Radiologist: 'hillary has a serious underlying disease'


Gold Member
May 24, 2016

Board-certified diagnostic radiologist Dr. Milton R. Wolf says that Hillary Clinton has a “serious underlying disease” that her campaign is hiding from the American people.

Wolf, a practicing physician in Kansas City, reached out to Infowars to question why Hillary is being given the blood thinner Coumadin, a drug used to prevent heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots in veins and arteries.

According to Wolf, “Hillary’s doctors know you would NEVER, NEVER give Coumadin to normal, healthy patients. It’s too dangerous,” and that this must mean, “her risk of morbidity/mortality from blood clots without Coumadin must be substantial.”

In his experience, patients who take Coumadin are at risk of “intracranial hemorrhage” and suffer falls “on a regular basis”.

Wolf asserts that Hillary’s diagnosis of sinus thrombosis is only possible if she suffered “massive injuries” as a result of her fall in 2012.

“Her dural sinus thrombosis was absolutely NOT caused by a simple concussion. Not a chance. That was a lie,” he notes, adding that, “Sinus thrombosis is almost always due to serious underlying disease.”

Radiologist: Hillary Clinton Has a “Serious Underlying Disease”

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