Raise of hands, who here got rid of thier health insurance?

The way Obamacare is currently written, he doesn't have to sign up. Just pay the penalty every year (which is a lot less than the huge Obamacare premiums), and then if he does get sick or injured, then he can sign up. And Obamacare requires the companies to take him and cover his pre-existing condition.

This is what the Democrats wrote, and rammed through Congress with no Republican votes. Is there a problem here?

Yup, the problem is you have no idea how the ACA works.

The far left does not know the ACA works, remember you have to pass it to find out what is in it!

Then again very few actually read the 2200 page bill!

Silly far left drone!

Love this righty argument .

"Book is long....many pages ... many pages baaaaaaad!"
My company switched over health insurance companies..

I waived the health insurance, took the vision, dental, short term/long term disability insurance and life insurance..

Saved myself $120 a month...if trump gets rid of the mandate in the clear :)


What happens when you inevitably get sick ?

That is a good question, and an opportunity to discuss various views on personal responsibility.

Let's say you have a large Bull. You keep the Bull in a pasture surrounded by a split rail fence. The fence is obviously to keep the bull in and the people out. The idea is to keep them separate. Bulls and people don't mix generally speaking.

There are two ways of looking at it if someone climbs the fence and is injured by the Bull. You would argue that the owner of the Bull must put up signs and perhaps hire someone to keep people out of the pasture. I would argue that if someone is dumb enough to climb the fence and enter the pasture without permission any injuries they get are their own damned fault.

This applies to the insurance question you ask. The Poster has insurance available through work and chooses not to avail himself of that opportunity. My reaction is to shrug and say on their own heads be it. If he gets sick, or falls down a flight of stairs, or whatever happens it is his problem. I am not going to shed a tear because he had a chance and made his decision. Neither you or I are responsible for protecting him from himself.

Look at it from the point of view of evolution. Darwin postulated that the intelligent and strong would survive and the weak or stupid would expire and be lost to history. The Darwin Awards are given to people who remove themselves from the Gene Pool by their own stupidity.

I don't need fifty signs up spaced twenty feet apart to keep someone out of the pasture. The fence should be enough. If you climb the fence I may get a camera recording it and put the video on YouTube with the header dumbass maimed by Bull.

On their own heads be it. You made your choice and now you get the consequences. That isn't heartless, it is respect. I respect him enough to treat him like an adult, and hold him responsible for his choices. Your life, your choice.
The way Obamacare is currently written, he doesn't have to sign up. Just pay the penalty every year (which is a lot less than the huge Obamacare premiums), and then if he does get sick or injured, then he can sign up. And Obamacare requires the companies to take him and cover his pre-existing condition.

This is what the Democrats wrote, and rammed through Congress with no Republican votes. Is there a problem here?

You are wrong .

You can only sign up during the open period . Which is November to mid December .

So when he slips and blows out his knee tomorrow. He's on his own until next year at the earliest.

Once again the far left drones show they do not understand the 2200 bill that almost no one read.

You can get insurance at any time.

If you miss open enrollment, your health insurance options will be limited, but you can still get coverage

Miss open enrollment? You’ve got options.

So you see the far left drone trolls do not even understand Obamacare!
The way Obamacare is currently written, he doesn't have to sign up. Just pay the penalty every year (which is a lot less than the huge Obamacare premiums), and then if he does get sick or injured, then he can sign up. And Obamacare requires the companies to take him and cover his pre-existing condition.

This is what the Democrats wrote, and rammed through Congress with no Republican votes. Is there a problem here?

Yup, the problem is you have no idea how the ACA works.

The far left does not know the ACA works, remember you have to pass it to find out what is in it!

Then again very few actually read the 2200 page bill!

Silly far left drone!

Love this righty argument .

"Book is long....many pages ... many pages baaaaaaad!"

When did Pelosi become a righty?

Silly far left drone!
My company switched over health insurance companies..

I waived the health insurance, took the vision, dental, short term/long term disability insurance and life insurance..

Saved myself $120 a month...if trump gets rid of the mandate in the clear :)


What happens when you inevitably get sick ?

That is a good question, and an opportunity to discuss various views on personal responsibility.

Let's say you have a large Bull. You keep the Bull in a pasture surrounded by a split rail fence. The fence is obviously to keep the bull in and the people out. The idea is to keep them separate. Bulls and people don't mix generally speaking.

There are two ways of looking at it if someone climbs the fence and is injured by the Bull. You would argue that the owner of the Bull must put up signs and perhaps hire someone to keep people out of the pasture. I would argue that if someone is dumb enough to climb the fence and enter the pasture without permission any injuries they get are their own damned fault.

This applies to the insurance question you ask. The Poster has insurance available through work and chooses not to avail himself of that opportunity. My reaction is to shrug and say on their own heads be it. If he gets sick, or falls down a flight of stairs, or whatever happens it is his problem. I am not going to shed a tear because he had a chance and made his decision. Neither you or I are responsible for protecting him from himself.

Look at it from the point of view of evolution. Darwin postulated that the intelligent and strong would survive and the weak or stupid would expire and be lost to history. The Darwin Awards are given to people who remove themselves from the Gene Pool by their own stupidity.

I don't need fifty signs up spaced twenty feet apart to keep someone out of the pasture. The fence should be enough. If you climb the fence I may get a camera recording it and put the video on YouTube with the header dumbass maimed by Bull.

On their own heads be it. You made your choice and now you get the consequences. That isn't heartless, it is respect. I respect him enough to treat him like an adult, and hold him responsible for his choices. Your life, your choice.

Here's the rub . If he gets sick or injured he WILL be treated. (Thanks to Ron Reagan) . And we all get to pay for his slacker ass.

It's not like he will be left on the side of the road like he deserves .
I lost free healthcare, and had to pay for it. moreover , even though I paid, it was much less effective and had many fewer choices for treatment, the treatment options that were lost were the best, I also had to go further to get some of the treatments making the cost even more. What you stupid, scum liberals call the ACA is the UHA. Only an idiot would even try to defend the shit. It proves you know nothing about anything you post as I have posted in a lot of other threads. ANY liberal to continue to be liberal has to take a million lies from a group of PROVEN serial liars at face value and absorb it like a sponge into their small monoplanic minds to spout out like vomit from a severe stomach virus.
The way Obamacare is currently written, he doesn't have to sign up. Just pay the penalty every year (which is a lot less than the huge Obamacare premiums), and then if he does get sick or injured, then he can sign up. And Obamacare requires the companies to take him and cover his pre-existing condition.

This is what the Democrats wrote, and rammed through Congress with no Republican votes. Is there a problem here?

You are wrong .

You can only sign up during the open period . Which is November to mid December .

So when he slips and blows out his knee tomorrow. He's on his own until next year at the earliest.

Once again the far left drones show they do not understand the 2200 bill that almost no one read.

You can get insurance at any time.

If you miss open enrollment, your health insurance options will be limited, but you can still get coverage

Miss open enrollment? You’ve got options.

So you see the far left drone trolls do not even understand Obamacare!

"Very limited " options .
I kept mine but our rates have skyrocketed and the out-of-pocket has gone from $2,500 to $12,750.
The way Obamacare is currently written, he doesn't have to sign up. Just pay the penalty every year (which is a lot less than the huge Obamacare premiums), and then if he does get sick or injured, then he can sign up. And Obamacare requires the companies to take him and cover his pre-existing condition.

This is what the Democrats wrote, and rammed through Congress with no Republican votes. Is there a problem here?

You are wrong .

You can only sign up during the open period . Which is November to mid December .

So when he slips and blows out his knee tomorrow. He's on his own until next year at the earliest.

Once again the far left drones show they do not understand the 2200 bill that almost no one read.

You can get insurance at any time.

If you miss open enrollment, your health insurance options will be limited, but you can still get coverage

Miss open enrollment? You’ve got options.

So you see the far left drone trolls do not even understand Obamacare!

"Very limited " options .

And yet I just defeated you entire far left religious rant that they could not get it after open enrollment!

Once again proving you far left drones do not even know what is in Obamacare!

And the limitations are based on where one lives, so once again you fail at positing your far left religious dogma!

So just admit you were wrong and you have no clue about Obamacare!
I kept mine but our rates have skyrocketed and the out-of-pocket has gone from $2,500 to $12,750.

But the far left claims that is affordable!

It is working as planned.. schmucks like us get hosed while some shit for brains millennial gets his subsidized. How can this be taken seriously... the ACA is all about having HI... but wait, not too much HI.. then you get fined!!! Utter horseshit. Anybody that fell for this is a mental midget.
The way Obamacare is currently written, he doesn't have to sign up. Just pay the penalty every year (which is a lot less than the huge Obamacare premiums), and then if he does get sick or injured, then he can sign up. And Obamacare requires the companies to take him and cover his pre-existing condition.

This is what the Democrats wrote, and rammed through Congress with no Republican votes. Is there a problem here?

You are wrong .

You can only sign up during the open period . Which is November to mid December .

So when he slips and blows out his knee tomorrow. He's on his own until next year at the earliest.

Once again the far left drones show they do not understand the 2200 bill that almost no one read.

You can get insurance at any time.

If you miss open enrollment, your health insurance options will be limited, but you can still get coverage

Miss open enrollment? You’ve got options.

So you see the far left drone trolls do not even understand Obamacare!

"Very limited " options .

And yet I just defeated you entire far left religious rant that they could not get it after open enrollment!

Once again proving you far left drones do not even know what is in Obamacare!

And the limitations are based on where one lives, so once again you fail at positing your far left religious dogma!

So just admit you were wrong and you have no clue about Obamacare!

It's some stupid limited thing for specific situations. You said you can sign up whenever you get sick . You are the one who is wrong .
I kept mine but our rates have skyrocketed and the out-of-pocket has gone from $2,500 to $12,750.

Who says the ACA caused that? Insurance costs have been rising for decades .

Yah mere coincidence. I'll put it this way... say you buy new car for cash, only have liability then wrap it around a pole. then you go to Allstate, tell them you need a policy to cover the replacement of he car. What do you think your premiums/deductibles will be?
You money hoarding bastard, how dare you make a personal decision about how you spend your own money. I'm telling Obama! /sarcasm
The way Obamacare is currently written, he doesn't have to sign up. Just pay the penalty every year (which is a lot less than the huge Obamacare premiums), and then if he does get sick or injured, then he can sign up. And Obamacare requires the companies to take him and cover his pre-existing condition.

This is what the Democrats wrote, and rammed through Congress with no Republican votes. Is there a problem here?

You are wrong .

You can only sign up during the open period . Which is November to mid December .

So when he slips and blows out his knee tomorrow. He's on his own until next year at the earliest.

Once again the far left drones show they do not understand the 2200 bill that almost no one read.

You can get insurance at any time.

If you miss open enrollment, your health insurance options will be limited, but you can still get coverage

Miss open enrollment? You’ve got options.

So you see the far left drone trolls do not even understand Obamacare!

"Very limited " options .

And yet I just defeated you entire far left religious rant that they could not get it after open enrollment!

Once again proving you far left drones do not even know what is in Obamacare!

And the limitations are based on where one lives, so once again you fail at positing your far left religious dogma!

So just admit you were wrong and you have no clue about Obamacare!

It's some stupid limited thing for specific situations. You said you can sign up whenever you get sick . You are the one who is wrong .

See how the far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!

So you see the mentality of these far left drones?

This is why they fail and why they are now out of power!
I kept mine but our rates have skyrocketed and the out-of-pocket has gone from $2,500 to $12,750.

Who says the ACA caused that? Insurance costs have been rising for decades .

More proof that the far left do not know anything about Obamacare!

It is not the just the cost of the insurance premiums it is the cost of the deductible/out of pocket!

Silly far left drone!
My company switched over health insurance companies..

I waived the health insurance, took the vision, dental, short term/long term disability insurance and life insurance..

Saved myself $120 a month...if trump gets rid of the mandate in the clear :)


What happens when you inevitably get sick ?

That is a good question, and an opportunity to discuss various views on personal responsibility.

Let's say you have a large Bull. You keep the Bull in a pasture surrounded by a split rail fence. The fence is obviously to keep the bull in and the people out. The idea is to keep them separate. Bulls and people don't mix generally speaking.

There are two ways of looking at it if someone climbs the fence and is injured by the Bull. You would argue that the owner of the Bull must put up signs and perhaps hire someone to keep people out of the pasture. I would argue that if someone is dumb enough to climb the fence and enter the pasture without permission any injuries they get are their own damned fault.

This applies to the insurance question you ask. The Poster has insurance available through work and chooses not to avail himself of that opportunity. My reaction is to shrug and say on their own heads be it. If he gets sick, or falls down a flight of stairs, or whatever happens it is his problem. I am not going to shed a tear because he had a chance and made his decision. Neither you or I are responsible for protecting him from himself.

Look at it from the point of view of evolution. Darwin postulated that the intelligent and strong would survive and the weak or stupid would expire and be lost to history. The Darwin Awards are given to people who remove themselves from the Gene Pool by their own stupidity.

I don't need fifty signs up spaced twenty feet apart to keep someone out of the pasture. The fence should be enough. If you climb the fence I may get a camera recording it and put the video on YouTube with the header dumbass maimed by Bull.

On their own heads be it. You made your choice and now you get the consequences. That isn't heartless, it is respect. I respect him enough to treat him like an adult, and hold him responsible for his choices. Your life, your choice.

Here's the rub . If he gets sick or injured he WILL be treated. (Thanks to Ron Reagan) . And we all get to pay for his slacker ass.

It's not like he will be left on the side of the road like he deserves .

Then change it. Democrats can put that in the Replace part of the bill the Republicans will put forward. Call it the On your own head be it amendment.
I kept mine but our rates have skyrocketed and the out-of-pocket has gone from $2,500 to $12,750.

But the far left claims that is affordable!

It is working as planned.. schmucks like us get hosed while some shit for brains millennial gets his subsidized. How can this be taken seriously... the ACA is all about having HI... but wait, not too much HI.. then you get fined!!! Utter horseshit. Anybody that fell for this is a mental midget.

Yes the penality is less than paying for the insurance and out of pocket expenses, that is why so many people chose to pay the penalty/tax.
The way Obamacare is currently written, he doesn't have to sign up. Just pay the penalty every year (which is a lot less than the huge Obamacare premiums), and then if he does get sick or injured, then he can sign up. And Obamacare requires the companies to take him and cover his pre-existing condition.

This is what the Democrats wrote, and rammed through Congress with no Republican votes. Is there a problem here?

Untrue. You need to be signed up when you get sick, idiot. If not, you wait until the next enrollment period...if you live.

Why are so many of you so fucking stupid?

At this point do you laugh at how ignorant they are or cry because they are allowed to vote.

Neither, to be honest. I'm kind of bored of mocking them. It isn't very effective as they have no sense of shame. Instead, I've invested time in local activism.

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