Raging fires burn multimillion homes in CA

The burning of a multi million dollar mansion is as sad as the burning of a small frame house belonging to a financially struggling family.
She's great. We spent a week in South Dakota in June, 2020, one of the few places that were still open during the height of the pandemic. Had a great time. She didn't shut anything down and left it up to the people. Everyone was very polite and we really enjoyed ourselves. My wife said she would never leave eastern Washington,, but she was impressed with Rapid City. It was pristine. If things go south here, that's where we are going.
She is the only one who got it right from the start. Out of EVERY STATE.....I'd vote for her for POTUS in a heart beat.
Im showing you that it's the left that is dividing this nation.
and i am telling you that the die hard right is just as bad as the die hard left....you both have an agenda and if one does not agree with you fuck that person....strangely enough your agendas are fairly similar.....control over the country....because after all...you asswipes know what is best for everyone...

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