Radicalized Christians

Every time a Muslim shouts Allah
Akbar and starts killing Americans the left tards
have a knee jerk response in saying don't pick on Muslims, let's pick on Chrisyians. What is this dumb shit?
The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

The Regressive Left utilizes three primary techniques in deflecting for The PC-Protected Religion:

1. Deflecting entirely to Christianity, particularly after the latest jihadist slaughter, as you see here
2. Equating Modern Day Christianity with jihadism
3. Going straight to personal insults and name-calling

Very consistent.
Cons could have beaten Shrillary, if they had nominated a reasonable candidate. Instead they try to ram a fascist narcissist down the throats of voters. It's like the republicans elected her.

Seriously, what has Trump proposed that is fascist? You sir are stupid.

Hillary is by FAR the more likely of the two to be a fascist since she literally believes the government needs to control every aspect of our lives.

I'm actually starting to agree with her, the average American is a fucking dolt who needs someone telling them how to live their lives.
Seriously, what has Trump proposed that is fascist?

Everything he says is fascist. His latest is, "I'll do it all myself. And I'll be very good at it." Like he doesn't need GOP backing.
"I'll build a wall, and make Mexico pay for it." Like he doesn't need congress approval.
"I;ll ban all Muslims" Like he can disregard the constitution.
There are hundreds of thousands of "so called" christians that hate gays, and are glad to see them dead.

Was that hundreds of thousands figure determined by some national poll surveying regular church attending Christians? I would be curious to see the source of those findings because a "hate" charge is a very serious matter.

Also, there have been a total of 8 staff killed via abortion clinic attacks since 1973. Since 9/11/01, there have been over 25,000 separate attacks where some innocent civilians have been murdered by those killing in the name of Islam. I do not know how many deaths that is but it is way more than 25,000. Maybe you can make a distinction about how unfair it is to compare general Christian behavior to Islam. Maybe Christianity is a source of true goodness and charity and that can be proven, and to single out a very, very rare case of "berzerkness" is not an honest position?
The republicans and the media are trying hard to keep this quiet.

Sacramento Baptist Preacher Praises Orlando Gay Nightclub Attack

“Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” he said in the sermon. “Um no, I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.”
Sacramento Baptist Preacher Praises Orlando Gay Nightclub Attack

There are hundreds of thousands of "so called" christians that hate gays, and are glad to see them dead.
those people should be but down

But Muslims should be left alone, and we should even bring more in from overseas, right? Muslims, that hate gays, Jews, and women.....

Guano avocates putting Christians down, but Trump is a madman for wanting to prevent Muslims like the Orlando killer from being allowed into the US.
The republicans and the media are trying hard to keep this quiet.

Sacramento Baptist Preacher Praises Orlando Gay Nightclub Attack

“Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” he said in the sermon. “Um no, I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.”
Sacramento Baptist Preacher Praises Orlando Gay Nightclub Attack

There are hundreds of thousands of "so called" christians that hate gays, and are glad to see them dead.
So what? The bible says homosexuals deserve death....they're not supposed to mourn the death of reprobates.
Sounds like a Christian pointed out a truism that homosexuality is a sin, but forgot addressing it in a loving way, which is his sin.
The republicans and the media are trying hard to keep this quiet.

Sacramento Baptist Preacher Praises Orlando Gay Nightclub Attack

“Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” he said in the sermon. “Um no, I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.”
Sacramento Baptist Preacher Praises Orlando Gay Nightclub Attack

There are hundreds of thousands of "so called" christians that hate gays, and are glad to see them dead.
So what? The bible says homosexuals deserve death....they're not supposed to mourn the death of reprobates.

That's the Old Testament, laws specifically for Jews at that time. Jesus repeated six commandments that should be kept, to include Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery, but never implies death for breaking any of the commandments.

We shouldn't kill people for being gay anymore than outlaw shelled seafood because the Old Testament says its unclean and detestable.

I'm not saying gay male sex isn't a sin nor detestable, it is. But it isn't something that should be punishable by death.
The republicans and the media are trying hard to keep this quiet.

Sacramento Baptist Preacher Praises Orlando Gay Nightclub Attack

“Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” he said in the sermon. “Um no, I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.”
Sacramento Baptist Preacher Praises Orlando Gay Nightclub Attack

There are hundreds of thousands of "so called" christians that hate gays, and are glad to see them dead.
So what? The bible says homosexuals deserve death....they're not supposed to mourn the death of reprobates.

That's the Old Testament, laws specifically for Jews at that time. Jesus repeated six commandments that should be kept, to include Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery, but never implies death for breaking any of the commandments.

We shouldn't kill people for being gay anymore than outlaw shelled seafood because the Old Testament says its unclean and detestable.

I'm not saying gay male sex isn't a sin nor detestable, it is. But it isn't something that should be punishable by death.
Then your beef is with God, He doesn't change his mind...sodomites are still worthy of the death penalty and are considered reprobate, cannot be saved.
The republicans and the media are trying hard to keep this quiet.

Sacramento Baptist Preacher Praises Orlando Gay Nightclub Attack

“Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” he said in the sermon. “Um no, I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.”
Sacramento Baptist Preacher Praises Orlando Gay Nightclub Attack

There are hundreds of thousands of "so called" christians that hate gays, and are glad to see them dead.
So what? The bible says homosexuals deserve death....they're not supposed to mourn the death of reprobates.

That's the Old Testament, laws specifically for Jews at that time. Jesus repeated six commandments that should be kept, to include Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery, but never implies death for breaking any of the commandments.

We shouldn't kill people for being gay anymore than outlaw shelled seafood because the Old Testament says its unclean and detestable.

I'm not saying gay male sex isn't a sin nor detestable, it is. But it isn't something that should be punishable by death.
Then your beef is with God, He doesn't change his mind...sodomites are still worthy of the death penalty and are considered reprobate, cannot be saved.

He changed His mind several times with the Jews. They kept breaking his covenant, He kept punishing them. Jesus was the final covenant.

Do you not eat shelled seafood?
Whenever someone espouses a fundamentalist view, in religion or politics or morality, they betray a few common traits. They betray a shallowness of intellect. They seem unable to think, observe and draw conclusions of their own.

They betray fearfulness. Fear of the unfamiliar, the unknown. And lacking curiosity, they embrace a rigid uncompromising attitude.

They betray their authoritarianism. They would impose their views on everyone regardless of consequence and consideration.

Fundamentalists, be they Christian, Muslim or any other faith cannot accept that there is more than one idea and they cannot keep more than one idea in their vacant little minds.

We live in a pluralist society. We can accept more than one point of view, more than one attitude, more than one way of life. Thank God! Otherwise our society would be so stunted in growth, so repressive in action, so incurious in thought that we would never advance further than the medieval point from which Fundamentalism springs
Every time a Muslim shouts Allah
Akbar and starts killing Americans the left tards
have a knee jerk response in saying don't pick on Muslims, let's pick on Chrisyians. What is this dumb shit?
The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

The Regressive Left utilizes three primary techniques in deflecting for The PC-Protected Religion:

1. Deflecting entirely to Christianity, particularly after the latest jihadist slaughter, as you see here
2. Equating Modern Day Christianity with jihadism
3. Going straight to personal insults and name-calling

Very consistent.
Cons could have beaten Shrillary, if they had nominated a reasonable candidate. Instead they try to ram a fascist narcissist down the throats of voters. It's like the republicans elected her.

Seriously, what has Trump proposed that is fascist? You sir are stupid.

Hillary is by FAR the more likely of the two to be a fascist since she literally believes the government needs to control every aspect of our lives.

I'm actually starting to agree with her, the average American is a fucking dolt who needs someone telling them how to live their lives.
Seriously, what has Trump proposed that is fascist?

Everything he says is fascist. His latest is, "I'll do it all myself. And I'll be very good at it." Like he doesn't need GOP backing.
"I'll build a wall, and make Mexico pay for it." Like he doesn't need congress approval.
"I;ll ban all Muslims" Like he can disregard the constitution.

So , you contend that Obama is a fascist? That's the route you want to take?

LOL you dumb fuck
The republicans and the media are trying hard to keep this quiet.

Sacramento Baptist Preacher Praises Orlando Gay Nightclub Attack

“Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” he said in the sermon. “Um no, I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.”
Sacramento Baptist Preacher Praises Orlando Gay Nightclub Attack

There are hundreds of thousands of "so called" christians that hate gays, and are glad to see them dead.
Why are you abetting islimic terrorist mass murder?
The left is so butthurt that once again their religion of peace has struck, and no matter what kind of defensive mode they go into nothing is going to change the fact that a Muslim is the terrorist.

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