Rafael and Ted Cruz – Biggest Cuban Con Artists


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Rafael Cruz states: “So I found myself at 14 years old involved in a Revolution.” Rafael was 14 in 1953. In 1953 there was one incident, the July 26 raid on the Moncada Barracks. Fidel Castro and his rebels who survived were jailed then released in May, 1955 and they departed for Mexico. They returned from Mexico on December 2, 1956. The first battle of the Revolution took place January 17, 1957 at the Mouth of the Plata River. This is around the time Rafael Cruz – the son of an affluent Matanzas, Cuba family and ally of the Batista Dictatorship – would have been anticipating leaving Cuba to attend the University of Texas in the late summer of 1957.

This Con Artist tale begs the question: how does a boy who claims he had left his home in Matanzas at age 14 and was gone for four years ‘in the Revolution’ missing all four grades of high school get accepted at an American university, especially by just ‘writing a letter’ at the last minute. No surprise that Rafael Bienvenido Cruz is not mentioned in either Museum of the Revolution in Cuba.

Cubans who fought in the Revolution were incensed at hearing Cruz’ claims that he escaped death several times and managed to get away ‘by the Grace of God.’ The say that he ‘urinates on the graves of true youth heroes like William Soler, Jose Echeverria, and Frank Pais.’ The living Cuban heroes label Rafael Cruz a ‘bola de grasa'; a greaseball. The true heroes suspect that Rafael Cruz, the son of an affluent family, was possibly a spy for the Batista Dictatorship who later granted him an exit visa, perhaps infiltrating the FEU or the AAA and setting up youth leaders for torture and execution.

Rafael and Ted Cruz ? Biggest Cuban Con Artists since Rosie Ruiz | Cuba 54 Blog

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