Radical terrorist group active in Syria and Iraq says Turkey must reopen Euphrates da


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Now they are threatening Turkey. I don't think the Turks will sit still for this. If the Turkish Army is as vicious as they were toward the North Koreans and Chinese during the Korean War (as reported by Korean War veterans who saw them in action), ISIS might be mincemeat there.

Radical terrorist group active in Syria and Iraq says Turkey must reopen Euphrates dam — or be conquered

BY YIFA YAAKOV August 9, 2014

The Islamist State, the al-Qaeda offshoot that has been terrorizing and executing its way through Syria and Iraq in recent months, may have its sights set on Turkey next, a rare interview with one of its members published Saturday indicated.
The hardline Sunni group, which some American officials have dubbed “a terrorist army,” recently overpowered lightly armed Kurdish units in a blitzkrieg that has threatened the Kurdish region and the American personnel stationed there, causing US military forces to respond with airstrikes — and drawing Washington back into the Iraqi fray.

But now, the Islamic State may have a new target — Turkey.

Read more:

Islamic State levels threat at Turkey | The Times of Israel
They first have to understand Islam before they can think of making an Islamic state. These people have corrupted Islam, they have become what hate mongers speak about when they pick isolated verse and put them together like a patch work quilt. First of all the sura are not in the order given. The sura while Khadija and before he left Mecca, the tone and message was more peaceful. With the hajj Mohammed and the messages were harsher and vengeful. It was supposed to be god who judges, but when taken out of context it can seem the muslims are the sword of god acting on his orders.
It is not just the pagans who are heretics but jews, christians and even muslims of different sects.
Prisoners of war, women and children, are not supposed to be killed according to islam, but we have seen, so much that violates the teachings that these Islamists are founding their so call caliphate on.
For discussion>>>

anyone out there still doubt the words of the famous ROSIE SAYS>>>

......the caliphate will catch the imagination of MILLIONS of eager mujahads
across the globe and galvanize a blood bath thruout the ENTIRE Mideast----and
its precincts.............Saudi Arabia is on the agenda----- (uhm---make that tens
of millions)

*********CAIPHATE HYSTERIA*********

rosie has been accused
of caliphate hysteria--but
the author of that accusation
cannot be named

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