Raise the Minimum Wage

It's NOT what I said, it's what Goldman-Sach and EPI said.
BUT, I agree with you. I went back and looked after your comment. The chart doesn't make sense. I hurried myself when I posted that post as I had a meeting to attend.
Here's the irony, it was my review and I got a nice sized raise. One of the comments was that I consistently did concise presentations. It's a good thing they didn't see that post! :lol:
Since it's illegal to buy votes, the next best way is give people a raise. :)

28 million working Americans would benefit. 28 million votes swinging for whoever got them that raise...I'm not a political operative but this doesn't sound very complicated to me.

Wouldn't it be easier just to go get a job that paid more? That's what I always did.
Much easier to quit working and get on the government gravy train.
Since it's illegal to buy votes, the next best way is give people a raise. :)

28 million working Americans would benefit. 28 million votes swinging for whoever got them that raise...I'm not a political operative but this doesn't sound very complicated to me.

Wouldn't it be easier just to go get a job that paid more? That's what I always did.
Much easier to quit working and get on the government gravy train.

I wouldn't know. I've never drawn a single minute's unemployment and I'm 71 years old. I worked two jobs for a few years back in my younger days.
Since it's illegal to buy votes, the next best way is give people a raise. :)

28 million working Americans would benefit. 28 million votes swinging for whoever got them that raise...I'm not a political operative but this doesn't sound very complicated to me.

Wouldn't it be easier just to go get a job that paid more? That's what I always did.
Much easier to quit working and get on the government gravy train.

I wouldn't know. I've never drawn a single minute's unemployment and I'm 71 years old. I worked two jobs for a few years back in my younger days.
Yeah but we're not talking about you or I or teenagers. We're talking primarily about voters who need government to hold their hands through life.
Half the retards earning minimum wage are overpaid ...the other half deserve a little more .... Perhaps 8 dollars an hr...
Since it's illegal to buy votes, the next best way is give people a raise. :)

28 million working Americans would benefit. 28 million votes swinging for whoever got them that raise...I'm not a political operative but this doesn't sound very complicated to me.

Wouldn't it be easier just to go get a job that paid more? That's what I always did.
Much easier to quit working and get on the government gravy train.

I wouldn't know. I've never drawn a single minute's unemployment and I'm 71 years old. I worked two jobs for a few years back in my younger days.
Yeah but we're not talking about you or I or teenagers. We're talking primarily about voters who need government to hold their hands through life.

I agree. They've just about wiped out the jobs for teens. When I was coming up, I picked cotton, stacked peanuts, and did other farm jobs. I worked as a car-hop at a local ice-cream and hamburger place and as a bag boy and stocker in a local grocery store. My own kids worked at Hardee's and at the local Western Sizzling Steak House.

In the old days around my neck of the woods, the parents worked at the local lumber company, Judy Bonds, Vanity Fair, the ribbon mill, the paper mill, Chemstrand, or the box factory. These all closed up. I think Judy Bonds and Vanity Fair moved out of the country altogether. Today's kids' parents have had to fall back and take the jobs the kids once had at MacDonalds and Hardees, and waiting tables. They need and demand more hourly pay. It's a bad thing for them since these places could just go back to hiring the kids or automate more.

Yes indeed, the average voters got the government they wanted. Now that government is desperately trying to build a fence around American corporation in order to force them to stay here.

The GOP will never get back on top of the heap though because this bunch of voters always had Mom and Dad take care of them and now they want their government to take care of them. They don't want to hear the word "work" at all. The GOP is for smaller and more unintrusive government and for success based upon one's own ambition and work ethic.
Since it's illegal to buy votes, the next best way is give people a raise. :)

28 million working Americans would benefit. 28 million votes swinging for whoever got them that raise...I'm not a political operative but this doesn't sound very complicated to me.

Wouldn't it be easier just to go get a job that paid more? That's what I always did.
Much easier to quit working and get on the government gravy train.

I wouldn't know. I've never drawn a single minute's unemployment and I'm 71 years old. I worked two jobs for a few years back in my younger days.
Yeah but we're not talking about you or I or teenagers. We're talking primarily about voters who need government to hold their hands through life.

I agree. They've just about wiped out the jobs for teens. When I was coming up, I picked cotton, stacked peanuts, and did other farm jobs. I worked as a car-hop at a local ice-cream and hamburger place and as a bag boy and stocker in a local grocery store. My own kids worked at Hardee's and at the local Western Sizzling Steak House.

In the old days around my neck of the woods, the parents worked at the local lumber company, Judy Bonds, Vanity Fair, the ribbon mill, the paper mill, Chemstrand, or the box factory. These all closed up. I think Judy Bonds and Vanity Fair moved out of the country altogether. Today's kids' parents have had to fall back and take the jobs the kids once had at MacDonalds and Hardees, and waiting tables. They need and demand more hourly pay. It's a bad thing for them since these places could just go back to hiring the kids or automate more.

Yes indeed, the average voters got the government they wanted. Now that government is desperately trying to build a fence around American corporation in order to force them to stay here.

The GOP will never get back on top of the heap though because this bunch of voters always had Mom and Dad take care of them and now they want their government to take care of them. They don't want to hear the word "work" at all. The GOP is for smaller and more unintrusive government and for success based upon one's own ambition and work ethic.

When I was a teen in college I was making about 10bucks an hour as a part time manager/store clerk at Publix in Florida. That was back around 1985. I'm a 51year old engineer. I've never been out of work for more than 5 seconds. And only one time did I earn close to minimum wage, was for about 1week back in 1979 when at 15 I started bagging groceries. About 9months in I had been getting raises every 3m and my boss had to come and tell me that he was embarrassed to say he could not give me, his best new hire a raise because the government had forced him to give the people who were not as good raises. Thus my first introduction to big government fixes.

It took all three of my teen age kids about 1hr to find part time jobs that paid over 10bucks an hour when they were in high school. Two are in college the third graduated and is making good money as an RN. Took her all of one day to get her RN job after graduation.

I honestly don't know a single person that wants a job who does not have a job. And no one I've ever known other than children has ever been in a minimum wage job for more than a week.
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Since it's illegal to buy votes, the next best way is give people a raise. :)

28 million working Americans would benefit. 28 million votes swinging for whoever got them that raise...I'm not a political operative but this doesn't sound very complicated to me.

Wouldn't it be easier just to go get a job that paid more? That's what I always did.
Much easier to quit working and get on the government gravy train.

I wouldn't know. I've never drawn a single minute's unemployment and I'm 71 years old. I worked two jobs for a few years back in my younger days.
Yeah but we're not talking about you or I or teenagers. We're talking primarily about voters who need government to hold their hands through life.

I agree. They've just about wiped out the jobs for teens. When I was coming up, I picked cotton, stacked peanuts, and did other farm jobs. I worked as a car-hop at a local ice-cream and hamburger place and as a bag boy and stocker in a local grocery store. My own kids worked at Hardee's and at the local Western Sizzling Steak House.

In the old days around my neck of the woods, the parents worked at the local lumber company, Judy Bonds, Vanity Fair, the ribbon mill, the paper mill, Chemstrand, or the box factory. These all closed up. I think Judy Bonds and Vanity Fair moved out of the country altogether. Today's kids' parents have had to fall back and take the jobs the kids once had at MacDonalds and Hardees, and waiting tables. They need and demand more hourly pay. It's a bad thing for them since these places could just go back to hiring the kids or automate more.

Yes indeed, the average voters got the government they wanted. Now that government is desperately trying to build a fence around American corporation in order to force them to stay here.

The GOP will never get back on top of the heap though because this bunch of voters always had Mom and Dad take care of them and now they want their government to take care of them. They don't want to hear the word "work" at all. The GOP is for smaller and more unintrusive government and for success based upon one's own ambition and work ethic.

When I was a teen in college I was making about 10bucks an hour as a part time manager/store clerk at Publix in Florida. That was back around 1985. I'm a 51year old engineer. I've never been out of work for more than 5 seconds. And only one time did I earn minimum wage, was for about 1week back in 1979 when I started bagging groceries. I had been getting raises every 3m and my boss had to come and tell me that he was embarrassed to say he could not give me, his best new hire a raise because the government had forced him to give the people who were not as good raises. Thus my first introduction to big government fixes.

It took all three of my teen age kids about 1hr to find part time jobs that paid over 10bucks an hour when they were in high school. Two are in college the third graduated and is making good money as an RN. Took her all of one day to get her RN job after graduation.

I honestly don't know a single person that wants a job who does not have a job. And no one I've ever known personally has ever been in a minimum wage job for more than a week.

That's the whole point. One must actually want a job. Far too many today do not want a job of any kind.
Since it's illegal to buy votes, the next best way is give people a raise. :)

28 million working Americans would benefit. 28 million votes swinging for whoever got them that raise...I'm not a political operative but this doesn't sound very complicated to me.

In the sense of the word, that is vote buying.
The question is not raising the minimum wage the problem is how much to raise it. I don't object to raising it but I do doubling it to $15.00 a hour.
As long as it was gradual, it would work. To keep up with inflation, the wage would have to be 15.00

The skills required to do minimum wage jobs have been the same for years. That means those doing minimum wage jobs are on the same skills level as someone doing the same job 50 years ago. Since the skill level hasn't inflated, why should the wage?
Raising the minimum wage historically has done absolutely nothing to help the poor or raise people out of poverty.

Actually raising the minimum wage helps the working Middle Class by raising the floor of wages.

"Increasing the minimum wage, then, will create a new floor, and wage increases will ripple through the wage distribution. Moreover, a policy that can shore up the middle class will also reduce income inequality and serve as a foundation for job creation. The real reason income inequality has been increasing and the middle class has been shrinking is because of stagnating wages. Increasing the minimum wage would go far toward reversing that trend".
How Raising the Minimum Wage Would Boost the Middle Class

It certainly is time that the working Middle Class gets a break. The deck has been stacked against them for over three decades.
As the Middle Class makes up the largest group by far of the consumer class, strengthening the Middle Class is good for the US economy as we do have an economy that is 70% driven by consumer spending. One of the main reasons that last few recessions have dragged on and on is because of the Middle Class consumer has had less and less expendable income thanks to flat wage growth. It's been going on for over three decades. According the Department of Labor, in Real Dollars (constant dollars sans inflation), a worker in a non-supervisory position is making less now than their counterpart in 1979.
Income gap? There's your reason and it's effect on the economy has certainly been negative.

The only floor being raised is the one for the minimum wage unless you're willing to claim, then prove, that those already above it will get the same level raise in their jobs. Are you willing to say that if minimum wage goes up 25%, those already above the minimum would also go up 25%?
And that's why wage growth has been flat for three decades.
Take a look at historical wages (in Real Dollars) for non-supervisory workers. Productivity has been on a steady rise but not wages. These numbers are based on the Department of Labor who measures wage growth in Real Dollars as do economists, no matter what political stripe.
Wage growth has been flat because the government has been determining the compensation that businesses should pay?

No, businesses have. The Minimum Wage is so far behind the inflation rate it isn't funny. (Well to some it is)[/QUOTE]

The skill level required to do minimum wage jobs has grown zero, therefore, the wage shouldn't grow.
raising the min. wage more than 10 cents an hour is total bullshit, :up:

minimum wage is mostly entry level jobs, a job where one can get the experience of getting work ethics and following orders. if those who demand $15.00 an hour applied themselves, they could get the job that realistically pays an employee what they are worth.

just my OPINION, but from what i see on the TV news, most of the protestors aren't worth the actual min. wage.

it is a brutal shame that liberdummies do not understand the min. wage is NOT a family supporting position. for the most part it is a supplemental pay check for those on S.S. or high schoolers just starting out, it is NOT intended to be a life long career job. :up:

I share that OPINION
Raising the minimum wage historically has done absolutely nothing to help the poor or raise people out of poverty.

Minimum wage laws allows us to control the poor and keep them in their place.

If the only job someone has the skills to do pays minimum wage, they do far more to control themselves than anyone has to do. Paying someone with minimum skills an equivalent wage to those skills isn't keeping them in their place. It's letting them know the place they are based on nothing more than the skills offered.
The question is not raising the minimum wage the problem is how much to raise it. I don't object to raising it but I do doubling it to $15.00 a hour.
As long as it was gradual, it would work. To keep up with inflation, the wage would have to be 15.00

The skills required to do minimum wage jobs have been the same for years. That means those doing minimum wage jobs are on the same skills level as someone doing the same job 50 years ago. Since the skill level hasn't inflated, why should the wage?
The problem is that 16.5 million people make under 10.10. Many of those people are raising kids. Could you live off 10.10 an hour? Look I'm all for paying skilled people more than entry levels, but if so many people are forced to take jobs they can't support themselves on it's only ethical to pay them more or allow them to work more per week. Even people working full time can't support themselves and their kids on less than 10.10.

Here's something to consider: productivity in the lower classes has increased 100% in the last couple of decades yet wages have remained flat. Shouldn't these workers be compensated for the extra demand in productivity?
I think every teenager flipping burgers & dunking fries should be paid the equivalent of a dental assistant. I mean I'm sure learning the spatula was as tough as leaning how to perform dental procedures right?

Stupid libs
This will upset the balance of nature. Everyone will expect their wages be doubled. Why should a burger flipper earn as nearly as much as a mechanic or programmer or a hygienist? It's insane!

The first place you'll see this happen is at the companies who have several workers whose wages will increase. Everyone above them will expect the same thing. Should be interesting to see the dominoes fall.

The theorists never factor that stuff into their "ideas", but they don't have to. They're just theorists.

Isn't that how it has always worked? Let's say in 1979 the minimum wage was $2.00 an hour and a business had 1 clean up janitor that made the $2, and the business had 1 secretary, with starting pay at $2.80 an hour...40% more than the minimum wage worker....and some other workers we don't need to discuss for this example....

in 2009 with the same starting secretary salary..... do you think you can hire her at $2.80 an hour? let's say 30 years later....minimum wage in 2009 was 7.00 an hour, you will pay the secretary 40% more than the minimum wage worker....then the secretary starting salary position would be $9.80 an hours...but if the minimum wage worker was making $10.00, the starting salary for the secretary would be $14.00 an hour....

Minimum wage is kept low, and not going up with the cost of living because they can pay the rest of the workers less and keep more of the profit for themselves and the higher ups....

that minimum wage for the lowest worker is what keeps the middle class behind the 8 ball....and you don't even realize this....????

To some degree what you say about someone making 40% more 40 years ago making more now would be true. However, at some point, the percentage the secretary, or whatever job you use, would start making less than that 40% above the janitor. Currently, my hourly equivalent wage, since I'm on salary, is approximately 6x that of the minimum. Are you willing to say that if the minimum wage went to $10/hour my hourly equivalent would go to around $70/hour? If you aren't, your premise is faulty.
The question is not raising the minimum wage the problem is how much to raise it. I don't object to raising it but I do doubling it to $15.00 a hour.
As long as it was gradual, it would work. To keep up with inflation, the wage would have to be 15.00

The skills required to do minimum wage jobs have been the same for years. That means those doing minimum wage jobs are on the same skills level as someone doing the same job 50 years ago. Since the skill level hasn't inflated, why should the wage?
The problem is that 16.5 million people make under 10.10. Many of those people are raising kids. Could you live off 10.10 an hour? Look I'm all for paying skilled people more than entry levels, but if so many people are forced to take jobs they can't support themselves on it's only ethical to pay them more or allow them to work more per week. Even people working full time can't support themselves and their kids on less than 10.10.

Here's something to consider: productivity in the lower classes has increased 100% in the last couple of decades yet wages have remained flat. Shouldn't these workers be compensated for the extra demand in productivity?

Your entire rant has more holes than Swiss cheese.

Whether or not they have kids has absolutely nothing with how their wage should be determined. People are paid for the job they do and the skills they have not personal choices or personal situations they are in especially when many of those situations were already in place before they had the job. If they occurred after the job was taken doesn't mean the employer should now pay for them because the one making them can't afford them.

Could I live off $10.10/hour. Not in the same lifestyle I currently live. However, I knew that I wanted a better lifestyle and took it upon myself to get an education and offer skills worth more.

Arguing ethics is nothing more than saying an employer should do it your way or they're wrong. Not a valid stance.

You base your entire productivity argument making the claim that the workers are the sole reason it has increased. Guess you've never heard of technology.

Here's my challenge to you. If you don't think someone has enough, you are free to help them in any way, shape, or form you wish with your money. However, to demand a business you don't own be forced to pay them more is unethical unless you're willing to do it yourself personally to the same level.
It's simple Econ 101: raise the price, you sell less of it. WHy do people think that somehow laws of economics dont apply to their issue?

It's called the Law of Demand and it says that the higher the price, the lower the demand. While there are factors that may cause someone's demand to go up even if the price goes up, those factors are unrelated to price.

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