Radical New Congress Constitution rule irks House Democrats

New GOP House to open with reading of Constitution

Maybe it would help Republicans and Tea Baggers to understand what it really means and not what they "imagine" it means.
there was already a thread on that. it's a retarded idea. and congress shouldn't be trying to usurp the constitution.

the pretend constitutionalists need to go away.

I don't understand why doing this would be an usurpation of, well, anything?

hey, if they pretend, then they will have put themselves up for ridicule with help from no one.

it is not the role of the congress to decide what is constitutional or not. that is the role of the court. i went to law school because i loved studying court cases and the constitution does actually have meaning to me. but not this perverted version of what the constitution is that the pretend constitutionalists would turn it into. there have been more than 200 years of scholars debating, discussing, analyzing what the meaning and application of the constitution requires. the pretend constitutionalists make a mockery of it. i don't count myself among the scholars and experts even though i've practiced law since i was 23. but i know for sure that the pretend constitutionalists haven't a clue.

and the pomp and circumstance of 'reading the constitution' to appease the pretend constitutionalists is a lot of pointless noise and purely for show.

it turns my stomach, actually.

/rant over. (but you asked). :redface:

I understand your points, however could you imagine if say the SC started their session with a reading of the Const. ?

I don't think there would be enough ink to print the outrage and it would cause considerable angst between those that view the document differently.

In the end congresscritters as does the pres. take an oath upon election or reelection to support and defend the Constitution, bear true faith yada yada...I just don’t see any harm here.
New GOP House to open with reading of Constitution

Maybe it would help Republicans and Tea Baggers to understand what it really means and not what they "imagine" it means.

maybe reading it would help eh?....:rolleyes:.
New GOP House to open with reading of Constitution

Maybe it would help Republicans and Tea Baggers to understand what it really means and not what they "imagine" it means.

The Constitution is a boring read...

Most will doze through it
New GOP House to open with reading of Constitution

Maybe it would help Republicans and Tea Baggers to understand what it really means and not what they "imagine" it means.
Maybe it would help Democrats/Communists and Socialists to understand what it really means and not what they "imagine" it means.

I'll bet this will be the first time many of our elected leaders (on both sides) have ever heard the Constitution read in it's entirety.
If the Republicans love the Constitution so much...

Why do they want to modify so much of it?

uhm what????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

5 Constitutional Amendments That Constitution-Loving Tea Partiers Would Change | TPMDC

1st Amendment
- Ban Flag Burning
- Restrictions on mosques

14th Amendment
-Revoke Birthright Citizenship

16th Amendment
- Restrict how Government can collect taxes

17th Amendment
- Revoke direct election of Senators
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If the Republicans love the Constitution so much...

Why do they want to modify so much of it?

because they don't love it. they hate the federal government.

i think you'll find behind all the pretend constitutionalists protestations is ultimately the desire to destroy the central government.
People in Congress should be forced to wear a uniform.

This is the shirt:

If the Republicans love the Constitution so much...

Why do they want to modify so much of it?

uhm what????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

5 Constitutional Amendments That Constitution-Loving Tea Partiers Would Change | TPMDC

1st Amendment
- Ban Flag Burning
- Restrictions on mosques

14th Amendment
-Revoke Birthright Citizenship

16th Amendment
- Restrict how Government can collect taxes

17th Amendment
- Revoke direct election of Senators

New GOP House to open with reading of Constitution

Maybe it would help Republicans and Tea Baggers to understand what it really means and not what they "imagine" it means.
Maybe it would help Democrats/Communists and Socialists to understand what it really means and not what they "imagine" it means.

I'll bet this will be the first time many of our elected leaders (on both sides) have ever heard the Constitution read in it's entirety.

first of all, its really really important to know what words mean when you use them. democrat is not interchangeable with socialist or communist... nor are socialist and communist interchangeable with each other.

repeating the same thing over and over doesn't make it true. it just makes the people saying it sound silly...

no matter what the rightwingnut rush limbaugh and glen beck tell you.

second you want to compare your knowledge of 'the constitution' with real constitutionalists?

i don't think you'd come out very well in the comparison.
New GOP House to open with reading of Constitution

Maybe it would help Republicans and Tea Baggers to understand what it really means and not what they "imagine" it means.

Maybe it would help you to stop subscribing to a grossly un/anti-American, lefty excuse for a political ideology that has been the most hostile thing to our Constitution EVER, giving you NO credibility to criticize them bout knowing it.:lol:
New GOP House to open with reading of Constitution

Maybe it would help Republicans and Tea Baggers to understand what it really means and not what they "imagine" it means.

maybe reading it would help eh?....:rolleyes:.

no it wouldn't. absent the body of caselaw decided over the past 200 years, there is no meaning to it. we are a common law system... not a 'code' system like france.

"due process" has a dictionary meaning. what "due process" requires under the constitution is what the caselaw tells you and what scholars argue about...

and is something the pretend constitutionalists have no clue about.
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uhm what????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

5 Constitutional Amendments That Constitution-Loving Tea Partiers Would Change | TPMDC

1st Amendment
- Ban Flag Burning
- Restrictions on mosques

14th Amendment
-Revoke Birthright Citizenship

16th Amendment
- Restrict how Government can collect taxes

17th Amendment
- Revoke direct election of Senators


I'm with you on this one..

I think the Conservative position on our Constitution is laughable. You don't see liberals whining about why the Constitution needs to be changed
Sore fucking losers. DemonRats. Last year they denied there was a TEA Party. Tea Party kicked some ass in both parties. Jillian only likes the constitution when the DemonRats are in power. She's like obie wan, anyone who isn't a demonRats is a fake constitutionalist or a fake patriot. Yeah Yeah Yeah.
It's a nice reminder to those that are there for power interests just where the POWER lies...and it isn't with the members...

NICE idea. I think it should become a TRADITION by RULE.
Considering the majority in both parties have no idea what the constitution is about, I am glad the House is doing this.
If the Republicans love the Constitution so much...

Why do they want to modify so much of it?

uhm what????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

5 Constitutional Amendments That Constitution-Loving Tea Partiers Would Change | TPMDC

1st Amendment
- Ban Flag Burning
- Restrictions on mosques

14th Amendment
-Revoke Birthright Citizenship

16th Amendment
- Restrict how Government can collect taxes

17th Amendment
- Revoke direct election of Senators

“Constitution-Loving” Republicans Have Proposed 42 Amendments To Their Beloved Document

“Constitution-Loving” Republicans Have Proposed 42 Amendments To Their Beloved Document Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Not 5, but 42.

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