drooling enough yet.
So far so good, I like what I'm seeing.:clap2:

We the people' to open next Congress
House to read Constitution

By Stephen Dinan

The Washington Times

The Constitution frequently gets lip service in Congress, but House Republicans next year will make sure it gets a lot more than that - the new rules the incoming majority party proposed this week call for a full reading of the country's founding document on the floor of the House on Jan. 6.

The goal, backers said, is to underscore the limited-government rules the Founders imposed on Congress - and to try to bring some of those principles back into everyday legislating.

'We the people' to open next Congress - Washington Times

the right wing always puts on a good talk but seem to most always suck on the walking of their talk.
So far so good, I like what I'm seeing.:clap2:

We the people' to open next Congress
House to read Constitution

By Stephen Dinan

The Washington Times

The Constitution frequently gets lip service in Congress, but House Republicans next year will make sure it gets a lot more than that - the new rules the incoming majority party proposed this week call for a full reading of the country's founding document on the floor of the House on Jan. 6.

The goal, backers said, is to underscore the limited-government rules the Founders imposed on Congress - and to try to bring some of those principles back into everyday legislating.

'We the people' to open next Congress - Washington Times

the right wing always puts on a good talk but seem to most always suck on the walking of their talk.

LOL, you never really make much sense huh, and could use some English/grammar classes.

I already addressed how what you tried to say is BS, so yea.....
I don't see the harm in it. If it wasn't reading the constitution into the record it would be another dog and pony show.

I don't see the point in it either. If any congressperson hasn't already read it, pretending to pay attention to what's being piped into their offices isn't going to make a difference.

And of course, absent any context or actual study it's not exactly something you can understand anything about by listening to somebody read it aloud, once.

Big "whatever" if you ask me. But knock your socks off!
So far so good, I like what I'm seeing.:clap2:

We the people' to open next Congress
House to read Constitution

By Stephen Dinan

The Washington Times

The Constitution frequently gets lip service in Congress, but House Republicans next year will make sure it gets a lot more than that - the new rules the incoming majority party proposed this week call for a full reading of the country's founding document on the floor of the House on Jan. 6.

The goal, backers said, is to underscore the limited-government rules the Founders imposed on Congress - and to try to bring some of those principles back into everyday legislating.

'We the people' to open next Congress - Washington Times

the right wing always puts on a good talk but seem to most always suck on the walking of their talk.

LOL, you never really make much sense huh, and could use some English/grammar classes.

I already addressed how what you tried to say is BS, so yea.....

Just look at spending during the last 3 republican presidents and one of them had control of both houses for 6 years.
the right wing always puts on a good talk but seem to most always suck on the walking of their talk.

LOL, you never really make much sense huh, and could use some English/grammar classes.

I already addressed how what you tried to say is BS, so yea.....

Just look at spending during the last 3 republican presidents and one of them had control of both houses for 6 years.

And that justifies FOR YOU the unwanten Spending of this Congress...Or any other for that matter?

Is it an excuse for you? Just because you put the word REPUBLICAN in front of it?

Sorry. The republicans garnered the HOUSE on a DEAl with the people...because the petulant children that reside in the Statist Commucrat Party want to take away Liberty as led by OBAMA...

So here's how it's laid down...

The Republicans are on Double Secret Probation...and if they fail the people THEY will be fired as were the Statists...

Hopefully they got the mesaage, and will whittle down or begin the process of putting the Government BACK to it's intended precept...

It will take DECADES. Only the patient understand the process of what got us here and understand what it will take, and how long it will take...to get us back to the Constitution.
5 Constitutional Amendments That Constitution-Loving Tea Partiers Would Change | TPMDC

1st Amendment
- Ban Flag Burning
- Restrictions on mosques

14th Amendment
-Revoke Birthright Citizenship

16th Amendment
- Restrict how Government can collect taxes

17th Amendment
- Revoke direct election of Senators


I'm with you on this one..

I think the Conservative position on our Constitution is laughable. You don't see liberals whining about why the Constitution needs to be changed

you still aint there yet. :lol:
LOL, you never really make much sense huh, and could use some English/grammar classes.

I already addressed how what you tried to say is BS, so yea.....

Just look at spending during the last 3 republican presidents and one of them had control of both houses for 6 years.

And that justifies FOR YOU the unwanten Spending of this Congress...Or any other for that matter?

Is it an excuse for you? Just because you put the word REPUBLICAN in front of it?

Sorry. The republicans garnered the HOUSE on a DEAl with the people...because the petulant children that reside in the Statist Commucrat Party want to take away Liberty as led by OBAMA...

So here's how it's laid down...

The Republicans are on Double Secret Probation...and if they fail the people THEY will be fired as were the Statists...

Hopefully they got the mesaage, and will whittle down or begin the process of putting the Government BACK to it's intended precept...

It will take DECADES. Only the patient understand the process of what got us here and understand what it will take, and how long it will take...to get us back to the Constitution.

On double secret probation for haow many times?
How many that engaged in the spending were re-elected in November?

Just partisan hogwash, you will keep pulling the republican lever.
And keep blaming the other guys for your own failings, just as the partisan other guys do.
LOL, you never really make much sense huh, and could use some English/grammar classes.

I already addressed how what you tried to say is BS, so yea.....

Just look at spending during the last 3 republican presidents and one of them had control of both houses for 6 years.

And that justifies FOR YOU the unwanten Spending of this Congress...Or any other for that matter?

Is it an excuse for you? Just because you put the word REPUBLICAN in front of it?

Sorry. The republicans garnered the HOUSE on a DEAl with the people...because the petulant children that reside in the Statist Commucrat Party want to take away Liberty as led by OBAMA...

So here's how it's laid down...

The Republicans are on Double Secret Probation...and if they fail the people THEY will be fired as were the Statists...

Hopefully they got the mesaage, and will whittle down or begin the process of putting the Government BACK to it's intended precept...

It will take DECADES. Only the patient understand the process of what got us here and understand what it will take, and how long it will take...to get us back to the Constitution.

Who gets to decide whether a law is within the scope of the Constitution? Congress???
LOL, you never really make much sense huh, and could use some English/grammar classes.

I already addressed how what you tried to say is BS, so yea.....

Just look at spending during the last 3 republican presidents and one of them had control of both houses for 6 years.

And that justifies FOR YOU the unwanten Spending of this Congress...Or any other for that matter?

Is it an excuse for you? Just because you put the word REPUBLICAN in front of it?

Sorry. The republicans garnered the HOUSE on a DEAl with the people...because the petulant children that reside in the Statist Commucrat Party want to take away Liberty as led by OBAMA...

So here's how it's laid down...

The Republicans are on Double Secret Probation...and if they fail the people THEY will be fired as were the Statists...

Hopefully they got the mesaage, and will whittle down or begin the process of putting the Government BACK to it's intended precept...

It will take DECADES. Only the patient understand the process of what got us here and understand what it will take, and how long it will take...to get us back to the Constitution.

I agree with the bolded in principle, although not quite so vehemently. :lol:

The problem is twofold. First, the GOP by and large seems to think they've won a mandate. They don't seem to understand they won because people are fed up in general and want to try something if not new, then at least different. Second, if the GOP screws up (and I'm willing to bet they will, it's the nature of the beast in both parties for the last 30 years), who are you going to replace them with? Dems? They've got you, or most people who feel like you anyway and aren't willing to vote third party, and they know it. Just like the Dems take their base for granted.

Good luck with all that, but remember meet the new boss same as the old boss.
New GOP House to open with reading of Constitution

Maybe it would help Republicans and Tea Baggers to understand what it really means and not what they "imagine" it means.

maybe reading it would help eh?....:rolleyes:.

no it wouldn't. absent the body of caselaw decided over the past 200 years, there is no meaning to it. we are a common law system... not a 'code' system like france.

"due process" has a dictionary meaning. what "due process" requires under the constitution is what the caselaw tells you and what scholars argue about...

and is something the pretend constitutionalists have no clue about.

Yes, I agree with that I understand your point.

I however think that 90% of them have not the faintest idea of what it actually holds, even as a blueprint, yes we have the fed court system and the sc to make determinations on specifics if necessary.

Perhaps, if they understood some framework and principles conceptually and how they the Founders saw them and put them in onto paper, most especially article 1 sect 8. which speaks to enumerated powers and the 10th amendment as it applies to the investiture or not of powers between the states and the federal gov.?

I remember a question asked of our speaker ala where in the const. does she find the power to enact a mandate where in you are forcing someone to engage in commerce? Her response? “are you kidding?”

Maybe if she has a foundation of the basics at least she could have said something? Because that’s not what the commerce clause says not will they find succor in the Necessary and Proper Clause either, is this a stretch for at least the speaker of the house?. If our leadership had at least a basic grounding I think we would avoid a great deal of damage to the body politick and the country, we would for instance I think come out with a plan that had bi-partisan sppt. and an even chance of success.

And please don’t take this as political shot at anyone, it’s the most recent egregious example I could think of, further I seriously doubt Boehner or McConnell could do any better and thats a problem.

Maybe they should give them all a test before they get seated, how about an open book round table on McCulloch v. Maryland at the very least.;)

I just don't see the harm here.
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the right wing always puts on a good talk but seem to most always suck on the walking of their talk.

LOL, you never really make much sense huh, and could use some English/grammar classes.

I already addressed how what you tried to say is BS, so yea.....

Just look at spending during the last 3 republican presidents and one of them had control of both houses for 6 years.

so the presidents spent the money? you missing anyone there?
there is no 'tea party'. there is only the same rightwingnuts who have always been the rabid rightwing of the 'base'. they just found a name for themselves.

You may prefer to believe that, but it is not actually true. My parents have been members of the TEA Party movement since before Obama became POTUS. An inconvenient truth, I believe is the term du jour.
Good start. I would prefer to see each and every bill open with the precise Article/Amendment that gives Congress the power to enact said bill... and not this bullshit 'general welfare' crap that they constantly lie about.

not you, too. i expect better from you.

there was already a thread on that. it's a retarded idea. and congress shouldn't be trying to usurp the constitution.

the pretend constitutionalists need to go away.

Try not to talk down to people just because you don't agree with them, mo chara. I've maintained the same stance since I arrived on the board. It ain't news.

We ain't pretend constitutionalists. We are Constitutionalists. And... we ain't going anywhere. Get used to it.
Yeah but how many times do you see congressmen listening to the speaker? Usually they are texting or doing other things during other peoples speeches. Do you think they will sit quietly for the duration of the reading? And will they read the amendments that have been overturned like prohibition?

Its just another political grandstanding event. I don't believe anything will change. Once they get a taste of the power they have ... they will do like everyone else before them.

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