Raging fires burn multimillion homes in CA

You just admitted Democrats ruined California, so you moved and still vote for them. People like uou are the problem.
yea i vote for them .....can you show me any post of mine supporting the democrats?...bullshit filter my ass....you are just another dipshit who feels anyone who doesnt agree with you must be a democrat.....your filter aint working old man.....oh and nice shirt....
Okay,knock yourself out.
I've never had damage to my home despite living on the Texas Gulf coast for 56 years.
Oh wait...I did have a board fly of my fence once.
...i lived there for 50 years and went through 3-4 quakes over 5 points and never had any damage to my place....so how about those that have had damage in your state?....how about those in Florida?....how about those in tornado country?...you fucking think california is the only state that has natural disasters?..
...i lived there for 50 years and went through 3-4 quakes over 5 points and never had any damage to my place....so how about those that have had damage in your state?....how about those in Florida?....how about those in tornado country?...you fucking think california is the only state that has natural disasters?..

Did I say that?
Did I say that?
you said this.....These dumb shits build in fire,mudslide and earthquake prone areas and then whine when they go up in flames or slide off a cliff during a mudslide.....so how about those in other states who do the same dam thing....rebuild in the same area after their place is destroyed.....are they any smarter?....
you said this.....These dumb shits build in fire,mudslide and earthquake prone areas and then whine when they go up in flames or slide off a cliff during a mudslide.....so how about those in other states who do the same dam thing....rebuild in the same area after their place is destroyed.....are they any smarter?....

Those are places that are prone to disasters,and you have multiple reasons those places arent safe.
Living on the Gulf coast you have hurricanes and thats it. You're far less likely to experience a natural disaster when there's only one threat.
yea i vote for them .....can you show me any post of mine supporting the democrats?...bullshit filter my ass....you are just another dipshit who feels anyone who doesnt agree with you must be a democrat.....your filter aint working old man.....oh and nice shirt....
Thanks. So you vote for democrats, but you don't support them? Okay. LOL.
...i lived there for 50 years and went through 3-4 quakes over 5 points and never had any damage to my place....so how about those that have had damage in your state?....how about those in Florida?....how about those in tornado country?...you fucking think california is the only state that has natural disasters?..

I'll take my chances with a hurricane. Serious Hurricanes are far and few between. And you have advance warning unlike earthquakes.
Those are places that are prone to disasters,and you have multiple reasons those places arent safe.
Living on the Gulf coast you have hurricanes and thats it. You're far less likely to experience a natural disaster when there's only one threat.
unless you live in the Mts in Cal you only have one threat....earthquakes....and ones over 5 are far and few in between....
Thanks. So you vote for democrats, but you don't support them? Okay. LOL.
your welcome....so you are just another die hard party guy....follow the republicans without question....yep people like you are part of the problem.....
your welcome....so you are just another die hard party guy....follow the republicans without question....yep people like you are part of the problem.....
At this point, except for 3 or 4, republicans are the only ones with a brain. If someone with a brain came along and was in the purple Armadillo party, I'd vote for them. Democrats are insane, except for Tulsi Gabbard.
At this point, except for 3 or 4, republicans are the only ones with a brain. If someone with a brain came along and was in the purple Armadillo party, I'd vote for them. Democrats are insane, except for Tulsi Gabbard.
like i said ....follow them without question.....oh and the die hards over there think you guys are insane....you asswipe die hards are the reason this country is being divided....you are the same kind of people....you call each other the same names....you accuse each other of doing the same shit....and not one of you fuckers can see that....
like i said ....follow them without question.....oh and the die hards over there think you guys are insane....you asswipe die hards are the reason this country is being divided....you are the same kind of people....you call each other the same names....you accuse each other of doing the same shit....and not one of you fuckers can see that....
We aren't the ones dividing the country. You aren't paying attention. What are we doing to divide the country? Tell me.
We aren't the ones dividing the country. You aren't paying attention. What are we doing to divide the country? Tell me.
you assholes have the same mantra...."if you dont like what i like,if you dont believe what i believe fuck you"....you cant see that because you are fucking one of them....you die hard party people from both sides are a lot alike....both of youse should go straight to fucking hell....
you assholes have the same mantra...."if you dont like what i like,if you dont believe what i believe fuck you"....you cant see that because you are fucking one of them....you die hard party people from both sides are a lot alike....both of youse should go straight to fucking hell....
Be specific. I say it's the policies of the left that are dividing the nation. You're just talking about words.
Not exactly. Once the solar panel and power station is paid for, travel via ebike is almost cost-free. Beats the Petroleum Pimp.
Have you ever tried to ride an Ebike in the snow? This plan of yours is terribly flawed.
Multimillion is a lot of homes. Perhaps a few multimillion dollar homes were destroyed.
Kristi Noem
She's great. We spent a week in South Dakota in June, 2020, one of the few places that were still open during the height of the pandemic. Had a great time. She didn't shut anything down and left it up to the people. Everyone was very polite and we really enjoyed ourselves. My wife said she would never leave eastern Washington,, but she was impressed with Rapid City. It was pristine. If things go south here, that's where we are going.

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