Raise of hands, who here got rid of thier health insurance?

A new slick ad from the RNC sums up their planā€¦

Not really. There is no mention of the plan; just a very california-like Hollywood produced commercial. Bet you guys love that!

Also, please notice what is not saidā€¦ā€IF you donā€™t want insurance, you donā€™t have to buy itā€. Hmmmā€¦could the GOP working on the ACA 2.0?

Quoting the movie nowā€¦

ā€œGiving your family, the healthcare it deserves.ā€
I need my health insurance. Won't be able to get it with ACA dismantled and nothing to replace it that includes pre-existing condition.
Sure that may be true, you need your health insurance. Millions don't need it nor want itā€¦ Leave the rest of us out of that fucking bullshit.

So you agree then, that I should be able to not be denied because of my pre-existing condition.
True, if you want Obama care single pair or whatever push for it just leave the rest of us out of that fucking shitā€¦

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