Raise of hands, who here got rid of thier health insurance?

The way Obamacare is currently written, he doesn't have to sign up. Just pay the penalty every year (which is a lot less than the huge Obamacare premiums), and then if he does get sick or injured, then he can sign up. And Obamacare requires the companies to take him and cover his pre-existing condition.

This is what the Democrats wrote, and rammed through Congress with no Republican votes. Is there a problem here?

Untrue. You need to be signed up when you get sick, idiot. If not, you wait until the next enrollment period...if you live.

Why are so many of you so fucking stupid?

You need to be signed up when you get sick,If not, you wait until the next enrollment period
maybe for obamacare

but not for regular health insurance

they have to take ya


^ The stoopid is rich and deep with this one.
It's something, isn't it?
The way Obamacare is currently written, he doesn't have to sign up. Just pay the penalty every year (which is a lot less than the huge Obamacare premiums), and then if he does get sick or injured, then he can sign up. And Obamacare requires the companies to take him and cover his pre-existing condition.

This is what the Democrats wrote, and rammed through Congress with no Republican votes. Is there a problem here?

Untrue. You need to be signed up when you get sick, idiot. If not, you wait until the next enrollment period...if you live.

Why are so many of you so fucking stupid?

You need to be signed up when you get sick,If not, you wait until the next enrollment period
maybe for obamacare

but not for regular health insurance

they have to take ya


^ The stoopid is rich and deep with this one.

Yes the far left has shown that they do not understand a 2200 page bill that most did not read!

If you miss the enrolment period you can still sign up for insurance!
The way Obamacare is currently written, he doesn't have to sign up. Just pay the penalty every year (which is a lot less than the huge Obamacare premiums), and then if he does get sick or injured, then he can sign up. And Obamacare requires the companies to take him and cover his pre-existing condition.

This is what the Democrats wrote, and rammed through Congress with no Republican votes. Is there a problem here?

Untrue. You need to be signed up when you get sick, idiot. If not, you wait until the next enrollment period...if you live.

Why are so many of you so fucking stupid?

You need to be signed up when you get sick,If not, you wait until the next enrollment period
maybe for obamacare

but not for regular health insurance

they have to take ya


^ The stoopid is rich and deep with this one.
It's something, isn't it?

Yes that so many far left drones do not understand a law that they support without question or hesitation, even though their gods did not even read the bill!

Have to pass it to find out what is in it!
The way Obamacare is currently written, he doesn't have to sign up. Just pay the penalty every year (which is a lot less than the huge Obamacare premiums), and then if he does get sick or injured, then he can sign up. And Obamacare requires the companies to take him and cover his pre-existing condition.

This is what the Democrats wrote, and rammed through Congress with no Republican votes. Is there a problem here?

Untrue. You need to be signed up when you get sick, idiot. If not, you wait until the next enrollment period...if you live.

Why are so many of you so fucking stupid?

You need to be signed up when you get sick,If not, you wait until the next enrollment period
maybe for obamacare

but not for regular health insurance

they have to take ya


^ The stoopid is rich and deep with this one.

Yes the far left has shown that they do not understand a 2200 page bill that most did not read!

If you miss the enrolment period you can still sign up for insurance!

Yeah. But it ain't the regular Obamacare insurance . Really limited .

If I don’t enroll in a plan by the open enrollment deadline, what are my options after that?
Not really. He's got the American taxpayer to rely on. Which he will certainly do.

The OP, by the way, claims to be a valued skilled worker at a very well established fabricator. Says he earns a salary in the 70k range. He wants us to believe that his employer does not sponsor health insurance for its salaried staff.

They do can't you read my op?

My long term /short term disability is like $6 bucks a month my company pays the other 90%


You are lying. It's weird.

How am I lying?

You really want me to post the rates?i tossed my copy in the garbage can when I left..

But I could get another copy Monday


How are you planning to pay for cancer treatment should you get sick?

prolly go to a county hospital and let taxpayers foot his bills ..

South Carolina garnishes wages for hospital bills...

BTW this always amazes me how many liberals always go to the doctor

I have had health insurance since I was 22 years old and along with my employer, paid for it.

In decades, I only had to use it once.... I have paid in and paid in and paid in and paid in to it, and now that I am older, I am getting to the age, where I will probably actually need it....more annual tests are required from my age group, like colonoscopies and mammograms etc....

I don't feel like it is the younger age groups paying for the older age groups.... I am guilt free, and know that I paid my dues year after year after year, so whatever the heck it costs for my medical care in the future, I paid for it....decade after decade after decade.

Waiting until you are old and in need to buy insurance, puts the burden on someone else, you are trying to get basically, a free ride off of the younger or healthier person....imho.

I doubt it that you paid enough, again I will never ever go to the doctor.

My company switched over health insurance companies..

I waived the health insurance, took the vision, dental, short term/long term disability insurance and life insurance..

Saved myself $120 a month...if trump gets rid of the mandate in the clear :)

Make sure to wash your hands a lot

He's the exact reason why we need a mandate.

Some people, including single parent households, just can't afford it. For a young person, the premiums can be around $200 a month. Many are barely making it paycheck to paycheck as it is and there simply is no money in their budget for that. On top of that, they face the big fine at tax time. If they can't pay that, there are more penalties. Bad enough that some can't afford the new rates but it makes it downright frightening that on top of that, you now have the IRS after you.

The majority do not like Obamacare. More and more each year lost their policies as insurance companies dropped out. Even in the beginning, people were in shock over the rates.

We still have uninsured people but now they are in violation of Obamacare law and face penalties.

Obamacare was never the answer and was never intended to work. It was created to cause people hardships and forced to go without so they could pave the way for single payer. Gotta beat people down long enough to make them want your help. Even those that manage to pay the higher premiums still have much higher deductibles. So, while they were happy before all this, now they pay out of pocket for everything on top of high monthly premiums.

And illegal aliens and refugees are getting free healthcare.
My company switched over health insurance companies..

I waived the health insurance, took the vision, dental, short term/long term disability insurance and life insurance..

Saved myself $120 a month...if trump gets rid of the mandate in the clear :)


What happens when you inevitably get sick ?
I would love to meet these people who get sick all the damn time....had a severe cold....rode it out....had flu...rode it out with some cough syrup,chicken soup etc....kids had same....bout the ONLY time they sick is winter and its a cold once or twice....all fine now...no need for doctor...people reply on doctors too damn much...my kids aren't vaccinated either and are MUCH healthier than their friends that ARE....odd hmmm. Its what happens when you let our immune systems do their jobs and don't weaken them to depend on poisons to fix their body.
I need my health insurance. Won't be able to get it with ACA dismantled and nothing to replace it that includes pre-existing condition.
My company switched over health insurance companies..

I waived the health insurance, took the vision, dental, short term/long term disability insurance and life insurance..

Saved myself $120 a month...if trump gets rid of the mandate in the clear :)


What happens when you inevitably get sick ?

I don't get sick and I never ever go to the doctor.

I think the last time was when I was 16 around 1981..


Well, sometimes people don't get sick, then suddenly get cancer.
My company switched over health insurance companies..

I waived the health insurance, took the vision, dental, short term/long term disability insurance and life insurance..

Saved myself $120 a month...if trump gets rid of the mandate in the clear :)


What happens when you inevitably get sick ?
The emergency room...where everyone else under the Obamacare era goes.....

since you obviously have a very low iq , by the time people go to the er they are only required to stabilize them and if they need further treatment its tough shit, how about if you need medical care you shove a cross up your ass and bray to your man god jesus, see how that works for you SSI boy
My company switched over health insurance companies..

I waived the health insurance, took the vision, dental, short term/long term disability insurance and life insurance..

Saved myself $120 a month...if trump gets rid of the mandate in the clear :)


Yup, in the clear. Solid thinking.

Care to share with us your secret to being immune to cancer or being hit by a truck. This should be interesting.
while I personally agree that going without insurance is a great risk, and personally I wont do it, never have. I will say that as long as the rest of us dont have to cover his bills if he does get sick, would you care sharing with us how its really any of our business, concern or right to tell him he has to have the coverage? His money, his health his problem and as far as Im concerned, his right.
As far as the risk of the rest of us paying if he gets cancer. Lets pretend for a moment that he was one of those that leached off the rest and we had been paying his premiums for him since 1981 when he last got sick. assuming that his premiums would have been roughly the same as what mine would have been had I been forced to buy under the obamacare brand, we would have covered him at 1080.00 per month, that cost would have been $466,560.00 just for premiums over the course of the years, and he never would have used it, but we still would have paid. a quick look on the internet (very quick) indicates that a year of treatments cost around 250,000. so lets say we get stuck paying for his yer of treatment now because he didnt buy in to the insurance program. we still save around 216,000. His choice not to buy in has saved us a bunch of money. now lets say that he was one of those that had no subsidy and he didnt buy in, but instead he took that 1080 a month and put it into a savings account that he would use IF one day when he was older, he got ill. He would have had more than enough to cover his treatments and when done and healthy again, he would even still have enough to celebrate with a world cruise.

but lets just look at it as it is with the ACA, we are going to be paying this amount for millions of moochers, most of them will not end up with something like cancer that will drain everything paid in on their behalf, that means that some insurance company gets to keep all of that money as profit when he gets drunk and trips over aunt Edna causing him to fall off of the balcony of his 40th floor apartment at his 100th birthday party. Of course some of that profit might be lost covering the squished guy that just happened to be unlucky enough to be occupying the same space that the body landed after the fall. (actually, that would be two squished people resulting in twice the profit for the insurance company)

You know, its funny when you think about it. liberals hate big business, and get pissed off anytime a business shows profit, yet here they are giving the insurance industry millions and millions of dollars in profit for some odd reason. seems hypocritical to me.
The way Obamacare is currently written, he doesn't have to sign up. Just pay the penalty every year (which is a lot less than the huge Obamacare premiums), and then if he does get sick or injured, then he can sign up. And Obamacare requires the companies to take him and cover his pre-existing condition.

This is what the Democrats wrote, and rammed through Congress with no Republican votes. Is there a problem here?

Untrue. You need to be signed up when you get sick, idiot. If not, you wait until the next enrollment period...if you live.

Why are so many of you so fucking stupid?

And dishonest.

I really cannot remember the last factual thing he posted.
My company switched over health insurance companies..

I waived the health insurance, took the vision, dental, short term/long term disability insurance and life insurance..

Saved myself $120 a month...if trump gets rid of the mandate in the clear :)


Yup, in the clear. Solid thinking.

Care to share with us your secret to being immune to cancer or being hit by a truck. This should be interesting.
while I personally agree that going without insurance is a great risk, and personally I wont do it, never have. I will say that as long as the rest of us dont have to cover his bills if he does get sick, would you care sharing with us how its really any of our business, concern or right to tell him he has to have the coverage? His money, his health his problem and as far as Im concerned, his right.
As far as the risk of the rest of us paying if he gets cancer. Lets pretend for a moment that he was one of those that leached off the rest and we had been paying his premiums for him since 1981 when he last got sick. assuming that his premiums would have been roughly the same as what mine would have been had I been forced to buy under the obamacare brand, we would have covered him at 1080.00 per month, that cost would have been $466,560.00 just for premiums over the course of the years, and he never would have used it, but we still would have paid. a quick look on the internet (very quick) indicates that a year of treatments cost around 250,000. so lets say we get stuck paying for his yer of treatment now because he didnt buy in to the insurance program. we still save around 216,000. His choice not to buy in has saved us a bunch of money. now lets say that he was one of those that had no subsidy and he didnt buy in, but instead he took that 1080 a month and put it into a savings account that he would use IF one day when he was older, he got ill. He would have had more than enough to cover his treatments and when done and healthy again, he would even still have enough to celebrate with a world cruise.

but lets just look at it as it is with the ACA, we are going to be paying this amount for millions of moochers, most of them will not end up with something like cancer that will drain everything paid in on their behalf, that means that some insurance company gets to keep all of that money as profit when he gets drunk and trips over aunt Edna causing him to fall off of the balcony of his 40th floor apartment at his 100th birthday party. Of course some of that profit might be lost covering the squished guy that just happened to be unlucky enough to be occupying the same space that the body landed after the fall. (actually, that would be two squished people resulting in twice the profit for the insurance company)

You know, its funny when you think about it. liberals hate big business, and get pissed off anytime a business shows profit, yet here they are giving the insurance industry millions and millions of dollars in profit for some odd reason. seems hypocritical to me.

Am I unique? A gift from god?

What is wrong health wise with you all?

Reading these post I feel like I am invincible at 51 going on 52 and all I do is drink OJ in the morning and have a high metabolism

My company switched over health insurance companies..

I waived the health insurance, took the vision, dental, short term/long term disability insurance and life insurance..

Saved myself $120 a month...if trump gets rid of the mandate in the clear :)


Yup, in the clear. Solid thinking.

Care to share with us your secret to being immune to cancer or being hit by a truck. This should be interesting.
while I personally agree that going without insurance is a great risk, and personally I wont do it, never have. I will say that as long as the rest of us dont have to cover his bills if he does get sick, would you care sharing with us how its really any of our business, concern or right to tell him he has to have the coverage? His money, his health his problem and as far as Im concerned, his right.
As far as the risk of the rest of us paying if he gets cancer. Lets pretend for a moment that he was one of those that leached off the rest and we had been paying his premiums for him since 1981 when he last got sick. assuming that his premiums would have been roughly the same as what mine would have been had I been forced to buy under the obamacare brand, we would have covered him at 1080.00 per month, that cost would have been $466,560.00 just for premiums over the course of the years, and he never would have used it, but we still would have paid. a quick look on the internet (very quick) indicates that a year of treatments cost around 250,000. so lets say we get stuck paying for his yer of treatment now because he didnt buy in to the insurance program. we still save around 216,000. His choice not to buy in has saved us a bunch of money. now lets say that he was one of those that had no subsidy and he didnt buy in, but instead he took that 1080 a month and put it into a savings account that he would use IF one day when he was older, he got ill. He would have had more than enough to cover his treatments and when done and healthy again, he would even still have enough to celebrate with a world cruise.

but lets just look at it as it is with the ACA, we are going to be paying this amount for millions of moochers, most of them will not end up with something like cancer that will drain everything paid in on their behalf, that means that some insurance company gets to keep all of that money as profit when he gets drunk and trips over aunt Edna causing him to fall off of the balcony of his 40th floor apartment at his 100th birthday party. Of course some of that profit might be lost covering the squished guy that just happened to be unlucky enough to be occupying the same space that the body landed after the fall. (actually, that would be two squished people resulting in twice the profit for the insurance company)

You know, its funny when you think about it. liberals hate big business, and get pissed off anytime a business shows profit, yet here they are giving the insurance industry millions and millions of dollars in profit for some odd reason. seems hypocritical to me.

Am I unique? A gift from god?

What is wrong health wise with you all?

Reading these post I feel like I am invincible at 51 going on 52 and all I do is drink OJ in the morning and have a high metabolism


Plus I have faith in god and I know the following...

God does not give me another day because I need it

God gives me another day because someone needs me.
I need my health insurance. Won't be able to get it with ACA dismantled and nothing to replace it that includes pre-existing condition.
Sure that may be true, you need your health insurance. Millions don't need it nor want it… Leave the rest of us out of that fucking bullshit.
My company switched over health insurance companies..

I waived the health insurance, took the vision, dental, short term/long term disability insurance and life insurance..

Saved myself $120 a month...if trump gets rid of the mandate in the clear :)


What happens when you inevitably get sick ?

Oh, the doom and gloom typical of lefties.

I've provided how healthcare coverage can work. I'll provide mine and you can provide yours and anyone else you choose to provide coverage.
I need my health insurance. Won't be able to get it with ACA dismantled and nothing to replace it that includes pre-existing condition.
Sure that may be true, you need your health insurance. Millions don't need it nor want it… Leave the rest of us out of that fucking bullshit.

So you agree then, that I should be able to not be denied because of my pre-existing condition.

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